Blood Money: The Conquering of Iraq while fleecing the American Tax Payer.

I would rather pay taxes while liberating an oppressed people (JFK: 'America will bear any burden, pay any price to stand with those who fight for freedom')...than pay taxes to fund a failed NON-stimulating 'Jobs Bill' that costs nearly $1 trillion, contains over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only pork, and results in costing tax payers over $742,000 PER JOB 'created / saved'...and many of those job-creation/jobs-saved numbers were falsified.

I would rather pay taxes to support a war that was authorized by Congress, given approval by BOTH Republican and Liberal politicians....than to fund Obama's own private war, one in which he took the country to war - used our military - without Congressional approval to help Al Qaeida, perpetrators of 9/11/01 and 9/11/12, take over their own country - Libya!
I would rather pay taxes while liberating an oppressed people (JFK: 'America will bear any burden, pay any price to stand with those who fight for freedom')...than pay taxes to fund a failed NON-stimulating 'Jobs Bill' that costs nearly $1 trillion, contains over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only pork, and results in costing tax payers over $742,000 PER JOB 'created / saved'...and many of those job-creation/jobs-saved numbers were falsified.

I would rather pay taxes to support a war that was authorized by Congress, given approval by BOTH Republican and Liberal politicians....than to fund Obama's own private war, one in which he took the country to war - used our military - without Congressional approval to help Al Qaeida, perpetrators of 9/11/01 and 9/11/12, take over their own country - Libya!
Yeah we "liberated" over 120,000 of those oppressed Iraqi's.
Yeah we "liberated" over 120,000 of those oppressed Iraqi's.

Actually the country of Iraq was Liberated...Obama declared the war and the War on Terror to be over, and that Al Qaeida was on the run. He began following Bush's timeline for troop withdrawal...while from Benghazi arming the Syrian rebels who would become ISIS and allowed them to roll into Iraq UN-opposed, taking over much of the country our military had liberated at great cost. Obama didn't have to 'win' a war - he was just asked to manage the overseeing and protection of a country our military had already liberated...and he couldn't handle that. Like with the govt of our Ally Egypt and what he did with the country of Libya, he instead handed over to terrorists. He's good at that....
Yeah we "liberated" over 120,000 of those oppressed Iraqi's.

Actually the country of Iraq was Liberated...Obama declared the war and the War on Terror to be over, and that Al Qaeida was on the run. He began following Bush's timeline for troop withdrawal...while from Benghazi arming the Syrian rebels who would become ISIS and allowed them to roll into Iraq UN-opposed, taking over much of the country our military had liberated at great cost. Obama didn't have to 'win' a war - he was just asked to manage the overseeing and protection of a country our military had already liberated...and he couldn't handle that. Like with the govt of our Ally Egypt and what he did with the country of Libya, he instead handed over to terrorists. He's good at that....
The best thing Obama did was to get us the hell out of Iraq. The second best was keeping us out.
The best thing Obama did was to get us the hell out of Iraq. The second best was keeping us out.

Getting us out of Iraq was easy for Obama - all he had to do was to follow the timeline Bush had established and left Obama before he got out of office.

If Obama was against war so much, why did he drag the US into his own personal war without Congressional approval to help Al Qaeida take over Libya?!
I would rather pay taxes while liberating an oppressed people (JFK: 'America will bear any burden, pay any price to stand with those who fight for freedom')...than pay taxes to fund a failed NON-stimulating 'Jobs Bill' that costs nearly $1 trillion, contains over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only pork, and results in costing tax payers over $742,000 PER JOB 'created / saved'...and many of those job-creation/jobs-saved numbers were falsified.

I would rather pay taxes to support a war that was authorized by Congress, given approval by BOTH Republican and Liberal politicians....than to fund Obama's own private war, one in which he took the country to war - used our military - without Congressional approval to help Al Qaeida, perpetrators of 9/11/01 and 9/11/12, take over their own country - Libya!

Liberating them from what? Their bodies?

The US did a great job of that in Iraq. It "Liberated" (Liquidated?) close to 1 million Iraqis..
I'll pass on watching some leftist fairy tale the made up on Iraq.

Iraq was PASSED by both parties so that is done with. now the real story is how Obama ALLOWED Iraq and it's people: to go back into the hands of terrorist that we had under some control. And that our military gave to free these people with their lives. that is the REAL Sickening Story
Liberating them from what? Their bodies?

The US did a great job of that in Iraq. It "Liberated" (Liquidated?) close to 1 million Iraqis..

From what did the US liberate the Iraqi people, the nation from? The brutal dictator that slaughtered millions of his own people, raped, tortured them, used WMD on them (the kurds)...but you already know that. I understand you are one of the 'Obama' Liberals who SEEMS to believe the US is a horrible, vicious, blight on the world, and SEEM to think that we should go on a yearly apology tour...while the very existence of many of these nations - to include terrorist nations/groups like HAMAS - depends on our tax dollars. While I agree that Iraq was a mistake, you SEEM to argue against one of the greatest Democrats who ever held office - JFK: "America will bear any burden, make any sacrifice, to stand with those who fight for freedom." You SEEM to believe, though, based on political agendas and motives, that we rolled into Iraq because the US felt like killin' some Muslims.

