Board's relative "silence" on Ivanka......Irony and Hypocrisy

Oh, I'm sure that the Ivanka mess has prompted a few threads on here....BUT, it would be "refreshing" if some Trump acolyte honestly admitted that the bullshit that Trump and his cult spewed about "locking up" Hillary was a bit over the top.

One can only hope that some Trump backers have stopped frinking the orange kool-aid...But, maybe not.

It wasn't over the top... She still deserves jail... If Ivanka broke the law she should be prosecuted. Really not a good choice for a thread topic frankly.

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Oh, I'm sure that the Ivanka mess has prompted a few threads on here....BUT, it would be "refreshing" if some Trump acolyte honestly admitted that the bullshit that Trump and his cult spewed about "locking up" Hillary was a bit over the top.

One can only hope that some Trump backers have stopped frinking the orange kool-aid...But, maybe not.

Foolish on Ivanka's part and she deserves criticism yes. But she didn't set up a secret server to bypass the government system. She exchanged no confidential, sensitive, or classified information via her private email account and has deleted no emails, has destroyed no hard drives or other equipment, or been devious or secretive about anything. The vast majority of those emails were related to her schedule and activities in response to communications of close friends and people who care for her home and children, etc.

Does that excuse her lapse in judgment? No.

Is it the same as what Hillary did? No.

She also had things set up according the Federal Regulations while Hitlery did not.

I think using her private email early on was just a dumb rookie mistake. Sort of like Don Jr. and Jarrod taking that meeting Democrat opportunists set up with their operative from Russia.

Ivanka stopped using her private email account early on once she was advised of the problem with that. And I'm sure Don Jr. and Jarrod won't easily make the mistake of dangled bait again.

Rookie mistakes.

Hitlery was no rookie. Wonder what her excuse was??

"At this point, what difference does it make?"
Oh, I'm sure that the Ivanka mess has prompted a few threads on here....BUT, it would be "refreshing" if some Trump acolyte honestly admitted that the bullshit that Trump and his cult spewed about "locking up" Hillary was a bit over the top.

One can only hope that some Trump backers have stopped frinking the orange kool-aid...But, maybe not.

Foolish on Ivanka's part and she deserves criticism yes. But she didn't set up a secret server to bypass the government system. She exchanged no confidential, sensitive, or classified information via her private email account and has deleted no emails, has destroyed no hard drives or other equipment, or been devious or secretive about anything. The vast majority of those emails were related to her schedule and activities in response to communications of close friends and people who care for her home and children, etc.

Does that excuse her lapse in judgment? No.

Is it the same as what Hillary did? No.

She also had things set up according the Federal Regulations while Hitlery did not.

I think using her private email early on was just a dumb rookie mistake. Sort of like Don Jr. and Jarrod taking that meeting Democrat opportunists set up with their operative from Russia.

Ivanka stopped using her private email account early on once she was advised of the problem with that. And I'm sure Don Jr. and Jarrod won't easily make the mistake of dangled bait again.

Rookie mistakes.

Hitlery was no rookie. Wonder what her excuse was??

"At this point, what difference does it make?"

None because you and I both know that woman will never, ever be held accountable for anything she does.
Oh, I'm sure that the Ivanka mess has prompted a few threads on here....BUT, it would be "refreshing" if some Trump acolyte honestly admitted that the bullshit that Trump and his cult spewed about "locking up" Hillary was a bit over the top.

One can only hope that some Trump backers have stopped frinking the orange kool-aid...But, maybe not.

Foolish on Ivanka's part and she deserves criticism yes. But she didn't set up a secret server to bypass the government system. She exchanged no confidential, sensitive, or classified information via her private email account and has deleted no emails, has destroyed no hard drives or other equipment, or been devious or secretive about anything. The vast majority of those emails were related to her schedule and activities in response to communications of close friends and people who care for her home and children, etc.

Does that excuse her lapse in judgment? No.

Is it the same as what Hillary did? No.

She also had things set up according the Federal Regulations while Hitlery did not.

I think using her private email early on was just a dumb rookie mistake. Sort of like Don Jr. and Jarrod taking that meeting Democrat opportunists set up with their operative from Russia.

