blacks should be thankful

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over represented in cream of the crop auto jobs--these are FANTASTC jobs
Driving While Black: On the Line
Employed persons by detailed industry, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity

considering they graduate at lower levels--blacks have nothing to complain about--and everything to be thankful for

And the colleges who give the blacks a free education, make millions off of the efforts of the athletes. While the athletes themselves can't except a free hamburger. Plus, they have focused their entire future on the game, when a single injury can end it all. And then? They are tossed aside.
jesus christ!!
they get to go to COLLEGE for free or at lower cost--and that's BAD????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???
jesus--what more do they want?
they have it much better than I do where I work for almost nothing compared to the money the owner makes [ and the sports players are making a LOT more than he is! ]
sorry buddy---it's the way of the world--the people with the money call the shots.

You make it sound as if college athletics only gives blacks a free ride.

And yes, your boss or company owner makes more than you. But you ARE paid. The average college education, at an in-state public college is just under $25k. That is $6,250 per year for the athlete. Most report practicing or working out for 30 hours per week. Take 2 weeks away for Xmas, and a week for Spring Break, and cut 3 weeks for various holidays, and you have 46 weeks of working for their sport. That means their "pay" for their efforts comes to roughly $136 per week. Or a shade over $4.50 an hour. And none of that includes time spent on academics.

The majority of athletes in college are white. These idiots watch a few division one football or basketball games and start spewing filth.
and whites make up a larger portion of the population
but has mostly black football and basketball players---AND blacks make up a smaller population of the colleges
so it's OBVIOUS the blacks are making out great--especially since they graduate from high school at lower levels, thereby making their population LESS qualified for college !!!

Bullshit You are just wrong. Learn to shut up.
another fantastic reply--full of facts and evidence
obviously blacks are doing well in sports
NFL over 70% and NBA--ha--with NBA players making more MILLIONS$$$$ than the MILLIONS $$$$ the NFL players make
college football gives many black players free/$$ for an education
many blacks in the entertainment business

blacks way over represented in GREAT government jobs with great benefits--hardly any lay offs compared to the private sector, and GREAT pensions [ even though they graduate from high school at lower levels ]--so we see blacks making out very good--better than they are qualified
U.S. Post Office Job Cuts Threaten Black Middle Class | HuffPost
bold mine--they are over represented almost twice their population rate

[QUOTEBy 1970, about one in five Detroit auto workers was black, a sizeable increase from 1960, when they held only about sixteen percent of auto industry jobs]
over represented in cream of the crop auto jobs--these are FANTASTC jobs
Driving While Black: On the Line
Employed persons by detailed industry, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity

considering they graduate at lower levels--blacks have nothing to complain about--and everything to be thankful for

And the colleges who give the blacks a free education, make millions off of the efforts of the athletes. While the athletes themselves can't except a free hamburger. Plus, they have focused their entire future on the game, when a single injury can end it all. And then? They are tossed aside.
jesus christ!!
they get to go to COLLEGE for free or at lower cost--and that's BAD????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???
jesus--what more do they want?
they have it much better than I do where I work for almost nothing compared to the money the owner makes [ and the sports players are making a LOT more than he is! ]
sorry buddy---it's the way of the world--the people with the money call the shots.

You make it sound as if college athletics only gives blacks a free ride.

And yes, your boss or company owner makes more than you. But you ARE paid. The average college education, at an in-state public college is just under $25k. That is $6,250 per year for the athlete. Most report practicing or working out for 30 hours per week. Take 2 weeks away for Xmas, and a week for Spring Break, and cut 3 weeks for various holidays, and you have 46 weeks of working for their sport. That means their "pay" for their efforts comes to roughly $136 per week. Or a shade over $4.50 an hour. And none of that includes time spent on academics.

The majority of athletes in college are white. These idiots watch a few division one football or basketball games and start spewing filth.
Yet the majority of those in the know were academic advisers to men's basketball and football players, the latter group of which made up more than half of the athletes taking the courses, according to a report the university released in 2014. In television interviews that year, a former player under Williams -- a member of his 2005 championship team -- said players enrolled in the paper courses and that the head coach was aware of the fraud.
bold mine
More than a dozen athletic programs have committed academic fraud in last decade, with more likely to come
they can't make it in college---since they can't graduate high school or their HS grades are low anyway
some of them get a free ride to college when they are not as qualified academically
so they are getting paid indirectly, when their are whites who are more qualified--but get turned down

I hate to bust your little racist bubble punk but as a former college athlete, I know for a fact that there are just as many so called incapable white boys out their on the field who can't read, write or speak proper English as blacks.
over represented in cream of the crop auto jobs--these are FANTASTC jobs
Driving While Black: On the Line
Employed persons by detailed industry, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity

considering they graduate at lower levels--blacks have nothing to complain about--and everything to be thankful for

And the colleges who give the blacks a free education, make millions off of the efforts of the athletes. While the athletes themselves can't except a free hamburger. Plus, they have focused their entire future on the game, when a single injury can end it all. And then? They are tossed aside.
jesus christ!!
they get to go to COLLEGE for free or at lower cost--and that's BAD????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???
jesus--what more do they want?
they have it much better than I do where I work for almost nothing compared to the money the owner makes [ and the sports players are making a LOT more than he is! ]
sorry buddy---it's the way of the world--the people with the money call the shots.

You make it sound as if college athletics only gives blacks a free ride.

