Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown

Because it is on federal land, and the government cannot provide services for which it is liable?

You dumb ass, the parkway on which this hotel is located is remaining open and patrolled by rangers because it is a through road, there is no safety issue, except rangers that could be patrolling the road are blocking a drive way. Irrational!

Doesn't matter, nutter.

It matters to the 100 people put out of work and the people who have had reservations there for months to see the fall foliage. I can't find any evidence that any administration has taken this type of vindictive action in previous shut downs. This is unique to your dear leaders childishness.
If anyone gets hurt, or a fire starts, or something major is defaced, they get to sue the state and not the Federal Government. Sounds good to me. I'm sure Wisconsin will be glad to pay for it. They have so much money after fucking over teachers and union workers.

Wtf does this mean? You support shutting down such places that don't cost anything to leave open. Or just more partisan drivel?

He has no idea what it means and cannot remove his lips from Obama's anus long enough top figure it out.
What the Moonie Times left out:

Bruce O'Connell, described in the article as the "owner" of the Inn, isn't the owner after all. He leases the place from the National Park Service.

So you're saying the park service is violating an existing contract? I see a law suit the tax payers will be on the hook for. Thank you dear fucking leader.

I'm not your dear fucking leader, thanks anyway.

I'm just telling you the NPS owns the place. And they're shorted by the shutdown.
Isn't it interesting that the Moonie Times lied about that?

Meanwhile, you actually think the President of the United States takes time out of his day to see that the Pisgah Inn closes? Really? :lmao:
I repeat:

Yeah? So? Around here, there are three companies that lease land from the Corps of Engineers to operate marinas...and they're remaining open.
What the Moonie Times left out:

Bruce O'Connell, described in the article as the "owner" of the Inn, isn't the owner after all. He leases the place from the National Park Service.

In other words: he owns the business and leases the building. This is VERY common.
OKTexas remains merely one of those who believe they know all, see all, understand all while, in fact, has not a clue.

The fact is that Obama has thrown no tantrum, but has the numbers, the will of the people, and time on his side.
What the Moonie Times left out:

Bruce O'Connell, described in the article as the "owner" of the Inn, isn't the owner after all. He leases the place from the National Park Service.

He is paying the lease and he owns and operates a business on the property. I would check the lease agreement and then tell the Feds to FO.
If the Conservative wing, the Tea Party wing of the Republican congressional delegation could accept these facts: The ACA was passed, signed into law and deemed constitutional by the SCOTUS and,
The Republican nominee for President campaigned to repeal the Act and was soundly defeated (the wish of the American people).

There are rules and measures to enact and repeal legislation that do not evolve destroying the American system of government.

If these extremists realized those simple, commonly known facts,
would we be in a shutdown today?

It is the obsessive drive of folks who went to Washington not to govern but to sabotage and destroy that lead this crisis. What clear thinking people are left to wonder is how can they say that the results of their obsession is the fault of anyone but themselves?

How much bullshit can we endure from them without the people rejecting their venomous brand of politics?

Whether you like it or not, Nosmo, nobody in Congress, except the Senate who won't pass a budget, are failing to follow the rules that Congress set down. "Nay" votes are just as legal as "aye" votes. So why should the House Republicans be required to vote for something they believe to be fiscally corrupt and immoral to boot just because a Democratic super majority crammed something down their throat that most Americans no longer wish to have?

If you were absolutely opposed to something a Republican majority passed, and you voted the Republicans out of the majority in one chamber of Congress so that the Democrats could fix it, would you be as condemning of the Democrats who were voting exactly as those who elected them wished them to vote?
Nope you're not the dear leader, you're just one of his zombie lackeys. And the man owns the place just as any franchisee owns any franchise business.

So you're incapable of admitting the Moonie Times lied. Why am I not surprised...

No, the man doesn't own the place. The gummint owns the place. He owns his business, which is an abstract concept.

They didn't lie, he owns the business, show me where there was a claim he owned the facilities. I know it's hard for zombies like you to understand because you've had you head so far up your dear leaders ass for so long your probably oxygen deprived but did you know it's actually possible to own a trucking company and not own a truck?

One of the largest OTR carriers in the country does not own a single tractor.
So you're incapable of admitting the Moonie Times lied. Why am I not surprised...

No, the man doesn't own the place. The gummint owns the place. He owns his business, which is an abstract concept.

