BLM says their goal is to "dismantle Israel"

Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."

what the fuck is with you and the zionism?

are you an american or an israeli?

hard to tell with some of you.
I just love that Z word
I quit being an American after the fake election .
I am only part of the 75 million T fans

No one gives a fuck about you? Not even your mother. I'm gonna put you on ignore now.
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
Who knew they would have something in common with many trumpers.

The left are huge anti-semites and haters of israel. Trump was the most pro israel president since truman.

The majority of American Jews may never vote Republican but they should really stop voting with Democrats; namely, start a new party. Break from the modern day Democrat Party that puts extremists like BLM ahead of Jews whose money has built the Democrats over the last 60 years. On a related note, BLM sure is not bringing money to the Democrats.
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
Who knew they would have something in common with many trumpers.

The left are huge anti-semites and haters of israel. Trump was the most pro israel president since truman.

The majority of American Jews may never vote Republican but they should really stop voting with Democrats; namely, start a new party. Break from the modern day Democrat Party that puts extremists like BLM ahead of Jews whose money has built the Democrats over the last 60 years. On a related note, BLM sure is not bringing money to the Democrats.

You think Jewish money built the democratic party? What? lol

Maybe shut the fuck up retard and go crawl into whatever hole you belong.
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
Who knew they would have something in common with many trumpers.

The left are huge anti-semites and haters of israel. Trump was the most pro israel president since truman.

The majority of American Jews may never vote Republican but they should really stop voting with Democrats; namely, start a new party. Break from the modern day Democrat Party that puts extremists like BLM ahead of Jews whose money has built the Democrats over the last 60 years. On a related note, BLM sure is not bringing money to the Democrats.

You think Jewish money built the democratic party? What? lol

Maybe shut the fuck up retard and go crawl into whatever hole you belong.

It’s a debate. Instead of calling names, why not retort with some data or sources that counter my claim? Or, does this topic just strike a sensitive chord with you and you are not able to respond effectively?
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
Who knew they would have something in common with many trumpers.

The left are huge anti-semites and haters of israel. Trump was the most pro israel president since truman.

The majority of American Jews may never vote Republican but they should really stop voting with Democrats; namely, start a new party. Break from the modern day Democrat Party that puts extremists like BLM ahead of Jews whose money has built the Democrats over the last 60 years. On a related note, BLM sure is not bringing money to the Democrats.

You think Jewish money built the democratic party? What? lol

Maybe shut the fuck up retard and go crawl into whatever hole you belong.

It’s a debate. Instead of calling names, why not retort with some data or sources that counter my claim? Or, does this topic just strike a sensitive chord with you and you are not able to respond effectively?

Democratic party was around before there were any substantive number of jews in this country

You said built

What you linked implied they lobby the democratic party. Mostly through the Israel lobby. So?

They throw the same money at the right. And I dont' know if you noticed but both Obama and now biden have not exactly been pro Israel. It's not good domestic politics on the left

The democratic party would exist with or without jewish funding....
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
Who knew they would have something in common with many trumpers.

The DemoKKKrat party is the most anti-semitic organization in America. You people elected Holocaust deniers to Congress.

Where is your proof? How about explaining this:

Trump was the most pro israel president since truman.


Why, however, would you tout this as a positive?

Because we aren't Jew-haters like you.
Please explain the only spike in violence since Trump started, right wing violence against Jews blacks gays Muslims and now Asians because b******* lol. Sharon and Netanyahu are scumbag right wing assholes.
BDS is a noble cause. I wont finance apartheid.

Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
Who knew they would have something in common with many trumpers.

The left are huge anti-semites and haters of israel. Trump was the most pro israel president since truman.

The majority of American Jews may never vote Republican but they should really stop voting with Democrats; namely, start a new party. Break from the modern day Democrat Party that puts extremists like BLM ahead of Jews whose money has built the Democrats over the last 60 years. On a related note, BLM sure is not bringing money to the Democrats.

You think Jewish money built the democratic party? What? lol

Maybe shut the fuck up retard and go crawl into whatever hole you belong.

It’s a debate. Instead of calling names, why not retort with some data or sources that counter my claim? Or, does this topic just strike a sensitive chord with you and you are not able to respond effectively?

Democratic party was around before there were any substantive number of jews in this country

You said built

What you linked implied they lobby the democratic party. Mostly through the Israel lobby. So?

They throw the same money at the right. And I dont' know if you noticed but both Obama and now biden have not exactly been pro Israel. It's not good domestic politics on the left

The democratic party would exist with or without jewish funding....

