BLM wants a Black lives matter day

there swarming us with these holidays
And the celebrations have death and carnage. We are living in a kiss ass age for certain groups. And it is never enough. With all of the groups America has, we are finished as we do not have the recourses to pay for it all. It is clear Progs are willing to print fiat currency to pre-World War 2 Weimer Republic Germany levels or keep increasing taxes on certain working class and retirement groups with no tax relief.
That's what happens when we "go along to get along."

Fuck that.

"I did something good: I made Juneteenth very famous," Trump said in reference to the rally date in an interview published Thursday. "It's actually an important event, an important time. But nobody had ever heard of it."
Admit it you didn’t know history and had never heard of the day until Trump brought it to your attention.

Admit it you didn’t know history and had never heard of the day until Trump brought it to your attention.

Wrong as usual, asshole. Juneteenth started out in Texas, where I lived for 25 years.

They can take back their fake holiday any time they want.

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