Blasts rock 3 churches, 3 hotels in Sri Lanka; multiple fatalities reported

----------------------------- thank you Sunni , i believe what you just said but i believe that you perception and opinion is influenced by you Religion Sunni .
I attended a mosque in Boston when the bombing by the two nitwit brothers happened. All the muslims I knew were upset, and many experienced acts of prejudice directed against them because of it. ... :cool:

Okay, we've got the message.

Muslims get upset.
-------------------------------- SUPPOSEDLY and according to Sunnis perception of things Mindful .
And with Islam, a theocratic government, correct? I believe you admitted to that, also. Something Christians do not aim for.
Please tell everyone here that you have admitted the goal of Islam is to become the rule of the earth.
Of course muslims want everyone in the world to accept Islam and become muslim.

Just like Christians want everyone to accept Jesus and become Christian. That's why they send missionaries around the world to convert people to their religion. ... :cool:
agree , Christians believe that only Christians will enter heaven after their Death . But Christians do NOT believe that they should help people ACHIEVE death like 'muslims' work to do . As example , see what 'muslims' just did with their missionary work and bombings of churchs in 'sri lanka' OldLady .
Those evil ISIS peckerheads are not representative of Muslims as a whole. Fuck you, Pismoe, for insisting on spreading the hate by painting every Muslim with the same broad brush. Every single group of people you could name has its violent assholes. These ISIS jihadi types need to get squashed. But you can rest assured that the vast majority of Muslim agree.
A "vast majority" is not enough.
Please tell everyone here that you have admitted the goal of Islam is to become the rule of the earth.

Just like Christians want everyone to accept Jesus and become Christian. That's why they send missionaries around the world to convert people to their religion. ... :cool:
Of course muslims want everyone in the world to accept Islam and become muslim.
It is not want, it is obsession and a command from a maniac who started this shit called Islam. He said to convert submit or die. It is a supremacist ideology full of hate for all non-Muslims. That is how it is taught because that is what Islam is.

The religion was completed and cannot be changed. I see you approve of the carnage that you think welcomes people to Islam. Don't you make yourself sick?
You haters have fun rolling in your poo.
You need to learn the difference between opposing and calling out hate and the hate in Islam.

Do some research and see what Islam really says. It is all about hate for non-Muslims. Such ignorance on your part.
another issue is the subjugation and exploitation of those who do not accept islam
You see you can oppose all kinds of supremacy, but not Islam. What is the excuse for not calling this violent intolerant culture? Amazing what kind of men we are turning out devoid of virility and common sense.
Please tell everyone here that you have admitted the goal of Islam is to become the rule of the earth.
Of course muslims want everyone in the world to accept Islam and become muslim.

Just like Christians want everyone to accept Jesus and become Christian. That's why they send missionaries around the world to convert people to their religion. ... :cool:
---------------------------------------------- sure , Christian Missionaries convert those that are open to conversion of their hearts and minds . 'muslim' jihadis do their conversion with the sword or in milder case use the 'jizya' tax and make 'dummis' of the population Sunni .
You haters have fun rolling in your poo.
You need to learn the difference between opposing and calling out hate and the hate in Islam.

Do some research and see what Islam really says. It is all about hate for non-Muslims. Such ignorance on your part.
Another funny from Sunni man. Why doesn't he want to discuss what Islam says and means. It is easy to see and impossible to defend. That must be why.
another issue is the subjugation and exploitation of those who do not accept islam
You see you can oppose all kinds of supremacy, but not Islam. What is the excuse for not calling this violent intolerant culture? Amazing what kind of men we are turning out devoid of virility and common sense.
---------------------- regarding your last sentence . I think that the West is turning out 'bois' only interested in their own Safety , comfort and personal lifestyle [and health care :afro:]. Not many MEN among them LAMender .
"I will cast terror into the hearts of those who
disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads
and strike off every fingertip of them."

"Allah"(Quran 8:12)

"Fight everyone in the way of Allah and
kill those who disbelieve in Allah."

Muhammad (Ibn Ishaq 992)
No hate there?
"I will cast terror into the hearts of those who
disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads
and strike off every fingertip of them."

"Allah"(Quran 8:12)

"Fight everyone in the way of Allah and
kill those who disbelieve in Allah."

Muhammad (Ibn Ishaq 992)
No hate there?

Do they recite that stuff? To this day?
agree , Christians believe that only Christians will enter heaven after their Death . But Christians do NOT believe that they should help people ACHIEVE death like 'muslims' work to do . As example , see what 'muslims' just did with their missionary work and bombings of churchs in 'sri lanka' OldLady .
Those evil ISIS peckerheads are not representative of Muslims as a whole. Fuck you, Pismoe, for insisting on spreading the hate by painting every Muslim with the same broad brush. Every single group of people you could name has its violent assholes. These ISIS jihadi types need to get squashed. But you can rest assured that the vast majority of Muslim agree.
A "vast majority" is not enough.
Well, sorry, but I'm not going to treat every Muslim like an ISIS terrorist. It isn't fair or even sensible.
another issue is the subjugation and exploitation of those who do not accept islam
You see you can oppose all kinds of supremacy, but not Islam. What is the excuse for not calling this violent intolerant culture? Amazing what kind of men we are turning out devoid of virility and common sense.
---------------------- regarding your last sentence . I think that the West is turning out 'bois' only interested in their own Safety , comfort and personal lifestyle [and health care :afro:]. Not many MEN among them LAMender .
Emasculation is being accomplished by design. Masculinity is being attacked on a regular basis. Trying to deny biology is not a good or wise thing to do.
"I will cast terror into the hearts of those who
disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads
and strike off every fingertip of them."

"Allah"(Quran 8:12)

"Fight everyone in the way of Allah and
kill those who disbelieve in Allah."

Muhammad (Ibn Ishaq 992)
No hate there?

Do they recite that stuff? To this day?
They sure do. The Koran is just as relevant to Islam now as when it was written.
Those evil ISIS peckerheads are not representative of Muslims as a whole.

Well, yes they are. They're the real deal. The Muslims you think are so harmless are largely secular. When Muslims actually start believing what they are taught, they're fucking dangerous and totally incompatible with Western Culture.
"I will cast terror into the hearts of those who
disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads
and strike off every fingertip of them."

"Allah"(Quran 8:12)

"Fight everyone in the way of Allah and
kill those who disbelieve in Allah."

Muhammad (Ibn Ishaq 992)
No hate there?

Do they recite that stuff? To this day?
and preach it and INSIST that it
is RIGHT AND JUST---toddlers
repeat the garble like it's jingle bells

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