Blue State Violence They Asked For

Because you're making crap up?

We get it. FOX News lied to you about violent liberals. You fell for it, because you fall for all propaganda. And now, rather than admit you were bamboozled, you're choosing to run cover for violent conseravatives.

find a stat that shows suburban, or rural, areas are more dangerous than urban areas, and I'll agree with your 'red states are more dangerous than blue states spin.
After voting in pro-criminal district attorneys, blue states such as New York are overrun by crime and murder.
One low-life was out on parole, charged with murder by stabbing. Within hours, he brutally raped a woman. Another stabbed another victim, killing him.

Blue state Illinois has the highest unsolved murder rate of any state.

Ex New York City cop starved his own son and put him in the garage overnight when it was 19 degrees. The eight year old froze to death.

I recently saw a video of a New York subway where a scumbag ran up the escalator ahead of a woman, turned around and kicked her with both feet as he braced himself on the handrails. Far down the escalator, another blue state scumbag could have caught the cartwheeling woman but instead, stepped to the left and let her continue bouncing down like a true New York Coward.

There are only two kinds of people, decent and indecent. - Elie Wiesel
And the people in power refuse to even see that it is their very own policies which have led to increased crime. They would have you believe it is guns which are the problem, not their policies. Fortunately, voters are beginning to see the truth and Oregon could very easily have a Republican governor due to the crime levels there.

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