Blame Trump for race hoax, ignore race hoax when minorities who did the race hoax are revealed..


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
A black doll was thrown over the wire of a telephone poll... so the left wing race baiters accused Trump of being responsible...... then, when it turns out Black kids did it.... don't bother covering the truth...

Mayor Blames Trump For Black Doll Hung In Playground. Reverend: Here's Who Actually Did It.

Rev. Mark Tyler, one of the first to see the hanged doll, initially posted on Facebook that "sadly" he was "not surprised" to see it. "For a person of color in the country, I would say there’s really no place I would go and say, 'Oh, in this place, I know I'm safe.' It's just not been my history."

But in an update to the post, Tyler revealed who was actually behind it: A group of kids, both black and white, under the age of 13, who just wanted to "creep people out."

"Some young children came forward and confessed that they actually did it. Believe it or not, these children were under the age of 13. They were black and they were white and they live here in the neighborhood," he said.

In response, Trump fans have been asking Kenney when he plans to issue a follow-up statement:
Leftists act like President Trump invented racism.

I doubt the mayor apologizes any time soon.
"Race hoax" huh?

You mean like pretending to be orange?

What the fuck does a doll on a telephone pole have to do with "race"? Are you stupid?
And speaking of stupid how come you claim "black kids did it" when your own OP says black and white kids did? The memory is the second thing to go eh? Or were you just drunk on your own Two Minutes Hate?

By the way it's a telephone pole. A telephone poll would be where George Bush calls you up and asks if you'd be "less inclined to vote for John McCain if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child". A telephone pole would be the big wooden thing that holds the wires that deliver that call.

Or you could ring somebody up in Warsaw, and then you'd be telephoning a Pole. If you then surveyed that person on opinions, you'd be conducting a poll of a Pole via poles.
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Blacks and whites...together conspiring to "creep people out".

It's diversity at work.

Even though they were all under 13, they knew exactly what buttons to push to get liberals wound up. <slow clap>

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A black doll was thrown over the wire of a telephone poll... so the left wing race baiters accused Trump of being responsible...... then, when it turns out Black kids did it.... don't bother covering the truth...

Mayor Blames Trump For Black Doll Hung In Playground. Reverend: Here's Who Actually Did It.

Rev. Mark Tyler, one of the first to see the hanged doll, initially posted on Facebook that "sadly" he was "not surprised" to see it. "For a person of color in the country, I would say there’s really no place I would go and say, 'Oh, in this place, I know I'm safe.' It's just not been my history."

But in an update to the post, Tyler revealed who was actually behind it: A group of kids, both black and white, under the age of 13, who just wanted to "creep people out."

"Some young children came forward and confessed that they actually did it. Believe it or not, these children were under the age of 13. They were black and they were white and they live here in the neighborhood," he said.

In response, Trump fans have been asking Kenney when he plans to issue a follow-up statement:

By way of educating the Stupids further, the practice of throwing things onto the wires of telephone lines --- preferably the top wire because it's the biggest challenge --- is a practice that's gone on in that area for generations. I remember it from my earliest childhood back to the 1950s, usually a pair of shoes tied together with their own laces. It's something kids do to see if they can. But no, leave it to you housebound race-obsessed wankers and your bullshit fake news blogs to make your little message board imaginary political points on it.

And then ironically you want to point the finger of division somewhere ELSE. Flaming hypocrite.
A black doll was thrown over the wire of a telephone poll... so the left wing race baiters accused Trump of being responsible...... then, when it turns out Black kids did it.... don't bother covering the truth...

Mayor Blames Trump For Black Doll Hung In Playground. Reverend: Here's Who Actually Did It.

Rev. Mark Tyler, one of the first to see the hanged doll, initially posted on Facebook that "sadly" he was "not surprised" to see it. "For a person of color in the country, I would say there’s really no place I would go and say, 'Oh, in this place, I know I'm safe.' It's just not been my history."

But in an update to the post, Tyler revealed who was actually behind it: A group of kids, both black and white, under the age of 13, who just wanted to "creep people out."

"Some young children came forward and confessed that they actually did it. Believe it or not, these children were under the age of 13. They were black and they were white and they live here in the neighborhood," he said.

In response, Trump fans have been asking Kenney when he plans to issue a follow-up statement:

By way of educating the Stupids further, the practice of throwing things onto the wires of telephone lines --- preferably the top wire because it's the biggest challenge --- is a practice that's gone on in that area for generations. I remember it from my earliest childhood back to the 1950s, usually a pair of shoes tied together with their own laces. It's something kids do to see if they can. But no, leave it to you housebound race-obsessed wankers and your bullshit fake news blogs to make your little message board imaginary political points on it.

And then ironically you want to point the finger of division somewhere ELSE. Flaming hypocrite.

As you are a dumb shit..... it wasn't us that did it. The race based asshats like you accused Trump of causing this to happen.....

Here.....moron.....please read this slowly, and even sound out the words if it helps you understand the passage....

While he avoided mentioning Trump's name in the tweeted version of his statement, Kenney's full statement — which he admits was written while the investigation "is still underway" — made clear that he blamed the racially-charged display on "the hateful rhetoric of our President."

