Blacks outraged that Hillary says "All Lives Matter !"


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Damn Hillary, how dare you hijack their narrative !! :laugh:

Hillary Clinton's 3-Word Misstep: 'All Lives Matter'

Hillary Clinton's speech Tuesday at a historic black church in Missouri was mostly well-received by the audience, but three words angered some of the activists she was hoping to appeal to.

Clinton spoke to frequent applause about religion, racism, access to education, repairing communities and the shooting last week in Charleston, S.C.

The church where Clinton spoke, Christ the King United Church of Christ, is in Florissant, Mo., fewer than 5 miles from where the rioting and protesting happened in Ferguson.

But she's now facing criticism on social media after using the phrase "all lives matter" — which has been used by some as pushback to the phrase "black lives matter." The latter phrase, which hung on a banner outside the church, was widely used by protesters in Ferguson and other cities.

Hillary Clinton s 3-Word Misstep All Lives Matter It s All Politics NPR
She's going to have to remember liberals no longer want a melting pot.

She'll need a bunch of banners that say "_______ Lives Matter" and just fill in the blank to whatever group she's talking to.
frikken loving it

the Democrats chickens are coming home to ROOST.

they pushed all this on us now they can fricking live with it. and I hope it HURTS their chances of ever getting elected AGAIN. AT LEAST come 2016

I think the people HAS had enough of their BS and the misery they have brought down on our country since Obama was elected
To black people the only lives that matter are black. They're racist!!!! And the reality is those lives don't even matter as they're just saying it to shame whites.

Have you ever actually spoken to a black person who told you that, or are you just going by what rush told you?
Now, why would protestors in Ferguson use the phrase "black lives matter" when the evidence clearly shows that Michael Brown charged at Officer Wilson and that Officer Wilson, if anything, showed restraint in the way he responded? If the left-wing news outlets had told the truth about this event, racial tension would be greatly reduced. Ditto for the Trayvon Martin shooting.

When you mislead people to believe that the aggressors and bad guys were the victims and the good guys, you create needless, unfounded animosity and tension.

Trayvon Martin purposely waited at the T junction for at least 2 minutes when he could have easily simply gone to his alleged destination. He waited there so he could confront Zimmerman because he thought Zimmerman was gay. Gee, funny how the gay rights nazis are abjectly silent about this fact.

And Michael Brown was a robber who refused to obey reasonable directives from the police, who assaulted the police officer, and who then charged the police officer. He never raised his hands and said "don't shoot," yet you have ignorant NFL football players making the "don't shoot" sign with their hands to "protest" Brown's justified death.
To black people the only lives that matter are black. They're racist!!!! And the reality is those lives don't even matter as they're just saying it to shame whites.

Have you ever actually spoken to a black person who told you that, or are you just going by what rush told you?
Going by the black lives matter group that likes to interrupt white brunch.

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