Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown

WLOS 13 ABC, Affiliate in Asheville, NC acknowledges O'Connell as the owner. Nowhere does it say he is leasing his own building and business from the National Park Service. Nor does the Citizen Times, the Local Newspaper. You think they would mention something as important as "he leases his inn from the NPS" right?? Some of you liberals are absolute dumb fucks. Sorry for the language but you are.

Pisgah Inn Open Despite Gov't Shutdown - WLOS News13 - Top Stories

It's sitting in your own Citizen Times link, which I read earlier.

>> Business owner Bruce O&#8217;Connell said he thought about it overnight and decided to make a stand, after all, on Friday. He leases the building from the National Park Service, a business he has had for 35 years. <<

Third paragraph.

See the difference between here and the Moonie Times?

So... wait, what was that about "dumb fucks" again?

He owns the business. They own the building. See the difference? Dumbfuck. So would you like it if you were told to close your business like that? To hell with who owns the building. If I were him, you wouldn't endanger the livelihood that I have worked 35 years to build and maintain on my own.
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This kid reminds me of Obama.

[ame=]Twilight Zone "It's A Good Life" ending. - YouTube[/ame]
WLOS 13 ABC, Affiliate in Asheville, NC acknowledges O'Connell as the owner. Nowhere does it say he is leasing his own building and business from the National Park Service. Nor does the Citizen Times, the Local Newspaper. You think they would mention something as important as "he leases his inn from the NPS" right?? Some of you liberals are absolute dumb fucks. Sorry for the language but you are.

Pisgah Inn Open Despite Gov't Shutdown - WLOS News13 - Top Stories

It's sitting in your own Citizen Times link, which I read earlier.

>> Business owner Bruce O&#8217;Connell said he thought about it overnight and decided to make a stand, after all, on Friday. He leases the building from the National Park Service, a business he has had for 35 years. <<

Third paragraph.

See the difference between here and the Moonie Times?

So... wait, what was that about "dumb fucks" again?

He owns the business. They own the building. See the difference? Dumbfuck. So would you like it if you were told to close your business like that? To hell with who owns the building.

Once again... reading comprehension. Of one's own words. I put them in big bold letters so you can see exactly where you stepped in it. Let's run it again in slo-mo:

WLOS 13 ABC, Affiliate in Asheville, NC acknowledges O'Connell as the owner. Nowhere does it say he is leasing his own building and business from the National Park Service. Nor does the Citizen Times, the Local Newspaper. You think they would mention something as important as "he leases his inn from the NPS" right??

Which they did mention, QED, denialism or no denialism. Busted.

How deep you wanna dig here?

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It's sitting in your own Citizen Times link, which I read earlier.

>> Business owner Bruce O&#8217;Connell said he thought about it overnight and decided to make a stand, after all, on Friday. He leases the building from the National Park Service, a business he has had for 35 years. <<

Third paragraph.

See the difference between here and the Moonie Times?

So... wait, what was that about "dumb fucks" again?

He owns the business. They own the building. See the difference? Dumbfuck. So would you like it if you were told to close your business like that? To hell with who owns the building.

Once again... reading comprehension. Of one's own words. I put them in big bold letters so you can see exactly where you stepped in it. Let's run it again in slo-mo:

Which they did mention, QED, denialism or no denialism. Busted.

How deep you wanna dig here?


I'd dig to hell and back. Answer your question? Now answer mine. You are the proud owner of a business which has been in operation for 35 years. Regardless of the lease you pay in good faith for the building you use, you are told to shutter your doors and send your employees home. Just how would you react to that? I admit the error in reading, it is 3 AM in the morning here, speed reading and late nights don't mix.

But then again, if my livelihood is threatened, I will raise hell, lease or no lease.
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He owns the business. They own the building. See the difference? Dumbfuck. So would you like it if you were told to close your business like that? To hell with who owns the building.

Once again... reading comprehension. Of one's own words. I put them in big bold letters so you can see exactly where you stepped in it. Let's run it again in slo-mo:

I'd dig to hell and back. Answer your question?

Looks like you're halfway done then :lol:

I see you dug deep enough to try to erase the evidence of your own fallacious pretext. Fortunately I have it preserved in my post.