"I am sickened by what took place today at Weccacoe Playground," said the mayor. "Although the investigation is still underway, I want to immediately condemn this despicable act. It demonstrates how far this country has fallen when people are inspired by the hateful rhetoric of our President. And it is particularly disgraceful to make a sacrilege out of a sacred burial ground, where thousands of African Americans are interred. The City will do everything in its power to bring the people responsible to justice for this disgusting act."
A black doll was thrown over the wire of a telephone poll... so the left wing race baiters accused Trump of being responsible...... then, when it turns out Black kids did it.... don't bother covering the truth...

Mayor Blames Trump For Black Doll Hung In Playground. Reverend: Here's Who Actually Did It.

Rev. Mark Tyler, one of the first to see the hanged doll, initially posted on Facebook that "sadly" he was "not surprised" to see it. "For a person of color in the country, I would say there’s really no place I would go and say, 'Oh, in this place, I know I'm safe.' It's just not been my history."

But in an update to the post, Tyler revealed who was actually behind it: A group of kids, both black and white, under the age of 13, who just wanted to "creep people out."

"Some young children came forward and confessed that they actually did it. Believe it or not, these children were under the age of 13. They were black and they were white and they live here in the neighborhood," he said.

In response, Trump fans have been asking Kenney when he plans to issue a follow-up statement:

By way of educating the Stupids further, the practice of throwing things onto the wires of telephone lines --- preferably the top wire because it's the biggest challenge --- is a practice that's gone on in that area for generations. I remember it from my earliest childhood back to the 1950s, usually a pair of shoes tied together with their own laces. It's something kids do to see if they can. But no, leave it to you housebound race-obsessed wankers and your bullshit fake news blogs to make your little message board imaginary political points on it.

And then ironically you want to point the finger of division somewhere ELSE. Flaming hypocrite.

As you are a dumb shit..... it wasn't us that did it. The race based asshats like you accused Trump of causing this to happen.....

Uh no hyppie, "we" didn't. Go read your own link.

Here.....moron.....please read this slowly, and even sound out the words if it helps you understand the passage....

While he avoided mentioning Trump's name in the tweeted version of his statement, Kenney's full statement — which he admits was written while the investigation "is still underway" — made clear that he blamed the racially-charged display on "the hateful rhetoric of our President."

"I am sickened by what took place today at Weccacoe Playground," said the mayor. "Although the investigation is still underway, I want to immediately condemn this despicable act. It demonstrates how far this country has fallen when people are inspired by the hateful rhetoric of our President. And it is particularly disgraceful to make a sacrilege out of a sacred burial ground, where thousands of African Americans are interred. The City will do everything in its power to bring the people responsible to justice for this disgusting act."

---- and?

Are you disavowing your Orange Crush's endless diarrhea of divisive turd-missives he's flung about "very fine people" and David Duke and "fire the sumbitches" and "rapists" and women "bleeding" and "Mexican judge" and registering religions and the Constitution and the media? Or are you cowering in your safe-space Self-Delusion Bubble where "that never happened, it's an unevent"?

Now back to "race-based asshats" --- who gave you permission to morph "black and white kids" into "black kids"? That contradiction is right there in your own OP, Dumbass.
A black doll was thrown over the wire of a telephone poll... so the left wing race baiters accused Trump of being responsible...... then, when it turns out Black kids did it.... don't bother covering the truth...

Mayor Blames Trump For Black Doll Hung In Playground. Reverend: Here's Who Actually Did It.

Rev. Mark Tyler, one of the first to see the hanged doll, initially posted on Facebook that "sadly" he was "not surprised" to see it. "For a person of color in the country, I would say there’s really no place I would go and say, 'Oh, in this place, I know I'm safe.' It's just not been my history."

But in an update to the post, Tyler revealed who was actually behind it: A group of kids, both black and white, under the age of 13, who just wanted to "creep people out."

"Some young children came forward and confessed that they actually did it. Believe it or not, these children were under the age of 13. They were black and they were white and they live here in the neighborhood," he said.

In response, Trump fans have been asking Kenney when he plans to issue a follow-up statement:

By way of educating the Stupids further, the practice of throwing things onto the wires of telephone lines --- preferably the top wire because it's the biggest challenge --- is a practice that's gone on in that area for generations. I remember it from my earliest childhood back to the 1950s, usually a pair of shoes tied together with their own laces. It's something kids do to see if they can. But no, leave it to you housebound race-obsessed wankers and your bullshit fake news blogs to make your little message board imaginary political points on it.

And then ironically you want to point the finger of division somewhere ELSE. Flaming hypocrite.

As you are a dumb shit..... it wasn't us that did it. The race based asshats like you accused Trump of causing this to happen.....

Uh no hyppie, "we" didn't. Go read your own link.

Here.....moron.....please read this slowly, and even sound out the words if it helps you understand the passage....

While he avoided mentioning Trump's name in the tweeted version of his statement, Kenney's full statement — which he admits was written while the investigation "is still underway" — made clear that he blamed the racially-charged display on "the hateful rhetoric of our President."

