BLM wants a Black lives matter day

I know exactly what kind of POS you are.

You know nothing.

I'll bet you think I'm a white boy don't you.

Yea, it is the victims of racism that are keeping it alive, think about that for a minute.

You're gaslighting again. You're no victim.

That's all I need to speak for.

So stop referring to black folks as "us".

There is no "us".

There's only YOU.

And YOU seem to be gullible and deluded. With a chip the size of Africa on your shoulders.

The founders of BLM stole almost 14 million dollars from their donors. They're under investigation in 22 states (BLUE states, like CA and MA).

The only thing BLM did for "black folks" is steal money from them.

They're COMMUNISTS. The leaders are communist, and they were funded by a communist who's also a convicted terrorist.

You need to stop swallowing the bullshit that's coming out of these assholes. They're USING you, and once you're no.longer useful they'll throw you under the bus.

Don't believe me? What have communists ever done for "black folks"?

Malcolm X was right, in spite of his many shortcomings. He was so right he got killed for it. Because the fucktards in power can't tolerate any independent "black folks". They need people to continue to believe you're all the same.
You know nothing.

I'll bet you think I'm a white boy don't you.
The better question is, do I really give a fk?
You're gaslighting again. You're no victim.
Black folks have been the victim since the country was taken.
So stop referring to black folks as "us".

There is no "us".

There's only YOU.
You have always referred to "us".
And YOU seem to be gullible and deluded. With a chip the size of Africa on your shoulders.

The founders of BLM stole almost 14 million dollars from their donors. They're under investigation in 22 states (BLUE states, like CA and MA).

The only thing BLM did for "black folks" is steal money from them.

They're COMMUNISTS. The leaders are communist, and they were funded by a communist who's also a convicted terrorist.

You need to stop swallowing the bullshit that's coming out of these assholes. They're USING you, and once you're no.longer useful they'll throw you under the bus.

Don't believe me? What have communists ever done for "black folks"?
Trump has stolen money from you and now you are giving it to him freely. Isn't Trump a convicted felon? What have Republicans done for black folks in the last 70yrs?
Malcolm X was right, in spite of his many shortcomings. He was so right he got killed for it. Because the fucktards in power can't tolerate any independent "black folks". They need people to continue to believe you're all the same.
Yep, and who is it that is attacking and killing black leaders?
Being a slave has nothing to do with skin tone.
Ah! some one who can rise above the fray

The only thing BLM did for "black folks" is steal money from them.
because.....that's what they're best at Scuff

and they're off in La -La land thinking they can guilt us all into the Gub'Mit doing it for them

These are weak ,lazy sorts that make most Black Americans wince at the sight of because of this


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