Bloomberg Suggests That Obama Start Breaking The Law In The Fight To Take Guns

Right now the left acts like every gun owner is a criminal.

This is a political vendetta. It has nothing to do with right or wrong because that is no longer a concern.

No mud, the right is willing to even protect criminals to stop any sensible gun legislation.

Sorry, "the right" isn't full of radical extremists. You have folks on the fringes that feel that they can't trust the left to do the right thing if they're given anything they want, so they fight it.

After watching Obama for the last 4 years I feel their fears are very justified.
Right now the left acts like every gun owner is a criminal.

This is a political vendetta. It has nothing to do with right or wrong because that is no longer a concern.

No mud, the right is willing to even protect criminals to stop any sensible gun legislation.

And then liberal judges allow lighter sentences and reduced time for the convicted.

Yet liberals want to turn us all into criminals overnight.

New York City Mayor Bloomberg said yesterday that Obama should direct his agencies to cease adherence to the Tiahrt Amendment a law which prevents local law enforcement agencies from full access to federal gun databases.

I really don't see how a society can survive when it's leaders show this kind of reckless disregard for the law. They have lost their minds folks. They can't be expected to go through the correct legal process like the rest of us, they want to go around it. They want to just kick down the doors of the justice system and go around the constitution. Laws are for us, not them.

This is what happens when you give somebody the power they have today. They use the media to get whatever the hell they want. They think nothing can stop them.
And, there's the Privacy Act of 1974. Some politicians really should know the law.

It's like a football coach that doesn't know the rules. Eventually he's going to lose the game because of his ignorance.

I'm sure Obama has a legal staff that knows our laws but they could care less about them. Who's gonna stop them?
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New York City Mayor Bloomberg said yesterday that Obama should direct his agencies to cease adherence to the Tiahrt Amendment a law which prevents local law enforcement agencies from full access to federal gun databases.

I really don't see how a society can survive when it's leaders show this kind of reckless disregard for the law. They have lost their minds folks. They can't be expected to go through the correct legal process like the rest of us, they want to go around it. They want to just kick down the doors of the justice system and go around the constitution. Laws are for us, not them.

This is what happens when you give somebody the power they have today. They use the media to get whatever the hell they want. They think nothing can stop them.

If you aren't a gun nut, that Tiahrt Amendment is a stupid amendment. If you can't get a sensible Congress to fix it, is there any law prohibiting that data being set to another agency like the DOJ, so the ATF is just taken out of the picture?

New York City Mayor Bloomberg said yesterday that Obama should direct his agencies to cease adherence to the Tiahrt Amendment a law which prevents local law enforcement agencies from full access to federal gun databases.

I really don't see how a society can survive when it's leaders show this kind of reckless disregard for the law. They have lost their minds folks. They can't be expected to go through the correct legal process like the rest of us, they want to go around it. They want to just kick down the doors of the justice system and go around the constitution. Laws are for us, not them.

This is what happens when you give somebody the power they have today. They use the media to get whatever the hell they want. They think nothing can stop them.

If you aren't a gun nut, that Tiahrt Amendment is a stupid amendment. If you can't get a sensible Congress to fix it, is there any law prohibiting that data being set to another agency like the DOJ, so the ATF is just taken out of the picture?

Zealots have a tendency to overreach. Obama is intrusted to uphold the law and he seems to want to disregard them. He has control of the DoJ which means he has access to private records that if he uses them could mean the end of his presidency. Hillary was caught stealing documents during the "Sandy Berger Docs in Socks" incident.

This is the kind of thing that can cause a president to be impeached.
Right now the left acts like every gun owner is a criminal.

This is a political vendetta. It has nothing to do with right or wrong because that is no longer a concern.

No mud, the right is willing to even protect criminals to stop any sensible gun legislation.

Sorry, "the right" isn't full of radical extremists. You have folks on the fringes that feel that they can't trust the left to do the right thing if they're given anything they want, so they fight it.

