BLM says their goal is to "dismantle Israel"

I highly doubt it, brain washed functional moron. Link? To a respected media please
Define "respected media" because... That's in very short supply.
Anything but Rupert Murdoch or Rush Limbaugh etc crazies. BBC France 24 the New York times der Spiegel you name it the Hindu standing times USA today. All you have is Fox noise and Rupert Murdoch newspapers. Like the Post which surprise agrees with Fox news. Too bad most GOP base voters don't know anything about that.....
SO do these grades school dropouts who make up BLM even know Israel can’t be reached by walking or driving? Could they even find the country on a map? Though it would be fun to watch those BLM morons get mowed down before they could even draw their pea shooters.
I highly doubt it, brain washed functional moron. Link? To a respected media please
Define "respected media" because... That's in very short supply.
Anything but Rupert Murdoch or Rush Limbaugh etc crazies. BBC France 24 the New York times der Spiegel you name it the Hindu standing times USA today. All you have is Fox noise and Rupert Murdoch newspapers. Like the Post which surprise agrees with Fox news. Too bad most GOP base voters don't know anything about that.....
So... What you are saying is you are what you hate. Ok then.
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
Who knew they would have something in common with many trumpers.
Yeah? Well,just name one CIVILIZED black or Brown country. El Sanvador? Congo? Haiti? Honduras? Just PROVES the Bell Curve.

I love when a racist owns it.
Racist? Who gives a shit? Ain't ME burning down cities and killing cops. As far as Israel ,they can take care of a Billion BLM terrorists.
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
What does attacking Jews have to do with black lives?!

The left really is mentally ill
SO do these grades school dropouts who make up BLM even know Israel can’t be reached by walking or driving? Could they even find the country on a map? Though it would be fun to watch those BLM morons get mowed down before they could even draw their pea shooters.
True. SO true.
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
What does attacking Jews have to do with black lives?!

The left really is mentally ill
Ever heard filthy Louis Farrakhan?
"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.
Why do you believe the world needs another apartheid state?

Jewish nation-state law makes discrimination in Israel constitutional

"Following the howls of criticism leveled at Section 7 of the Basic Law on the Nation-State, enabling the establishment of segregated communities based on religion, nationality or other characteristics, the coalition came up with a new version: 'The state sees developing Jewish communities a national value and will act to encourage, promote and establish them.' Racists, it turns out, remain racist."
I highly doubt it, brain washed functional moron. Link? To a respected media please
Define "respected media" because... That's in very short supply.
Anything but Rupert Murdoch or Rush Limbaugh etc crazies. BBC France 24 the New York times der Spiegel you name it the Hindu standing times USA today. All you have is Fox noise and Rupert Murdoch newspapers. Like the Post which surprise agrees with Fox news. Too bad most GOP base voters don't know anything about that.....
So... What you are saying is you are what you hate. Ok then.
I say you get your information from a tiny joke media outlet. Law enforcement and respected media thinks you are nuts.
I say you get your information from a tiny joke media outlet. Law enforcement and respected media thinks you are nuts.
You don't even know where I get my information at... So... It's kind of a stupid statement to make.
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."

what the fuck is with you and the zionism?

are you an american or an israeli?

hard to tell with some of you.
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."

what the fuck is with you and the zionism?

are you an american or an israeli?

hard to tell with some of you.
I just love that Z word
I quit being an American after the fake election .
I am only part of the 75 million T fans

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