Blind Somali jihadist joins ISIS in Syria


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
No doubt with his disability he will eventually be killed. Maybe he is eagerly awaiting those 72 virgins up in the Islamic cathouse.

Blind Somali jihadist joins ISIS in Syria
Jul 23, 2014 | By Somalicurrent

A blind Somali jihadist who is fighting alongside ISIS militants in Syria has reportedly urged others to join the fighting , saying having a disability is no excuse.

Taymullah al-Somali, a Dutch national who is believed to have traveled to the Middle East earlier this year, has been photographed numerous times alongside ISIS militants and is believed to be based in the capital of the self-declared caliphate, Raqqa.

The Somalia-born has been quoted on known ISIS social media accounts urging Muslims to join ISIS, reportedly saying: ‘Being blind didn’t stop me from coming to Syria, what’s your excuse?

According Daily Mail Numerous images of al-Somali have recently emerged, showing him posing alongside an international group of jihadist including at least two from Belgium, one of whom is reportedly named Hicham Chaib.

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