Blasts rock 3 churches, 3 hotels in Sri Lanka; multiple fatalities reported

The repressive Buddhist government of Sri Lanka has been fighting a brutal decades long civil with the Hindu terrorist group called the Tamil Tigers.

Muslims are only a small minority on the island and most likely had nothing to do with the church bombings. ... :cool:
Sri Lanka bombings: Isis claims responsibility for Easter Sunday attacks – live news
-------------------------------- just a FEW or a minority of muslims can do lots of murder and damage OldLady . [they are good at murder and mayhem eh ]
the 'muslim' groups decrying the 'sri lanka' deal are simply doing 'taqiya' and lying or putting on a Show of BS OldLady .
I don't believe that. Would you want someone saying that every opinion you voice is a lie, Pismoe? That is how unfair your position is toward Muslims.
The repressive Buddhist government of Sri Lanka has been fighting a brutal decades long civil with the Hindu terrorist group called the Tamil Tigers.

Muslims are only a small minority on the island and most likely had nothing to do with the church bombings. ... :cool:
Sri Lanka bombings: Isis claims responsibility for Easter Sunday attacks – live news
-------------------------------- just a FEW muslims can do lots of murder and damage OldLady .

The SRI Lanka operation involved a LOT MORE than just a few-------know how,
finances, logistics-----etc.
I wonder what their next imaginative scheme is going to be.
You should ask one of your Mossad agent friends.

They are the people who fund and organize these types of false flag terrorist events. .... :cool:

Oh dear, what shall I do?

I don't know any Mossad agents. :eek-52:

Though I unknowingly knew some al-Qaeda operatives once. They were neighbours of mine. Nice polite law abiding citizens.
the 'muslim' groups decrying the 'sri lanka' deal are simply doing 'taqiya' and lying or putting on a Show of BS OldLady .
I don't believe that. Would you want someone saying that every opinion you voice is a lie, Pismoe? That is how unfair your position is toward Muslims.

talk to more muslims and survivors therefrom---O L
The carnage is almost beyond words.

David Vance of A Tangled Web opines

"The media seem curiously reluctant to name the culprits. Which group, we wonder, might single out this gathering of Christians for intended carnage? What sort of people HATE Christians with such maniacal and murderous intent?

Well, whilst the BBC and others remain tight-lipped, the facts are emerging pretty quickly.

It is reported in Sri Lanka that the terrorist behind at least one of the bombings was an Islamist Extremist Imam and preacher by the name of Moulvi Zahran Hashim"

Rumours abound that the whole operation was organised internationally.
Therefore none of us are safe, walking around, going about our daily business.
There has been NO hesitancy in identifying the two local radical Muslim terrorist groups that were involved in the bombings, although the authorities are still checking for other ties to international organizations.
It is all over the place who they are! Try reading a few reputable sources for once.

The Muslim community is also decrying this act of violence:
Two leading Muslim groups issued statements condemning the attacks, with the All Ceylon Jamiyaathuul Ulama, a council of Muslim theologians, urging the "maximum punishment for everyone involved in these dastardly acts".

Sri Lanka attacks 'retaliation for Christchurch': Minister

'Try reading a few reputable sources for once.'

I'll read what I want, you condescending person. Just because you don't like my sources.

I don't tell you what to read.
Well if you think "The media seems curiously reluctant to name the culprits," you have obviously been living under a rock for the past 48 hours. Be uninformed if that is your preference.
I wonder what their next imaginative scheme is going to be.
You should ask one of your Mossad agent friends.

They are the people who fund and organize these types of false flag terrorist events. .... :cool:

Oh dear, what shall I do?

I don't know any Mossad agents. :eek-52:

Though I unknowingly knew some al-Qaeda operatives once. They were neighbours of mine. Nice polite law abiding citizens.

the VERY MOST POLITE people I have ever examined in hospital -----have been those
handcuffed to the bedrails
The carnage is almost beyond words.

David Vance of A Tangled Web opines

"The media seem curiously reluctant to name the culprits. Which group, we wonder, might single out this gathering of Christians for intended carnage? What sort of people HATE Christians with such maniacal and murderous intent?

Well, whilst the BBC and others remain tight-lipped, the facts are emerging pretty quickly.

