BLM nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Some of the recent Nobel Peace Prize nominees & winners would embarrass Mr. Nobel.

He was serious about the matter.

Those silly judges nowadays even gave a Peace Prize to a certain President who had barely started his term. Hear tell even he was embarrassed.

The Guardian, of course, is slobbering over the nomination of that unworthy movement. Anyone who knows anything about that newspaper's once glorious history is embarrassed at the bleeding heart rag that it has become.
Take a look at recent "peace prize" winners. You'll see it's clear PROGS infiltrated that, just as they do everything in the name of............................being hip
MLK was also labelled a terrorist. That is how the racist right reacts when challenged.
Full of shit.
By whom?
Give us the verbatim quotes and cited persons.
How old are you?


You forced me to read Vox for no apparent reason. No mention of the word "terrorist" in that article. And the only people saying nasty things about him in that article were Democrats like the Kennedys.
Dozens of people were killed
Hundreds of police officers were injured.
Tens of thousands of private citizens were injured.
The downtowns of numerous cities were burned to the ground.

MLK was also labelled a terrorist. That is how the racist right reacts when challenged.

Ah neat. Must be the same thing then.

Whoops, another PROG-Fk-Up. Hoover considered MLK a terrorist threat. While Hoover is claimed to be Independent, he served under Demonicrat POTUS while he declared MLK a terrorist threat.

Say something else PROG-way, you guys are so edgeucated, it's conservatives who are dumb. Republicans were the party of slavery too, it's whatever you want it to be, in PROG.

Interesting to note the Democrats had serious concerns about civil rights too. The actual voting record for both Houses of Congress shows that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed the Senate on a 73-to-27 vote. The Democratic supermajority in the Senate split their vote 46 (69%) for and 21 (31%) against. The Republicans, on the other hand, split their vote 27 for (82%) and 6 against (18%). Thus, the no vote consisted of 78% Democrats. Further, the infamous 74-day filibuster was led by the Southern Democrats, who overwhelmingly voted against the act.
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Some of the recent Nobel Peace Prize nominees & winners would embarrass Mr. Nobel.

He was serious about the matter.

Those silly judges nowadays even gave a Peace Prize to a certain President who had barely started his term. Hear tell even he was embarrassed.

The Guardian, of course, is slobbering over the nomination of that unworthy movement. Anyone who knows anything about that newspaper's once glorious history is embarrassed at the bleeding heart rag that it has become.
Obama was recognised for overcoming the racism of people like yourself. He did it with the force of his personality not by guns. It was a well deserved award.
Dozens of people were killed
Hundreds of police officers were killed
Tens of thousands of private citizens were injured.
The downtowns of numerous cities were burned to the ground.
And yet oddly you care not about wit about the death and injuries that your MAGArat buddies inflicted on the police in the Capitol Insurrrection
Why should I care when you Democrat Reich NAZIs think it's OK to do the following:

Dozens of people were killed
Hundreds of police officers were killed
Tens of thousands of private citizens were injured.
The downtowns of numerous cities were burned to the ground.
You DON'T care about cops injured or killed unless you can USE those incidences for political purposes.

Blue Lives Matter...your ass
The person in charge of BLM funds is an elderly white Jewish lady who served time in jail for terrorism and was pardoned by the Clintons. She has diverted billions of dollars donated to help the black community into the Biden campaign. Money that should have been used for investment in coloured areas was wasted electing that potato brain.
Post a link moron

I don't have to. The question was what did the protests accomplished. I listed a few of the many. These cops are not held accountable before the protests.

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