Texas DA to request reversal of pardon for former Army soldier who fatally shot BLM protester

No, it was straight up murder. The "dude" was not in danger.

Fox News has fed you a truckload of bullshit.

The murderer deliberately ran a red light to drive into a crowd of BLM protestors. Just like the murderer in Charlottesville.

The murderer nearly hit a woman in a wheelchair and so the protestors surrounded his car, including the woman's boyfriend.

The boyfriend was carrying a rifle, just like Kyle Rittenhouse. Three cheers for the Second Amendment!

At no time did the boyfriend aim his rifle at the killer. The killer himself admitted this to the police. “I believe he was going to aim at me. I didn’t want to give him a chance to aim at me.”

You don't get to murder someone just because they are carrying. Otherwise we could shoot anyone carrying a gun. And we really don't want that, now do we.

The boyfriend then gestured for the killer to move on. This is not the behavior of someone who is about to kill you.

A month before he rammed his car into that crowd, the killer texted a friend to ask about other people who had shot at protesters and if it was legal.

The killer spent weeks searching on the internet about protest shootings.

After searching for upcoming live Dallas protests, the killer texted to a friend, "I might go to Dallas to shoot looters.”

Other texts he sent were, “I might have to kill a few people on my way to work they are rioting outside my apartment complex,” and “No protesters go near me or my car.”

So this motherfucker deliberately ran a light to run his car into a crowd of protesters to provoke them into surrounding his car.

Then he murdered one, just like he said he would.

This was a clearcut, open and shut case. Which is why a jury found his racist ass guilty as hell.
Do you ever talk about George Floyd holding a gun to a pregnant ladys stomach.

Fox News??? No sir tons of folks turn that station off when they fired Tucker Carlson the number one guy in the media according to the American people. People are now watching different news outlets. More Americans than you could ever imagine Disagree with your far left-wing narrative. You are part of a minority.

You are way way off. Text messages you talk about huh ? How about what actually happens….You ever talk about the violent BLM riots of 2020 where 25 people were killed, thousands injured and billions of dollars worth of damage. That is what Americans like Perry were upset about. There is absolutely no comparing any right wing events to that type of left-wing political violence we have seen in America in the past few years.

Perry had a gun pulled on him to…. But again, you are so wrong here you have to see the big picture my friend.

Put things into context . Those hate filled anti-American left-wing protesters, waving their BLM flags. Who the hell do they think they are suggesting that our police officers are “systemically racist”, what about black police officers? What about the white police officers and black police officers who are great people? What a lot of trash that BLM is. Disgracing this countries history is what they are doing. They tore down destroyed statues of great American men during the Trump administration . They Looted and caused billions of dollars worth of economic loss for businesses. They burned down government buildings what are you doing here you’re going to bat for BLM rioters?
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