Ivanka stopped using her private email account early on once she was advised of the problem with that. And I'm sure Don Jr. and Jarrod won't easily make the mistake of dangled bait again.

Rookie mistakes.

Hitlery was no rookie. Wonder what her excuse was??

Well according to James Comey, she was too dumb to know it was illegal to set up a private server to do government business, to delete 10's of thousands of emails produced on it, to destroy equipment and hard drives to prevent examination of the deleted emails, etc. I suppose that is an excuse.

Well it was a stupid move by her supposedly savvy ass.
On a humorous note,
She's rather attractive so she can be crazier.

What is actually rather humorous and amazing is that Ivanka must have heard her idiot daddy run a good part of his campaign on accusing Clinton of PRECISELY illegally using her emails..........and YET.......Ivanka just "forgot."
Oh, I'm sure that the Ivanka mess has prompted a few threads on here....BUT, it would be "refreshing" if some Trump acolyte honestly admitted that the bullshit that Trump and his cult spewed about "locking up" Hillary was a bit over the top.

One can only hope that some Trump backers have stopped frinking the orange kool-aid...But, maybe not.
That was the obvious point--to get people to at last shut up about Hillary's emails. Let's see if it works in a few days, after the initial squawking is over.
They will go back to demanding Hillary be jailed in a few days
Foolish on Ivanka's part and she deserves criticism yes. But she didn't set up a secret server to bypass the government system. She exchanged no confidential, sensitive, or classified information via her private email account and has deleted no emails, has destroyed no hard drives or other equipment, or been devious or secretive about anything. The vast majority of those emails were related to her schedule and activities in response to communications of close friends and people who care for her home and children, etc.

Does that excuse her lapse in judgment? No.

Is it the same as what Hillary did? No.

She also had things set up according the Federal Regulations while Hitlery did not.

I think using her private email early on was just a dumb rookie mistake. Sort of like Don Jr. and Jarrod taking that meeting Democrat opportunists set up with their operative from Russia.

Ivanka stopped using her private email account early on once she was advised of the problem with that. And I'm sure Don Jr. and Jarrod won't easily make the mistake of dangled bait again.

Rookie mistakes.

Hitlery was no rookie. Wonder what her excuse was??

"At this point, what difference does it make?"
Foolish on Ivanka's part and she deserves criticism yes. But she didn't set up a secret server to bypass the government system. She exchanged no confidential, sensitive, or classified information via her private email account and has deleted no emails, has destroyed no hard drives or other equipment, or been devious or secretive about anything. The vast majority of those emails were related to her schedule and activities in response to communications of close friends and people who care for her home and children, etc.

Does that excuse her lapse in judgment? No.

Is it the same as what Hillary did? No.

She also had things set up according the Federal Regulations while Hitlery did not.

I think using her private email early on was just a dumb rookie mistake. Sort of like Don Jr. and Jarrod taking that meeting Democrat opportunists set up with their operative from Russia.

Ivanka stopped using her private email account early on once she was advised of the problem with that. And I'm sure Don Jr. and Jarrod won't easily make the mistake of dangled bait again.

Rookie mistakes.

Hitlery was no rookie. Wonder what her excuse was??

"At this point, what difference does it make?"

None because you and I both know that woman will never, ever be held accountable for anything she does.


It won't. The circumstances are not relative.

Different circumstances entirely.

But there will be an investigation. There is always an investigation and we will find out what kinds of e-mails were sent.

I doubt that there were any top secret e-mails like Hitlery sent but time will tell.
Claudette you know better. Hillary did not send any 'top secret' Emails. Please review the investigation, not just Trump claims.

Funny but I remember reading she sent top secret e-mails.

Please review the investigation, not just your Trump hate.
Read it again!

I did.

An FBI examination of Clinton's server found over 100 emails containing information that should have been marked classified including 65 emails deemed "Secret" and 22 deemed "Top Secret." None of these emails had classification markings. Three email chains contained one or more paragraphs marked "Confidential", the lowest level of classification. An additional 2,093 emails also not marked classified were retroactively classified by the State Department

Hillary Clinton email controversy - Wikipedia

Maybe you should read yours again.
Ivanka needs to spend time in prison
Sort of like Don Jr. and Jarrod taking that meeting Democrat opportunists set up with their operative from Russia.

