Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown

I'm afraid it is...

1lease noun \ˈlēs\
: a legal agreement that lets someone use a car, house, etc., for a period of time in return for payment

Full Definition of LEASE

1: a contract by which one conveys real estate, equipment, or facilities for a specified term and for a specified rent; also : the act of such conveyance or the term for which it is made
2: a piece of land or property that is leased
3: a continuance or opportunity for continuance <a new lease on life>

Newspapers and TV stations are not law libraries there, Perry Mason.

Oh brother. I just gave you the legal definition of what leases and contracts are from BLACKS LAW DICTIONARY! My goodness you are dense.

And I just pointed out -- maybe you forgot to read this too-- that a newspaper or TV station IS NOT A FREAKING LAW LIBRARY. They report in colloquial language -- not technical.

What difference does that make? I'm studying law for a potential degree in law which I plan to use to become a paralegal. In my line of study, I work by technicality, not by Merriam Webster's English Dictionary. So as I stated before, a lease takes the form of an agreement, whereas a contract is legally binding and enforceable.
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Actually your own links contradicted you. I noted that in big red letters and you conceded. Shall we just do it all over again?

What the fuck is your point here?

And MeBelle posted a link that contradicted YOU. What the fuck is your point here? While those specific articles did contradict me at first, another more wiser poster came in and found proof to the contrary of your claim. Our positions are now reversed, given that new evidence was presented.

It's not "proof to the contrary" that one local paper and a TV station use the word "lease" while another uses the word "contract". For the purpose of the story it's the same thing.


Jesus Christ on a bicycle, you are stubborn as all fuck. Even when you're wrong and fully admitted you're wrong-- and admitted you admitted you're wrong -- you think you're still somehow not wrong.

Words fail me.

:lol::lol: Both of you are stubborn...and passionate :lol::lol:
Even though the Blueridge Parkway remains open to traffic the park service ordered a private hotel to close.

"The Pisgah Inn, a private hotel that holds a concession on the Blue Ridge Parkway, has become a national sensation as it defies “intimidation” and a National Park Service order to close its doors."

This hotel receives no federal funds yet the dear leader is paying rangers to block the hotel entrance. The hotel actually pays the government a franchise fee based on its income. This means our little dictator wannabe is costing us money beyond the pay for the rangers to block the hotel. Plus they are putting 100 people out of work needlessly.

Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown - Washington Times

wow, just read a couple of leftist posters.

Not a damn one is supporting the small businessman. They all back the governments armed tyranny.
Oh brother. I just gave you the legal definition of what leases and contracts are from BLACKS LAW DICTIONARY! My goodness you are dense.

And I just pointed out -- maybe you forgot to read this too-- that a newspaper or TV station IS NOT A FREAKING LAW LIBRARY. They report in colloquial language -- not technical.

What difference does that make? I'm studying law for a potential degree in law which I plan to use to become a paralegal. In my line of study, I work by technicality, not by Merriam Webster's English Dictionary. So as I stated before, a lease takes the form of an agreement, whereas a contract is legally binding and enforceable.

Good for you and I wish you the best in that field. Unfortunately everyday news media do work by the common dictionary, not by law library technicalities. You've got to know the difference. Not sure how far you're going to get in law without an attention to detail but again I wish you well in it.
You are being absurd to the extreme.

You are being a chickenshit to the extreme. It's a very simply hypothetical question, and it's very telling that I can't find a single Republican anywhere who has the guts to give a straight answer.

And we all know why. It's because Republicans are being stinking hypocrites here. They approve of it when the GOP does it, but they'd be having meltdowns if the Democrats did the same (so it's good that the Democrats never did the same). It's part of that "The ends always justify the means, but only for my side" philosophy common to conservatives, the philosophy that has them auto-justifying any bad behavior that furthers the goals of TheParty.

The Democrats caused a government shutdown 8 time while Reagan was President. I will bet you blame Reagan.

Your ridiculous question was answered several times, you simply refuse to accept the answer.
Because it is on federal land, and the government cannot provide services for which it is liable?

