Blatant Racism in Action

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Yep, you can tell how they talk, interact with other people and their paranoia. SJ is definitely a convict. He exhibits all of the tell tale signs of a racist convict that was abused in prison. I bet a million bucks he doesn't fart like a man.

He already told me he was molested in prison and thats why he hates Black guys. He is just playing coy with you.
I have heard them all, out there on the street and here on this board. It is, (god I hate this word) :anecdotal. PROVE it. When I hear a black making racist remarks against Hispanics, when I hear a Hispanic make hatful remarks against blacks, when I hear whites make hateful remarks against blacks or Hispanic, I know as a HUMAN BEING they are frustrated and blowing off steam. That is ALL it is. Don't take it so damned seriously. "Racism" is just an excuse by hateful demagogues to bash whites. And that in itself is a form of hate and ignorance to allege racism. We need to stop that, NOW. We need to get past this stupid sh*t.
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I have heard them all, out there on the street and here on this board. It is, (god I hate this word) :anecdotal. PROVE it. When I hear a black making racist remarks against Hispanics, when I hear a Hispanic make hatful remarks against blacks, when I hear whites make hateful remarks against blacks or Hispanic, I know as a HUMAN BEING they are frustrated and blowing off steam. That is ALL it is. Don't take it so damned seriously. "Racism" is just an excuse by hateful demagogues to bash whites. And that in itself is a form of hate and ignorance to allege racism. We need to stop that, NOW.

:lol: You have spewed some of the most vile, racist nonsense I have seen on this forum.
I have heard them all, out there on the street and here on this board. It is, (god I hate this word) :anecdotal. PROVE it. When I hear a black making racist remarks against Hispanics, when I hear a Hispanic make hatful remarks against blacks, when I hear whites make hateful remarks against blacks or Hispanic, I know as a HUMAN BEING they are frustrated and blowing off steam. That is ALL it is. Don't take it so damned seriously. "Racism" is just an excuse by hateful demagogues to bash whites. And that in itself is a form of hate and ignorance to allege racism. We need to stop that, NOW. We need to get past this stupid sh*t.

You blow off enough steam to power a locomotive then. I have seen your racist tirades where it seems as if one of your multiple personalities takes control. :lol:
I have heard them all, out there on the street and here on this board. It is, (god I hate this word) :anecdotal. PROVE it. When I hear a black making racist remarks against Hispanics, when I hear a Hispanic make hatful remarks against blacks, when I hear whites make hateful remarks against blacks or Hispanic, I know as a HUMAN BEING they are frustrated and blowing off steam. That is ALL it is. Don't take it so damned seriously. "Racism" is just an excuse by hateful demagogues to bash whites. And that in itself is a form of hate and ignorance to allege racism. We need to stop that, NOW. We need to get past this stupid sh*t.

You blow off enough steam to power a locomotive then. I have seen your racist tirades where it seems as if one of your multiple personalities takes control. :lol:

I am glad I am not the only one who has noticed it. Hell, I think you and Unkotare can even agree on this one.
Race relations were improving in America until Obama was elected, and one of the main planks in his insane platform was to foment hate, envy, and mistrust among the races......and get the whole ugly racial animosity thing all stirred up again.

It would be a simple thing to bring leaders from various races together to discuss and hash out their differences and find ways to work out problems. It is impossible to do so when Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, and other so called black leaders spend so much time creating hate between blacks and whites.
I have heard them all, out there on the street and here on this board. It is, (god I hate this word) :anecdotal. PROVE it. When I hear a black making racist remarks against Hispanics, when I hear a Hispanic make hatful remarks against blacks, when I hear whites make hateful remarks against blacks or Hispanic, I know as a HUMAN BEING they are frustrated and blowing off steam. That is ALL it is. Don't take it so damned seriously. "Racism" is just an excuse by hateful demagogues to bash whites. And that in itself is a form of hate and ignorance to allege racism. We need to stop that, NOW. We need to get past this stupid sh*t.

You blow off enough steam to power a locomotive then. I have seen your racist tirades where it seems as if one of your multiple personalities takes control. :lol:

Race relations were improving in America until Obama was elected, and one of the main planks in his insane platform was to foment hate, envy, and mistrust among the races......and get the whole ugly racial animosity thing all stirred up again.