And yes, your boss or company owner makes more than you. But you ARE paid. The average college education, at an in-state public college is just under $25k. That is $6,250 per year for the athlete. Most report practicing or working out for 30 hours per week. Take 2 weeks away for Xmas, and a week for Spring Break, and cut 3 weeks for various holidays, and you have 46 weeks of working for their sport. That means their "pay" for their efforts comes to roughly $136 per week. Or a shade over $4.50 an hour. And none of that includes time spent on academics.

The majority of athletes in college are white. These idiots watch a few division one football or basketball games and start spewing filth.
and whites make up a larger portion of the population
but has mostly black football and basketball players---AND blacks make up a smaller population of the colleges
so it's OBVIOUS the blacks are making out great--especially since they graduate from high school at lower levels, thereby making their population LESS qualified for college !!!

Bullshit You are just wrong. Learn to shut up.
it is worthless to respond to you anymore
over represented in cream of the crop auto jobs--these are FANTASTC jobs
Driving While Black: On the Line
Employed persons by detailed industry, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity

considering they graduate at lower levels--blacks have nothing to complain about--and everything to be thankful for

And the colleges who give the blacks a free education, make millions off of the efforts of the athletes. While the athletes themselves can't except a free hamburger. Plus, they have focused their entire future on the game, when a single injury can end it all. And then? They are tossed aside.
jesus christ!!
they get to go to COLLEGE for free or at lower cost--and that's BAD????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???
jesus--what more do they want?
they have it much better than I do where I work for almost nothing compared to the money the owner makes [ and the sports players are making a LOT more than he is! ]
sorry buddy---it's the way of the world--the people with the money call the shots.

You make it sound as if college athletics only gives blacks a free ride.

And yes, your boss or company owner makes more than you. But you ARE paid. The average college education, at an in-state public college is just under $25k. That is $6,250 per year for the athlete. Most report practicing or working out for 30 hours per week. Take 2 weeks away for Xmas, and a week for Spring Break, and cut 3 weeks for various holidays, and you have 46 weeks of working for their sport. That means their "pay" for their efforts comes to roughly $136 per week. Or a shade over $4.50 an hour. And none of that includes time spent on academics.

The majority of athletes in college are white. These idiots watch a few division one football or basketball games and start spewing filth.
Yet the majority of those in the know were academic advisers to men's basketball and football players, the latter group of which made up more than half of the athletes taking the courses, according to a report the university released in 2014. In television interviews that year, a former player under Williams -- a member of his 2005 championship team -- said players enrolled in the paper courses and that the head coach was aware of the fraud.
bold mine
More than a dozen athletic programs have committed academic fraud in last decade, with more likely to come
they can't make it in college---since they can't graduate high school or their HS grades are low anyway
some of them get a free ride to college when they are not as qualified academically
so they are getting paid indirectly, when their are whites who are more qualified--but get turned down

I hate to bust your little racist bubble punk but as a former college athlete, I know for a fact that there are just as many so called incapable white boys out their on the field who can't read, write or speak proper English as blacks.
very hard to believe since blacks graduate at lower levels--fact
very hard to believe ,since in my link, they mention football and basketball players--which blacks are the majority of
links/facts from you?
obviously blacks are doing well in sports
NFL over 70% and NBA--ha--with NBA players making more MILLIONS$$$$ than the MILLIONS $$$$ the NFL players make
college football gives many black players free/$$ for an education
many blacks in the entertainment business

blacks way over represented in GREAT government jobs with great benefits--hardly any lay offs compared to the private sector, and GREAT pensions [ even though they graduate from high school at lower levels ]--so we see blacks making out very good--better than they are qualified
U.S. Post Office Job Cuts Threaten Black Middle Class | HuffPost
bold mine--they are over represented almost twice their population rate

[QUOTEBy 1970, about one in five Detroit auto workers was black, a sizeable increase from 1960, when they held only about sixteen percent of auto industry jobs]
over represented in cream of the crop auto jobs--these are FANTASTC jobs
Driving While Black: On the Line
Employed persons by detailed industry, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity

considering they graduate at lower levels--blacks have nothing to complain about--and everything to be thankful for

And the colleges who give the blacks a free education, make millions off of the efforts of the athletes. While the athletes themselves can't except a free hamburger. Plus, they have focused their entire future on the game, when a single injury can end it all. And then? They are tossed aside.
jesus christ!!
they get to go to COLLEGE for free or at lower cost--and that's BAD????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???
jesus--what more do they want?
they have it much better than I do where I work for almost nothing compared to the money the owner makes [ and the sports players are making a LOT more than he is! ]
sorry buddy---it's the way of the world--the people with the money call the shots.

You make it sound as if college athletics only gives blacks a free ride.

And yes, your boss or company owner makes more than you. But you ARE paid. The average college education, at an in-state public college is just under $25k. That is $6,250 per year for the athlete. Most report practicing or working out for 30 hours per week. Take 2 weeks away for Xmas, and a week for Spring Break, and cut 3 weeks for various holidays, and you have 46 weeks of working for their sport. That means their "pay" for their efforts comes to roughly $136 per week. Or a shade over $4.50 an hour. And none of that includes time spent on academics.

The majority of athletes in college are white. These idiots watch a few division one football or basketball games and start spewing filth.
Yet the majority of those in the know were academic advisers to men's basketball and football players, the latter group of which made up more than half of the athletes taking the courses, according to a report the university released in 2014. In television interviews that year, a former player under Williams -- a member of his 2005 championship team -- said players enrolled in the paper courses and that the head coach was aware of the fraud.
bold mine
More than a dozen athletic programs have committed academic fraud in last decade, with more likely to come
they can't make it in college---since they can't graduate high school or their HS grades are low anyway
some of them get a free ride to college when they are not as qualified academically
so they are getting paid indirectly, especially when there are whites who are more qualified--for college, but get turned down

A dozen? There are 130 FBS schools with football programs. There are another 128 FCS schools with football programs. 258 schools with football programs (ignoring all the other sports). a dozen schools in 10 years amounts to less than 5%.