You dumb ass, the parkway on which this hotel is located is remaining open and patrolled by rangers because it is a through road, there is no safety issue, except rangers that could be patrolling the road are blocking a drive way. Irrational!

Doesn't matter, nutter.
The point which many here seem to be losing sight of is that there was no reason to shut this down. It is not consistent with the treatment of other contractors or in other shutdowns. There is no security interest in shutting it down. It is more expensive to shut it down than to leave it open.

The Obama admin is intent on making as many people suffer as possible. He welcomed this shutdown to score political points and by damn he's going to get them. He tried it during the sequester but was met with chuckles and yawns. So he's trying harder now.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is defying a directive from the National Park Service to close down several state parks that receive federal funding in the wake of the partial government shutdown.

The Republican governor has directed the state Natural Resources Department to keep open parks that receive a majority of their funding from the state, The Hill reported.

The department recently intervened after the Fish and Wildlife Service placed barricades near a Mississippi River boat launch because it was on federal land. The barricades were removed because of a decades-old agreement between Wisconsin and the federal government, state officials said.
If anyone gets hurt, or a fire starts, or something major is defaced, they get to sue the state and not the Federal Government. Sounds good to me. I'm sure Wisconsin will be glad to pay for it. They have so much money after fucking over teachers and union workers.
If the Conservative wing, the Tea Party wing of the Republican congressional delegation could accept these facts: The ACA was passed, signed into law and deemed constitutional by the SCOTUS and,
The Republican nominee for President campaigned to repeal the Act and was soundly defeated (the wish of the American people).

There are rules and measures to enact and repeal legislation that do not evolve destroying the American system of government.

If these extremists realized those simple, commonly known facts,
would we be in a shutdown today?

It is the obsessive drive of folks who went to Washington not to govern but to sabotage and destroy that lead this crisis. What clear thinking people are left to wonder is how can they say that the results of their obsession is the fault of anyone but themselves?

How much bullshit can we endure from them without the people rejecting their venomous brand of politics?
If anyone gets hurt, or a fire starts, or something major is defaced, they get to sue the state and not the Federal Government. Sounds good to me. I'm sure Wisconsin will be glad to pay for it. They have so much money after fucking over teachers and union workers.

You idiot. 'They get to sue.' Spoken like the 2 year old you are. IOU a NEG!
If anyone gets hurt, or a fire starts, or something major is defaced, they get to sue the state and not the Federal Government. Sounds good to me. I'm sure Wisconsin will be glad to pay for it. They have so much money after fucking over teachers and union workers.

Since when has anyone successfully sued the federal government because of a forest fire?
If anyone gets hurt, or a fire starts, or something major is defaced, they get to sue the state and not the Federal Government. Sounds good to me. I'm sure Wisconsin will be glad to pay for it. They have so much money after fucking over teachers and union workers.

Wtf does this mean? You support shutting down such places that don't cost anything to leave open. Or just more partisan drivel?
If anyone gets hurt, or a fire starts, or something major is defaced, they get to sue the state and not the Federal Government. Sounds good to me. I'm sure Wisconsin will be glad to pay for it. They have so much money after fucking over teachers and union workers.

Wtf does this mean? You support shutting down such places that don't cost anything to leave open. Or just more partisan drivel?

What I want to know is how his rep got above 200.
If anyone gets hurt, or a fire starts, or something major is defaced, they get to sue the state and not the Federal Government. Sounds good to me. I'm sure Wisconsin will be glad to pay for it. They have so much money after fucking over teachers and union workers.

Wtf does this mean? You support shutting down such places that don't cost anything to leave open. Or just more partisan drivel?

What I want to know is how his rep got above 200.

Lol. With a 36 I can't be talking.
If anyone gets hurt, or a fire starts, or something major is defaced, they get to sue the state and not the Federal Government. Sounds good to me. I'm sure Wisconsin will be glad to pay for it. They have so much money after fucking over teachers and union workers.

Wtf does this mean? You support shutting down such places that don't cost anything to leave open. Or just more partisan drivel?

What I want to know is how his rep got above 200.

What I want to know is how you got to believe that negging, rather than open debate, is the answer to every little opinion that differs from yours. :dunno:

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