Is it ‘political’…Is Caitlin Clark too white, too heterosexual and too core American to represent this new America that all Dem run institutions push?

A sexy broad adjusting her slip used to mean something.
Ever heard of the Great Mae West.
That's why this message board is deficient.
It lacks what Real men think and respond to.
Imagine W.C.Fields or the Marx Bros. or even
Abbot & Costello spending inordinate time discussing
petty politics.I just as soon watch Popcorn age in the bag.

Your choice of phrasing is just plain empty.

Your choice of phrasing is just plain empty.
I have never heard of the term { Phrasing } used in regards
to the written word.
How far did you get in school.Maybe a junior in
high school.Proilly not.
Verbiage or expression or diction ... yes.
" Use concise military verbiage ". - G.S. Patton.
" All men are frightened. " - Patton exhortation
I have never heard of the term { Phrasing } used in regards
to the written word.
How far did you get in school.Maybe a junior in
high school.Proilly not.
Verbiage or expression or diction ... yes.
" Use concise military verbiage ". - G.S. Patton.
" All men are frightened. " - Patton exhortation
You never heard of phrasing for the written word?


Your ignorance is insurmountable.

the choice of words used to expresss something:

The phrasing of the contract is ambiguous.
Caitlin is so pretty. Beautiful, in fact.


Or, perhaps she’s just a gifted athlete with a strong heart and work ethic.

The biggest factor was Clark NOT being able to participate in the Olympic Training Camp, held on April 3-5, because, well The NCAA Women's Basketball Championship.
She was Invited, but the NCAA Championship blocked her from attending.
Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 5.50.36 PM.png
You never heard of phrasing for the written word?


Your ignorance is insurmountable.

Just because you're a finite verb without clothes
don't go pointing fingers.
I just don’t get the BLM supporters. They come off as lazy thieves. Undeserving of anything demanding that corporations give them free money, demanding that government and counties give them free things and then having the audacity to call white people racist for absolutely no reason…. they call people racist not for saying that somebody is inferior based on their skin color, but for rejecting the reparations argument or the white privilege argument.

The Jew, the Indian, the black man all engaged in the slave trade just like the white man did. There is no logical way to support the “They took our land” white privilege or other BLM arguments.

Clark is the top 5 in the WNBA in assists per game , top 15 points per game. She was 100% screwed over here. A monumentally insane stupid decision by the WNBA to snub her from the Olympics. The people who support this decision come off as totally racist or brainwashed.

I’ve never watched a WNBA game but I can look at the stats just like anybody else. And that is the most telling thing the stats. That is what gets players on the All-Star teams and the Olympic team.
It’s decisions like this that make me never wanna watch a WNBA game. How insane are these people. From the BLM supporters in the media to the racist players in the WNBA bitching and moaning about lesbians or blacks not getting enough attention they’re completely insane. Or they are simply brainwashed… they don’t know any better. Clark is bringing in more attention and money to the WNBA and these BLM people have the audacity to complain about her.

What a world where BLM anchors on ESPN who are multimillionaires complain That lesbians or black women don’t get enough attention. Some of those same anchors and so-called journalists complain about “white supremacy” while they live in mansions and poor white people are homeless. Most of the country black-and-white is fed up with the left wing.

Personally I can’t take it so I take a break from America from time to time and it’s a wonderful thing to take a break from this country ….which unfortunately in many of the blue areas has turned into a hell hole.
She holds the scoring record for any gender college player.

Any of the chosen.
She was unable to participate in the required meetings and practices other players on the team were at. She shouldn’t be given special treatment, if she was unable to meet the current requirements there is always the next Olympics
If she wasn’t from real America (Iowa) and was a black lesbian, more Brittney Griner like, would she have been selected for the U.S. Team?

Hahahahaha. So because Clay Travis told you what all the women in the WNBA are thinking you think you have special insight?!

Damn yall really know how to make stupid look stupid

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