BLM says their goal is to "dismantle Israel"

Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
More than 600 jewish greoups support BLM, which means that Lamont Hill's views dont affect BLM as a whole or most jewish groups.

Anti-Defamation League spokesman Todd Gutnik acknowledged in a statement that some individuals and organizations within the movement are spreading anti-Semitic rhetoric and "that raises serious concerns." But the league praised Black Lives Matter overall as the largest civil rights movement in at least 50 years.
Of course each of those "groups" consists of about 10 people.
ten people?

all 600 are listed
I know lots of people who belong to groups.
Many of the same people belong to many groups.
It's probably the same 300 or so who belong to all these groups.
The next time one of these "groups" holds a demonstration, count them; if there's 30, you're lucky.

do you imagine there aren't a small group of zionists pushing our policy in the middle east?

you're not going to get through elite education in 2020 without learning zionism directed at palestine requires apartheid to work.

YOu can find hundreds of these people on most campuses. Could find at least 50 on most when i went to school. Many of them Jews

Not nearly as niche as you're portraying it. Of the people who could lay out a basic history of Israel the vast majority are no doubt anti-zionist. Most people who support israel have never spent more than 2 minutes thinking about the subject. Very few Americans care

And sooner or later my generation will take power. And you're not going to be able to pretend there are 300 of them
And sooner or later my generation will take power. And you're not going to be able to pretend there are 300 of them
Every generation has people who say what you are saying.
We're still here pissing you off by our very existence.
You are a coward kowtowing to peer pressure.

Where are your Links from any site not called FuckTheJews?

yea but thsoe other generations weren't half non white in a settler colonial state

israel is a settler colonial state as, they have an apartheid scheme

Not gonna fly

I don't know why a Jew would pretend he had any idea what the reaction of teh majority around him woudl be. But like your ancestors you are incorret.
we've got the silent generation catching on

Yes, truly a force with which to be reckoned...


They're silent for a reason.
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
More than 600 jewish greoups support BLM, which means that Lamont Hill's views dont affect BLM as a whole or most jewish groups.

Anti-Defamation League spokesman Todd Gutnik acknowledged in a statement that some individuals and organizations within the movement are spreading anti-Semitic rhetoric and "that raises serious concerns." But the league praised Black Lives Matter overall as the largest civil rights movement in at least 50 years.
Of course each of those "groups" consists of about 10 people.
ten people?

all 600 are listed
I know lots of people who belong to groups.
Many of the same people belong to many groups.
It's probably the same 300 or so who belong to all these groups.
The next time one of these "groups" holds a demonstration, count them; if there's 30, you're lucky.

do you imagine there aren't a small group of zionists pushing our policy in the middle east?

you're not going to get through elite education in 2020 without learning zionism directed at palestine requires apartheid to work.

YOu can find hundreds of these people on most campuses. Could find at least 50 on most when i went to school. Many of them Jews

Not nearly as niche as you're portraying it. Of the people who could lay out a basic history of Israel the vast majority are no doubt anti-zionist. Most people who support israel have never spent more than 2 minutes thinking about the subject. Very few Americans care

And sooner or later my generation will take power. And you're not going to be able to pretend there are 300 of them
And sooner or later my generation will take power. And you're not going to be able to pretend there are 300 of them
Every generation has people who say what you are saying.
We're still here pissing you off by our very existence.
You are a coward kowtowing to peer pressure.

Where are your Links from any site not called FuckTheJews?

yea but thsoe other generations weren't half non white in a settler colonial state

israel is a settler colonial state as, they have an apartheid scheme

Not gonna fly

I don't know why a Jew would pretend he had any idea what the reaction of teh majority around him woudl be. But like your ancestors you are incorret.
It's obvious you're an angry, ignorant individual; when you have something we can discuss that doesn't cause you to masturbate, we can have a discussion based on facts.
It is very hard to believe that anyone in this country is stupid enough to believe that the Jews have anything to do with racial problems we have. It's so ridiculous, the very people bitching about oppression and discrimination are themselves trying to oppress and discriminate against another group, be they Christians, Jews, Caucasians, etc. And the worst part is, they are blind to their own hypocrisy.
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
More than 600 jewish greoups support BLM, which means that Lamont Hill's views dont affect BLM as a whole or most jewish groups.

Anti-Defamation League spokesman Todd Gutnik acknowledged in a statement that some individuals and organizations within the movement are spreading anti-Semitic rhetoric and "that raises serious concerns." But the league praised Black Lives Matter overall as the largest civil rights movement in at least 50 years.
Of course each of those "groups" consists of about 10 people.
ten people?

all 600 are listed
I know lots of people who belong to groups.
Many of the same people belong to many groups.
It's probably the same 300 or so who belong to all these groups.
The next time one of these "groups" holds a demonstration, count them; if there's 30, you're lucky.

do you imagine there aren't a small group of zionists pushing our policy in the middle east?

you're not going to get through elite education in 2020 without learning zionism directed at palestine requires apartheid to work.

