Blacks Cost Them The Election

Let's be honest here, they couldn't dig up enough dead people to give Hillary a victory.
Digging up dead people and voting multiple times is a messy business. Hillary's minions were fooled like the rest of us and decided they didn't need to do much, especially in the rust belt. Who woulda bothered digging up dead people in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania given that they were cock-sure they were cruising to victory?
Black people felt the Democatic party let them down. Lets see how they feel after 8 years of GOP tough love.
I think having jobs and working will help black Americans. In a very real way, Trump was perhaps wrong to ask what they have to lose. The question is, or should have been, what they have to gain. The Democrats have not delivered even on a local level. That is indisputable.

We sure did. When I went to my dad's Ford plant in the 80's there were more blacks working there than whites. Those were good paying union jobs. Sorry if the GOP AKA HW BUSH and the Republicans invented NAFTA and sent all their jobs away.

Lets be honest though. Those blacks were not good employees and a big part of why people hate unions. You couldn't fire them and they took full advantage.

Lets see Trump bring jobs back to Michigan and lets see if those are good paying jobs. Remember they got to be good paying jobs you can raise a family on.

Yeah, clearly the trouble with not enough jobs you can live on in america is the fault of "the blacks". Tell everyone ya know.
Of course. There was a negro in charge for the last 8 years or did you forget?
Let's be honest here, they couldn't dig up enough dead people to give Hillary a victory.
Digging up dead people and voting multiple times is a messy business. Hillary's minions were fooled like the rest of us and decided they didn't need to do much, especially in the rust belt. Who woulda bothered digging up dead people in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania given that they were cock-sure they were cruising to victory?
Black people felt the Democatic party let them down. Lets see how they feel after 8 years of GOP tough love.
I think having jobs and working will help black Americans. In a very real way, Trump was perhaps wrong to ask what they have to lose. The question is, or should have been, what they have to gain. The Democrats have not delivered even on a local level. That is indisputable.

We sure did. When I went to my dad's Ford plant in the 80's there were more blacks working there than whites. Those were good paying union jobs. Sorry if the GOP AKA HW BUSH and the Republicans invented NAFTA and sent all their jobs away.

Lets be honest though. Those blacks were not good employees and a big part of why people hate unions. You couldn't fire them and they took full advantage.

Lets see Trump bring jobs back to Michigan and lets see if those are good paying jobs. Remember they got to be good paying jobs you can raise a family on.
A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing Mr. Sealy. The agreement was signed by Bill Clinton. They were both right, unions can not be afforded today. They are far too expensive and inefficient, especially for a semi-skilled workforce.
I'm glad the American people gave Republicans full control of everything. Most state houses most governors and senate house white house and supremes. Wait till the American people find out they were duped.

Oh wait, they'll never figure it out. 2000 was rigged, bush lied us into Iraq, Republicans invented NAFTA and tarp.

I could go on and on. The blue collar are in for a rude awakening
Let's be honest here, they couldn't dig up enough dead people to give Hillary a victory.
Digging up dead people and voting multiple times is a messy business. Hillary's minions were fooled like the rest of us and decided they didn't need to do much, especially in the rust belt. Who woulda bothered digging up dead people in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania given that they were cock-sure they were cruising to victory?
Black people felt the Democatic party let them down. Lets see how they feel after 8 years of GOP tough love.
I think having jobs and working will help black Americans. In a very real way, Trump was perhaps wrong to ask what they have to lose. The question is, or should have been, what they have to gain. The Democrats have not delivered even on a local level. That is indisputable.

We sure did. When I went to my dad's Ford plant in the 80's there were more blacks working there than whites. Those were good paying union jobs. Sorry if the GOP AKA HW BUSH and the Republicans invented NAFTA and sent all their jobs away.

Lets be honest though. Those blacks were not good employees and a big part of why people hate unions. You couldn't fire them and they took full advantage.

Lets see Trump bring jobs back to Michigan and lets see if those are good paying jobs. Remember they got to be good paying jobs you can raise a family on.

Yeah, clearly the trouble with not enough jobs you can live on in america is the fault of "the blacks". Tell everyone ya know.
Well I'm not blaming blacks entirely for unions being broken but we all know the stories of Union abuse corruption laziness and ripping off the company and if you can imagine white guys do it, and they do, then now imagine the blacks and how they took advantage of the situation. I saw it first-hand. Black union members certainly don't set a good example let's just put it that way.
Let's be honest here, they couldn't dig up enough dead people to give Hillary a victory.
Digging up dead people and voting multiple times is a messy business. Hillary's minions were fooled like the rest of us and decided they didn't need to do much, especially in the rust belt. Who woulda bothered digging up dead people in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania given that they were cock-sure they were cruising to victory?
Black people felt the Democatic party let them down. Lets see how they feel after 8 years of GOP tough love.
"Tough love", meaning they should work for a living?
Let's be honest here, they couldn't dig up enough dead people to give Hillary a victory.
Digging up dead people and voting multiple times is a messy business. Hillary's minions were fooled like the rest of us and decided they didn't need to do much, especially in the rust belt. Who woulda bothered digging up dead people in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania given that they were cock-sure they were cruising to victory?
Black people felt the Democatic party let them down. Lets see how they feel after 8 years of GOP tough love.
"Tough love", meaning they should work for a living?
The federal and state government is going to suck so much money out of Detroit.

