BLM supports racist Low IQ Joe, does Officer Chauvin?


Gold Member
May 9, 2019
The whole thing with Chauvin and Floyd had a smell of BS right away. Why did Chauvin take Floyd in cuffs away from the police car and talk to him off camera, a clear violation of every police handbook ever written? Who is Chauvin? What is this "night club" where both Chauvin and Floyd worked? Was the conversation about that club? The passenger in Floyd's car said he heard Floyd say "they're gonna kill me." Chauvin wanted something from Floyd. The "counterfeit" bill charge was bogus. Floyd knew Chauvin was the local Zionist "goon squad" leader and that he was going to die. Chauvin was unbelievably arrogant, murdering Floyd in front of witnesses with cell phone video cams running.

Then the CORONER ruled Floyd was not killed by Chauvin.

Chauvin knew that would happen.

Does BLM want the CORONER fired?


The CORONER who lied and would've gotten Chauvin totally off the hook if not for the coverage is a Democrat, so BLM supports the Coroner.


Let's look at the MINN/Minneapolis political structure.... all DEM....

Gov = Jewish
Mayor = Jewish
City Council Leader = Jewish
County DA = Jewish
Coroner = Jewish

ChauVIN has the "vin" at the end of the name. It qualifies.

Since 911 and possibly before, every major Zionist controlled city has them, Zionist "goon squads" that murder 911 Truthers and others in the way of Zionism at the moment.

That "night club" is owned by a wealthy Jew, and the patrons are wealthy Jews, and Chauvin got paid a FORTUNE by that club to make sure all the whores, dope, and other vices do not result in any harm to Jews. And George Floyd knew that....

So is Chauvin a Zionist Jew?

You bet, which is why he isn't charged with what he did = murder 1.

What do Zionist Jews want = a US war with Iran

Who is their guy to do that???

Just ask the Atlanta Jewish Times...

" Adler has since apologized for his article - which listed three options for Israel to counter Iran's nuclear weapons - published in his newspaper last Friday. The first option, he wrote, is to launch a pre-emptive strike against Hamas and Hezbollah. The second is to attack Iran's nuclear facilities and the third is to "give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies."

and that was Low IQ Joe, so in the pocket of Zionist warmonger money that Zionism knew if it took out Obama, Low IQ Joe would lie about that a use it to start a bogus US war with Iran....

and so the circle is now complete.

Both BLM and Chauvin are for Low IQ Joe....

now throw another rock through a window....
What's with the right wing and race? Your guy was already corrupt to begin with.

A tax investigation into the Chauvins began last month, according to the prosecutors, who say that the Chauvins filed fraudulent tax returns from 2014 through 2019, and that they failed to timely file state income tax returns from 2016 through 2019.--
Jewish is not a race. Matter of fact there are generally two types of Jew descendants and they think differently. OP thinks there's one.

Personally I do think something is up with the Floyd incident. PROGS also misrepresented the story and edited the video to incite riots. That's not the work of Jews, that's the work of PROGS.
Jewish is not a race. Matter of fact there are generally two types of Jew descendants and they think differently. OP thinks there's one.

Personally I do think something is up with the Floyd incident. PROGS also misrepresented the story and edited the video to incite riots. That's not the work of Jews, that's the work of PROGS.
Focusing on nationality or race is not very helpful.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

A lack of faithful execution of our own laws is the problem. It is a moral problem not a race or nationality problem.
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You will never understand Zionism/Judaism without properly understanding Exodus.

Did Moses really "look different?"

Why did the Moses who came down the mountain order the extermination of the Midianites, who rescued him?

A much better question:

Was the real Moses offed on top of Mt Sinai and replaced with a Levite, who needed 40 days to grow a beard, as all hieroglyphs show ancient Egyptian construction workers clean shaven and skinhead, due to lice....

and then why were 3500 offed that night (those were the Midianites, the ones who noticed it wasn't the real Moses who came down....)

Zionism is the enemy of truth. Zionism stems from the very first fraud of Judaism, the offing of Moses and the "replacement" you either accepted as real or were put to death...
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Low IQ Joe is a racist, kleptocratic whore.

He is 100% in Zionism's pocket, and a US war with Iran is inevitable with Low IQ Joe as Prez.

The Jewish Atlanta Times knew that 10 years ago....
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There is an endless supply of absolutely moronic and truthless "christian" supporters of Israel.

They are all self proclaimed SUB HUMANS, since they believe Jews are chosen and they aren't.

Anyone want to join now - SERVE ISRAEL AND JEWS = BE A SUB HUMAN FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And don't ask any questions about 911 either....
Gov = Jewish
Mayor = Jewish
City Council Leader = Jewish
County DA = Jewish
Coroner = Jewish
Jewish? They're wiping their white asses on ancient Torah scrolls. I mean, look, we've all read the Bible: these city hall people just aren't Jews. That anti-Semite card was hidden up their sleeve all this time, and they just oh-so-calmly pull it out and lay it on the table to claim the whole stake.
Both BLM and Chauvin are for Low IQ Joe....
That's right. Both Floyd AND the cop who murdered him. The DEMOCRATs are done. They're biting the hand that feeds them at the ballot box.
They are all Jewish, every one.

If it is "anti semitic" to notice, so be it....

Truth is anti semitic, especially in the case of Officer Chauvin and those who kept him out of prison and on the force.

Just how much he was paid by that nightclub hopefully will come out, because that amount is a "Hunter Biden" caliber amount for doing nothing except keeping his own safe....

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