Also, if white athletes are turned down for an athletic scholarship in favor of a black athlete, it means they were less valuable in that particular sport.

There are plenty of high level schools that have put considerable effort into eliminating academic fraud. And plenty of black athletes work as hard in the classroom as they do in their sport. And the requirements for academics for entry into a school effect both blacks and white. This is why junior colleges get top level athletes.
And the colleges who give the blacks a free education, make millions off of the efforts of the athletes. While the athletes themselves can't except a free hamburger. Plus, they have focused their entire future on the game, when a single injury can end it all. And then? They are tossed aside.
jesus christ!!
they get to go to COLLEGE for free or at lower cost--and that's BAD????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???
jesus--what more do they want?
they have it much better than I do where I work for almost nothing compared to the money the owner makes [ and the sports players are making a LOT more than he is! ]
sorry buddy---it's the way of the world--the people with the money call the shots.

You make it sound as if college athletics only gives blacks a free ride.

And yes, your boss or company owner makes more than you. But you ARE paid. The average college education, at an in-state public college is just under $25k. That is $6,250 per year for the athlete. Most report practicing or working out for 30 hours per week. Take 2 weeks away for Xmas, and a week for Spring Break, and cut 3 weeks for various holidays, and you have 46 weeks of working for their sport. That means their "pay" for their efforts comes to roughly $136 per week. Or a shade over $4.50 an hour. And none of that includes time spent on academics.

The majority of athletes in college are white. These idiots watch a few division one football or basketball games and start spewing filth.
Yet the majority of those in the know were academic advisers to men's basketball and football players, the latter group of which made up more than half of the athletes taking the courses, according to a report the university released in 2014. In television interviews that year, a former player under Williams -- a member of his 2005 championship team -- said players enrolled in the paper courses and that the head coach was aware of the fraud.
bold mine
More than a dozen athletic programs have committed academic fraud in last decade, with more likely to come
they can't make it in college---since they can't graduate high school or their HS grades are low anyway
some of them get a free ride to college when they are not as qualified academically
so they are getting paid indirectly, when their are whites who are more qualified--but get turned down

I hate to bust your little racist bubble punk but as a former college athlete, I know for a fact that there are just as many so called incapable white boys out their on the field who can't read, write or speak proper English as blacks.
very hard to believe since blacks graduate at lower levels--fact
very hard to believe ,since in my link, they mention football and basketball players--which blacks are the majority of
links/facts from you?

The fact that blacks on the whole graduate at lower rates does not mean all black athletes do not graduate or cannot compete academically as well as athletically.
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And the colleges who give the blacks a free education, make millions off of the efforts of the athletes. While the athletes themselves can't except a free hamburger. Plus, they have focused their entire future on the game, when a single injury can end it all. And then? They are tossed aside.
jesus christ!!
they get to go to COLLEGE for free or at lower cost--and that's BAD????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???
jesus--what more do they want?
they have it much better than I do where I work for almost nothing compared to the money the owner makes [ and the sports players are making a LOT more than he is! ]
sorry buddy---it's the way of the world--the people with the money call the shots.

You make it sound as if college athletics only gives blacks a free ride.

And yes, your boss or company owner makes more than you. But you ARE paid. The average college education, at an in-state public college is just under $25k. That is $6,250 per year for the athlete. Most report practicing or working out for 30 hours per week. Take 2 weeks away for Xmas, and a week for Spring Break, and cut 3 weeks for various holidays, and you have 46 weeks of working for their sport. That means their "pay" for their efforts comes to roughly $136 per week. Or a shade over $4.50 an hour. And none of that includes time spent on academics.

The majority of athletes in college are white. These idiots watch a few division one football or basketball games and start spewing filth.
and whites make up a larger portion of the population
but has mostly black football and basketball players---AND blacks make up a smaller population of the colleges
so it's OBVIOUS the blacks are making out great--especially since they graduate from high school at lower levels, thereby making their population LESS qualified for college !!!

Bullshit You are just wrong. Learn to shut up.
another fantastic reply--full of facts and evidence

Like you are posting facts. Football and basketball are not the only college sports bitch. And even at that more whites participate in college football and basketball. Black college athletes actually have higher graduation rates that non athletes regardless of race. College sports teams are required to meet specific graduation rates bigot. Learn what they are then shut the fuck up.
over represented in cream of the crop auto jobs--these are FANTASTC jobs
Driving While Black: On the Line
Employed persons by detailed industry, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity

considering they graduate at lower levels--blacks have nothing to complain about--and everything to be thankful for

And the colleges who give the blacks a free education, make millions off of the efforts of the athletes. While the athletes themselves can't except a free hamburger. Plus, they have focused their entire future on the game, when a single injury can end it all. And then? They are tossed aside.
jesus christ!!
they get to go to COLLEGE for free or at lower cost--and that's BAD????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???
jesus--what more do they want?
they have it much better than I do where I work for almost nothing compared to the money the owner makes [ and the sports players are making a LOT more than he is! ]
sorry buddy---it's the way of the world--the people with the money call the shots.

You make it sound as if college athletics only gives blacks a free ride.

And yes, your boss or company owner makes more than you. But you ARE paid. The average college education, at an in-state public college is just under $25k. That is $6,250 per year for the athlete. Most report practicing or working out for 30 hours per week. Take 2 weeks away for Xmas, and a week for Spring Break, and cut 3 weeks for various holidays, and you have 46 weeks of working for their sport. That means their "pay" for their efforts comes to roughly $136 per week. Or a shade over $4.50 an hour. And none of that includes time spent on academics.