After watching Obama for the last 4 years I feel their fears are very justified.

The right has become so radical that lifelong conservatives like Joe Scarborough have begun to turn away from the GOP and mock the gun clingers.

No law abiding citizen, whether he is a gun owner or not should oppose common sense laws.

So let's put that to the test. What laws would you support?

1. Require All Gun Purchases to Have Background Checks.

2. Make Gun Trafficking a Federal Crime.

3. Limit the Availability of Military-Style Weapons and High-Capacity Magazines with More Than Ten Rounds.

4. Order All Federal Agencies to Submit Relevant Data to a National Gun Background Check Database.

5. Direct the Justice Department to Make a Priority of Prosecuting Criminals Who Provide False Information on Background Checks.

6. Appoint a Director to Lead the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.

7. Stop Supporting the Tiahrt Order.

"It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners"
Albert Camus
No mud, the right is willing to even protect criminals to stop any sensible gun legislation.

Sorry, "the right" isn't full of radical extremists. You have folks on the fringes that feel that they can't trust the left to do the right thing if they're given anything they want, so they fight it.

After watching Obama for the last 4 years I feel their fears are very justified.

The right has become so radical that lifelong conservatives like Joe Scarborough have begun to turn away from the GOP and mock the gun clingers.

No law abiding citizen, whether he is a gun owner or not should oppose common sense laws.

So let's put that to the test. What laws would you support?

1. Require All Gun Purchases to Have Background Checks.

2. Make Gun Trafficking a Federal Crime.

3. Limit the Availability of Military-Style Weapons and High-Capacity Magazines with More Than Ten Rounds.

4. Order All Federal Agencies to Submit Relevant Data to a National Gun Background Check Database.

5. Direct the Justice Department to Make a Priority of Prosecuting Criminals Who Provide False Information on Background Checks.

6. Appoint a Director to Lead the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.

7. Stop Supporting the Tiahrt Order.

"It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners"
Albert Camus

The right has not radicalized. The media and the White House has.

Obama hasn't proven that he can be trusted. If it weren't for all of the lies he's constantly telling daily I doubt you'd have as much of a fight from the majority of gun owners. Right now our greatest fears are all we can imagine. Course I think that's what he wanted anyway. He doesn't want to negotiate. He wants to take.

New York City Mayor Bloomberg said yesterday that Obama should direct his agencies to cease adherence to the Tiahrt Amendment a law which prevents local law enforcement agencies from full access to federal gun databases.

I really don't see how a society can survive when it's leaders show this kind of reckless disregard for the law. They have lost their minds folks. They can't be expected to go through the correct legal process like the rest of us, they want to go around it. They want to just kick down the doors of the justice system and go around the constitution. Laws are for us, not them.

This is what happens when you give somebody the power they have today. They use the media to get whatever the hell they want. They think nothing can stop them.

If you aren't a gun nut, that Tiahrt Amendment is a stupid amendment. If you can't get a sensible Congress to fix it, is there any law prohibiting that data being set to another agency like the DOJ, so the ATF is just taken out of the picture?

Zealots have a tendency to overreach. Obama is intrusted to uphold the law and he seems to want to disregard them. He has control of the DoJ which means he has access to private records that if he uses them could mean the end of his presidency. Hillary was caught stealing documents during the "Sandy Berger Docs in Socks" incident.

This is the kind of thing that can cause a president to be impeached.

Your mind is toast and Obama hasn't done anything wrong. You just don't have any judgment to know how far gone you are.
Sorry, "the right" isn't full of radical extremists.

The Republican party IS. That's why for 5 out of the last 6 presidential elections more people voted for the Democratic candidate than the Republican. And you can expect the trend to continue without reform. No matter how right you idiots think you are, you still need votes to win.
If you aren't a gun nut, that Tiahrt Amendment is a stupid amendment. If you can't get a sensible Congress to fix it, is there any law prohibiting that data being set to another agency like the DOJ, so the ATF is just taken out of the picture?