Your move. Hint: it starts with "I was wr... I was wro..." Come on, you can do this, I'm not going to spell out the whole thing.
He owns the business. They own the building. See the difference? Dumbfuck. So would you like it if you were told to close your business like that? To hell with who owns the building.

Once again... reading comprehension. Of one's own words. I put them in big bold letters so you can see exactly where you stepped in it. Let's run it again in slo-mo:

I'd dig to hell and back. Answer your question? Now answer mine. You are the proud owner of a business which has been in operation for 35 years. Regardless of the lease you pay in good faith for the building you use, you are told to shutter your doors and send your employees home. Just how would you react to that? I admit the error in reading, it is 3 AM in the morning here. But then again, if my livelihood is threatened, I will raise hell, lease or no lease.

(To new edit) Again, I'm not venturing an opinion on what each party "should" do. I don't have the lease in my hand and I don't know what it says. Again, on the surface from what we know, it sucks. But I'm not here for that; I came not to obey the Moonie Times but to bury it. And thus it dies.
The only tantrum here is yours, OKTexas. :lol:

Jake a heads up. All hell is about to rise up over this. Make sure you are on the right side of it.

Oh Jake has it right. The OP launched right into calling other posters "dumb ass", "zombie lackey" and "you've had you head so far up your dear leaders ass for so long your probably oxygen deprived" -- all to posters who did nothing to him.

Yeah I'd say that's a tantrum. A damn childish one, if that's not too redundant. Now we've got another one flinging "dumb fucks" because he can't stop to read his own link. :rofl:

Reading is a lost art. It really is.

Which reminds me... Mike? Still waiting on that "defend the government" post... look in the cabinet where Giggle keeps his copy of the lease...

You might want to find another lackey other than Jakey to champion, he's proven himself to be dumb as ditch water on many occasions. As for you being the loyal maobama-bot-zombie that you are, you attempt to discredit the whole story citing a case of semantics because you can't defend the overall subject. Just remember, semantics are the last bastion of a looser.
Once again... reading comprehension. Of one's own words. I put them in big bold letters so you can see exactly where you stepped in it. Let's run it again in slo-mo:

Looks like you're halfway done then :lol:

I see you dug deep enough to try to erase the evidence of your own fallacious pretext. Fortunately I have it preserved in my post.

Your move. Hint: it starts with "I was wr... I was wro..." Come on, you can do this, I'm not going to spell out the whole thing.

Did you read the comment above yours? I already admitted my mistake. Which I can clearly say you liberals fail at doing. When called out on something, instead of admtting your miscue, you call the person racist or what have you. Oh, and you can blame the deletion of faulty site coding, not prior motive. I don't hide things from anyone. I have a little experience in website design, not enough to make any difference, but I know that it is an issue with the quote function.

Now, practice the concept of "quitting while you're ahead."
Jake a heads up. All hell is about to rise up over this. Make sure you are on the right side of it.

Oh Jake has it right. The OP launched right into calling other posters "dumb ass", "zombie lackey" and "you've had you head so far up your dear leaders ass for so long your probably oxygen deprived" -- all to posters who did nothing to him.

Yeah I'd say that's a tantrum. A damn childish one, if that's not too redundant. Now we've got another one flinging "dumb fucks" because he can't stop to read his own link. :rofl:

Reading is a lost art. It really is.

Which reminds me... Mike? Still waiting on that "defend the government" post... look in the cabinet where Giggle keeps his copy of the lease...

You might want to find another lackey other than Jakey to champion, he's proven himself to be dumb as ditch water on many occasions. As for you being the loyal maobama-bot-zombie that you are, you attempt to discredit the whole story citing a case of semantics because you can't defend the overall subject. Just remember, semantics are the last bastion of a looser.

Umm... a poster with the emotional fortitude of an 11-year-old who jumps on everybody that doesn't immediately sink to their knees and give his OP a long sloppy blowjob with cries of "zombies up the ass" -- on at least one person who's politics you don't even know-- is in no position to be talking about "loosers", Homer.
Did you read the comment above yours? I already admitted my mistake. Which I can clearly say you liberals fail at doing. When called out on something, instead of admtting your miscue, you call the person racist or what have you. Oh, and you can blame the deletion of faulty site coding, not prior motive. I don't hide things from anyone. I have a little experience in website design, not enough to make any difference, but I know that it is an issue with the quote function.

Now, practice the concept of "quitting while you're ahead."

