BLOWBACK - Garland & Wray Have P!##ed Off Americans; Staying Silent Making It Worse

Well, you are a nut bar propagandist.

Fox News is outraged about the Mara Lago raid
That must mean all Americans are outraged
None of us give a shit about Faux News. They refuse to cover election fraud, they are just pretending they care.

Those of us that accept the fact that they stole the election are not shocked or that surprised that the Biden Regime is doing this. It’s exactly what an illegitimate government would do. They need to take out their political opponents so that there is no one to run against them. You can call it the Zelensky model.
They are trying to bait Trump supporters into doing something violent... don't fall for it and do not threaten them... its what they want us to do.... we will get our revenge by voting.... its estimated that a small percentage of Trump supporters actually voted in the last election... we need every Trump supporter and conservative to vote...
Vote for the republican in the race in November and watch these traitors in the FBI hauled into court.....
This is a sad commentary on our country.

We are now down to "real Americans" only being people that belong to the same political party as you.

This is not going to end well.

Like you give a crap. You were on here yesterday laughing because we were correctly angry at our nation becoming a Banana Republic.
No they aren't.

Why the Trump search warrant is nothing like Hillary's emails

The Justice Department official who oversaw the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified records says there’s simply no comparing the search of Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence to the case against the former secretary of State.

“People sling these cases around to suit their political agenda but every case has to stand on its own circumstances,” said David Laufman, who led the Justice Department’s counterintelligence section until 2018 and is now a partner at the firm Wiggin and Dana.

“For the department to pursue a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago tells me that the quantum and quality of the evidence they were reciting — in a search warrant and affidavit that an FBI agent swore to — was likely so pulverizing in its force as to eviscerate any notion that the search warrant and this investigation is politically motivated,” he said.

Naturally, false equivalences will abound as they always do.

Laws are for little people - DNC Motto
You obviously are showing your complete lack of a brain. Too many drugs? That is exactly what I was asking she and her husband took things out of the White House that did not belong to them yet no raid. She had a private email server but no raid . She bleach bitted emails that she was told to produce that she claimed were private but were shown to have some classified material. Yet somehow no raid.
Maybe learn to read? You may be able to actually reply to what was written.
When has the Republican Party had control over any of our government agencies? Considering that most are democrat or democrat supporters.
If the Clintons broke any laws, why didn’t Bush or Trump prosecute?

Maybe because courts require more than RW conspiracy theories

How is that Seth Rich and Pizza Shop child sex trafficking investigation working out?

This is the most dangerous and disgraceful chapter in US political history, and it's been authored by the Democrats, aka deranged Nazis.
"This is the most dangerous and disgraceful chapter in US political history"........................:heehee:

Greater than the Civil War!!!!!

Greater than the Teapot Dome!!!

Greater than the Great Depression!!!

Greater than Watergate!!!

Greater than Aaron Burr!!!!

Greater than legalized slavery!!!!

Greater than Jim Crow!!!!
If the Clintons broke any laws, why didn’t Bush or Trump prosecute?

Maybe because courts require more than RW conspiracy theories

How is that Seth Rich and Pizza Shop child sex trafficking investigation working out?

Trump cannot prosecute, hello? Only the DOJ can do that, hello?

But that's okay. We're gonna sweep the House and Senate now, get the presidency and raze these institutions to the ground, figuratively. Then rebuild them from the ground up.

You will love living in our world. Or maybe not. Not my problem.
Every second that goes by without an explanation from Wray and Garland and Biden it gets worse for them... they had better step up and explain their actions to the people today....

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