YOu can find hundreds of these people on most campuses. Could find at least 50 on most when i went to school. Many of them Jews

Not nearly as niche as you're portraying it. Of the people who could lay out a basic history of Israel the vast majority are no doubt anti-zionist. Most people who support israel have never spent more than 2 minutes thinking about the subject. Very few Americans care

And sooner or later my generation will take power. And you're not going to be able to pretend there are 300 of them
And sooner or later my generation will take power. And you're not going to be able to pretend there are 300 of them
Every generation has people who say what you are saying.
We're still here pissing you off by our very existence.
You are a coward kowtowing to peer pressure.

Where are your Links from any site not called FuckTheJews?

yea but thsoe other generations weren't half non white in a settler colonial state

israel is a settler colonial state as, they have an apartheid scheme

Not gonna fly

I don't know why a Jew would pretend he had any idea what the reaction of teh majority around him woudl be. But like your ancestors you are incorret.
It's obvious you're an angry, ignorant individual; when you have something we can discuss that doesn't cause you to masturbate, we can have a discussion based on facts.

Link to what? THe demographics of the nation? no you can google that

You know the rest.

And yea i'm angry you're no better than an afrikaner trying to explain away his support of apartheid.

You don't get it. In my world view you can be hung for that. You are a direct threat. I would feel no shame stringing you or anyone promoting apartheid in a settler colonial state. You would too if you had any sense as a Jew but you want the double standard.

Israel is already dead zionists just don't know it yet. The moment christianity started waning and whites stopped having babies you were fucked. A diverse america was never going to support apartheid in israel.
we've got the silent generation catching on

Yes, truly a force with which to be reckoned...

View attachment 458335

They're silent for a reason.

the silent generation is joe bidens generation

you fucking pleb hahaha

What the fuck is that picture supposed to denote? There should be an old person in it

I am intrigued----just who do you IMAGINE were the early jewish "settlers" in Ottoman "palestine" -----
French speaking russians?
we've got the silent generation catching on

Yes, truly a force with which to be reckoned...

View attachment 458335

They're silent for a reason.

the silent generation is joe bidens generation

you fucking pleb hahaha

What the fuck is that picture supposed to denote? There should be an old person in it

I am intrigued----just who do you IMAGINE were the early jewish "settlers" in Ottoman "palestine" -----
French speaking russians?
Because JewsSon's parents beat the shit out of him and he went to join a cult and wound up being a nobody.
It is very hard to believe that anyone in this country is stupid enough to believe that the Jews have anything to do with racial problems we have. It's so ridiculous, the very people bitching about oppression and discrimination are themselves trying to oppress and discriminate against another group, be they Christians, Jews, Caucasians, etc. And the worst part is, they are blind to their own hypocrisy.

I mean i wouldn't say Jews are the problem

But if you look at most of the American philosophy underpinning the modern left. Yea it's pretty much all Jewish academics.

Thinkers like Foucault and Marx were not Jewish and really are the foundation. But once it crosses the pond yea they're the ones fucking things up and eschewing enlightenment principles.

I forget his name but Angela Davis, the queen of intersectionality was mentored by a Jewish professor, key figure in modern progressive thought. I didn't realize this pattern existed until I saw a guy named James Lindsay get canceled for listing all these progressive thinkers. Who just happened to be Jewish hahaha. I assume he really didn't know. How would you unless you can find a bio and care enough to look? Hilarious

Jewish academics dominate thought on the left in the states. And my main issue with this is they eschew assimilation, which is a problem when they're telling everyone else they should as well. That is not the path to good outcomes especially over the long term.

The rest they're just playing with old ideas, some one else would have done it if they didn't.
Last edited:
we've got the silent generation catching on

Yes, truly a force with which to be reckoned...

View attachment 458335

They're silent for a reason.

the silent generation is joe bidens generation

you fucking pleb hahaha

What the fuck is that picture supposed to denote? There should be an old person in it

I am intrigued----just who do you IMAGINE were the early jewish "settlers" in Ottoman "palestine" -----
French speaking russians?

They modleed it on rhodesia and were a mix of white jews

Sold as the white man's burden kind of colonialism

There was no "return to the homeland" there wre other locations considered.

You don't know anything about Zionism. You're one fo the peopel who has spent a maximum of two minutes. You may have listened to people talk. But clealry you weren't thinking to not know this. Israeli history is only 100 years long.