Zealots have a tendency to overreach. Obama is intrusted to uphold the law and he seems to want to disregard them. He has control of the DoJ which means he has access to private records that if he uses them could mean the end of his presidency. Hillary was caught stealing documents during the "Sandy Berger Docs in Socks" incident.

This is the kind of thing that can cause a president to be impeached.

Your mind is toast and Obama hasn't done anything wrong. You just don't have any judgment to know how far gone you are.

That's funny. Obama has already committed so many crimes I can't count them. But I'm talking about the inherent lawlessness of Democrats these days. They're in power and abusing their office and they act like nobody can stop them. This breeds a lack of trust. Eventually low-information voters like you always end up standing up for despots because they can't imagine that they could ever be actually doing the things they talk about. When we try to slap some sense into you your apathetic attitudes get in the way of your common-sense.

Obama said that he didn't have the power to grant amnesty to illegals but he did. Everyone said that Obamacare was unconstitutional but he got it into law and is currently enforcing it. He said he wouldn't raise our taxes and he did it anyway. He does whatever he wants. Doesn't that bother you?

I had a girlfriend in the P.I. that was dirt poor and her country was led bay a dictator, President Marcos. She thought he was the bee's knees.
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Sorry, "the right" isn't full of radical extremists. You have folks on the fringes that feel that they can't trust the left to do the right thing if they're given anything they want, so they fight it.

After watching Obama for the last 4 years I feel their fears are very justified.

The right has become so radical that lifelong conservatives like Joe Scarborough have begun to turn away from the GOP and mock the gun clingers.

No law abiding citizen, whether he is a gun owner or not should oppose common sense laws.

So let's put that to the test. What laws would you support?

1. Require All Gun Purchases to Have Background Checks.

2. Make Gun Trafficking a Federal Crime.

3. Limit the Availability of Military-Style Weapons and High-Capacity Magazines with More Than Ten Rounds.

4. Order All Federal Agencies to Submit Relevant Data to a National Gun Background Check Database.

5. Direct the Justice Department to Make a Priority of Prosecuting Criminals Who Provide False Information on Background Checks.

6. Appoint a Director to Lead the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.

7. Stop Supporting the Tiahrt Order.

"It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners"
Albert Camus

The right has not radicalized. The media and the White House has.

Obama hasn't proven that he can be trusted. If it weren't for all of the lies he's constantly telling daily I doubt you'd have as much of a fight from the majority of gun owners. Right now our greatest fears are all we can imagine. Course I think that's what he wanted anyway. He doesn't want to negotiate. He wants to take.

My God man, you are being totally brainwashed! You need to stop listening to the right wing talking heads who are lying to you.

So far President Obama has signed 2 pieces of gun legislation since he took office. BOTH increase gun rights.
Zealots have a tendency to overreach. Obama is intrusted to uphold the law and he seems to want to disregard them. He has control of the DoJ which means he has access to private records that if he uses them could mean the end of his presidency. Hillary was caught stealing documents during the "Sandy Berger Docs in Socks" incident.

This is the kind of thing that can cause a president to be impeached.

Your mind is toast and Obama hasn't done anything wrong. You just don't have any judgment to know how far gone you are.

That's funny. Obama has already committed so many crimes I can't count them. But I'm talking about the inherent lawlessness of Democrats these days. They're in power and abusing their office and they act like nobody can stop them. This breeds a lack of trust. Eventually low-information voters like you always end up standing up for despots because they can't imagine that they could ever be actually doing the things they talk about. When we try to slap some sense into you your apathetic attitudes get in the way of your common-sense.

Obama said that he didn't have the power to grant amnesty to illegals but he did. Everyone said that Obamacare was unconstitutional but he got it into law and is currently enforcing it. He said he wouldn't raise our taxes and he did it anyway. He does whatever he wants. Doesn't that bother you?

I had a girlfriend in the P.I. that was dirt poor and her country was led bay a dictator, President Marcos. She thought he was the bee's knees.