The majority of athletes in college are white. These idiots watch a few division one football or basketball games and start spewing filth.
Yet the majority of those in the know were academic advisers to men's basketball and football players, the latter group of which made up more than half of the athletes taking the courses, according to a report the university released in 2014. In television interviews that year, a former player under Williams -- a member of his 2005 championship team -- said players enrolled in the paper courses and that the head coach was aware of the fraud.
bold mine
More than a dozen athletic programs have committed academic fraud in last decade, with more likely to come
they can't make it in college---since they can't graduate high school or their HS grades are low anyway
some of them get a free ride to college when they are not as qualified academically
so they are getting paid indirectly, especially when there are whites who are more qualified--for college, but get turned down

A dozen? There are 130 FBS schools with football programs. There are another 128 FCS schools with football programs. 258 schools with football programs (ignoring all the other sports). a dozen schools in 10 years amounts to less than 5%.

Also, if white athletes are turned down for an athletic scholarship in favor of a black athlete, it means they were less valuable in that particular sport.

There are plenty of high level schools that have put considerable effort into eliminating academic fraud. And plenty of black athletes work as hard in the classroom as they do in their sport. And the requirements for academics for entry into a school effect both blacks and white. This is why junior colleges get top level athletes.

Don't forget division 2 and 3. Then you have NAIA Division 1 and 2 also.. This foo is just a racist piece of shot always whining about what whites don't get to do. Why so many of these get to stay here concerns me.
And the colleges who give the blacks a free education, make millions off of the efforts of the athletes. While the athletes themselves can't except a free hamburger. Plus, they have focused their entire future on the game, when a single injury can end it all. And then? They are tossed aside.
jesus christ!!
they get to go to COLLEGE for free or at lower cost--and that's BAD????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???
jesus--what more do they want?
they have it much better than I do where I work for almost nothing compared to the money the owner makes [ and the sports players are making a LOT more than he is! ]
sorry buddy---it's the way of the world--the people with the money call the shots.

You make it sound as if college athletics only gives blacks a free ride.

And yes, your boss or company owner makes more than you. But you ARE paid. The average college education, at an in-state public college is just under $25k. That is $6,250 per year for the athlete. Most report practicing or working out for 30 hours per week. Take 2 weeks away for Xmas, and a week for Spring Break, and cut 3 weeks for various holidays, and you have 46 weeks of working for their sport. That means their "pay" for their efforts comes to roughly $136 per week. Or a shade over $4.50 an hour. And none of that includes time spent on academics.

The majority of athletes in college are white. These idiots watch a few division one football or basketball games and start spewing filth.
Yet the majority of those in the know were academic advisers to men's basketball and football players, the latter group of which made up more than half of the athletes taking the courses, according to a report the university released in 2014. In television interviews that year, a former player under Williams -- a member of his 2005 championship team -- said players enrolled in the paper courses and that the head coach was aware of the fraud.
bold mine
More than a dozen athletic programs have committed academic fraud in last decade, with more likely to come
they can't make it in college---since they can't graduate high school or their HS grades are low anyway
some of them get a free ride to college when they are not as qualified academically
so they are getting paid indirectly, when their are whites who are more qualified--but get turned down

I hate to bust your little racist bubble punk but as a former college athlete, I know for a fact that there are just as many so called incapable white boys out their on the field who can't read, write or speak proper English as blacks.
very hard to believe since blacks graduate at lower levels--fact
very hard to believe ,since in my link, they mention football and basketball players--which blacks are the majority of
links/facts from you?

I don't give a fuck what you don't believe boy. I was on the field with these dumb ass white boys.
And the colleges who give the blacks a free education, make millions off of the efforts of the athletes. While the athletes themselves can't except a free hamburger. Plus, they have focused their entire future on the game, when a single injury can end it all. And then? They are tossed aside.
jesus christ!!
they get to go to COLLEGE for free or at lower cost--and that's BAD????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???
jesus--what more do they want?
they have it much better than I do where I work for almost nothing compared to the money the owner makes [ and the sports players are making a LOT more than he is! ]
sorry buddy---it's the way of the world--the people with the money call the shots.

You make it sound as if college athletics only gives blacks a free ride.

And yes, your boss or company owner makes more than you. But you ARE paid. The average college education, at an in-state public college is just under $25k. That is $6,250 per year for the athlete. Most report practicing or working out for 30 hours per week. Take 2 weeks away for Xmas, and a week for Spring Break, and cut 3 weeks for various holidays, and you have 46 weeks of working for their sport. That means their "pay" for their efforts comes to roughly $136 per week. Or a shade over $4.50 an hour. And none of that includes time spent on academics.

The majority of athletes in college are white. These idiots watch a few division one football or basketball games and start spewing filth.
and whites make up a larger portion of the population
but has mostly black football and basketball players---AND blacks make up a smaller population of the colleges
so it's OBVIOUS the blacks are making out great--especially since they graduate from high school at lower levels, thereby making their population LESS qualified for college !!!

Bullshit You are just wrong. Learn to shut up.
it is worthless to respond to you anymore

What's worthless is your existence as a human being.
over represented in cream of the crop auto jobs--these are FANTASTC jobs
Driving While Black: On the Line
Employed persons by detailed industry, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity

considering they graduate at lower levels--blacks have nothing to complain about--and everything to be thankful for

And the colleges who give the blacks a free education, make millions off of the efforts of the athletes. While the athletes themselves can't except a free hamburger. Plus, they have focused their entire future on the game, when a single injury can end it all. And then? They are tossed aside.
jesus christ!!
they get to go to COLLEGE for free or at lower cost--and that's BAD????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???
jesus--what more do they want?
they have it much better than I do where I work for almost nothing compared to the money the owner makes [ and the sports players are making a LOT more than he is! ]
sorry buddy---it's the way of the world--the people with the money call the shots.

