Blacks Who Support Trump = "Mediocre Negroes" According to CNN

So if we voted for or support Trump, according to the libtards in the media we are 'deplorable' and or 'mediocre'.

I think I will take those two monikers over 'commie lying perv' any day.
I wonder what the asshole considers himself? Great negro? LOL.
Once in a while they screw up and they show who they really are, disgusting, intolerant racists.
Imagine if a conservative host or commentator would have used the term "mediocre negro"... the entire corrupt biased media would have been playing it over and over, asking for him / her to be fired or to resign. Heck even president Hussein Shithead would have come out and said something.
.....and the democratic party is scratching its head trying to figure out why Trump won.

This type of ingrained leftist racism is so out of hand that a person would have to be virtually retarded not to notice.
The Communist Nut Network is riding high again with one of their paid contributors telling the audience that the blacks seeing Trump are a bunch of "Mediocre Negroes".

But no racism here folks, since leftwing blacks cannot be racist by their own definition.

CNN’s Marc Lamont Hill Denounces Fellow Panelist as ‘Mediocre Negro’ For Defending Trump
Ah, Mediocre Negro, huh? Guess it's the new PC for house nigga, Oreo cookie, etc., etc., etc. Not surprising at all.
Imagine if a conservative host or commentator would have used the term "mediocre negro"... the entire corrupt biased media would have been playing it over and over, asking for him / her to be fired or to resign. Heck even president Hussein Shithead would have come out and said something.

The libtards do not care about any thing else except keeping the negro stuck on the Plantation just for the votes. Always remember Dems are filthy immoral animals and the only thing of importance to them is keeping people in chains and having them worship at the feet of their captors, hoping they keep throwing slop in the pen to keep them happy. This is not the same Democratic party our parents grew up with.
Imagine if a conservative host or commentator would have used the term "mediocre negro"... the entire corrupt biased media would have been playing it over and over, asking for him / her to be fired or to resign. Heck even president Hussein Shithead would have come out and said something.

The libtards do not care about any thing else except keeping the negro stuck on the Plantation just for the votes. Always remember Dems are filthy immoral animals and the only thing of importance to them is keeping people in chains and having them worship at the feet of their captors, hoping they keep throwing slop in the pen to keep them happy. This is not the same Democratic party our parents grew up with.
This is the Democratic party people in the old Soviet Union grew up in. Godless, immoral, anti capitalistic, anti American hypocritical dirtbags.
The Communist Nut Network is riding high again with one of their paid contributors telling the audience that the blacks seeing Trump are a bunch of "Mediocre Negroes".

But no racism here folks, since leftwing blacks cannot be racist by their own definition.

CNN’s Marc Lamont Hill Denounces Fellow Panelist as ‘Mediocre Negro’ For Defending Trump
Put it in context:

“They keep bringing up comedians and and actors athletes to represent black interests. It’s demeaning, it’s disrespectful, and it’s condescending,” he continued. “Bring some people up there with expertise Donald Trump, don’t just bring up people to entertain.”

If you are going to bring in people to represent the community, then bring in people that actually represent the community not the people you want to represent a community you don't belong to.

This is as bad as Trump saying Lewis should take care of his own district which is filled with crime and poverty and uneducated people and it's infested and falling apart when it's actually one of the wealthiest districts in the nation that includes the world's busiest airport.

Trump just assumed any district represented by a black man must be filled with criminals and crime and drug addicts and be all black. A perfect example of racism at it's most extreme.
This is the Democratic party people in the old Soviet Union grew up in. Godless, immoral, anti capitalistic, anti American hypocritical dirtbags.
And now they infest the USA.

What to do about it?
.....and the democratic party is scratching its head trying to figure out why Trump won.

This type of ingrained leftist racism is so out of hand that a person would have to be virtually retarded not to notice.
They're still whining about the "white-lashing" they THINK they received on November 8.
Fallacy of hasty generalization. One example does not a trend make. Run along.
Please this is the same exact reaction anytime someone from the Black Community dares to separate themselves from Democratic Party dogma. Uncle Tom, House ******, token negro, mediocre negro and so on. Of course White liberals would never do this, not in public, so they rely on Black Democrats to be their attack dogs.
Fallacy of hasty generalization. One example does not a trend make. Run along.
Please this is the same exact reaction anytime someone from the Black Community dares to separate themselves from Democratic Party dogma. Uncle Tom, House ******, token negro, mediocre negro and so on. Of course White liberals would never do this, not in public, so they rely on Black Democrats to be their attack dogs.
That makes no sense, but considering . . . no, we will leave it at that you are defending a hasty generalization.

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