You speak in rhetorical generalities that lack any detail. It's so many crimes that you can't name one? Obama didn't pass Obamacare, the Congress did. Signing a bill is not a crime. Illegals don't have amnesty.

You may think you have common sense, but you don't. How long have illegals been in America and who was ever able to get rid of them? Was Obama President then? If Congress makes laws you don't like they become illegal in your mind. If the Supreme Court makes decisions you don't like, it isn't the law. Common sense should tell you no one is going live a life in America and like all those things. Have you met someone who likes all the laws?

You people are brainwashed about the government and other people. Why don't you just take your mindless cult up into the mountains and live together where normal people won't bother you? You're the new John Birch Society and the conservatives are going to dump you just like they did them.
Your mind is toast and Obama hasn't done anything wrong. You just don't have any judgment to know how far gone you are.

That's funny. Obama has already committed so many crimes I can't count them. But I'm talking about the inherent lawlessness of Democrats these days. They're in power and abusing their office and they act like nobody can stop them. This breeds a lack of trust. Eventually low-information voters like you always end up standing up for despots because they can't imagine that they could ever be actually doing the things they talk about. When we try to slap some sense into you your apathetic attitudes get in the way of your common-sense.

Obama said that he didn't have the power to grant amnesty to illegals but he did. Everyone said that Obamacare was unconstitutional but he got it into law and is currently enforcing it. He said he wouldn't raise our taxes and he did it anyway. He does whatever he wants. Doesn't that bother you?

I had a girlfriend in the P.I. that was dirt poor and her country was led bay a dictator, President Marcos. She thought he was the bee's knees.

You speak in rhetorical generalities that lack any detail. It's so many crimes that you can't name one? Obama didn't pass Obamacare, the Congress did. Signing a bill is not a crime. Illegals don't have amnesty.

You may think you have common sense, but you don't. How long have illegals been in America and who was ever able to get rid of them? Was Obama President then? If Congress makes laws you don't like they become illegal in your mind. If the Supreme Court makes decisions you don't like, it isn't the law. Common sense should tell you no one is going live a life in America and like all those things. Have you met someone who likes all the laws?

You people are brainwashed about the government and other people. Why don't you just take your mindless cult up into the mountains and live together where normal people won't bother you? You're the new John Birch Society and the conservatives are going to dump you just like they did them.

So I'm a racist now.

It always comes down to that.

And when it comes to court decisions Obama doesn't seem to care about District of Columbia v. Heller, nor does he care about the 2nd Amendment.

Normal people reject your Messiah's push to use every crisis in America simply to destroy the loyal opposition.

I figure if somebody hates this country as much as he does why the fuck doesn't he leave. I hear he holds dual-citizenship.
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That's funny. Obama has already committed so many crimes I can't count them. But I'm talking about the inherent lawlessness of Democrats these days. They're in power and abusing their office and they act like nobody can stop them. This breeds a lack of trust. Eventually low-information voters like you always end up standing up for despots because they can't imagine that they could ever be actually doing the things they talk about. When we try to slap some sense into you your apathetic attitudes get in the way of your common-sense.

Obama said that he didn't have the power to grant amnesty to illegals but he did. Everyone said that Obamacare was unconstitutional but he got it into law and is currently enforcing it. He said he wouldn't raise our taxes and he did it anyway. He does whatever he wants. Doesn't that bother you?

I had a girlfriend in the P.I. that was dirt poor and her country was led bay a dictator, President Marcos. She thought he was the bee's knees.

You speak in rhetorical generalities that lack any detail. It's so many crimes that you can't name one? Obama didn't pass Obamacare, the Congress did. Signing a bill is not a crime. Illegals don't have amnesty.

You may think you have common sense, but you don't. How long have illegals been in America and who was ever able to get rid of them? Was Obama President then? If Congress makes laws you don't like they become illegal in your mind. If the Supreme Court makes decisions you don't like, it isn't the law. Common sense should tell you no one is going live a life in America and like all those things. Have you met someone who likes all the laws?

