BLM criticizes Thanksgivng

There is no excuse for what was done. Whites are in here bragging about how they bought civilization to everybody, but this shows that was not the case. Your argument is sad, it shows that you don't want to accept responsibility for anything. In every discussion, not matter how recent or far back a white wrong was committed, whites like you and many others here always have an excuse. That's reality so face it.
OF COURSE it was wrong to decimate the native Americans, and OF COURSE it was wrong to enslave Africans in the New World, but your fixation on that and the way you pretend nothing ever happened anywhere else in the world simply makes you a one trick pony. I have yet to see you denounce some of the atrocities carried out in Africa. Instead, you bend over backwards trying to defend them. Do you defend or denounce Idi Amin Dada, for example?

So, where do we set the starting point of history beyond which we're not allowed to go when looking at who did what to whom? You're obviously mad at the European settlers who came here seeking to escape oppression. Do you somehow think history started then
and nothing happened before or anywhere else, or something dumb like that? YOU are fixated on that point in time and that geographical location, but everyone else is not, can see the larger scope of history and what happened.

Of course, when anyone points out that people have been doing great harm to other people throughout history, you think it's being excused. It is not. That is your own inability to see beyond your extremely narrow focus.
I have the racist you replied to on ignore, but I can only imagine he’s relying on a right he has thanks to the whites who wrote It. He also is enjoying the benefits of all sorts of inventions, discoveries, and advances that whites (and Jews, out of proportion to their numbers) created or developed.
Indeed. He's appropriating white culture and history while simultaneously vilifying it. Obviously neither educated nor perceptive enough to understand cognitive dissonance.
I do Not see them whining but you and your tag team partners do so nonstop. So pathetic.
It's because they are weak, intellectually, emotionally, and physically.
They've been told they are victims and are stupid enough to actually believe it.
Freedom is for those who accept personal responsibility, not these clowns.
You feel their land was stolen. How can you get up in the morning knowing your home sits on their land? When are you going to give it back?
That was covered by me extensively last night and the information is available.
But, The facts don’t support the feel Bad America You Stole the land liberal fake emotional agenda
Remember. Libs believe they have authority to direct and control feelings issues
They feel Mr Arbery “all lives matter” comment is because he’s temporarily deranged or he would not say such a thing.
They feel we must comply with their health edicts to assure the feelings of safety of their health
They feel that Native Americans had title to vast lands that the “white man stole” even though Native Americans took those lands over from whomever was there when they arrived and never ascribed to a belief of land ownership.
They feel people if 170 years ago should have had the more advanced social mores of today and since they did not the people of Today should be punished for it.

Feelings are best saved for and directed to your loved ones and are not good governing and information policy
What’s all this hand-wringing about how whites don’t want to take responsibility?

We KNOW slavery was wrong, but….we weren’t responsible for it! What more do you want? Blacks have been given wonderful opportunities to make successes of their lives via affirmative action, which of course comes at the expense of whites who are rejected to make way for lower-qualified blacks, and it‘s been going on for nearly two generations.

Why not think of how much better off blacks are today than those whose ancestors were NOT sold to slavery? I wandered Into the expensive section of shoes at Nordstrom last week, where a pair of shoes were $700 and $800! I gulped and walked out, but you know what I observed - would have been blind to it before all this talk about blacks being oppressed victims, btw - every single woman there was black! Yes sir, I was the only white there, and I left quickly when I saw the prices.

So please, let’s not pretend that blacks are all victims. Sure, there’s an underclass of them, but most are middle class.
I avoid Walmarts.
I have seen too many people being arrested there.

Wal-Mart Parking Lots Are Virtual Magnet For Crime | JR ...
“Three years ago management conducted a survey that looked at crime statistics for a one year period on Wal-Mart properties. The survey showed that 80% of crimes at Wal-Mart were occurring in the parking lot. To combat this outdoor crime a team of loss prevention members tested a new parking lot security program in 1994 at several Florida stores.
They point I was making is they think the holiday is so racist. Yet they will take part in the shopping aspect of it. Don't they. Hypocrites.
BLM-we know that and act like it
Slavery was wrong- We know that and have done many things as recompense .

these are false flag emotionals , demanding some form of surrender to concepts that are already almost unanimously held
BLM-we know that and act like it
Slavery was wrong- We know that and have done many things as recompense .

these are false flag emotionals , demanding some form of surrender to concepts that are already almost unanimously held
No we haven't. 500 voter suppression laws making it hard for minorities to vote, has nothing to do with re-compensation.
BLM-we know that and act like it
Slavery was wrong- We know that and have done many things as recompense .

these are false flag emotionals , demanding some form of surrender to concepts that are already almost unanimously held
Also, we’ve known that slavery was wrong long before any of us were born. As for my memory personally, I knew it was wrong in the 70s, in the 80s, in the 90s, in the 00s, and in the 10s. Why NOW the exaggeration about racism, the influence of CRT being peddled through our schools, and lies about white supremacy occurring? Did we previously have cases where a white person being attacked by two white felons and having to kill in self-defense was called a white supremacist, black media personalities wring their hands over inequity, and a president say he was angry that the white kid wasn’t sent to prison?

There are some external influences going on here.

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