It would be a simple thing to bring leaders from various races together to discuss and hash out their differences and find ways to work out problems. It is impossible to do so when Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, and other so called black leaders spend so much time creating hate between blacks and whites.

In other words...if blacks agreed with everything you said...all would be great. :lmao:

BTW...I don't have a black leader. Do you have a white leader? Who is the leader of Asian-Americans, German-Americans...I assume you like the hyphenations since you believe each race has a leader.
Race relations were improving in America until Obama was elected, and one of the main planks in his insane platform was to foment hate, envy, and mistrust among the races......and get the whole ugly racial animosity thing all stirred up again.

It would be a simple thing to bring leaders from various races together to discuss and hash out their differences and find ways to work out problems. It is impossible to do so when Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, and other so called black leaders spend so much time creating hate between blacks and whites.

Basically what you are saying is if Blacks had just stayed in their place and not ran for president everything would be ok?

The only Black leader I have is myself. Sharpton nor the POTUS pays my debts.
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I get a bigger kick out you insecure scary white boys with little dick issues. The sad part is that your recessive genes demand a solution to the problem of you surviving without being bred out. You will always be insecure and jealous of the melanin and your woman's attraction to it. :lol:
Another predictable comment from the one trick porch monkey. Thanks for confirming what I said.

Porch monkey? You white guys are the ones growing pelts like monkeys. Makes me want to go get a fur coat. :lol:


WOW!! They found Bigfoot.
White racism persists because blacks perform and behave in ways that reinforce it.

Blacks have a crime rate that is seven times the white rate, an illegitimacy rate that is three times the white rate. By every objective, measurable criterion they tend to perform poorly in the class room and on any job requiring intelligence. It should come as no surprise that whites with extensive experience with blacks usually have a low opinion of them.
White racism persists because blacks perform and behave in ways that reinforce it.

Blacks have a crime rate that is seven times the white rate, an illegitimacy rate that is three times the white rate. By every objective, measurable criterion they tend to perform poorly in the class room and on any job requiring intelligence. It should come as no surprise that whites with extensive experience with blacks usually have a low opinion of them.
Contrary to what the far RW Supreme Court members said, there's still racism in America.

It's sad that unless it's something so blatant, many whites don't see it.

Just means there's much work to be done is all.

Nothing new.

First off, 5 of the 8 SC are jews so they can't be R wingers. DUH! Secondly, racism is EARNED by their own actions, words and deeds.
I will agree that there IS much work to be done: deporting every last negro back to your beloved Africa!
If you fucking ******* ever acted civilized, quit gang-banging, raping our women, robbing our stores, flash mobbing the fairs and malls well, then MAYBE we whites could accept you all as civilized and fit enough to live among the populous.
Go cry racism and expect sympathy somewhere else. :eusa_boohoo::lol:
Police chief on viral racist video: ‘There is possibly disorderly conduct’ - City & Region - The Buffalo News

Janelle Ambrosia can be heard telling the man that her son “don’t like black people, either.”

Ambrosia can also be heard telling the man he “scared [her] children.”

He responds, “by starting my car?”

Ambrosia used other curse words – in front of two children with her – as she shouted at the man.

Cheektowaga Police Chief David Zack said he first learned of the video this morning after it was forwarded to the department anonymously.

“I reviewed the video and with 27 years of law enforcement, I have seen people at their worst. I’ve seen people with mental health issues, I’ve seen people under the influence of substances and I’ve also come across people who are out and out racist.

“That being said, without knowing more about this woman’s background, I feel that it would be irresponsible of me to form a premature judgment on her actions,” he said.

“If substance or mental health issues are not at play here, then her conduct should be considered as nothing less than deplorable. Clearly, there are some people in today’s society who have not yet evolved in their beliefs. As a society we obviously have more work to do,” Zack said.

WBLK 93.7 this morning posted on its website an audio recording of its interview with Ambrosia, who told the radio station that the man taking the video almost hit her son with his car, which she said angered her.

She also said her use of the n-word had nothing to do with race, but meant an ignorant person.

“I’m not racist,” she told the radio station. “I have a black cousin.”

