Bloomberg wants to fingerprint public housing residents

Damn dude somehow the D in your username gets misplaced in my brain and I can't help but read it as dildo duck. Like every time.

[ame=]Big Dildo Knockout - YouTube[/ame]
Who would trust this guy to be in charge of the NSA? George Orwell was correct about the political left.
This will create a liberal catfight. Minorities will say it is racist, Bloomberg will say it fights crime. Ignore will be the reality that liberals want more and more control over people's lives. the more people reliant on government, the better. If more and more people are in government housing, the government has more control over people.

minorities will say fingerprinting will be racist because it will have disparate impact on minorities since of their high percentage of being in public housing. Yet they will ignore the other regulations/rules that also have disparate impact on minorities. Did you know some public housing has banned smoking? Whatever your views on that nasty habit, telling people what they can and cannot do in their homes is disturbing. But then the statist will say "but it is public housing, you are a tenant of the government, thus we can tell you what to do" and I would hope that would discourage a rational person from wanting the government as their landlord. More government control in your lives means less liberty.
I've a better idea!!
Close down public housing, reduce crime by 20%!!!
Problem solved without infringing civil rights!!

Agreed. Public housing destroys neighborhoods.
Those fingerprints will be matched to fingerprints taken on unsolved crimes and the projects will be emptied. The residents transferred over to prison housing.
Let's see what happens.

I expect this to be like Obama and NSA's only a problem when a political enemy does it.
they did go after bloomberg for stop and frisk and the soda size limits and won on both. Don't forget, liberals go at it all the time. Not to the degree republicans do....
If you don't want to be fingerprinted, get out of public housing.

Simple as that.

It figures....Circling the wagons around the fellow lib....
...If Giuliani were still mayor, you libs would have a different (negative) view of this for sure.
For a moment, we agree. Now...If you want to vote, get a legal ID...
Now where do you stand?
This will create a liberal catfight. Minorities will say it is racist, Bloomberg will say it fights crime. Ignore will be the reality that liberals want more and more control over people's lives. the more people reliant on government, the better. If more and more people are in government housing, the government has more control over people.

minorities will say fingerprinting will be racist because it will have disparate impact on minorities since of their high percentage of being in public housing. Yet they will ignore the other regulations/rules that also have disparate impact on minorities. Did you know some public housing has banned smoking? Whatever your views on that nasty habit, telling people what they can and cannot do in their homes is disturbing. But then the statist will say "but it is public housing, you are a tenant of the government, thus we can tell you what to do" and I would hope that would discourage a rational person from wanting the government as their landlord. More government control in your lives means less liberty.

when progressive policies bites progressives


fingerprint the shit out of them for all i care

they voted this nonsense into office in the first place

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