While you SEEM to spew your hatred for a nation and man that went to war with the full authority of Congressional approval to do so, where is your equally rabid condemnation of Obama, who ON HIS OWN - without Congressional approval, took the country to war...used our own military, to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 - the terrorists/jihadists who had for years from Syria hired jihadists to go to Iraq and Afghanistan to kill us help Al Qaeida take over Libya? WHERE is that same condemnation for a President responsible for the deaths of innocent Libyans...or did you think there were no innocent Libyans killed in Obama's war because HE would never let that happen?! With each bomb that dropped against Qadaffi's forces, the enemy responsible for the deaths of our American citizens and many of our troops, got one step closer to having their own country....the people who danced in the streets when the towers fell got closer to having their own safe haven!

Like a proven Obama liberal you SEEM to skew, re-write, and ignore history as it suits you....


(**I added the 'seem to's because I never want to attempt to speak for anyone else and expect the same. If I have you wrong then I apologize and respect the right you have to your opinions!)
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Liberating them from what? Their bodies?

The US did a great job of that in Iraq. It "Liberated" (Liquidated?) close to 1 million Iraqis..

From what did the US liberate the Iraqi people, the nation from? The brutal dictator that slaughtered millions of his own people, raped, tortured them, used WMD on them (the kurds)...but you already know that. I understand you are one of the 'Obama' Liberals who SEEMS to believe the US is a horrible, vicious, blight on the world, and SEEM to think that we should go on a yearly apology tour...while the very existence of many of these nations - to include terrorist nations/groups like HAMAS - depends on our tax dollars. While I agree that Iraq was a mistake, you SEEM to argue against one of the greatest Democrats who ever held office - JFK: "America will bear any burden, make any sacrifice, to stand with those who fight for freedom." You SEEM to believe, though, based on political agendas and motives, that we rolled into Iraq because the US felt like killin' some Muslims.

While you SEEM to spew your hatred for a nation and man that went to war with the full authority of Congressional approval to do so, where is your equally rabid condemnation of Obama, who ON HIS OWN - without Congressional approval, took the country to war...used our own military, to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 - the terrorists/jihadists who had for years from Syria hired jihadists to go to Iraq and Afghanistan to kill us help Al Qaeida take over Libya? WHERE is that same condemnation for a President responsible for the deaths of innocent Libyans...or did you think there were no innocent Libyans killed in Obama's war because HE would never let that happen?! With each bomb that dropped against Qadaffi's forces, the enemy responsible for the deaths of our American citizens and many of our troops, got one step closer to having their own country....the people who danced in the streets when the towers fell got closer to having their own safe haven!

Like a proven Obama liberal you SEEM to skew, re-write, and ignore history as it suits you....


(**I added the 'seem to's because I never want to attempt to speak for anyone else and expect the same. If I have you wrong then I apologize and respect the right you have to your opinions!)

There's no skewing, re-writing or ignoring history on my part pal.

That would be you.

Saddam Hussein was helped into power by the British and the Americans. Iraq is the product of the Treaty of Versailles.

Bone up on history before posting.
Saddam Hussein was helped into power by the British and the Americans. Iraq is the product of the Treaty of Versailles.

Jr, you should take your own advice. History is full of repeats.....Noriega, Castro, Mubarak, Hussein...but you Libs seem to (CHOOSE to) forget that and only want to focus on how 'evil' George Bush was. One thing about Bush....he never took the country to war on his own without Congressional approval to help terrorists who killed thousands of Americans take over their own country or helped overthrow the governments of allies so terrorists could take Obama has done!
Saddam Hussein was helped into power by the British and the Americans. Iraq is the product of the Treaty of Versailles.

Jr, you should take your own advice. History is full of repeats.....Noriega, Castro, Mubarak, Hussein...but you Libs seem to (CHOOSE to) forget that and only want to focus on how 'evil' George Bush was. One thing about Bush....he never took the country to war on his own without Congressional approval to help terrorists who killed thousands of Americans take over their own country or helped overthrow the governments of allies so terrorists could take Obama has done!

Not really sure what you mean by "History is full of repeats.....Noriega, Castro, Mubarak, Hussein", you might want to explain that one. And Bush got "approval" by congress by lying to them. It's also the first time in history that I can remember where a President chooses to "share the blame" with Congress over a failed war effort. Johnson didn't do it. Nixon didn't do it. And news flash? Both Egypt and Libya would have been in far worse shape had Mubarak and Gaddafi remained. And prior to Bin Laden? Gaddafi held the record as authoring the worst foreign terrorist attack on Americans. See "Lockerbie".

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