I think you can start with the first aliyah. Real israeli history can be consumed at a level of detail no one sane wants in a night. It's that short

Hertzel openly talked about how the model was rhodesia and they were going to use the Palestinians as labor.
Third Reich-style anti-semitism is now completely mainstream on the left.

The Democrat party is the most racist and bigoted organization in American history.

Marc Lamont Hill, an academic and Black Lives Matter activist, says that one of the goals of the BLM movement is to destroy Israel.

Temple U professor and BLM activist Marc Lamont Hill says the goal of Black Lives Matter is to "dismantle the Zionist project" and is "very explicitly embracing BDS"
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) February 14, 2021
"One of the new possibilities that [activists] imagined is a world that is anti-imperialist. They don't want to just nation-build but they want to world-make," Hill said.

"So Black Lives Matter very explicitly is talking about the dismantling of the Zionist project. Dismantling of a settler-colonial project," he continued. Despite Jews being culturally indigenous to the land of Israel, BLM activists have long associated Israel with colonialism.

Hill also said that the BLM movement is "very explicitly embracing BDS," referring to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement to boycott Jewish products made in Israel.

The BLM movement has a long history of opposition to Israel, having previously falsely accused Israel of committing "genocide" against Palestinian Arabs, who BLM insists are the indigenous people of the area.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation league, has described such claims from the BLM movement as "repellant."
Who knew they would have something in common with many trumpers.
we've got the silent generation catching on

Yes, truly a force with which to be reckoned...

View attachment 458335

They're silent for a reason.

the silent generation is joe bidens generation

you fucking pleb hahaha

What the fuck is that picture supposed to denote? There should be an old person in it

I am intrigued----just who do you IMAGINE were the early jewish "settlers" in Ottoman "palestine" -----
French speaking russians?

They modleed it on rhodesia and were a mix of white jews

Sold as the white man's burden kind of colonialism

There was no "return to the homeland" there wre other locations considered.

You don't know anything about Zionism. You're one fo the peopel who has spent a maximum of two minutes. You may have listened to people talk. But clealry you weren't thinking to not know this. Israeli history is only 100 years long.

I think you can start with the first aliyah. Real israeli history can be consumed at a level of detail no one sane wants in a night. It's that short

Hertzel openly talked about how the model was rhodesia and they were going to use the Palestinians as labor.
We have already discussed the irrelevance of a man's dream vs actual history.
Provide a Link to your version of history.
we've got the silent generation catching on

Yes, truly a force with which to be reckoned...

View attachment 458335

They're silent for a reason.

the silent generation is joe bidens generation

you fucking pleb hahaha

What the fuck is that picture supposed to denote? There should be an old person in it

I am intrigued----just who do you IMAGINE were the early jewish "settlers" in Ottoman "palestine" -----
French speaking russians?

They modleed it on rhodesia and were a mix of white jews

Sold as the white man's burden kind of colonialism

There was no "return to the homeland" there wre other locations considered.

You don't know anything about Zionism. You're one fo the peopel who has spent a maximum of two minutes. You may have listened to people talk. But clealry you weren't thinking to not know this. Israeli history is only 100 years long.

I think you can start with the first aliyah. Real israeli history can be consumed at a level of detail no one sane wants in a night. It's that short

Hertzel openly talked about how the model was rhodesia and they were going to use the Palestinians as labor.
We have already discussed the irrelevance of a man's dream vs actual history.
Provide a Link to your version of history.

Ilan pappe go read a book

why do you ask for links that do not exist, that is not how the internet works. YOu ask for links for a fact, not for a narrative

Terrible at this for a jew. My god

Link me your bullshit narrative? Why would i care if you did? lol


Obvious time wasting for no purpose.

Can go read hertzels writings as primary sources if you want. I'm sure you've avoided it to believe this shit you do.

When some one kills you for it don't be shocked. Like your ancestors.
we've got the silent generation catching on

Yes, truly a force with which to be reckoned...

View attachment 458335

They're silent for a reason.

the silent generation is joe bidens generation

you fucking pleb hahaha

What the fuck is that picture supposed to denote? There should be an old person in it

I am intrigued----just who do you IMAGINE were the early jewish "settlers" in Ottoman "palestine" -----
French speaking russians?

They modleed it on rhodesia and were a mix of white jews

Sold as the white man's burden kind of colonialism

There was no "return to the homeland" there wre other locations considered.

You don't know anything about Zionism. You're one fo the peopel who has spent a maximum of two minutes. You may have listened to people talk. But clealry you weren't thinking to not know this. Israeli history is only 100 years long.

I think you can start with the first aliyah. Real israeli history can be consumed at a level of detail no one sane wants in a night. It's that short

Hertzel openly talked about how the model was rhodesia and they were going to use the Palestinians as labor.

wrong again. I am thoroughly familiar with the "HISTORY OF ZIONISM"-------which existed long before Hertzel was born. Your penchant for dating
"zionism" to "the first aliyah" is sorta like dating
the history of continent called North America to Columbus
we've got the silent generation catching on

Yes, truly a force with which to be reckoned...

