Blocked Mail Box -- Legal Remedy?


Cast Iron Member
Feb 16, 2014
I rent a house with a mailbox by the road. There is a 4-plex directly across the street from me full of very low income people. I have counted up to 20 cars parked around that joint but there are usually 15 or 16 on a regular basis. Their parking lot isn't big enough to accommodate all of those cars so three cars squeeze themselves in from of my house. As a result, the mail carrier won't deliver my mail because he doesn't have access to the box. So my outgoing mail can remain in the box with the red flag up for 4 or 5 days in a row.

I have called the local USPS office and explained the situation to the lady in charge. I can tell by the sound of her voice that she doesn't give two hoots. I've spoken to the mail carrier and he told me to call the cops. I've spoken to the homeowner and she told me to call the USPS. Since there is no signage that would indicate that parking is prohibited there really is no law being broken. I've left notes on the cars but I don't think anyone knows English so that was a waste of time.

So does anyone have any idea how I can solve this problem? I thought about getting a PO Box but I shouldn't have to pay for that service and it's inconvenient having to drive to the local USPS office just to get my mail.
Here is how you solve the problem.

BY ACCIDENT, Drop a half dozen of these in front of your mailbox everyday until they stop parking there.

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You can create a no parking zone. Depending on local codes, you might want to go to your City Planner's office to discuss the problem and outline solutions.

From there you may get the go-ahead to create the no parking zone yourself, or the city could paint those yellow stripes for you.

Sometimes, however, you have to get approval at a City Council meeting or you have to take the matter to court. If the matter goes to court, make the trip worth your while, insist that the other landlord create adequate parking space for those tenants.
Call your codes department...they will either force designated parking zones or put you in the right direction. The other option, put up your own no parking sign and have any car blocking the mail box towed. You don't need the sign, but it will save you if the car owner wants to be a dick. I am assuming your mailbox is in front of your house.
It is against the law to block delivery of the mail.

If the Post Master General of the local branch will do nothing to those violating your right to receive mail, then it's time to go up the food chain. Higher branches of the Post office until someone does something.

Calling your commissioner is also another option. If a few get towed off, they might not want to park there anymore.
Used to have that problem with people who block my family's driveway every Sunday morning. They thought because they were going to church they could park anywhere.

Putting up sawhorses with a cord and sign across the driveway worked sometimes but not always.

The answer was transparent double-faced carpet tape.

A large sheet of the punky cheap paper of the sort tabloid newspapers are printed on. In large felt-tipped markers inscribed:


Several strips of the transparent tape put on the same side of the paper as the lettering. Then the backing removed from the tape and the paper, tape down, applied to the windshield directly in front of the driver's position. Then the paper (remember, it's the cheap soft kind) was liberally sprinkled with warm water.

True the driveway remained blocked for an hour or more after the church services had ended while the damn fools struggled to get the paper off so they could leave. But by then I had walked to the store for an ice-pick just in case they did it again (do keep track of license numbers, anything more vigorous should be reserved for repeat offenders).

But, sadly, none did it a second time.
Used to have that problem with people who block my family's driveway every Sunday morning. They thought because they were going to church they could park anywhere.

Putting up sawhorses with a cord and sign across the driveway worked sometimes but not always.

The answer was transparent double-faced carpet tape.

A large sheet of the punky cheap paper of the sort tabloid newspapers are printed on. In large felt-tipped markers inscribed:


Several strips of the transparent tape put on the same side of the paper as the lettering. Then the backing removed from the tape and the paper, tape down, applied to the windshield directly in front of the driver's position. Then the paper (remember, it's the cheap soft kind) was liberally sprinkled with warm water.

True the driveway remained blocked for an hour or more after the church services had ended while the damn fools struggled to get the paper off so they could leave. But by then I had walked to the store for an ice-pick just in case they did it again (do keep track of license numbers, anything more vigorous should be reserved for repeat offenders).

But, sadly, none did it a second time.

DS, and others, DON'T do this, it's crude and hostile:

Used to have that problem with people who block my family's driveway every Sunday morning. They thought because they were going to church they could park anywhere.

Putting up sawhorses with a cord and sign across the driveway worked sometimes but not always.

The answer was transparent double-faced carpet tape.

A large sheet of the punky cheap paper of the sort tabloid newspapers are printed on. In large felt-tipped markers inscribed:


Several strips of the transparent tape put on the same side of the paper as the lettering. Then the backing removed from the tape and the paper, tape down, applied to the windshield directly in front of the driver's position. Then the paper (remember, it's the cheap soft kind) was liberally sprinkled with warm water.

True the driveway remained blocked for an hour or more after the church services had ended while the damn fools struggled to get the paper off so they could leave. But by then I had walked to the store for an ice-pick just in case they did it again (do keep track of license numbers, anything more vigorous should be reserved for repeat offenders).

But, sadly, none did it a second time.
DS, and others, DON'T do this, it's crude and hostile:

And very, very effective.

But, yes, do be careful if you live in gang territory so thanks go toGrannie for the caution.