They didn't lie, he owns the business, show me where there was a claim he owned the facilities. I know it's hard for zombies like you to understand because you've had you head so far up your dear leaders ass for so long your probably oxygen deprived but did you know it's actually possible to own a trucking company and not own a truck?

One of the largest OTR carriers in the country does not own a single tractor.

Yep, I leased equipment to a company that had 14,000 trucks and all were leased, they didn't own one.
What the Moonie Times left out:

Bruce O'Connell, described in the article as the "owner" of the Inn, isn't the owner after all. He leases the place from the National Park Service.

In other words: he owns the business and leases the building. This is VERY common.

Of course it is. Nobody says it isn't "common". :confused:

So you're saying the park service is violating an existing contract? I see a law suit the tax payers will be on the hook for. Thank you dear fucking leader.

I'm not your dear fucking leader, thanks anyway.

I'm just telling you the NPS owns the place. And they're shorted by the shutdown.
Isn't it interesting that the Moonie Times lied about that?

Meanwhile, you actually think the President of the United States takes time out of his day to see that the Pisgah Inn closes? Really? :lmao:
I repeat:

Yeah? So? Around here, there are three companies that lease land from the Corps of Engineers to operate marinas...and they're remaining open.

Once again, as in the "textbook" malarkey, ascribing conclusions that were never drawn to a simple observation.

There is no "so what". The point wasn't on a "so what"; it was on the Moonie Times. Nice try attempting to bury that, but there it sits. Sorry to burst the conspiracy theorist bubble but sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Hey, know what would be a cool idea? Let's just repost the last 100 posts where this was already beaten to death. Start without me.
obama would rather shut the hotel down than get paid a franchise fee. Good job obama, but we knew it was all about hurting people, not achieving any kind of goal.
What the Moonie Times left out:

Bruce O'Connell, described in the article as the "owner" of the Inn, isn't the owner after all. He leases the place from the National Park Service.

He is paying the lease and he owns and operates a business on the property. I would check the lease agreement and then tell the Feds to FO.

...and then tell your accountant to expect an audit?
They didn't lie, he owns the business, show me where there was a claim he owned the facilities. I know it's hard for zombies like you to understand because you've had you head so far up your dear leaders ass for so long your probably oxygen deprived but did you know it's actually possible to own a trucking company and not own a truck?

One of the largest OTR carriers in the country does not own a single tractor.

Yep, I leased equipment to a company that had 14,000 trucks and all were leased, they didn't own one.

My company is the same way...we own trailers, but tractors and straight trucks are all Ryder. (Which is dreadful, but that's another rant.) The company wasn't CR England, was it? (That's who I was referring to.)
Lol. With a 36 I can't be talking.

Sure you can. If some coward negs you for a comment, let me know and I'll make it up. :thup:

Nominated for the most hypocritical post in the history of this board. Are you now going to neg yourself?

Uh-- YOU want to talk "hypocrisy"? :rofl:

That doesn't even make any sense. Why would I neg myself, even if I could? I'm talking about positive rep there.

Self-righteous assholes who think you can trot around with a faux-noble "I will never neg" tagline and then take that as carte blance to attack others personally when you just can't handle debating their point on its merits, are simply not eligible for this program. Because you don't deserve it. Learn how to speak openly in free exchange like a man rather than a master baiter and we'll talk turkey, but until you learn to man up, don't hold your breath, K?
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As usual, the wingnuts don't quite have it right...

few hours after TPM's spoke with Stepp, a spokesperson for the National Park Service sent an email to TPM, saying the agency believes there may have been a "misunderstanding by [the Department of Natural Resources] about the contents of the letter that have resulted in some of the stories that claim they were ordered to close."

"Under a cooperative agreement, the federal government provides funding through the National Park Service to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for administration of the Ice Age National Scientific Reserve (NSR)," Mike Litterst, acting chief spokesman for the National Parks Service, wrote in the email. "Due to the government shutdown, there was no longer funding available with which to make grant payments to the DNR and on October 1 notice was given to them to suspend performance of all activities funded by that agreement. There was no directive from the National Park Service to cease operations; we merely informed them that the payments through their cooperative agreement would cease for the period of the shutdown. It was left to the discretion of the DNR how to best deal with the curtailed funding."

Did The Feds Really Order Scott Walker To Shut Down Wisconsin Parks?

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