I said “built over the last 60 years.”

I have noticed that Obama, Biden, and much of the Democrat leadership over the last 30 years has been less Israel to the point of Obama showing egregious disrespect to Netanyahu. I have also noticed that this same Democrats side with Israel haters in the Middle East.
Trump was the most pro israel president since truman.


Why, however, would you tout this as a positive?

Because we aren't Jew-haters like you.

This does not answer the question. It is a typical Trumpist answer though which is what the mindless go for.

It answers the question perfectly. You consider being pro-Israel (the only democracy in the middle east) a negative because you hate Jews. Just own it.
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
Who knew they would have something in common with many trumpers.

The left are huge anti-semites and haters of israel. Trump was the most pro israel president since truman.

The majority of American Jews may never vote Republican but they should really stop voting with Democrats; namely, start a new party. Break from the modern day Democrat Party that puts extremists like BLM ahead of Jews whose money has built the Democrats over the last 60 years. On a related note, BLM sure is not bringing money to the Democrats.

You think Jewish money built the democratic party? What? lol

Maybe shut the fuck up retard and go crawl into whatever hole you belong.

It’s a debate. Instead of calling names, why not retort with some data or sources that counter my claim? Or, does this topic just strike a sensitive chord with you and you are not able to respond effectively?

Democratic party was around before there were any substantive number of jews in this country

You said built

What you linked implied they lobby the democratic party. Mostly through the Israel lobby. So?

They throw the same money at the right. And I dont' know if you noticed but both Obama and now biden have not exactly been pro Israel. It's not good domestic politics on the left

The democratic party would exist with or without jewish funding....

I said “built over the last 60 years.”

I have noticed that Obama, Biden, and much of the Democrat leadership over the last 30 years has been less Israel to the point of Obama showing egregious disrespect to Netanyahu. I have also noticed that this same Democrats side with Israel haters in the Middle East.

Again it was already built, they're just lobbying

FDR built the modern party

Not Jewish money, i don't like to throw the phrase "anti semetic conspiracy theory" aroudn but there is just no evidence to what you're saying. The israel lobby isn't substantively different than the NRA from a power perspective. And that's where the vast majority of Jewish money in politics is focused.

They pay both sides to get the policy they want in the middle east. That's it

They did not build the democratic party, not do they fund it. Just one of our rich people alone could fund democratic operations for decades. Jewish or not. Jews do a lot more on the academic side than the money side in democratic politics. A lot of modern progressive philosophers are Jewish. They don't have any money tho
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
Lol, whut? Why would BLM give two shits about israel?
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
Lol, whut? Why would BLM give two shits about israel?

Because they hate Jews, just like you do.
Obama showing egregious disrespect to Netanyahu.

which was warranted

let's face it, the Israeli's government supports a terrible humanitarian situation.

That is your opinion. Fine. Since you are so concerned about nation states and their support of bad humanitarian practices, how about Democrats supporting regimes such as Iran and other regimes in the Middle East that go so far to say Israel should be wiped off the map? How is that humanitarian.
Obama showing egregious disrespect to Netanyahu.

which was warranted

let's face it, the Israeli's government supports a terrible humanitarian situation.

That is your opinion. Fine. Since you are so concerned about nation states and their support of bad humanitarian practices, how about Democrats supporting regimes such as Iran and other regimes in the Middle East that go so far to say Israel should be wiped off the map? How is that humanitarian.

Very good point, but since that doesn't single out the Jews, leftists will be silent on the matter.
Obama showing egregious disrespect to Netanyahu.

which was warranted

let's face it, the Israeli's government supports a terrible humanitarian situation.

That is your opinion. Fine. Since you are so concerned about nation states and their support of bad humanitarian practices, how about Democrats supporting regimes such as Iran and other regimes in the Middle East that go so far to say Israel should be wiped off the map? How is that humanitarian.

how is this "supporting iran"?
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
More than 600 jewish greoups support BLM, which means that Lamont Hill's views dont affect BLM as a whole or most jewish groups.

Anti-Defamation League spokesman Todd Gutnik acknowledged in a statement that some individuals and organizations within the movement are spreading anti-Semitic rhetoric and "that raises serious concerns." But the league praised Black Lives Matter overall as the largest civil rights movement in at least 50 years.
Of course each of those "groups" consists of about 10 people.
Jews are brilliant in education and careers but they have zero survival sense in America.
Israel would never tolerate any BLM or Antifa groups
Sadly enough, you are only correct in that the violence would not be tolerated; the hate is tolerated.

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