View attachment 458335

They're silent for a reason.

the silent generation is joe bidens generation

you fucking pleb hahaha

What the fuck is that picture supposed to denote? There should be an old person in it

I am intrigued----just who do you IMAGINE were the early jewish "settlers" in Ottoman "palestine" -----
French speaking russians?

They modleed it on rhodesia and were a mix of white jews

Sold as the white man's burden kind of colonialism

There was no "return to the homeland" there wre other locations considered.

You don't know anything about Zionism. You're one fo the peopel who has spent a maximum of two minutes. You may have listened to people talk. But clealry you weren't thinking to not know this. Israeli history is only 100 years long.

I think you can start with the first aliyah. Real israeli history can be consumed at a level of detail no one sane wants in a night. It's that short

Hertzel openly talked about how the model was rhodesia and they were going to use the Palestinians as labor.
We have already discussed the irrelevance of a man's dream vs actual history.
Provide a Link to your version of history.

Ilan pappe go read a book

why do you ask for links that do not exist, that is not how the internet works. YOu ask for links for a fact, not for a narrative

Terrible at this for a jew. My god

Link me your bullshit narrative? Why would i care if you did? lol


Obvious time wasting for no purpose.

Can go read hertzels writings as primary sources if you want. I'm sure you've avoided it to believe this shit you do.

When some one kills you for it don't be shocked. Like your ancestors.
You actually stated 2-3 weeks ago that you had the historical fact...I asked for a disappeared for about 2 days and never provided a Link.
I appreciate you admitting that the facts do not match Hertzel's dream.
You may now stop making an ass of yourself.
we've got the silent generation catching on

Yes, truly a force with which to be reckoned...

View attachment 458335

They're silent for a reason.

the silent generation is joe bidens generation

you fucking pleb hahaha

What the fuck is that picture supposed to denote? There should be an old person in it

I am intrigued----just who do you IMAGINE were the early jewish "settlers" in Ottoman "palestine" -----
French speaking russians?

They modleed it on rhodesia and were a mix of white jews

Sold as the white man's burden kind of colonialism

There was no "return to the homeland" there wre other locations considered.

You don't know anything about Zionism. You're one fo the peopel who has spent a maximum of two minutes. You may have listened to people talk. But clealry you weren't thinking to not know this. Israeli history is only 100 years long.

I think you can start with the first aliyah. Real israeli history can be consumed at a level of detail no one sane wants in a night. It's that short

Hertzel openly talked about how the model was rhodesia and they were going to use the Palestinians as labor.

wrong again. I am thoroughly familiar with the "HISTORY OF ZIONISM"-------which existed long before Hertzel was born. Your penchant for dating
"zionism" to "the first aliyah" is sorta like dating
the history of continent called North America to Columbus

No it didn't honey

Which is why they considered many locations

The Israelis of old are the Palestinians. They are teh sons of bethlehem by blood.

Not some snow white European with a smidge of semetic blood. You are at most a caste not a race. Having a Jewish X chromosome doesn't give you land rights.

You're not even half Palestinian. Or indigenous Israeli if you prefer that moniker. They're the same thing

They probably think your husband is a Jew because Ashkenazi like to pretend they're actual semites and don't dream in english. Only the orthodox don't dream in English. Why wouldn't they think he's a Jew? He looks like what you claim to be.
we've got the silent generation catching on

Yes, truly a force with which to be reckoned...

View attachment 458335

They're silent for a reason.

the silent generation is joe bidens generation

you fucking pleb hahaha

What the fuck is that picture supposed to denote? There should be an old person in it

I am intrigued----just who do you IMAGINE were the early jewish "settlers" in Ottoman "palestine" -----
French speaking russians?

They modleed it on rhodesia and were a mix of white jews

Sold as the white man's burden kind of colonialism

There was no "return to the homeland" there wre other locations considered.

You don't know anything about Zionism. You're one fo the peopel who has spent a maximum of two minutes. You may have listened to people talk. But clealry you weren't thinking to not know this. Israeli history is only 100 years long.

I think you can start with the first aliyah. Real israeli history can be consumed at a level of detail no one sane wants in a night. It's that short

Hertzel openly talked about how the model was rhodesia and they were going to use the Palestinians as labor.

wrong again. I am thoroughly familiar with the "HISTORY OF ZIONISM"-------which existed long before Hertzel was born. Your penchant for dating
"zionism" to "the first aliyah" is sorta like dating
the history of continent called North America to Columbus
Have you figured out that JewsSon has been mentally abused?

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