Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown

You don't have a clue what "class action" means, do you? :rofl:

Where's this lease? You have a copy?

Why the hell would I have a copy. The article states they LEASE THE LAND which means they operate by paying for a Damned Lease.

Since they are forced to shut down, why the hell wouldn't the Gov't be in violation of a Lease...............


It doesn't fucking matter if it's own Gov't land. The land became private via contract to a Lease.

They need to sue their asses off.

No no, you made the claim, now it's your job to back it up. Since you obviously have a copy of this lease (otherwise you wouldn't know what you were talking about), kindly scan the document and post it so we can all read it. Or at least quote the language in the lease that shows the NPS is in violation of it. Since, you know, you have a copy of this lease and we don't....


Jesus, you are a complete idiot.............So desperate to save Obama that you even support actions as stupid as this one.

What you should be saying is this is dumb, and the Rangers weren't really supposed to do this or something. Then maybe you'd have an ounce of credibility.
Why the hell would I have a copy. The article states they LEASE THE LAND which means they operate by paying for a Damned Lease.

Since they are forced to shut down, why the hell wouldn't the Gov't be in violation of a Lease...............


It doesn't fucking matter if it's own Gov't land. The land became private via contract to a Lease.

They need to sue their asses off.

No no, you made the claim, now it's your job to back it up. Since you obviously have a copy of this lease (otherwise you wouldn't know what you were talking about), kindly scan the document and post it so we can all read it. Or at least quote the language in the lease that shows the NPS is in violation of it. Since, you know, you have a copy of this lease and we don't....


Jesus, you are a complete idiot.............So desperate to save Obama that you even support actions as stupid as this one.

What you should be saying is this is dumb, and the Rangers weren't really supposed to do this or something. Then maybe you'd have an ounce of credibility.

So .... no answer huh?

Predictable. It was a matter of purest optimism to have posed the question in the first place.
You said the land was being leased and made the argument that that was the reason they should be shut down during this funding negotiation. So now you are thinking maybe that's not the best course of action?

I didn't take a position on the best course of action. I don't know all the details (like the lease) and I make it a point not to comment based on assumption. It does sound kind of mindless on the surface, but again the surface is all I'm in a position to see.

I'm just pointing out that the Moonie Times, the source quoted in the OP, is deliberately slanting the story.

You did take a position. You chose to defend the government side without the contract or any further knowledge of the situation despite what you claim now to be mindless on the surface or as others may think common sense.

I don't see any slant in the OP story. The government is forcing people with leases not related to government funding to shut down for no reason.

I haven't "defended" any side except the inn "owner" above, with reservations. Feel free to post where I "defended" something other than rational logic.

And I pointed out over and over, both to you and the other ad hominem whizbang, that we don't have a copy of the lease, therefore we don't know what's a violation of it, now do we? :banghead:
See, I don't pretend to know enough to take a side. Even though I live here.

You "don't see any slant", huh?

Read post 19. Where I quoted it verbatim.


("The inn 'owner', with reservations" :rofl: I kill me)
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This Pogo is an Idiot.........

Demanding I show a Lease to defend his man lust for Obama.

Show me the lease. I don't have all night.

You didn't need the lease to make this statement.

What the Moonie Times left out:

Bruce O'Connell, described in the article as the "owner" of the Inn, isn't the owner after all. He leases the place from the National Park Service.
Lease not needed then but needed now?

What exactly is your question here?
This Pogo is an Idiot.........

Demanding I show a Lease to defend his man lust for Obama.


Um... you've already lost this one, thanks for playin'.
I don't "demand" a lease; you do. You're the one who claimed as a fait accompli that there was a violation. Your point needs documentation, and you can't do it. Because you don't have it.

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Obama is called "no drama Obama" because he comes across as "low key" and relaxed.

When these white winger come up with saying he has "tantrums" and such, they are fucking delusional.
Historical Sketches of Pisgah Inn, North Carolina - The Peak of the Parkway

The Blue Ridge Parkway through the Mt. Pisgah area opened for travel in the mid-60's. The Present Pisgah Inn was built in 1964.

From 1964 until 1978, the Inn was owned by Aaron Prevost. Under his able ownership, a series of different managers directed operations. In 1977, the manager, Mr. Wright, passed away leaving open the position of Manager. In 1978, the O'Connell family came on board. Tom and Phyllis were retired hotel operators. Bruce, their son, had just graduated from the Cornell Hotel School. Together, they took the helm with Bruce running the food operation and Tom running the hotel division. Phyllis was the anchor that held the whole place together. Tom passed away in 1985 leaving Bruce and Phyllis to manage the Inn. Bruce (who has now been at the Inn for 27 seasons) runs the Inn with the help of his mother and many long term, key staffers. The present concession's contract expires in 2013. At that time, a new contract will be drafted. Hopefully, Bruce will continue his tenure watching over this precious resource.
The Inn first opened in 1919. That one eventually was torn down, but others were built. That Inn in one way or another has been in service for nearly a Century.