That edit wasn't there when I wrote that post. What, you want me to go back and delete it now that you regrouped? Want a tissue with that too?

You're the clown who called "dumb fuck" because of your own pathetic reading comprehension. Let's not forget who the aggressor is here, K?
Once again... reading comprehension. Of one's own words. I put them in big bold letters so you can see exactly where you stepped in it. Let's run it again in slo-mo:

(To new edit) Again, I'm not venturing an opinion on what each party "should" do. I don't have the lease in my hand and I don't know what it says. Again, on the surface from what we know, it sucks. But I'm not here for that; I came not to obey the Moonie Times but to bury it. And thus it dies.

Believe it or not, I didn't even read the Washington Times article.

An interesting question... since the business itself isn't affiliated with the government, how can they shut the business? Normally, when you're leasing someone something, you are lending them the rights to that thing, regardless of what conditions may arise later on. I think this closure is bogus, and may not be in line with the terms.
Local paper-sorry, no lease included.

Despite government orders to close by 6 p.m. Thursday, the owner of the Pisgah Inn&#8217;s operations on the Blue Ridge Parkway said Wednesday he won&#8217;t shut down his hotel, restaurant and gift store.

The Pisgah Inn, which runs the National Park Service-owned buildings and property as a contractor, supports itself on &#8220;revenues from visitors, not federal funds,&#8221; he added.

Pisgah Inn concessionaire defies shutdown |
Oh Jake has it right. The OP launched right into calling other posters "dumb ass", "zombie lackey" and "you've had you head so far up your dear leaders ass for so long your probably oxygen deprived" -- all to posters who did nothing to him.

Yeah I'd say that's a tantrum. A damn childish one, if that's not too redundant. Now we've got another one flinging "dumb fucks" because he can't stop to read his own link. :rofl:

Reading is a lost art. It really is.

Which reminds me... Mike? Still waiting on that "defend the government" post... look in the cabinet where Giggle keeps his copy of the lease...

You might want to find another lackey other than Jakey to champion, he's proven himself to be dumb as ditch water on many occasions. As for you being the loyal maobama-bot-zombie that you are, you attempt to discredit the whole story citing a case of semantics because you can't defend the overall subject. Just remember, semantics are the last bastion of a looser.

Umm... a poster with the emotional fortitude of an 11-year-old who jumps on everybody that doesn't immediately sink to their knees and give his OP a long sloppy blowjob with cries of "zombies up the ass" -- on at least one person who's politics you don't even know-- is in no position to be talking about "loosers", Homer.

Now you're getting mad because I called you a dumbfuck? Now you're insulting people's mentalities? Typical of you, how you establish such double standards.
Local paper-sorry, no lease included.

Despite government orders to close by 6 p.m. Thursday, the owner of the Pisgah Inn&#8217;s operations on the Blue Ridge Parkway said Wednesday he won&#8217;t shut down his hotel, restaurant and gift store.

The Pisgah Inn, which runs the National Park Service-owned buildings and property as a contractor, supports itself on &#8220;revenues from visitors, not federal funds,&#8221; he added.

Pisgah Inn concessionaire defies shutdown |

^ Time to practice reading comprehension, [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION]. MeBelle beat me to this link.... right in front of my face, open tab too. Looks like superior research beats liberal talking points, Pogo. Scram.
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Oh Jake has it right. The OP launched right into calling other posters "dumb ass", "zombie lackey" and "you've had you head so far up your dear leaders ass for so long your probably oxygen deprived" -- all to posters who did nothing to him.

Yeah I'd say that's a tantrum. A damn childish one, if that's not too redundant. Now we've got another one flinging "dumb fucks" because he can't stop to read his own link. :rofl:

Reading is a lost art. It really is.

Which reminds me... Mike? Still waiting on that "defend the government" post... look in the cabinet where Giggle keeps his copy of the lease...

You might want to find another lackey other than Jakey to champion, he's proven himself to be dumb as ditch water on many occasions. As for you being the loyal maobama-bot-zombie that you are, you attempt to discredit the whole story citing a case of semantics because you can't defend the overall subject. Just remember, semantics are the last bastion of a looser.

Umm... a poster with the emotional fortitude of an 11-year-old who jumps on everybody that doesn't immediately sink to their knees and give his OP a long sloppy blowjob with cries of "zombies up the ass" -- on at least one person who's politics you don't even know-- is in no position to be talking about "loosers", Homer.