It's reasonably safe to do it with people who are blocking stuff while in church. But in some other places of worship it could get nasty quickly.
I rent a house with a mailbox by the road. There is a 4-plex directly across the street from me full of very low income people. I have counted up to 20 cars parked around that joint but there are usually 15 or 16 on a regular basis. Their parking lot isn't big enough to accommodate all of those cars so three cars squeeze themselves in from of my house. As a result, the mail carrier won't deliver my mail because he doesn't have access to the box. So my outgoing mail can remain in the box with the red flag up for 4 or 5 days in a row.

I have called the local USPS office and explained the situation to the lady in charge. I can tell by the sound of her voice that she doesn't give two hoots. I've spoken to the mail carrier and he told me to call the cops. I've spoken to the homeowner and she told me to call the USPS. Since there is no signage that would indicate that parking is prohibited there really is no law being broken. I've left notes on the cars but I don't think anyone knows English so that was a waste of time.

So does anyone have any idea how I can solve this problem? I thought about getting a PO Box but I shouldn't have to pay for that service and it's inconvenient having to drive to the local USPS office just to get my mail.

By federal law (and enforced primarily by the USPS) every abode must maintain a deliverable post box (mail box) for USPS mail delivery. By federal law, preventing the delivery or pick up of mail is a criminal act.

§ 214. Obstruction of mails generally.
Whoever knowingly and willfully obstructs or retards the passage of the mail or any carrier or conveyance carrying the mail shall be fined not more than $200, or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.
Postal Crimes

I suggest that you film (record) your USPS delivery person failing to deliver (and pick up) your mail. You are compliant to the law, the people preventing the delivery and pick up of your mail are violating the law. Either the postal delivery person will be required to exit their vehicle and attend to said mailbox or the postal service will persue legal action against said people that are preventing the lawful retrievel and/or delivery of mail. Some asshole preventing the USPS from performing their duties is a federal offense. The failure of the USPS delivery person to report it is probably grounds for dismissal.
The failure of the USPS delivery person to report it is probably grounds for dismissal.

Careful, though, rat him/her/it out and you may find yourself having unwanted attention from union thugs.

It is up to DriftingSand to decide to decide if he/she is afraid of union thugs.
I'm not afraid of them and have reported crappy postal service in the past when it was warrented.
What language do they speak?

Spanish. I live in a tough part of Denver and Denver is a sanctuary city. Folks from a country south of the USA are allowed to move here and bring their culture with them. Apparently, lack of consideration for ones neighbors is part of that culture.
The failure of the USPS delivery person to report it is probably grounds for dismissal.

Careful, though, rat him/her/it out and you may find yourself having unwanted attention from union thugs.

That's actually a real concern. I'm a tough, well armed individual and my home is decked out with security devices but I work full time and live alone (my wife of 10 years moved away about 8 months ago). So I don't want to set off a feud that could turn ugly. I guess my next move is to, well, move.
Call your codes department...they will either force designated parking zones or put you in the right direction. The other option, put up your own no parking sign and have any car blocking the mail box towed. You don't need the sign, but it will save you if the car owner wants to be a dick. I am assuming your mailbox is in front of your house.

Good advice. I just ordered a custom sign online today. It simply says:

Please Don't Block Mailbox. It only cost $30.00 (shipping included). I honestly don't think it will do any good but I'm going to do everything I can legally do before taking things to a different level.
All it takes are one or two cars getting towed before they learn the lesson. You are in the right, so you bear no financial responsibility.
DS, and others, DON'T do this, it's crude and hostile:

Used to have that problem with people who block my family's driveway every Sunday morning. They thought because they were going to church they could park anywhere.

Putting up sawhorses with a cord and sign across the driveway worked sometimes but not always.

The answer was transparent double-faced carpet tape.

A large sheet of the punky cheap paper of the sort tabloid newspapers are printed on. In large felt-tipped markers inscribed:


Several strips of the transparent tape put on the same side of the paper as the lettering. Then the backing removed from the tape and the paper, tape down, applied to the windshield directly in front of the driver's position. Then the paper (remember, it's the cheap soft kind) was liberally sprinkled with warm water.

True the driveway remained blocked for an hour or more after the church services had ended while the damn fools struggled to get the paper off so they could leave. But by then I had walked to the store for an ice-pick just in case they did it again (do keep track of license numbers, anything more vigorous should be reserved for repeat offenders).

But, sadly, none did it a second time.

Wouldn't be my first choice but if nothing else works it might be my last. :D
The failure of the USPS delivery person to report it is probably grounds for dismissal.

Careful, though, rat him/her/it out and you may find yourself having unwanted attention from union thugs.

It is up to DriftingSand to decide to decide if he/she is afraid of union thugs.
I'm not afraid of them and have reported crappy postal service in the past when it was warrented.

I've been in three unions and understand thuggery. One things that thugs understand is the size of a .45 caliber barrel. Not too concerned there but am more worried about what would happen to my home when I'm gone or when I'm sleeping at 2:00AM.

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