BLM Activist Mows Down Cop With Her Car in NYC


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
Because they're the greatest threat to Dumbocracy. Since like, forever & stuff. Except... Wait a gosh darn second... Oh..! No. Nevermind... It wasn't a White Supreme Pizza. It was a BLM supporter. Who knew these peaceniks could develop a violent streak? I'm shocked to the core, I tell ya'...

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The driver is a BLM activist, was high on pot at the time, and has expressed sympathies for the "Palestinians". She saw a cop and decided to plow over him in her car. I can hear the left now trying to explain this away: "Oh, we cannot report on this because the Nazi right-wingers will try to use it against us!", or some variation thereof (e.g., they will "weaponize" the story").

Well, nice try. It is directly the result of leftist hatred that she felt it was ok to do this. No, not all BLM thugs will do such a thing. But some will, as we have seen. Forget for a moment that the BLM world view is distinctly un-American, violent, racist, and ultimately wrong (historically and morally). Their movement has clearly expressed, with a bullhorn, that violence is an acceptable means of achieving their goals. This is directly contrary to our laws and morality in America, as evidenced by our constitution and our institutions which were created exactly for the purpose of creating and maintaining a civil society as opposed to a tribality.

It makes one wonder how some like BLM can exist in a totally different reality than the rest of us.

The driver is a BLM activist, was high on pot at the time, and has expressed sympathies for the "Palestinians". She saw a cop and decided to plow over him in her car. I can hear the left now trying to explain this away: "Oh, we cannot report on this because the Nazi right-wingers will try to use it against us!", or some variation thereof (e.g., they will "weaponize" the story").

Well, nice try. It is directly the result of leftist hatred that she felt it was ok to do this. No, not all BLM thugs will do such a thing. But some will, as we have seen. Forget for a moment that the BLM world view is distinctly un-American, violent, racist, and ultimately wrong (historically and morally). Their movement has clearly expressed, with a bullhorn, that violence is an acceptable means of achieving their goals. This is directly contrary to our laws and morality in America, as evidenced by our constitution and our institutions which were created exactly for the purpose of creating and maintaining a civil society as opposed to a tribality.

It makes one wonder how some like BLM can exist in a totally different reality than the rest of us.
oh gee-----seems to me to be yet another noble contribution to mankind
by ISLAM----the Jihadists---uhm OVER THERE have been advocating "jihad
by auto" for at least two years now. How INSPIRING!!

The driver is a BLM activist, was high on pot at the time, and has expressed sympathies for the "Palestinians". She saw a cop and decided to plow over him in her car. I can hear the left now trying to explain this away: "Oh, we cannot report on this because the Nazi right-wingers will try to use it against us!", or some variation thereof (e.g., they will "weaponize" the story").

Well, nice try. It is directly the result of leftist hatred that she felt it was ok to do this. No, not all BLM thugs will do such a thing. But some will, as we have seen. Forget for a moment that the BLM world view is distinctly un-American, violent, racist, and ultimately wrong (historically and morally). Their movement has clearly expressed, with a bullhorn, that violence is an acceptable means of achieving their goals. This is directly contrary to our laws and morality in America, as evidenced by our constitution and our institutions which were created exactly for the purpose of creating and maintaining a civil society as opposed to a tribality.

It makes one wonder how some like BLM can exist in a totally different reality than the rest of us.
It's all over the news, Stumpy.

What now?

The driver is a BLM activist, was high on pot at the time, and has expressed sympathies for the "Palestinians". She saw a cop and decided to plow over him in her car. I can hear the left now trying to explain this away: "Oh, we cannot report on this because the Nazi right-wingers will try to use it against us!", or some variation thereof (e.g., they will "weaponize" the story").

Well, nice try. It is directly the result of leftist hatred that she felt it was ok to do this. No, not all BLM thugs will do such a thing. But some will, as we have seen. Forget for a moment that the BLM world view is distinctly un-American, violent, racist, and ultimately wrong (historically and morally). Their movement has clearly expressed, with a bullhorn, that violence is an acceptable means of achieving their goals. This is directly contrary to our laws and morality in America, as evidenced by our constitution and our institutions which were created exactly for the purpose of creating and maintaining a civil society as opposed to a tribality.

It makes one wonder how some like BLM can exist in a totally different reality than the rest of us.
We've all been told who Heather Heyer was. Will this cop be held in the same reverence by the leftwing media? We all know the answer.

The driver is a BLM activist, was high on pot at the time, and has expressed sympathies for the "Palestinians". She saw a cop and decided to plow over him in her car. I can hear the left now trying to explain this away: "Oh, we cannot report on this because the Nazi right-wingers will try to use it against us!", or some variation thereof (e.g., they will "weaponize" the story").

Well, nice try. It is directly the result of leftist hatred that she felt it was ok to do this. No, not all BLM thugs will do such a thing. But some will, as we have seen. Forget for a moment that the BLM world view is distinctly un-American, violent, racist, and ultimately wrong (historically and morally). Their movement has clearly expressed, with a bullhorn, that violence is an acceptable means of achieving their goals. This is directly contrary to our laws and morality in America, as evidenced by our constitution and our institutions which were created exactly for the purpose of creating and maintaining a civil society as opposed to a tribality.

It makes one wonder how some like BLM can exist in a totally different reality than the rest of us.
Those damned MAGAheads.
Because they're the greatest threat to Dumbocracy. Since like, forever & stuff. Except... Wait a gosh darn second... Oh..! No. Nevermind... It wasn't a White Supreme Pizza. It was a BLM supporter. Who knew these peaceniks could develop a violent streak? I'm shocked to the core, I tell ya'...

Those damned MAGAheads.

The driver is a BLM activist, was high on pot at the time, and has expressed sympathies for the "Palestinians". She saw a cop and decided to plow over him in her car. I can hear the left now trying to explain this away: "Oh, we cannot report on this because the Nazi right-wingers will try to use it against us!", or some variation thereof (e.g., they will "weaponize" the story").

Well, nice try. It is directly the result of leftist hatred that she felt it was ok to do this. No, not all BLM thugs will do such a thing. But some will, as we have seen. Forget for a moment that the BLM world view is distinctly un-American, violent, racist, and ultimately wrong (historically and morally). Their movement has clearly expressed, with a bullhorn, that violence is an acceptable means of achieving their goals. This is directly contrary to our laws and morality in America, as evidenced by our constitution and our institutions which were created exactly for the purpose of creating and maintaining a civil society as opposed to a tribality.

It makes one wonder how some like BLM can exist in a totally different reality than the rest of us.
Biden should now be arrested for this yes?

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