Original owners sold land to the Gov't and State. The State gave this area to the Gov't for the road and so on. Either way, the Inn was built and paid for by Private Funds.

This shouldn't even be happening.
Obama sends in the stormtroopers. You know they hate being forced to shut off people's livelihoods to placate Obama's egomania.

How much unnecessary money is Obama spending to make sure the maximum number of people are made to suffer for his intransigence? How much extra manpower is he calling in to guard parking lots and other oh-so-critical places?
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Obama is called "no drama Obama" because he comes across as "low key" and relaxed.

When these white winger come up with saying he has "tantrums" and such, they are fucking delusional.

no drama obama? surely you jest.

Mr power pout with valerie. He's his girl and we all know it.
Even though the Blueridge Parkway remains open to traffic the park service ordered a private hotel to close.

"The Pisgah Inn, a private hotel that holds a concession on the Blue Ridge Parkway, has become a national sensation as it defies “intimidation” and a National Park Service order to close its doors."

This hotel receives no federal funds yet the dear leader is paying rangers to block the hotel entrance. The hotel actually pays the government a franchise fee based on its income. This means our little dictator wannabe is costing us money beyond the pay for the rangers to block the hotel. Plus they are putting 100 people out of work needlessly.

Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown - Washington Times

Obama's fault?!?! It's the fault of anyone that thought it was a good idea to vote for a Republican. :cuckoo:

I used to think you were a well-informed, intelligent person, K...

I won't make that same mistake again...

but matter 'bout the political stuff, K... I still like you... :)
Obama sends in the stormtroopers. You know they hate being forced to shut off people's livelihoods to placate Obama's egomania.

How much unnecessary money is Obama spending to make sure the maximum number of people are made to suffer for his intransigence? How much extra manpower is he calling in to guard parking lots and other oh-so-critical places?

There's no telling, but his golf course at Andrews and camp David remains staffed and open.
WLOS 13 ABC, Affiliate in Asheville, NC acknowledges O'Connell as the owner. Nowhere does it say he is leasing his own building and business from the National Park Service. Nor does the Citizen Times, the Local Newspaper. You think they would mention something as important as "he leases his inn from the NPS" right?? Some of you liberals are absolute dumb fucks. Sorry for the language but you are.

Pisgah Inn Open Despite Gov't Shutdown - WLOS News13 - Top Stories
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WLOS 13 ABC, Affiliate in Asheville, NC acknowledges O'Connell as the owner. Nowhere does it say he is leasing his own building and business from the National Park Service. Nor does the Citizen Times, the Local Newspaper. You think they would mention something as important as "he leases his inn from the NPS" right?? Some of you liberals are absolute dumb fucks. Sorry for the language but you are.

Pisgah Inn Open Despite Gov't Shutdown - WLOS News13 - Top Stories

It's sitting in your own Citizen Times link, which I read earlier.

>> Business owner Bruce O&#8217;Connell said he thought about it overnight and decided to make a stand, after all, on Friday. He leases the building from the National Park Service, a business he has had for 35 years. <<

Third paragraph.

See the difference between here and the Moonie Times?

Actually your second link says it too:
>> The inn is a concessionaire and leased the property along the parkway. << -- so does the video, at 1:26 -- "As a concessionaire, the Pisgah Inn leases the property owned by Uncle Sam".
Matter of fact there's no link you have here that does NOT say it at least once, if not twice.

So... wait, what was that about "dumb fucks" again?
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The only tantrum here is yours, OKTexas. :lol:

Jake a heads up. All hell is about to rise up over this. Make sure you are on the right side of it.

Oh Jake has it right. The OP launched right into calling other posters "dumb ass", "zombie lackey" and "you've had you head so far up your dear leaders ass for so long your probably oxygen deprived" -- all to posters who did nothing to him.

Yeah I'd say that's a tantrum. A damn childish one, if that's not too redundant. Now we've got another one flinging "dumb fucks" because he can't stop to read his own link. :rofl:

Reading is a lost art. It really is.

Which reminds me... Mike? Still waiting on that "defend the government" post... look in the cabinet where Giggle keeps his copy of the lease...
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