Blacks Leaving The Democrat Party Again.....Until The Dems Promise Them Something Else For Free

You seem to like to say things that bother you about yourself and reflect them outwards in hope that some day you will feel better. Its called projection and you seem to have it badly. Mixed this with convenient conspiracy theories and denial and you have the perfect recipe for delusion. And you do, do it well.
I know what projection is, fuckwad.
I studied Psychology in school.
And I know what Marxists do:

This guy is so stupid and racist he literally believes that black people cannot be racist because of their race, which is of course, the dumbest thing ever.
You are so stupid you think black folks are going to think that the Republican party is the party of inclusion and has a big tent for everyone.
I know what projection is, fuckwad.
I studied Psychology in school.
And I know what Marxists do:

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So when you use the word "fuckwad" then you are talking about yourself. Bragging about your psychology degree but you show the people how confused and flustered you get and have nothing.

Republicans sometimes win elections but they don't win them all. Get over it. Voting is what it is. A right to choose. No need to overthink it.
You are so stupid you think black folks are going to think that the Republican party is the party of inclusion and has a big tent for everyone.

You cuck whites have been taught to expect nothing from government and nothing in return for your vote and so what you get from your politicians and your government is nothing. On top of that they've convinced you cucks that this nothing is a virtue. 😄 Amazing!
Free stuff, free stuff, free stuff. Tell me you racist POS what is all this so called Free stuff we are voting for.
youre too stupid to know. they havent done a damn thing for you in 70 years. under trump blacks had it good, best ever actually you stupid shit stain.
youre too stupid to know. they havent done a damn thing for you in 70 years. under trump blacks had it good, best ever actually you stupid shit stain.
What have republicans done in the last 70yrs?

You racist POS Trump didn't do a damn thing for black folks except spew racist rhetoric that is why trash like you loves him so much and wants him back in office.
What have republicans done in the last 70yrs?

You racist POS Trump didn't do a damn thing for black folks except spew racist rhetoric that is why trash like you loves him so much and wants him back in office.
You know what you have to do. Just do it.
The problem is and always will be is the Republican party There is only one race that votes consistently for the republicans. The other 4 tend to vote Democrat. Yet Republicans still do win elections. So stop your complaining. I know you want republicans to win all the time but they won't. Republicans have a image problem and you seem to exemplify that. Trump is your man. Unfortunately he may not be every republicans man. That is your problem.

Now with the biggest republican cry baby has taken control of the party, it will only get worst.
Republicans don't have an image problem.
If standing up for law & order and doing what is right is an image problem, then yes.
However all of our media sources are training our kids to become criminals, and then the Uniparty lets millions of criminals out of prison BECAUSE OF COVID.
The hardened criminals set the example.
Stories start going out about cops and law abiding citizens being arrested for defending themselves from street thugs, and you have a population that refuses to stick their neck out and risk incarceration for stopping a crime from happening.
The US is currently more lawless than Venezuela or Columbia.
What have republicans done in the last 70yrs?

You racist POS Trump didn't do a damn thing for black folks except spew racist rhetoric that is why trash like you loves him so much and wants him back in office.
How many blacks in prison for felony gun possession and possession of class 1 felony drugs?

White boy Hunter Biden isn’t!!!!
Please, Hunter Biden isn't the first white boy to get away with committing a crime (allegedly). Whites have enjoyed that privilege long before Hunter Biden.
How many white boys get $83,000 a month running a protection racket and aren’t in prison?
Blacks talk a lot, but they have this crazy tendency to be nothing but talk.

Right now they're saying Biden sucks and life was better under Trump, but the moment Biden promises them something that legally he can't deliver on, they jump back onto the Democrat Bandwagon.

I'm black and I have not heard one black person say what you claim. And now that republicans are trying to tell us how much slavery beneftted us, stop using a tweet from some black dumb ass as a representation of the majority of blacks.

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