You make it sound as if college athletics only gives blacks a free ride.

And yes, your boss or company owner makes more than you. But you ARE paid. The average college education, at an in-state public college is just under $25k. That is $6,250 per year for the athlete. Most report practicing or working out for 30 hours per week. Take 2 weeks away for Xmas, and a week for Spring Break, and cut 3 weeks for various holidays, and you have 46 weeks of working for their sport. That means their "pay" for their efforts comes to roughly $136 per week. Or a shade over $4.50 an hour. And none of that includes time spent on academics.

The majority of athletes in college are white. These idiots watch a few division one football or basketball games and start spewing filth.
Yet the majority of those in the know were academic advisers to men's basketball and football players, the latter group of which made up more than half of the athletes taking the courses, according to a report the university released in 2014. In television interviews that year, a former player under Williams -- a member of his 2005 championship team -- said players enrolled in the paper courses and that the head coach was aware of the fraud.
bold mine
More than a dozen athletic programs have committed academic fraud in last decade, with more likely to come
they can't make it in college---since they can't graduate high school or their HS grades are low anyway
some of them get a free ride to college when they are not as qualified academically
so they are getting paid indirectly, especially when there are whites who are more qualified--for college, but get turned down

A dozen? There are 130 FBS schools with football programs. There are another 128 FCS schools with football programs. 258 schools with football programs (ignoring all the other sports). a dozen schools in 10 years amounts to less than 5%.

Also, if white athletes are turned down for an athletic scholarship in favor of a black athlete, it means they were less valuable in that particular sport.

There are plenty of high level schools that have put considerable effort into eliminating academic fraud. And plenty of black athletes work as hard in the classroom as they do in their sport. And the requirements for academics for entry into a school effect both blacks and white. This is why junior colleges get top level athletes.
thanks for your reply
no--read it again--I said academically ...the white [ or black non-athlete ] is better academically qualified, but the athlete gets the scholarship and/or accepted

I state again---blacks graduate at lower levels---there are not many blacks at private schools where if they were, I could see the parents having the money to get tutors/better education for them...but they aren't at the private schools in great numbers
what your saying--and others--is that these elite, black athletes also are the best and brightest in school work...??!!! even though blacks graduate at lower levels?? this seems mathematically hard to believe's hard to believe the whites would need more help [ cheating ] because whites graduate high school at a higher rate--this is not even counting private schools which have a lot more whites than blacks---and higher graduation rates
CAPE | Private School Facts

graph below public schools only
over represented in cream of the crop auto jobs--these are FANTASTC jobs
Driving While Black: On the Line
Employed persons by detailed industry, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity

considering they graduate at lower levels--blacks have nothing to complain about--and everything to be thankful for

And the colleges who give the blacks a free education, make millions off of the efforts of the athletes. While the athletes themselves can't except a free hamburger. Plus, they have focused their entire future on the game, when a single injury can end it all. And then? They are tossed aside.
jesus christ!!
they get to go to COLLEGE for free or at lower cost--and that's BAD????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???
jesus--what more do they want?
they have it much better than I do where I work for almost nothing compared to the money the owner makes [ and the sports players are making a LOT more than he is! ]
sorry buddy---it's the way of the world--the people with the money call the shots.

You make it sound as if college athletics only gives blacks a free ride.

And yes, your boss or company owner makes more than you. But you ARE paid. The average college education, at an in-state public college is just under $25k. That is $6,250 per year for the athlete. Most report practicing or working out for 30 hours per week. Take 2 weeks away for Xmas, and a week for Spring Break, and cut 3 weeks for various holidays, and you have 46 weeks of working for their sport. That means their "pay" for their efforts comes to roughly $136 per week. Or a shade over $4.50 an hour. And none of that includes time spent on academics.

The majority of athletes in college are white. These idiots watch a few division one football or basketball games and start spewing filth.
Yet the majority of those in the know were academic advisers to men's basketball and football players, the latter group of which made up more than half of the athletes taking the courses, according to a report the university released in 2014. In television interviews that year, a former player under Williams -- a member of his 2005 championship team -- said players enrolled in the paper courses and that the head coach was aware of the fraud.
bold mine
More than a dozen athletic programs have committed academic fraud in last decade, with more likely to come
they can't make it in college---since they can't graduate high school or their HS grades are low anyway
some of them get a free ride to college when they are not as qualified academically
so they are getting paid indirectly, especially when there are whites who are more qualified--for college, but get turned down

A dozen? There are 130 FBS schools with football programs. There are another 128 FCS schools with football programs. 258 schools with football programs (ignoring all the other sports). a dozen schools in 10 years amounts to less than 5%.

Also, if white athletes are turned down for an athletic scholarship in favor of a black athlete, it means they were less valuable in that particular sport.