Ambrosia also said in the interview that she is bipolar and that the man called her a “crackheaded cracker.”

She later called WGRZ-TV and read a statement apologizing for her behavior.

“I am ashamed and embarrassed by my behavior the other day, especially in front of my children,” she said.

“It’s not who I am and what I truly believe in.

“I have been under my doctor’s care for mental health issues and was in the process of changing my medication,” Ambrosia said. “And I am not using that as an excuse but to let people further understand my frame of mind at the time. I am deeply sorry for my offensive behavior and the ignorant statements I made.”

This was easily predictable and this is exactly what can be expected. When a white person displays this type of racism she will get shunned by society, WHITE people will be ashamed and discussed by her, the media will destroy her, she will lose white friends and family members and her job (as well as her spouse's job) will be on the line. Nevertheless it's hard to have sympathy for her!

This shows how far the morality of so called white America has come. We don't tolerate this type of racism or racist outbursts!

HOWEVER, in the reverse nothing happens. If a famous black actor says he is voting for Obama simply because he is black (Jackson), if black athletes show ignorant racism towards whites or if everyday blacks make racist comments towards whites nothing happens. The clips won't go viral. They don't lose friends or their job. Nothing happens.

Reaction to racism should go both ways!
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Contrary to what the far RW Supreme Court members said, there's still racism in America.

It's sad that unless it's something so blatant, many whites don't see it.

Just means there's much work to be done is all.

Nothing new.

First off, 5 of the 8 SC are jews so they can't be R wingers. DUH! Secondly, racism is EARNED by their own actions, words and deeds.
I will agree that there IS much work to be done: deporting every last negro back to your beloved Africa!
If you fucking ******* ever acted civilized, quit gang-banging, raping our women, robbing our stores, flash mobbing the fairs and malls well, then MAYBE we whites could accept you all as civilized and fit enough to live among the populous.
Go cry racism and expect sympathy somewhere else. :eusa_boohoo::lol:

First off numbnutz there are NINE (9) members of the SCOTUS!

You care to name those five (5) Jews. I bet you can't. Since your an obvious mental midget the SCOTUS members fall into two religions.

Ginsburg (set to retire soon)


So that makes 6 Catholics and 3 Jews. Get your racism right!
White racism persists because blacks perform and behave in ways that reinforce it.

Blacks have a crime rate that is seven times the white rate, an illegitimacy rate that is three times the white rate. By every objective, measurable criterion they tend to perform poorly in the class room and on any job requiring intelligence. It should come as no surprise that whites with extensive experience with blacks usually have a low opinion of them.

Basically what you are saying is that it is the responsibility of Black people to prove to you that you shouldn't be a racist. My retort to you is that you are wrong. You should be proving to me that you are not racist.

Whites have the worst crime rate in the history of the world. Your society is littered with mass murders and pedophiles both historically and present day. You have stolen from every culture you meet as many natural resources as you can. You have committed systematic genocide as frequently as possible. You have used other humans as lab rats. You have sexual perversions that would make a demon blush in shame. You have sex with animals and inbreed with impunity. Quite the contrary. You need to prove you are actually human and not ferine misfits.
Contrary to what the far RW Supreme Court members said, there's still racism in America.

It's sad that unless it's something so blatant, many whites don't see it.

Just means there's much work to be done is all.

Nothing new.

First off, 5 of the 8 SC are jews so they can't be R wingers. DUH! Secondly, racism is EARNED by their own actions, words and deeds.
I will agree that there IS much work to be done: deporting every last negro back to your beloved Africa!
If you fucking ******* ever acted civilized, quit gang-banging, raping our women, robbing our stores, flash mobbing the fairs and malls well, then MAYBE we whites could accept you all as civilized and fit enough to live among the populous.
Go cry racism and expect sympathy somewhere else. :eusa_boohoo::lol:

You are definitely showing the intelligence level typical of most racists. You do realize that there are 9 SC justices correct? :lol:

Let me give you a reality check chimpy. Blacks don't care if you accept us. Thats a personal issue you are going to have to deal with. You need to hope we accept you. Until then if you get in our way expect to get knocked out. Also realize we don't have to rape your women. All we have to do is smile and they swoop in to get the chocolate.
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