I hope I'm wrong. I hope trump turns the Detroit's over to the corporations and they invest in infrastructure and prove me wrong.

But if history is any indicator they wont
Let's be honest here, they couldn't dig up enough dead people to give Hillary a victory.
Digging up dead people and voting multiple times is a messy business. Hillary's minions were fooled like the rest of us and decided they didn't need to do much, especially in the rust belt. Who woulda bothered digging up dead people in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania given that they were cock-sure they were cruising to victory?
Black people felt the Democatic party let them down. Lets see how they feel after 8 years of GOP tough love.
"Tough love", meaning they should work for a living?
The federal and state government is going to suck so much money out of Detroit.

I hope I'm wrong. I hope trump turns the Detroit's over to the corporations and they invest in infrastructure and prove me wrong.

But if history is any indicator they wont
Elaborate on that, please.
Let's be honest here, they couldn't dig up enough dead people to give Hillary a victory.
Digging up dead people and voting multiple times is a messy business. Hillary's minions were fooled like the rest of us and decided they didn't need to do much, especially in the rust belt. Who woulda bothered digging up dead people in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania given that they were cock-sure they were cruising to victory?
Black people felt the Democatic party let them down. Lets see how they feel after 8 years of GOP tough love.
"Tough love", meaning they should work for a living?
The federal and state government is going to suck so much money out of Detroit.

I hope I'm wrong. I hope trump turns the Detroit's over to the corporations and they invest in infrastructure and prove me wrong.

But if history is any indicator they wont
Elaborate on that, please.
That's what the GOP does. Defunds poor areas. Government stays out of it. Hands off. No federal aid.
Digging up dead people and voting multiple times is a messy business. Hillary's minions were fooled like the rest of us and decided they didn't need to do much, especially in the rust belt. Who woulda bothered digging up dead people in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania given that they were cock-sure they were cruising to victory?
Black people felt the Democatic party let them down. Lets see how they feel after 8 years of GOP tough love.
I think having jobs and working will help black Americans. In a very real way, Trump was perhaps wrong to ask what they have to lose. The question is, or should have been, what they have to gain. The Democrats have not delivered even on a local level. That is indisputable.

We sure did. When I went to my dad's Ford plant in the 80's there were more blacks working there than whites. Those were good paying union jobs. Sorry if the GOP AKA HW BUSH and the Republicans invented NAFTA and sent all their jobs away.

Lets be honest though. Those blacks were not good employees and a big part of why people hate unions. You couldn't fire them and they took full advantage.

Lets see Trump bring jobs back to Michigan and lets see if those are good paying jobs. Remember they got to be good paying jobs you can raise a family on.

Yeah, clearly the trouble with not enough jobs you can live on in america is the fault of "the blacks". Tell everyone ya know.
Of course. There was a negro in charge for the last 8 years or did you forget?

Nah, how could we, when folks of your persuasion were constantly fouling the air by shatting yourselves constantly over that very fact. And you will never forget, passing the story of the horror down through your spawn; the tale of woe, america once had a half black president. Just as every slave owner sired half black children via sneak runs behind their wive's backs to pussy grab in the slave shacks, back if the good ole glory days.
Black people felt the Democatic party let them down. Lets see how they feel after 8 years of GOP tough love
Black people who take the initiative will find out what winning is like.

Well isn't that the trouble with all them black folk? No initiative?
Yes. And high crime, drugs, generational dependency, and placing the blame everywhere except where it belongs.

Digging up dead people and voting multiple times is a messy business. Hillary's minions were fooled like the rest of us and decided they didn't need to do much, especially in the rust belt. Who woulda bothered digging up dead people in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania given that they were cock-sure they were cruising to victory?
Black people felt the Democatic party let them down. Lets see how they feel after 8 years of GOP tough love.
I think having jobs and working will help black Americans. In a very real way, Trump was perhaps wrong to ask what they have to lose. The question is, or should have been, what they have to gain. The Democrats have not delivered even on a local level. That is indisputable.

We sure did. When I went to my dad's Ford plant in the 80's there were more blacks working there than whites. Those were good paying union jobs. Sorry if the GOP AKA HW BUSH and the Republicans invented NAFTA and sent all their jobs away.

Lets be honest though. Those blacks were not good employees and a big part of why people hate unions. You couldn't fire them and they took full advantage.

