Blacks Cost Them The Election

Trump opened the black community's eyes. He made them realize that for decades the a Democrats have been screwing blacks while taking the black vote for granted. He's just getting started.
Trump opened the black community's eyes. He made them realize that for decades the a Democrats have been screwing blacks while taking the black vote for granted. He's just getting started.
Man....I hope so. If we could go back to the decent race relations like the '90's were(not perfect...but it was becoming less of an issue)...I'd be happy.
Let's be honest here, they couldn't dig up enough dead people to give Hillary a victory.
The Dead were happy with the economy this election cycle. With all of the 'walking dead' TV spinoffs their employment numbers under barry are way up. Hence- Too busy to vote.
Trump opened the black community's eyes. He made them realize that for decades the a Democrats have been screwing blacks while taking the black vote for granted. He's just getting started.
Man....I hope so. If we could go back to the decent race relations like the '90's were(not perfect...but it was becoming less of an issue)...I'd be happy.
The '90's were not all that good. Lots of gang violence and black on White crime that the MSM did not report.
Digging up dead people and voting multiple times is a messy business. Hillary's minions were fooled like the rest of us and decided they didn't need to do much, especially in the rust belt. Who woulda bothered digging up dead people in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania given that they were cock-sure they were cruising to victory?
Black people felt the Democatic party let them down. Lets see how they feel after 8 years of GOP tough love.
"Tough love", meaning they should work for a living?
The federal and state government is going to suck so much money out of Detroit.

I hope I'm wrong. I hope trump turns the Detroit's over to the corporations and they invest in infrastructure and prove me wrong.

But if history is any indicator they wont
Elaborate on that, please.
That's what the GOP does. Defunds poor areas. Government stays out of it. Hands off. No federal aid.
Link? Facts, not opinions.
Trump opened the black community's eyes. He made them realize that for decades the a Democrats have been screwing blacks while taking the black vote for granted. He's just getting started.
Man....I hope so. If we could go back to the decent race relations like the '90's were(not perfect...but it was becoming less of an issue)...I'd be happy.
The '90's were not all that good. Lots of gang violence and black on White crime that the MSM did not report.
It's still like that. Look at what's happening in Chicago.
If not for all the crime and violence from the BLM the Dems might have had a chance
If not for the Dem's being increasingly trying to harass people's freedom of speech and more leanings towards Marxism, as well as import many, many thousands of Islamists, they might have done much better.
I've long said that this country really needs a "Centrist Party." A political party that takes elements from both sides and doesn't stray too far one way or the other.

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