Blaming the Unvaccinated for Covid Is Like....

And so should my wife, friends, coworkers and clients. I did it for them. Do you not have have anyone close to you that you care about?

Reminder: vaccines protect the vaccinated. Or they should. The idea is: once you are vaccinated, you are protected from acquiring or passing on the disease. That is the traditional understanding of vaccines and it ABSOLUTELY what people were led to believe about the Covid vaccines.

They are not living up to expectations.

Blame Pfizer, Moderna, J&J.

Not the unvaccinated.
....having the condom break when you're with your honey, and then raging over to your neighbor's house and screaming at him for your broken condom.


In any sane time, the neighbor would call the cops on the offender. Dude. It's not my fault YOUR condom broke--get a better condom.

In any sane time, the wearer of said condom would be upset at the condom company, especially if this was happening on a wide scale, as we see.

But we don't live in sane times. Liberals are in a full-on Moral Panic complete with delusions.

When you're delusional, you stomp over to your neighbor's house and rage at him for your broken condom.
We have never blamed unvaccinated or non mask wearing for the tens of thousands of deaths yearly from the respiratory flu or other ailments, until Democrats politicized a supposedly natural virus.

They are under the delusion that we will eradicate Covid ,when the reality is that it will be endemic much like cold and flu viruses.

It really has become a pathetic narrative based on fear mongering. The latest pathetic is the notion that every person unvaccinated will be on a respirator, when the reality is a majority of the control group will be perfectly fine.
Typical liberals 1628248515405.png
And so should my wife, friends, coworkers and clients. I did it for them. Do you not have have anyone close to you that you care about?

LOL PLEASE don't throw me into dat briarpatch!!
Reminder: vaccines protect the vaccinated. Or they should. The idea is: once you are vaccinated, you are protected from acquiring or passing on the disease. That is the traditional understanding of vaccines and it ABSOLUTELY what people were led to believe about the Covid vaccines.

They are not living up to expectations.

Blame Pfizer, Moderna, J&J.

Not the unvaccinated.
Reminder: vaccines protect the vaccinated. Or they should. The idea is: once you are vaccinated, you are protected from acquiring or passing on the disease. That is the traditional understanding of vaccines and it ABSOLUTELY what people were led to believe about the Covid vaccines.

They are not living up to expectations.

Blame Pfizer, Moderna, J&J.

Not the unvaccinated.
So that's a No then. If nothing else this pandemic has been a great way to spot the people who only care about themselves.
Based on your typical posts, the only people you care about is those on "your side".
Spare us the faux virtue signaling.
Lol..not quite, but based on your typical posts you don’t care about anybody but yourself. A mask, for instance, prevents transmission to another individual regardless of their politics.
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The new spike in hospitalizations is near totally unvaccinated people. Those same people spread the disease without know they had it.
Who Do you think is responsible for it?

The "Spike" is fabricated by the media and resides in your empty space between your ears

Liberal stupidity sure has made it easy for power grabbers.
....having the condom break when you're with your honey, and then raging over to your neighbor's house and screaming at him for your broken condom.


In any sane time, the neighbor would call the cops on the offender. Dude. It's not my fault YOUR condom broke--get a better condom.

In any sane time, the wearer of said condom would be upset at the condom company, especially if this was happening on a wide scale, as we see.

But we don't live in sane times. Liberals are in a full-on Moral Panic complete with delusions.

When you're delusional, you stomp over to your neighbor's house and rage at him for your broken condom.
Blaming the unvaccinated is like blaming the interstate pileup on the guy driving down the wrong side. Yeah, it was his fault. And if you're not vaccinated, it's your fault. And you're killing children.

Deplorables doesn't begin to cover it. Killing children so you can own the libs. That's filthy.
I thought we lived in a free country. A country where force was against the law. I know…I know…I thought wrong.
I thought it was 2021 and we believed in science. If you're out spreading a pandemic, then you should be controlled. Should they have let Typhoid Mary run loose? Do you have a problem with her confinement?

Children are dying. You are guilty of this.
The "Spike" is fabricated by the media and resides in your empty space between your ears

Liberal stupidity sure has made it easy for power grabbers.
The paranoia you and most RepubliQans now exhibit certainly qualifies as stupidity. Your thinking is Medieval. A pandemic somehow is a liberal plot? To make you take a vaccine? Why? Oh right... lizard DNA and microchips. Right.

You need psychiatric help.
....having the condom break when you're with your honey, and then raging over to your neighbor's house and screaming at him for your broken condom.


In any sane time, the neighbor would call the cops on the offender. Dude. It's not my fault YOUR condom broke--get a better condom.

In any sane time, the wearer of said condom would be upset at the condom company, especially if this was happening on a wide scale, as we see.

But we don't live in sane times. Liberals are in a full-on Moral Panic complete with delusions.

When you're delusional, you stomp over to your neighbor's house and rage at him for your broken condom.
No, it's not. Blaming the unvaccinated for spreading covid is like blaming the burglars who broke into your house for stealing your stuff.

That's where the blame belongs. They are the ones responsible for the problem.

Don't want to be responsible for the problem?

Isn't it weird that these governors, white house resident, bureaucracy...our elites so to speak keep pushing this poison vaxx. The American people, indeed the world is fed up with this bullshit and still they are pushing it. I read something yesterday about the 'elites; wanting about 235,000,000 folks dead in before 2035 and I suspect it's gonna be because a lot of you got that vaxx that is going to impact your ovaries ladies becoming part of your DNA meaning...less babies born. and some of you others...are just going to contract the covid virus in the next few years and the outcome is not gonna be well..let's just say it's not gonna go well.
There is no evidence for any of the madness you Qtips believe! It's all fantasy land.

"You read somewhere yesterday..." lol!!! Is there anything you wouldn't believe? This idiotic conspiracy Qrap is leading y'all right over the cliff. Children are filling the hospitals now, and YOU are responsible for this, due to your criminal negligence. I say you should all be held responsible and pay the price for your deadly ignorance.

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