It is reported in Sri Lanka that the terrorist behind at least one of the bombings was an Islamist Extremist Imam and preacher by the name of Moulvi Zahran Hashim"

Rumours abound that the whole operation was organised internationally.
Therefore none of us are safe, walking around, going about our daily business.
There has been NO hesitancy in identifying the two local radical Muslim terrorist groups that were involved in the bombings, although the authorities are still checking for other ties to international organizations.
It is all over the place who they are! Try reading a few reputable sources for once.

The Muslim community is also decrying this act of violence:
Two leading Muslim groups issued statements condemning the attacks, with the All Ceylon Jamiyaathuul Ulama, a council of Muslim theologians, urging the "maximum punishment for everyone involved in these dastardly acts".

Sri Lanka attacks 'retaliation for Christchurch': Minister

'Try reading a few reputable sources for once.'

I'll read what I want, you condescending person. Just because you don't like my sources.

I don't tell you what to read.
Well if you think "The media seems curiously reluctant to name the culprits," you have obviously been living under a rock for the past 48 hours. Be uninformed if that is your preference.

Go away. I'm not into sanctimony.
I wonder what their next imaginative scheme is going to be.
You should ask one of your Mossad agent friends.

They are the people who fund and organize these types of false flag terrorist events. .... :cool:

Oh dear, what shall I do?

I don't know any Mossad agents. :eek-52:

Though I unknowingly knew some al-Qaeda operatives once. They were neighbours of mine. Nice polite law abiding citizens.

the VERY MOST POLITE people I have ever examined in hospital -----have been those
handcuffed to the bedrails

the 'muslim' groups decrying the 'sri lanka' deal are simply doing 'taqiya' and lying or putting on a Show of BS OldLady .
I don't believe that. Would you want someone saying that every opinion you voice is a lie, Pismoe? That is how unfair your position is toward Muslims.
-------------------------------- i don't care , i am not one of the NAIVE tribe OldLady . Plus 'taqiya' or lying are muslim religious traits endorsed and taught by 'islam' OldLady .
Plus 'taqiya' or lying are muslim religious traits endorsed and taught by 'islam' .
fyi Pismoe, "taqiya" is practiced by the Shia muslims, and is frowned upon by the Sunni muslims.

So I suggest that you find out which group of muslims you are dealing with before you start throwing that word around. .. :cool:
Last edited:
the 'muslim' groups decrying the 'sri lanka' deal are simply doing 'taqiya' and lying or putting on a Show of BS OldLady .
I don't believe that. Would you want someone saying that every opinion you voice is a lie, Pismoe? That is how unfair your position is toward Muslims.

Sahih Bukhari (49:857) - "He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or saying good things, is not a liar." Lying is permitted when the end justifies the means.

Sahih Bukhari (84:64-65) - Speaking from a position of power at the time, Ali confirms that lying is permitted in order to deceive an "enemy." The Quran defines the 'enemy' as "disbelievers" (4:101).

Though not called taqiyya by name, Muhammad clearly used deception when he signed a 10-year treaty with the Meccans (known as Hudaibiya) which allowed him access to their city while he secretly prepared his own forces for a takeover. The unsuspecting residents were conquered in easy fashion after he broke the treaty two years later. Some of the people in the city who had trusted him at his word were executed.

Another example of lying is when Muhammad used deception to trick his personal enemies into letting down their guard and exposing themselves to slaughter by pretending to seek peace. This happened in the case of Ka'b bin al-Ashraf (as previously noted) and later against Usayr ibn Zarim, a surviving leader of the Banu Nadir tribe, which had been evicted from their home in Medina by the Muslims...

...Leaders in the Arab world sometimes say one thing to English-speaking audiences and then something entirely different to their own people in Arabic. Palestinian leaders routinely tell Westerners about their desire for peace with Israel, even as they whip Palestinians into a hateful and violent frenzy against Jews. Yassir Arafat even referenced "Hudaibiya" - an admission to conning guillible non-Muslims.

The 9/11 hijackers practiced deception by going into bars and drinking alcohol, thus throwing off potential suspicion that they were fundamentalists plotting jihad. This effort worked so well that John Walsh, the host of a popular American television show, claimed well after the fact that their bar trips were evidence of 'hypocrisy.'

The transmission from Flight 93 records the hijackers telling their doomed passengers that there is "a bomb on board" but that everyone will "be safe" as long as "their demands are met." Obviously none of this was true, but these men, who were so intensely devoted to Islam that they were willing to "slay and be slain for the cause of Allah" (as the Quran puts it) saw nothing wrong with employing taqiyya to facilitate their mission of mass murder.