You people are brainwashed about the government and other people. Why don't you just take your mindless cult up into the mountains and live together where normal people won't bother you? You're the new John Birch Society and the conservatives are going to dump you just like they did them.

So I'm a racist now.

It always comes down to that.

And when it comes to court decisions Obama doesn't seem to care about District of Columbia v. Heller, nor does he care about the 2nd Amendment.

Normal people reject your Messiah's push to use every crisis in America simply to destroy the loyal opposition.

I figure if somebody hates this country as much as he does why the fuck doesn't he leave. I hear he holds dual-citizenship.

There is nothing in my post suggesting racism and the rest of your shit is mindless rhetoric. How many brain cells are left up there?
Remember when George Michael came out of the closet, and everyone was saying to themselves, "I guess he was the last one to know he was gay!"

Someday, Michael Bloomberg is going to come back out of the closet as a flaming Democrat and the reaction will be the same.
You speak in rhetorical generalities that lack any detail. It's so many crimes that you can't name one? Obama didn't pass Obamacare, the Congress did. Signing a bill is not a crime. Illegals don't have amnesty.

You may think you have common sense, but you don't. How long have illegals been in America and who was ever able to get rid of them? Was Obama President then? If Congress makes laws you don't like they become illegal in your mind. If the Supreme Court makes decisions you don't like, it isn't the law. Common sense should tell you no one is going live a life in America and like all those things. Have you met someone who likes all the laws?

You people are brainwashed about the government and other people. Why don't you just take your mindless cult up into the mountains and live together where normal people won't bother you? You're the new John Birch Society and the conservatives are going to dump you just like they did them.

So I'm a racist now.

It always comes down to that.

And when it comes to court decisions Obama doesn't seem to care about District of Columbia v. Heller, nor does he care about the 2nd Amendment.

Normal people reject your Messiah's push to use every crisis in America simply to destroy the loyal opposition.

I figure if somebody hates this country as much as he does why the fuck doesn't he leave. I hear he holds dual-citizenship.

There is nothing in my post suggesting racism and the rest of your shit is mindless rhetoric. How many brain cells are left up there?

More than you if you don't know what the John Birch Society was.
Remember when George Michael came out of the closet, and everyone was saying to themselves, "I guess he was the last one to know he was gay!"

Someday, Michael Bloomberg is going to come back out of the closet as a flaming Democrat and the reaction will be the same.

Must be the thing to do in Hollywood these days.

Jodie surprise there.

Maybe we should start a thread on actors that we think are gay.
So I'm a racist now.

It always comes down to that.

And when it comes to court decisions Obama doesn't seem to care about District of Columbia v. Heller, nor does he care about the 2nd Amendment.

Normal people reject your Messiah's push to use every crisis in America simply to destroy the loyal opposition.

I figure if somebody hates this country as much as he does why the fuck doesn't he leave. I hear he holds dual-citizenship.

There is nothing in my post suggesting racism and the rest of your shit is mindless rhetoric. How many brain cells are left up there?

More than you if you don't know what the John Birch Society was.

I don't know if this reply was sent because the damn cable company was interrupted right when I posted, but I'm going to reply to it a little differently this time.

The timeline was after the fall of Joseph McCarthy, who gained popular support until he started calling everyone under the sun a communist, so that is the first dot. The anti-communists started a political movement called the modern conservative movement or the New Right. It was a fusion of traditional conservatives, libertarians, anti-communists and anarchists. The modern conservative movement had to have backing from the rich, because they immediately started up think tanks. A few years later, in '58, another anti-communist organization started called the John Birch Society. John Birch was a Baptist missionary who was killed by the Chinese communists, so he doesn't sound like a racist to me. The agenda of all these people was anti-communism and was motivated by the fear and hate of communism. Communism was a definite threat back then opposed by everyone. BTW, one of the founding members of the JBS was Fred Koch, so that is the second dot.

