Board's relative "silence" on Ivanka......Irony and Hypocrisy

House To Investigate Ivanka Trump’s Use Of Personal Email For Official Business

Rep. Elijah Cummings, the incoming chairman of the House oversight committee, wants answers.

Great news!
/—-/ DemocRATs War on Women continue. They are scared shytless that Ivamka will run for President in 2020 or 2024.

Possibly - if she isn't in prison...

Not going to happen but keep dreaming.

I'm still wondering why a year old story is suddenly relevant
/——/ It’s all they got.
Yet Hillary was caught red-handed destroying evidence in an FBI investigation. That alone is enough to prove a felon

Please hold your breath until that "felony" conviction........LOL
Not the point.
Hillary got away with stuff that anyone else would do time for.
So you twerps think that accusing someone else of the same crime, even when it isn't the same crime, or even a crime at all, is some sort of inoculation for what Hillary did.
/—-/ Libtards can’t get Trump on anything so they attack his daughter. Skumbags

They got the House and have big dreams....forgetting they don't have the Senate, POTUS or SCOTUS
How did Hillary's top secret emails end up on Weiner's laptop?
Shhhhhhhh.....another criminal act swept under the carpet by Democrats and their lapdog liberal media.

EVERY single Hillary e-mail was sent to Huma Abedin's personal laptop, the one she shared with her pedophile sexting husband, the laptop that usually sat atop his naked junk as he preyed on little girls!

What a lovely couple.....
Sorry..few are dumb enough to believe that, trog. Better luck next time.
It's fun to watch both sides justify their party gods and goddesses....keep it up imI'laughing hysterically.
It won't. The circumstances are not relative.

Different circumstances entirely.

But there will be an investigation. There is always an investigation and we will find out what kinds of e-mails were sent.

I doubt that there were any top secret e-mails like Hitlery sent but time will tell.
Claudette you know better. Hillary did not send any 'top secret' Emails. Please review the investigation, not just Trump claims.

Funny but I remember reading she sent top secret e-mails.

Please review the investigation, not just your Trump hate.
Read it again!

I did.

An FBI examination of Clinton's server found over 100 emails containing information that should have been marked classified including 65 emails deemed "Secret" and 22 deemed "Top Secret." None of these emails had classification markings. Three email chains contained one or more paragraphs marked "Confidential", the lowest level of classification. An additional 2,093 emails also not marked classified were retroactively classified by the State Department

Hillary Clinton email controversy - Wikipedia

Maybe you should read yours again.
That report sure is full of 'should have been' and 'deemed' and 'retroactively'. Both reviewed the Emails with their personal lawyers. We have no reports yet on Ivanka's texts, but she sat in on several occasions for her father with Heads of State and made deals with China on branding etc. So if you want to play tit for tat, OK. Soon as Ivanka sits before a hostile investigation led by a Trey Gowdy counterpart we can continue this conversation. But personally I am only responding to your bitterness and hatred of Hillary to the point of demonizing to make that bloviating barking mad idiot look good. Otherwise, I'd like to just acknowledge that this admin is as corrupt as they try to paint the oppo, and let it go.
Yet Hillary was caught red-handed destroying evidence in an FBI investigation. That alone is enough to prove a felon

Please hold your breath until that "felony" conviction........LOL
Not the point.
Hillary got away with stuff that anyone else would do time for.
So you twerps think that accusing someone else of the same crime, even when it isn't the same crime, or even a crime at all, is some sort of inoculation for what Hillary did.
/—-/ Libtards can’t get Trump on anything so they attack his daughter. Skumbags
I thought they were gonna settle down once they took back power.

Goes without's entertaining to watch the fiasco we have going on throughout our system. Better than reality tv. The show goes on. Sit back enjoy and laugh. Good for a person.
Trump cultists' "logic":

Hillary's emails........There's a lot we don't know.....Lock her up !!!

Ivanka's emails........There's nothing to see here.....She's better looking than Hillary.
How did Hillary's top secret emails end up on Weiner's laptop?
Shhhhhhhh.....another criminal act swept under the carpet by Democrats and their lapdog liberal media.

EVERY single Hillary e-mail was sent to Huma Abedin's personal laptop, the one she shared with her pedophile sexting husband, the laptop that usually sat atop his naked junk as he preyed on little girls!

What a lovely couple.....
Sorry..few are dumb enough to believe that, trog. Better luck next time.
Many are too dumb to look at the evidence that exposed this to be true.

Many prefer to believe that storing a TIOP SECRET server in the BATHROOM of a small business is legal.

Many choose to believe the FBI declaring they recovered over 15000 official subpoenaed emails Hillary tried to destroy is not evidence of attempted Obstruction & mishandling classified.

Next time try making a SANE excuse for Hillary's crime and your own ignorance.
Trump cultists' "logic":

Hillary's emails........There's a lot we don't know.....Lock her up !!!

Ivanka's emails........There's nothing to see here.....She's better looking than Hillary.
You're still an idiot.

Hillary used an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server containing Top Secret data...that was hacked by multiple foreign entities according to the US IG.

Her server contained information so classified it could not be released - Obama called the information so classified that if it was released it could cause 'grave damage to our national security's ... and now Russia, China, and 4 other foreign entities have that data.

When Comey was questioned by Gowdy under oath former FBI Director Comey testified Hillary had lied, that they did find documents that she sent / received that were classified, that she did attempt to destroy official documents, etc.

Evidence and testimony proves undeniably Hillary broke laws and compromised national security.
Ivanka did nothing compared to Hillary. You lefties are very childish in the way you operate. No one cares about Ivanka's emails.
Evidence and testimony proves undeniably Hillary broke laws and compromised national security.

Fear not, Queasy.....your orange clown has the Army defending our national security on the border to prevent pregnant women from scaring the crap out of you....LOL

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