Lets see Trump bring jobs back to Michigan and lets see if those are good paying jobs. Remember they got to be good paying jobs you can raise a family on.
A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing Mr. Sealy. The agreement was signed by Bill Clinton. They were both right, unions can not be afforded today. They are far too expensive and inefficient, especially for a semi-skilled workforce.
I'm glad the American people gave Republicans full control of everything. Most state houses most governors and senate house white house and supremes. Wait till the American people find out they were duped.

Oh wait, they'll never figure it out. 2000 was rigged, bush lied us into Iraq, Republicans invented NAFTA and tarp.

I could go on and on. The blue collar are in for a rude awakening

Don't disagree with any of this, but look, the democractic party had better figure out that representing the substantial people to the detriment of society at large will cost them as well. This 3rd worldish wealth disparity in not good for society as a whole and will lead to social unrest and chaos.
It's not a "3rd worldish wealth disparity" it's a 3rd worldish IQ disparity.
It's not a "3rd worldish wealth disparity" it's a 3rd worldish IQ disparity.

Plenty have written on this, if you don't want to know then you just don't want to know, your choice. Worse than since right before the depression. Not to worry, even the feckless Dodd/Frank biz will get jerked. Bank bailouts here we come again.
Black people felt the Democatic party let them down. Lets see how they feel after 8 years of GOP tough love
Black people who take the initiative will find out what winning is like.
But that's true now.

So trumps not going to make America great again, we are. I see.
The worst President in US history liked to say: "You didn't build that".

Trump didn't build the shit with his name on it, get real.

Privatized gains verus socialized losses for the Wall Street Bankster class
Internalized profits versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That's how things get built in america, and it ain't capitalism at all, not now. Of the middle class whites who voted for Trump, many have yet to grasp the big picture. No one who hires wants to pay for labor, they just don't get to own you outright anymore, for now. 'Less they can get you into one of those private prisons where in some states they can now lease you out to corporations. Again.
Digging up dead people and voting multiple times is a messy business. Hillary's minions were fooled like the rest of us and decided they didn't need to do much, especially in the rust belt. Who woulda bothered digging up dead people in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania given that they were cock-sure they were cruising to victory?
Black people felt the Democatic party let them down. Lets see how they feel after 8 years of GOP tough love.
I think having jobs and working will help black Americans. In a very real way, Trump was perhaps wrong to ask what they have to lose. The question is, or should have been, what they have to gain. The Democrats have not delivered even on a local level. That is indisputable.

We sure did. When I went to my dad's Ford plant in the 80's there were more blacks working there than whites. Those were good paying union jobs. Sorry if the GOP AKA HW BUSH and the Republicans invented NAFTA and sent all their jobs away.

Lets be honest though. Those blacks were not good employees and a big part of why people hate unions. You couldn't fire them and they took full advantage.

Lets see Trump bring jobs back to Michigan and lets see if those are good paying jobs. Remember they got to be good paying jobs you can raise a family on.

Yeah, clearly the trouble with not enough jobs you can live on in america is the fault of "the blacks". Tell everyone ya know.
Well I'm not blaming blacks entirely for unions being broken but we all know the stories of Union abuse corruption laziness and ripping off the company and if you can imagine white guys do it, and they do, then now imagine the blacks and how they took advantage of the situation. I saw it first-hand. Black union members certainly don't set a good example let's just put it that way.

I appreciate you anecdotal data point, but I also know why unions evolved in the US. Yeah, americans are indoctrinated to counter exploit anything and everything; we are taught that this is capitalism - to push taking advantage as far as we can. We worship the wealthy who do, we are taught to emulate them. And frankly, when cororate power pushes down on labor, it's an opposite reaction they should count on. The pendulum always swings too far when it comes back in american society in part because rational voices are thrust aside (you see it every day) and the zealots head for the mountain tops to preach their radicalism, and in part because we never deal with anything until it's become an emergency allowing the substantial folk to wring out the very last bit of profit they can before we address the needs of the people and society.
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If not for all the crime and violence from the BLM the Dems might have had a chance

So go thank them.
Probably should. Only the right thing to do. I hope Trump at least sticks to his plan for inner cities. I'd love to see black folks doing productive things and living happier lives. Keeps everyone else safe.

America's sacrifice zones will remain and grow. I would remind you that Appalachia is a ghetto as well, another sacrifice zone. Many Trump supporters are in sacrifice zones. This had a lot to do with the last election. But Trump is not going to alter the urges of global capitalism. Not a bit.
Sorry. No one to blame except Clinton. She's better suited for the jail house than the White House. Too corrupt and too big of a liar. Put the blame where it belongs.

Yup and I think a lot of blacks didn't come out and vote because there wasn't a black running for POTUS.

They came out in droves to vote for douchebag just because he was black. The second term they voted for him again.

Not surprising at all.

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