There are plenty of high level schools that have put considerable effort into eliminating academic fraud. And plenty of black athletes work as hard in the classroom as they do in their sport. And the requirements for academics for entry into a school effect both blacks and white. This is why junior colleges get top level athletes.

plus cheating in high the high school graduation rate would be even lower
[QUOTE56 schools cheated on the 2009 CRCT][/QUOTE]
Atlanta Public Schools cheating scandal - Wikipedia

the fact is the colleges still cheated for athletes

and it's not just cheating:
The NCAA does not require a 2.000 GPA for most athletes until the start of the senior year
How athletes end up in easy majors and fake classes
And the colleges who give the blacks a free education, make millions off of the efforts of the athletes. While the athletes themselves can't except a free hamburger. Plus, they have focused their entire future on the game, when a single injury can end it all. And then? They are tossed aside.
jesus christ!!
they get to go to COLLEGE for free or at lower cost--and that's BAD????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???
jesus--what more do they want?
they have it much better than I do where I work for almost nothing compared to the money the owner makes [ and the sports players are making a LOT more than he is! ]
sorry buddy---it's the way of the world--the people with the money call the shots.

You make it sound as if college athletics only gives blacks a free ride.

And yes, your boss or company owner makes more than you. But you ARE paid. The average college education, at an in-state public college is just under $25k. That is $6,250 per year for the athlete. Most report practicing or working out for 30 hours per week. Take 2 weeks away for Xmas, and a week for Spring Break, and cut 3 weeks for various holidays, and you have 46 weeks of working for their sport. That means their "pay" for their efforts comes to roughly $136 per week. Or a shade over $4.50 an hour. And none of that includes time spent on academics.

The majority of athletes in college are white. These idiots watch a few division one football or basketball games and start spewing filth.
Yet the majority of those in the know were academic advisers to men's basketball and football players, the latter group of which made up more than half of the athletes taking the courses, according to a report the university released in 2014. In television interviews that year, a former player under Williams -- a member of his 2005 championship team -- said players enrolled in the paper courses and that the head coach was aware of the fraud.
bold mine
More than a dozen athletic programs have committed academic fraud in last decade, with more likely to come
they can't make it in college---since they can't graduate high school or their HS grades are low anyway
some of them get a free ride to college when they are not as qualified academically
so they are getting paid indirectly, especially when there are whites who are more qualified--for college, but get turned down

A dozen? There are 130 FBS schools with football programs. There are another 128 FCS schools with football programs. 258 schools with football programs (ignoring all the other sports). a dozen schools in 10 years amounts to less than 5%.

Also, if white athletes are turned down for an athletic scholarship in favor of a black athlete, it means they were less valuable in that particular sport.

There are plenty of high level schools that have put considerable effort into eliminating academic fraud. And plenty of black athletes work as hard in the classroom as they do in their sport. And the requirements for academics for entry into a school effect both blacks and white. This is why junior colleges get top level athletes.
thanks for your reply
no--read it again--I said academically ...the white [ or black non-athlete ] is better academically qualified, but the athlete gets the scholarship and/or accepted

I state again---blacks graduate at lower levels---there are not many blacks at private schools where if they were, I could see the parents having the money to get tutors/better education for them...but they aren't at the private schools in great numbers
what your saying--and others--is that these elite, black athletes also are the best and brightest in school work...??!!! even though blacks graduate at lower levels?? this seems mathematically hard to believe's hard to believe the whites would need more help [ cheating ] because whites graduate high school at a higher rate--this is not even counting private schools which have a lot more whites than blacks---and higher graduation rates
CAPE | Private School Facts

graph below public schools only

So you are wanting the white non-athlete to get the athletic scholarships? Or are you comparing apples to oranges?
jesus christ!!
they get to go to COLLEGE for free or at lower cost--and that's BAD????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???
jesus--what more do they want?
they have it much better than I do where I work for almost nothing compared to the money the owner makes [ and the sports players are making a LOT more than he is! ]
sorry buddy---it's the way of the world--the people with the money call the shots.

You make it sound as if college athletics only gives blacks a free ride.

And yes, your boss or company owner makes more than you. But you ARE paid. The average college education, at an in-state public college is just under $25k. That is $6,250 per year for the athlete. Most report practicing or working out for 30 hours per week. Take 2 weeks away for Xmas, and a week for Spring Break, and cut 3 weeks for various holidays, and you have 46 weeks of working for their sport. That means their "pay" for their efforts comes to roughly $136 per week. Or a shade over $4.50 an hour. And none of that includes time spent on academics.

The majority of athletes in college are white. These idiots watch a few division one football or basketball games and start spewing filth.
Yet the majority of those in the know were academic advisers to men's basketball and football players, the latter group of which made up more than half of the athletes taking the courses, according to a report the university released in 2014. In television interviews that year, a former player under Williams -- a member of his 2005 championship team -- said players enrolled in the paper courses and that the head coach was aware of the fraud.
bold mine
More than a dozen athletic programs have committed academic fraud in last decade, with more likely to come
they can't make it in college---since they can't graduate high school or their HS grades are low anyway
some of them get a free ride to college when they are not as qualified academically
so they are getting paid indirectly, especially when there are whites who are more qualified--for college, but get turned down

A dozen? There are 130 FBS schools with football programs. There are another 128 FCS schools with football programs. 258 schools with football programs (ignoring all the other sports). a dozen schools in 10 years amounts to less than 5%.

Also, if white athletes are turned down for an athletic scholarship in favor of a black athlete, it means they were less valuable in that particular sport.