Is that a tacit admission that Dems. are a hell of a lot smarter than these idiots running the country???..............LOL

Smart enough and unethical enough to set up a phony meeting that people inexperienced and unskilled in politics would fall for. Yes.
Different circumstances entirely.

But there will be an investigation. There is always an investigation and we will find out what kinds of e-mails were sent.

I doubt that there were any top secret e-mails like Hitlery sent but time will tell.
Claudette you know better. Hillary did not send any 'top secret' Emails. Please review the investigation, not just Trump claims.

Funny but I remember reading she sent top secret e-mails.

Please review the investigation, not just your Trump hate.
Read it again!

I did.

An FBI examination of Clinton's server found over 100 emails containing information that should have been marked classified including 65 emails deemed "Secret" and 22 deemed "Top Secret." None of these emails had classification markings. Three email chains contained one or more paragraphs marked "Confidential", the lowest level of classification. An additional 2,093 emails also not marked classified were retroactively classified by the State Department

Hillary Clinton email controversy - Wikipedia

Maybe you should read yours again.
Ivanka needs to spend time in prison

Sure. Just as soon as Hitlery does.
Smart enough and unethical enough to set up a phony meeting that people inexperienced and unskilled in politics would fall for. Yes.

You're digging a hole for yourself, Trump cultist........You are basically stating that the Trump-idiot, hired an inexperienced and unskilled nitwit to be his campaign manager, Manafort????

Foolish on Ivanka's part and she deserves criticism yes. But she didn't set up a secret server to bypass the government system. She exchanged no confidential, sensitive, or classified information via her private email account and has deleted no emails, has destroyed no hard drives or other equipment, or been devious or secretive about anything. The vast majority of those emails were related to her schedule and activities in response to communications of close friends and people who care for her home and children, etc.

Does that excuse her lapse in judgment? No.

Is it the same as what Hillary did? No.

She also had things set up according the Federal Regulations while Hitlery did not.

I think using her private email early on was just a dumb rookie mistake. Sort of like Don Jr. and Jarrod taking that meeting Democrat opportunists set up with their operative from Russia.

Ivanka stopped using her private email account early on once she was advised of the problem with that. And I'm sure Don Jr. and Jarrod won't easily make the mistake of dangled bait again.

Rookie mistakes.

Hitlery was no rookie. Wonder what her excuse was??

Well according to James Comey, she was too dumb to know it was illegal to set up a private server to do government business, to delete 10's of thousands of emails produced on it, to destroy equipment and hard drives to prevent examination of the deleted emails, etc. I suppose that is an excuse.

Well it was a stupid move by her supposedly savvy ass.

Well if she was that stupid, and incompetent--the only other explanation is deliberate malfeasance--it does provide at least one good reason why so many did not want her to be President.
Oh, I'm sure that the Ivanka mess has prompted a few threads on here....BUT, it would be "refreshing" if some Trump acolyte honestly admitted that the bullshit that Trump and his cult spewed about "locking up" Hillary was a bit over the top.

One can only hope that some Trump backers have stopped frinking the orange kool-aid...But, maybe not.

Did Ivanka set up an illegal, unsecure server in her home, so that when she was making deals with foriegn governments for campaign cash through the clinton foundation no one would know about it?

Get back to us when we find out she was using an illegal server.... hilary violated federal law in using an illegal, unsecured server.......did Ivanka do that?
Will the fake news invade the privacy of Ivanka now looking up her none classified emails. The emails she hasn’t erased or acid washed like Crooked Hillary did.
Smart enough and unethical enough to set up a phony meeting that people inexperienced and unskilled in politics would fall for. Yes.

You're digging a hole for yourself, Trump cultist........You are basically stating that the Trump-idiot, hired an inexperienced and unskilled nitwit to be his campaign manager, Manafort????


Manafort was inexperienced and unskilled which is why Trump fired him after a relatively short time. He is not the one who took the meeting, however. Don Jr. did and Jarrod and Manafort tagged along to see that there was absolutely nothing to it. Other than opportunity for unethical Democrat campaign operatives to use it as a weapon against then candidate Trump.
Oh, I'm sure that the Ivanka mess has prompted a few threads on here....BUT, it would be "refreshing" if some Trump acolyte honestly admitted that the bullshit that Trump and his cult spewed about "locking up" Hillary was a bit over the top.