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) insists that it "has not now or ever been involved with the Muslim Brotherhood, or supported any covert, illegal, or terrorist activity or organization." In fact, it was created by the Muslim Brotherhood and has bankrolled Hamas. At least nine founders or board members of ISNA have been accused by prosecutors of supporting terrorism.

The notorious Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is so well known for shamelessly lying about its ties to terror and extremism that books have been written on the subject. They take seriously the part of Sharia that says "it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible and obligatory to lie if the goal is obligatory". The goal being the ascendency of Islam (and Sharia itself) on the American landscape.

...Prior to engineering several deadly terror plots, such as the Fort Hood massacre and the attempt to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner, American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki was regularly sought out by NPR, PBS and even government leaders to expound on the peaceful nature of Islam.
Taqiyya: Deception and Lying in Islam

A little food for thought. I am not saying that all Muslims will commit jihad, but I am saying all practicing Muslims believe they have a duty conquer the world of nonbelievers.

There are a few truly peaceful Imam’s that want change in their religion, but they still believe in Islam becoming the religion of the world.
The lovely thing muslims do with such bombs is put the nails in rat poison should you not be killed outright by the explosion.

Another fun tactic is one Muslim will blow himself up inside while another waits outside. Then as survivors flee the building the one outside detonates himself.

Fifty Caliber sniper rifle with sub-laser

the 'muslim' groups decrying the 'sri lanka' deal are simply doing 'taqiya' and lying or putting on a Show of BS OldLady .
I don't believe that. Would you want someone saying that every opinion you voice is a lie, Pismoe? That is how unfair your position is toward Muslims.

Sahih Bukhari (49:857) - "He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or saying good things, is not a liar." Lying is permitted when the end justifies the means.

Sahih Bukhari (84:64-65) - Speaking from a position of power at the time, Ali confirms that lying is permitted in order to deceive an "enemy." The Quran defines the 'enemy' as "disbelievers" (4:101).

Though not called taqiyya by name, Muhammad clearly used deception when he signed a 10-year treaty with the Meccans (known as Hudaibiya) which allowed him access to their city while he secretly prepared his own forces for a takeover. The unsuspecting residents were conquered in easy fashion after he broke the treaty two years later. Some of the people in the city who had trusted him at his word were executed.

Another example of lying is when Muhammad used deception to trick his personal enemies into letting down their guard and exposing themselves to slaughter by pretending to seek peace. This happened in the case of Ka'b bin al-Ashraf (as previously noted) and later against Usayr ibn Zarim, a surviving leader of the Banu Nadir tribe, which had been evicted from their home in Medina by the Muslims...

...Leaders in the Arab world sometimes say one thing to English-speaking audiences and then something entirely different to their own people in Arabic. Palestinian leaders routinely tell Westerners about their desire for peace with Israel, even as they whip Palestinians into a hateful and violent frenzy against Jews. Yassir Arafat even referenced "Hudaibiya" - an admission to conning guillible non-Muslims.

The 9/11 hijackers practiced deception by going into bars and drinking alcohol, thus throwing off potential suspicion that they were fundamentalists plotting jihad. This effort worked so well that John Walsh, the host of a popular American television show, claimed well after the fact that their bar trips were evidence of 'hypocrisy.'

The transmission from Flight 93 records the hijackers telling their doomed passengers that there is "a bomb on board" but that everyone will "be safe" as long as "their demands are met." Obviously none of this was true, but these men, who were so intensely devoted to Islam that they were willing to "slay and be slain for the cause of Allah" (as the Quran puts it) saw nothing wrong with employing taqiyya to facilitate their mission of mass murder.

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) insists that it "has not now or ever been involved with the Muslim Brotherhood, or supported any covert, illegal, or terrorist activity or organization." In fact, it was created by the Muslim Brotherhood and has bankrolled Hamas. At least nine founders or board members of ISNA have been accused by prosecutors of supporting terrorism.

The notorious Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is so well known for shamelessly lying about its ties to terror and extremism that books have been written on the subject. They take seriously the part of Sharia that says "it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible and obligatory to lie if the goal is obligatory". The goal being the ascendency of Islam (and Sharia itself) on the American landscape.

...Prior to engineering several deadly terror plots, such as the Fort Hood massacre and the attempt to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner, American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki was regularly sought out by NPR, PBS and even government leaders to expound on the peaceful nature of Islam.
Taqiyya: Deception and Lying in Islam

A little food for thought. I am not saying that all Muslims will commit jihad, but I am saying all practicing Muslims believe they have a duty conquer the world of nonbelievers.