There are plenty of high level schools that have put considerable effort into eliminating academic fraud. And plenty of black athletes work as hard in the classroom as they do in their sport. And the requirements for academics for entry into a school effect both blacks and white. This is why junior colleges get top level athletes.
thanks for your reply
no--read it again--I said academically ...the white [ or black non-athlete ] is better academically qualified, but the athlete gets the scholarship and/or accepted

I state again---blacks graduate at lower levels---there are not many blacks at private schools where if they were, I could see the parents having the money to get tutors/better education for them...but they aren't at the private schools in great numbers
what your saying--and others--is that these elite, black athletes also are the best and brightest in school work...??!!! even though blacks graduate at lower levels?? this seems mathematically hard to believe's hard to believe the whites would need more help [ cheating ] because whites graduate high school at a higher rate--this is not even counting private schools which have a lot more whites than blacks---and higher graduation rates
CAPE | Private School Facts

graph below public schools only

So you are wanting the white non-athlete to get the athletic scholarships? Or are you comparing apples to oranges?
main point being the blacks are getting a big helping hand in enrolling and staying in colleges for being athletes--
some non-athlete students [ black and white ] with higher academic scores sometimes won't get accepted..or scholarships
---remember the 2.000 GPA quote....

if it wasn't for the sports--a lot of black athletes would not be able to go to college

and it's a lot harder for athletes to maintain their GPA because of sports' demands
The majority of athletes in college are white. These idiots watch a few division one football or basketball games and start spewing filth.
Yet the majority of those in the know were academic advisers to men's basketball and football players, the latter group of which made up more than half of the athletes taking the courses, according to a report the university released in 2014. In television interviews that year, a former player under Williams -- a member of his 2005 championship team -- said players enrolled in the paper courses and that the head coach was aware of the fraud.
bold mine
More than a dozen athletic programs have committed academic fraud in last decade, with more likely to come
they can't make it in college---since they can't graduate high school or their HS grades are low anyway
some of them get a free ride to college when they are not as qualified academically
so they are getting paid indirectly, especially when there are whites who are more qualified--for college, but get turned down

A dozen? There are 130 FBS schools with football programs. There are another 128 FCS schools with football programs. 258 schools with football programs (ignoring all the other sports). a dozen schools in 10 years amounts to less than 5%.

Also, if white athletes are turned down for an athletic scholarship in favor of a black athlete, it means they were less valuable in that particular sport.

There are plenty of high level schools that have put considerable effort into eliminating academic fraud. And plenty of black athletes work as hard in the classroom as they do in their sport. And the requirements for academics for entry into a school effect both blacks and white. This is why junior colleges get top level athletes.
thanks for your reply
no--read it again--I said academically ...the white [ or black non-athlete ] is better academically qualified, but the athlete gets the scholarship and/or accepted

I state again---blacks graduate at lower levels---there are not many blacks at private schools where if they were, I could see the parents having the money to get tutors/better education for them...but they aren't at the private schools in great numbers
what your saying--and others--is that these elite, black athletes also are the best and brightest in school work...??!!! even though blacks graduate at lower levels?? this seems mathematically hard to believe's hard to believe the whites would need more help [ cheating ] because whites graduate high school at a higher rate--this is not even counting private schools which have a lot more whites than blacks---and higher graduation rates
CAPE | Private School Facts

graph below public schools only

So you are wanting the white non-athlete to get the athletic scholarships? Or are you comparing apples to oranges?
main point being the blacks are getting a big helping hand in enrolling and staying in colleges for being athletes--
some non-athlete students [ black and white ] with higher academic scores sometimes won't get accepted..or scholarships
---remember the 2.000 GPA quote....

if it wasn't for the sports--a lot of black athletes would not be able to go to college

and it's a lot harder for athletes to maintain their GPA because of sports' demands

The black athletes, and white athletes, get scholarships that are specifically set aside for athletes. The white, or black, students with higher academic scores are not eligible for these scholarships. And many times, as is the case with my alma mater, the athletic scholarships are paid for by the money made by the various athletic events. Just because you have high academic scores does not automatically get you into any school you want. If there are 100 academic scholarships and 150 student applying, 50 of them will not be accepted.
jesus christ!!
they get to go to COLLEGE for free or at lower cost--and that's BAD????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???
jesus--what more do they want?
they have it much better than I do where I work for almost nothing compared to the money the owner makes [ and the sports players are making a LOT more than he is! ]
sorry buddy---it's the way of the world--the people with the money call the shots.

You make it sound as if college athletics only gives blacks a free ride.

And yes, your boss or company owner makes more than you. But you ARE paid. The average college education, at an in-state public college is just under $25k. That is $6,250 per year for the athlete. Most report practicing or working out for 30 hours per week. Take 2 weeks away for Xmas, and a week for Spring Break, and cut 3 weeks for various holidays, and you have 46 weeks of working for their sport. That means their "pay" for their efforts comes to roughly $136 per week. Or a shade over $4.50 an hour. And none of that includes time spent on academics.

The majority of athletes in college are white. These idiots watch a few division one football or basketball games and start spewing filth.
Yet the majority of those in the know were academic advisers to men's basketball and football players, the latter group of which made up more than half of the athletes taking the courses, according to a report the university released in 2014. In television interviews that year, a former player under Williams -- a member of his 2005 championship team -- said players enrolled in the paper courses and that the head coach was aware of the fraud.
bold mine
More than a dozen athletic programs have committed academic fraud in last decade, with more likely to come
they can't make it in college---since they can't graduate high school or their HS grades are low anyway
some of them get a free ride to college when they are not as qualified academically
so they are getting paid indirectly, especially when there are whites who are more qualified--for college, but get turned down

A dozen? There are 130 FBS schools with football programs. There are another 128 FCS schools with football programs. 258 schools with football programs (ignoring all the other sports). a dozen schools in 10 years amounts to less than 5%.

Also, if white athletes are turned down for an athletic scholarship in favor of a black athlete, it means they were less valuable in that particular sport.