One can only hope that some Trump backers have stopped frinking the orange kool-aid...But, maybe not.
That was the obvious point--to get people to at last shut up about Hillary's emails. Let's see if it works in a few days, after the initial squawking is over.

It won't. The circumstances are not relative.

It's the exact same.
Private email on private account.

I wonder how many of Ivanka's emails would be retroactively classified prior to public release. Quite a few, no doubt.
Oh, I'm sure that the Ivanka mess has prompted a few threads on here....BUT, it would be "refreshing" if some Trump acolyte honestly admitted that the bullshit that Trump and his cult spewed about "locking up" Hillary was a bit over the top.

One can only hope that some Trump backers have stopped frinking the orange kool-aid...But, maybe not.

Foolish on Ivanka's part and she deserves criticism yes. But she didn't set up a secret server to bypass the government system. She exchanged no confidential, sensitive, or classified information via her private email account and has deleted no emails, has destroyed no hard drives or other equipment, or been devious or secretive about anything. The vast majority of those emails were related to her schedule and activities in response to communications of close friends and people who care for her home and children, etc.

Does that excuse her lapse in judgment? No.

Is it the same as what Hillary did? No.

She also had things set up according the Federal Regulations while Hitlery did not.

I think using her private email early on was just a dumb rookie mistake. Sort of like Don Jr. and Jarrod taking that meeting Democrat opportunists set up with their operative from Russia.

Ivanka stopped using her private email account early on once she was advised of the problem with that. And I'm sure Don Jr. and Jarrod won't easily make the mistake of checking out dangled bait again.

It's not really a mistake at all after two years of investigations, non stop reporting and an entire campaign of " lock her up".

Ivanka is either the dumbest broad ever or just didn't care. I'm going with option 2.

OK, one point. To this day Hillary defenders ignore that her emails (the FOIA’d State Dept. emails which she obstructed release of) contained genuine revelations about everything from Libya to her Foundation’s activities. They ignore the *content* in order to trivialize the issue”
Oh, I'm sure that the Ivanka mess has prompted a few threads on here....BUT, it would be "refreshing" if some Trump acolyte honestly admitted that the bullshit that Trump and his cult spewed about "locking up" Hillary was a bit over the top.

One can only hope that some Trump backers have stopped frinking the orange kool-aid...But, maybe not.

Foolish on Ivanka's part and she deserves criticism yes. But she didn't set up a secret server to bypass the government system. She exchanged no confidential, sensitive, or classified information via her private email account and has deleted no emails, has destroyed no hard drives or other equipment, or been devious or secretive about anything. The vast majority of those emails were related to her schedule and activities in response to communications of close friends and people who care for her home and children, etc.

Does that excuse her lapse in judgment? No.

Is it the same as what Hillary did? No.

She also had things set up according the Federal Regulations while Hitlery did not.

I think using her private email early on was just a dumb rookie mistake. Sort of like Don Jr. and Jarrod taking that meeting Democrat opportunists set up with their operative from Russia.

Ivanka stopped using her private email account early on once she was advised of the problem with that. And I'm sure Don Jr. and Jarrod won't easily make the mistake of checking out dangled bait again.

It's not really a mistake at all after two years of investigations, non stop reporting and an entire campaign of " lock her up".

Ivanka is either the dumbest broad ever or just didn't care. I'm going with option 2.

Again Ivanka was not communicating anything sensitive, secret, or classified. She was mostly responding to close friends and the people who worked for her, took care of her house and children, etc. re her schedule or activities when they contacted her.

She did not set up a private server to bypass the government system.
She did not delete any of the emails.
She did not destroy any hard drives, computers, or other equipment to prevent any examination of or recovery of emails.

As soon as she was advised, early on, that the innocuous exchanges she did make were improper she discontinued using her private account.

Should she have known better? Yes. But all things considered, I can believe that she did not consider those innocuous emails to be a problem until she was advised that they could be.

Is her situation the same as Hillary's? No it is not.

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