There are a few truly peaceful Imam’s that want change in their religion, but they still believe in Islam becoming the religion of the world.
I wish more Muslims would participate here and disprove you "experts" on the religion. Christianity is also a missionary religion and they believe that only those who believe in Jesus as their savior will enter heaven. It doesn't mean that modern Christians view every Hindu or Jew or Muslim as "damned" or "sinners." You can dig up a lot of antiquated or no longer used theory in any religious text from millenia ago. I'll believe a practicing American Muslim who tells me that. Not you. Sorry.
Ask Sunni. He has admitted it here.
the 'muslim' groups decrying the 'sri lanka' deal are simply doing 'taqiya' and lying or putting on a Show of BS OldLady .
I don't believe that. Would you want someone saying that every opinion you voice is a lie, Pismoe? That is how unfair your position is toward Muslims.

Sahih Bukhari (49:857) - "He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or saying good things, is not a liar." Lying is permitted when the end justifies the means.

Sahih Bukhari (84:64-65) - Speaking from a position of power at the time, Ali confirms that lying is permitted in order to deceive an "enemy." The Quran defines the 'enemy' as "disbelievers" (4:101).

Though not called taqiyya by name, Muhammad clearly used deception when he signed a 10-year treaty with the Meccans (known as Hudaibiya) which allowed him access to their city while he secretly prepared his own forces for a takeover. The unsuspecting residents were conquered in easy fashion after he broke the treaty two years later. Some of the people in the city who had trusted him at his word were executed.

Another example of lying is when Muhammad used deception to trick his personal enemies into letting down their guard and exposing themselves to slaughter by pretending to seek peace. This happened in the case of Ka'b bin al-Ashraf (as previously noted) and later against Usayr ibn Zarim, a surviving leader of the Banu Nadir tribe, which had been evicted from their home in Medina by the Muslims...

...Leaders in the Arab world sometimes say one thing to English-speaking audiences and then something entirely different to their own people in Arabic. Palestinian leaders routinely tell Westerners about their desire for peace with Israel, even as they whip Palestinians into a hateful and violent frenzy against Jews. Yassir Arafat even referenced "Hudaibiya" - an admission to conning guillible non-Muslims.

The 9/11 hijackers practiced deception by going into bars and drinking alcohol, thus throwing off potential suspicion that they were fundamentalists plotting jihad. This effort worked so well that John Walsh, the host of a popular American television show, claimed well after the fact that their bar trips were evidence of 'hypocrisy.'

The transmission from Flight 93 records the hijackers telling their doomed passengers that there is "a bomb on board" but that everyone will "be safe" as long as "their demands are met." Obviously none of this was true, but these men, who were so intensely devoted to Islam that they were willing to "slay and be slain for the cause of Allah" (as the Quran puts it) saw nothing wrong with employing taqiyya to facilitate their mission of mass murder.

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) insists that it "has not now or ever been involved with the Muslim Brotherhood, or supported any covert, illegal, or terrorist activity or organization." In fact, it was created by the Muslim Brotherhood and has bankrolled Hamas. At least nine founders or board members of ISNA have been accused by prosecutors of supporting terrorism.

The notorious Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is so well known for shamelessly lying about its ties to terror and extremism that books have been written on the subject. They take seriously the part of Sharia that says "it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible and obligatory to lie if the goal is obligatory". The goal being the ascendency of Islam (and Sharia itself) on the American landscape.

...Prior to engineering several deadly terror plots, such as the Fort Hood massacre and the attempt to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner, American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki was regularly sought out by NPR, PBS and even government leaders to expound on the peaceful nature of Islam.
Taqiyya: Deception and Lying in Islam

A little food for thought. I am not saying that all Muslims will commit jihad, but I am saying all practicing Muslims believe they have a duty conquer the world of nonbelievers.

There are a few truly peaceful Imam’s that want change in their religion, but they still believe in Islam becoming the religion of the world.
I wish more Muslims would participate here and disprove you "experts" on the religion. Christianity is also a missionary religion and they believe that only those who believe in Jesus as their savior will enter heaven. It doesn't mean that modern Christians view every Hindu or Jew or Muslim as "damned" or "sinners." You can dig up a lot of antiquated or no longer used theory in any religious text from millenia ago. I'll believe a practicing American Muslim who tells me that. Not you. Sorry.

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