That was funny, I wouldn't have thought you had a sense of humor.
You might want to find another lackey other than Jakey to champion, he's proven himself to be dumb as ditch water on many occasions. As for you being the loyal maobama-bot-zombie that you are, you attempt to discredit the whole story citing a case of semantics because you can't defend the overall subject. Just remember, semantics are the last bastion of a looser.

Umm... a poster with the emotional fortitude of an 11-year-old who jumps on everybody that doesn't immediately sink to their knees and give his OP a long sloppy blowjob with cries of "zombies up the ass" -- on at least one person who's politics you don't even know-- is in no position to be talking about "loosers", Homer.

That was funny, I wouldn't have thought you had a sense of humor.

As I said, you know nothing about me; you work on ass-umptions.
Local paper-sorry, no lease included.

Despite government orders to close by 6 p.m. Thursday, the owner of the Pisgah Inn&#8217;s operations on the Blue Ridge Parkway said Wednesday he won&#8217;t shut down his hotel, restaurant and gift store.

The Pisgah Inn, which runs the National Park Service-owned buildings and property as a contractor, supports itself on &#8220;revenues from visitors, not federal funds,&#8221; he added.

Pisgah Inn concessionaire defies shutdown |

^ Time to practice reading comprehension, [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION]. MeBelle beat me to this link.... right in front of my face, open tab too. Looks like superior research beats liberal talking points, Pogo. Scram.

WTF are you talking about there, Evelyn Wood? It says right there, "National Park Service-owned buildings and property". Duh?

"Scram"?? I think I'm the only poster here who actually lives in the area. The TV station you linked to is local here.

Ai-yi-yi the density....
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Umm... a poster with the emotional fortitude of an 11-year-old who jumps on everybody that doesn't immediately sink to their knees and give his OP a long sloppy blowjob with cries of "zombies up the ass" -- on at least one person who's politics you don't even know-- is in no position to be talking about "loosers", Homer.

That was funny, I wouldn't have thought you had a sense of humor.

As I said, you know nothing about me; you work on ass-umptions.

You're just being an ass. All there is to it. In one fell swoop, one poster destroyed your argument. Unintentional air support.

How far are you willing to dig?
Local paper-sorry, no lease included.

Despite government orders to close by 6 p.m. Thursday, the owner of the Pisgah Inn’s operations on the Blue Ridge Parkway said Wednesday he won’t shut down his hotel, restaurant and gift store.

The Pisgah Inn, which runs the National Park Service-owned buildings and property as a contractor, supports itself on “revenues from visitors, not federal funds,” he added.

Pisgah Inn concessionaire defies shutdown |

^ Time to practice reading comprehension, [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION]. MeBelle beat me to this link.... right in front of my face, open tab too. Looks like superior research beats liberal talking points, Pogo. Scram.

WTF are you talking about there, Evelyn Wood? It says right there, "National Park Service-owned buildings and property".


But they are given rights to operate and maintain the property, it also is operated at no cost to the park service and thus no cost to the government. So why exactly would they be forced to shut down? So my argument stands. They have no business closing these people down. IF and ONLY IF they were operating on federal dollars would they be obligated to shut down. But since they don't...

Sit down, Nostradamus.
Local paper-sorry, no lease included.

Despite government orders to close by 6 p.m. Thursday, the owner of the Pisgah Inn’s operations on the Blue Ridge Parkway said Wednesday he won’t shut down his hotel, restaurant and gift store.

The Pisgah Inn, which runs the National Park Service-owned buildings and property as a contractor, supports itself on “revenues from visitors, not federal funds,” he added.

Pisgah Inn concessionaire defies shutdown |

^ Time to practice reading comprehension, [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION]. MeBelle beat me to this link.... right in front of my face, open tab too. Looks like superior research beats liberal talking points, Pogo. Scram.

WTF are you talking about there, Evelyn Wood? It says right there, "National Park Service-owned buildings and property". Duh?

"Scram"?? I think I'm the only poster here who actually lives in the area. The TV station you linked to is local here.

Ai-yi-yi the density....

So? I don't care if you were someone who stayed at the Pisgah Inn. You fucked up. Cease this self flagellation, it's making you look foolish.

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