"I am sickened by what took place today at Weccacoe Playground," said the mayor. "Although the investigation is still underway, I want to immediately condemn this despicable act. It demonstrates how far this country has fallen when people are inspired by the hateful rhetoric of our President. And it is particularly disgraceful to make a sacrilege out of a sacred burial ground, where thousands of African Americans are interred. The City will do everything in its power to bring the people responsible to justice for this disgusting act."

---- and?

Are you disavowing your Orange Crush's endless diarrhea of divisive turd-missives he's flung about "very fine people" and David Duke and "fire the sumbitches" and "rapists" and women "bleeding" and "Mexican judge" and registering religions and the Constitution and the media? Or are you cowering in your safe-space Self-Delusion Bubble where "that never happened, it's an unevent"?

Now back to "race-based asshats" --- who gave you permission to morph "black and white kids" into "black kids"? That contradiction is right there in your own OP, Dumbass.

Shit stain.....Black kids were involved and are the main point to you racist asshats try to blame Trump for something that isn't his dumb shit.

And you lie..... Trump didn't defend racists at the statue protests, he never embraced david duke..... obama did embrace louis farrakhan, jeremiah wright, al sharpton and other actual racists...... duke has no support in the Republican party but the democrat party has core groups that are racist....completely racist....
...... duke has no support in the Republican party ....

That isn't true....

Former KKK Leader David Duke Says 'Of Course' Trump Voters Are His Voters

but the democrat party has core groups that are racist....completely racist....

Name one

After you do that, tell me what policy have they gotten the democrat party to adopt? Universal healthcare to oppress white people?

Social Security to exterminate all jews?

Name one

I will give you an example -- as of right now, only one party is currently trying to implement policies that are geared towards discrimination against a specific group -- but since that group is gays, Conservatives don't mind that type of discrimination much..

Care to point to any policies that is meant to target the oppressed white majority?
A black doll was thrown over the wire of a telephone poll... so the left wing race baiters accused Trump of being responsible...... then, when it turns out Black kids did it.... don't bother covering the truth...

Mayor Blames Trump For Black Doll Hung In Playground. Reverend: Here's Who Actually Did It.

Rev. Mark Tyler, one of the first to see the hanged doll, initially posted on Facebook that "sadly" he was "not surprised" to see it. "For a person of color in the country, I would say there’s really no place I would go and say, 'Oh, in this place, I know I'm safe.' It's just not been my history."

But in an update to the post, Tyler revealed who was actually behind it: A group of kids, both black and white, under the age of 13, who just wanted to "creep people out."

"Some young children came forward and confessed that they actually did it. Believe it or not, these children were under the age of 13. They were black and they were white and they live here in the neighborhood," he said.

In response, Trump fans have been asking Kenney when he plans to issue a follow-up statement:

By way of educating the Stupids further, the practice of throwing things onto the wires of telephone lines --- preferably the top wire because it's the biggest challenge --- is a practice that's gone on in that area for generations. I remember it from my earliest childhood back to the 1950s, usually a pair of shoes tied together with their own laces. It's something kids do to see if they can. But no, leave it to you housebound race-obsessed wankers and your bullshit fake news blogs to make your little message board imaginary political points on it.

And then ironically you want to point the finger of division somewhere ELSE. Flaming hypocrite.

As you are a dumb shit..... it wasn't us that did it. The race based asshats like you accused Trump of causing this to happen.....

Uh no hyppie, "we" didn't. Go read your own link.

Here.....moron.....please read this slowly, and even sound out the words if it helps you understand the passage....

While he avoided mentioning Trump's name in the tweeted version of his statement, Kenney's full statement — which he admits was written while the investigation "is still underway" — made clear that he blamed the racially-charged display on "the hateful rhetoric of our President."

"I am sickened by what took place today at Weccacoe Playground," said the mayor. "Although the investigation is still underway, I want to immediately condemn this despicable act. It demonstrates how far this country has fallen when people are inspired by the hateful rhetoric of our President. And it is particularly disgraceful to make a sacrilege out of a sacred burial ground, where thousands of African Americans are interred. The City will do everything in its power to bring the people responsible to justice for this disgusting act."

---- and?

Are you disavowing your Orange Crush's endless diarrhea of divisive turd-missives he's flung about "very fine people" and David Duke and "fire the sumbitches" and "rapists" and women "bleeding" and "Mexican judge" and registering religions and the Constitution and the media? Or are you cowering in your safe-space Self-Delusion Bubble where "that never happened, it's an unevent"?

Now back to "race-based asshats" --- who gave you permission to morph "black and white kids" into "black kids"? That contradiction is right there in your own OP, Dumbass.

Shit stain.....Black kids were involved and are the main point to you racist asshats try to blame Trump for something that isn't his dumb shit.

And you lie..... Trump didn't defend racists at the statue protests, he never embraced david duke..... obama did embrace louis farrakhan, jeremiah wright, al sharpton and other actual racists...... duke has no support in the Republican party but the democrat party has core groups that are racist....completely racist....

Hunior, you lost this race card when you morphed white and black kids into "black kids" in your own fucking OP. Transparent as a new pane of glass.

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