The New Right and JBS were getting along fine at first. They both had their magazines and JBS had plenty of followers to hand out pamplets, which was the communication of those days. My guess would be it was competition for the same resources that turned the JBS so radical. The New Right was focusing on gaining political power and had the resources to gain it. The New Right had the sense not to be radical, but JBS started going further and further out on the fringe. In '62, William F Buckley was given permission to kick them out, so he started denouncing them in his magazine. Now, you really have to picture those times, because events were happening fast. You have more involvement in Vietnam, Kennedy assassinated in '63 and the Civil Rights movement. By '64, the New Right was running Barry Goldwater for President, so they obviously had gained power in the Repubican Party. JBS saw an opportunity to expand during the Civil Rights movement and that's when they started that racist nonsense to court KKK members.

In the post Civil Rights era, the Republican Party did the same thing with it's Southern Strategy. Civil Rights divided the Democrats in the South and the Republican Party saw an opportunity to pick up those electorial votes, so they threw the Blacks under the bus. Neither JBS or the Republicans gave a shit who their supporters were, because the vote counts the same. The Republican Party paid the price of losing the Black vote, but they didn't care, because Blacks were a minority. They could lock up the South without the Blacks supporting them. Lyndon Johnson had to twist arms to get Democrats to vote for Civil Rights legislation, but he had all the Republicans supporting it, because the Blacks supported the Republicans since the Civil War. Those were weird times, we had a southern Democrat from Texas as President pushing for legislation that divided his party and the Republicans doing a flipflop to pick up the pieces.

The Southern Strategy worked great for the Republicans, because it gave them the Presidency for 20 of the next 24 years. Following Goldwater's defeat, the New Right was targeting religion, so by '80 they were able to get Reagan elected. It was only after Clinton gave the Republicans a bruising twice that a push for hard core conservatism to reshape the Republicans began. I first notice Dot three during Bush's first term and the Dot kept getting bigger. Remember those think tanks that started back in the mid '50s? They grew, but the people backing them were the same interests. How many times have you heard about the Koch brothers lately? Look at all the connections they have to think tanks pulling the strings of the right-wing! That's your Dot three and why you are part of the New JBS, whether you know it or not. The propaganda is exactly the same and the think tanks probably learned a few tricks from LaRouche, because they certainly behave like it. You right-wingers may be the puppet who believes you are making up your own mind, but you don't have a concept of who your puppet master is. It's a hell of a lot easier to gain control of the think tanks pulling your strings than sign up members.

In my opinion, JBS were just opportunists, just like the Republicans. JBS was a small organization tossed out during more honorable times. The times just weren't right for such radical behavior, but they are now. Back in those times we had communists trying to take over the world, hydrogen bombs being tested and sputnik showing us a missile gap. Those were very threatening times for all Americans and kids like me were having nuclear attack drills when I started school. Do you really need another anti-communist organization in America or are you just using an opportunity to supply a hidden agenda? They name their organization after a man killed by the communists and then a handfull of years afterwards make racist remarks to get KKK supporters, forgetting that John Birch was a missionary in China?

The pattern I see is Fred Koch did business in the Soviet Union and whether he grew to hate his old business partners isn't important. He would have curtainly observed that radical people are easy to control and they don't think rationally once radicalized. It doesn't make a difference if it's radical left or right, it's a way of controlling people and become a puppet master. There is your Dot three and were the right-wing is today.
Right now the left acts like every gun owner is a criminal.

This is a political vendetta. It has nothing to do with right or wrong because that is no longer a concern.

No mud, the right is willing to even protect criminals to stop any sensible gun legislation.

Sorry, "the right" isn't full of radical extremists. You have folks on the fringes that feel that they can't trust the left to do the right thing if they're given anything they want, so they fight it.

After watching Obama for the last 4 years I feel their fears are very justified.

The right isn't full of radical extremists???? You must be kidding.

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