There are plenty of high level schools that have put considerable effort into eliminating academic fraud. And plenty of black athletes work as hard in the classroom as they do in their sport. And the requirements for academics for entry into a school effect both blacks and white. This is why junior colleges get top level athletes.
thanks for your reply
no--read it again--I said academically ...the white [ or black non-athlete ] is better academically qualified, but the athlete gets the scholarship and/or accepted

I state again---blacks graduate at lower levels---there are not many blacks at private schools where if they were, I could see the parents having the money to get tutors/better education for them...but they aren't at the private schools in great numbers
what your saying--and others--is that these elite, black athletes also are the best and brightest in school work...??!!! even though blacks graduate at lower levels?? this seems mathematically hard to believe's hard to believe the whites would need more help [ cheating ] because whites graduate high school at a higher rate--this is not even counting private schools which have a lot more whites than blacks---and higher graduation rates
CAPE | Private School Facts

graph below public schools only

So you are wanting the white non-athlete to get the athletic scholarships? Or are you comparing apples to oranges?
Like it or not, 40 percent of the class at most top colleges are reserved for "hooked" kids -- the largest group is generally recruited athletes (up to 20 percent),
In College Admissions, Athletes Are the Problem -

Some 20% of the entering class will be recruited athletes.
The Secret Quotas In College Admissions
Blacks are handed too many things on a silver platter just for their race and skin color.

For many of them, all they have to know is how to play football or rap to a beat and they're instant multi-millionaires.

What's really disgusting is when they can't even show any respect by standing for the national anthem. They disrespect America, the flag, and what they stand for, but they'll gladly accept their contracts and their millions they're paid for doing nothing worthwhile.
Sounds like you have melanin envy. If you practice like the pro white athletes and white rappers like Emenim you too could make millions.
obviously blacks are doing well in sports
NFL over 70% and NBA--ha--with NBA players making more MILLIONS$$$$ than the MILLIONS $$$$ the NFL players make
college football gives many black players free/$$ for an education
many blacks in the entertainment business

blacks way over represented in GREAT government jobs with great benefits--hardly any lay offs compared to the private sector, and GREAT pensions [ even though they graduate from high school at lower levels ]--so we see blacks making out very good--better than they are qualified
African-Americans represent 13.1 percent of the U.S. population and 11.6 percent of the labor force, according to a 2012 U.S. Department of Labor report. Nearly one in five African-American workers hold government jobs such as mail clerks, firefighters and teachers, the report said.
U.S. Post Office Job Cuts Threaten Black Middle Class | HuffPost
bold mine--they are over represented almost twice their population rate

By 1970, about one in five Detroit auto workers was black, a sizeable increase from 1960, when they held only about sixteen percent of auto industry jobs.
over represented in cream of the crop auto jobs--these are FANTASTC jobs
Driving While Black: On the Line
Employed persons by detailed industry, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity

considering they graduate at lower levels--blacks have nothing to complain about--and everything to be thankful for
Most Blacks I know are very grateful they are Black. I think what you are misunderstanding is that we dont like being killed or discriminated against because we are so fucking awesome.
obviously blacks are doing well in sports
NFL over 70% and NBA--ha--with NBA players making more MILLIONS$$$$ than the MILLIONS $$$$ the NFL players make
college football gives many black players free/$$ for an education
many blacks in the entertainment business

blacks way over represented in GREAT government jobs with great benefits--hardly any lay offs compared to the private sector, and GREAT pensions [ even though they graduate from high school at lower levels ]--so we see blacks making out very good--better than they are qualified
African-Americans represent 13.1 percent of the U.S. population and 11.6 percent of the labor force, according to a 2012 U.S. Department of Labor report. Nearly one in five African-American workers hold government jobs such as mail clerks, firefighters and teachers, the report said.
U.S. Post Office Job Cuts Threaten Black Middle Class | HuffPost
bold mine--they are over represented almost twice their population rate

By 1970, about one in five Detroit auto workers was black, a sizeable increase from 1960, when they held only about sixteen percent of auto industry jobs.
over represented in cream of the crop auto jobs--these are FANTASTC jobs
Driving While Black: On the Line
Employed persons by detailed industry, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity

considering they graduate at lower levels--blacks have nothing to complain about--and everything to be thankful for
Most Blacks I know are very grateful they are Black. I think what you are misunderstanding is that we dont like being killed or discriminated against because we are so fucking awesome.
what?? translate please
obviously blacks are doing well in sports
NFL over 70% and NBA--ha--with NBA players making more MILLIONS$$$$ than the MILLIONS $$$$ the NFL players make
college football gives many black players free/$$ for an education
many blacks in the entertainment business

blacks way over represented in GREAT government jobs with great benefits--hardly any lay offs compared to the private sector, and GREAT pensions [ even though they graduate from high school at lower levels ]--so we see blacks making out very good--better than they are qualified
African-Americans represent 13.1 percent of the U.S. population and 11.6 percent of the labor force, according to a 2012 U.S. Department of Labor report. Nearly one in five African-American workers hold government jobs such as mail clerks, firefighters and teachers, the report said.
U.S. Post Office Job Cuts Threaten Black Middle Class | HuffPost
bold mine--they are over represented almost twice their population rate

By 1970, about one in five Detroit auto workers was black, a sizeable increase from 1960, when they held only about sixteen percent of auto industry jobs.
over represented in cream of the crop auto jobs--these are FANTASTC jobs
Driving While Black: On the Line
Employed persons by detailed industry, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity

considering they graduate at lower levels--blacks have nothing to complain about--and everything to be thankful for
Most Blacks I know are very grateful they are Black. I think what you are misunderstanding is that we dont like being killed or discriminated against because we are so fucking awesome.
as you can see in my initial links/etc they are NOT being discriminated fact they are doing quite well
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