Board's relative "silence" on Ivanka......Irony and Hypocrisy

Oh, I'm sure that the Ivanka mess has prompted a few threads on here....BUT, it would be "refreshing" if some Trump acolyte honestly admitted that the bullshit that Trump and his cult spewed about "locking up" Hillary was a bit over the top.

One can only hope that some Trump backers have stopped frinking the orange kool-aid...But, maybe not.
That was the obvious point--to get people to at last shut up about Hillary's emails. Let's see if it works in a few days, after the initial squawking is over.

Trump cultists' "logic":

Hillary's emails........There's a lot we don't know.....Lock her up !!!

Ivanka's emails........There's nothing to see here.....She's better looking than Hillary.

A president daughter?

Snowflakes continue to falsely accuse others of doing what they have done / do and of being who they are....

Rinse, Repeat 'STUPID'.....
ZomboMeme 20112018193525.jpg
Hillary -
Used private server knowing she wasn't allowed
Gave away Top Secret Information to our friends and enemies
When caught she denied it
Destroyed evidence
Let the propaganda wing of the Democrat party protect her

Ivanka -
Used a private email for official business
When told she wasn't allowed handed over everything and did it right

Yeah, I see the parallels
Goes without's entertaining to watch the fiasco we have going on throughout our system. Better than reality tv. The show goes on. Sit back enjoy and laugh. Good for a person.






How did Hillary's top secret emails end up on Weiner's laptop?
Shhhhhhhh.....another criminal act swept under the carpet by Democrats and their lapdog liberal media.

EVERY single Hillary e-mail was sent to Huma Abedin's personal laptop, the one she shared with her pedophile sexting husband, the laptop that usually sat atop his naked junk as he preyed on little girls!

What a lovely couple.....
Sorry..few are dumb enough to believe that, trog. Better luck next time.
Many are too dumb to look at the evidence that exposed this to be true.

Many prefer to believe that storing a TIOP SECRET server in the BATHROOM of a small business is legal.

Many choose to believe the FBI declaring they recovered over 15000 official subpoenaed emails Hillary tried to destroy is not evidence of attempted Obstruction & mishandling classified.

Next time try making a SANE excuse for Hillary's crime and your own ignorance.
"TOP SECRET server"? What the hell is a TOP SECRET server? Is the server itself a secret or is the server for the sole purpose of transmitting TOP SECRETS? An aside: since the State Department server was hacked, maybe her TOP SECRET server was the safer way.

Trog, I actually know next to nothing about the famous 15,000 'official subpoenaed Emails'. All I factually know is what Trump said about them and I trust his claims as far as I can kick an anvil. So on that I am assuming you are believing the worst and I am giving the benefit of a doubt, since I clean the trash out of my own Emails about once a week and it numbers close to 100+.

Regrettably, we are both biased, or maybe we are simply like those nine blind guys describing an elephant.
yeah because Ivanka was privy to all kinds of top secret shit just like Shillary there's absolutely no difference

She does have a TOP SECRET clearance.
Sure she does. Now show me the regulation that states in order to have a clearance you have to be a government employee.
While you're looking for that I'd like to point out that Hillary hadn't been an employee for nearly 4 years and she still had her clearance.
House To Investigate Ivanka Trump’s Use Of Personal Email For Official Business

Rep. Elijah Cummings, the incoming chairman of the House oversight committee, wants answers.

Great news!

Elijah Cummings was the guy that stood in the way of the Benghazi investigation and the Hillary email investigation, and now he wants answers?

Cummings is a joke:

Gowdy Mocks Schiff, Cummings for Their Sudden ‘Embrace of Transparency’
South Carolina Republican notes a newfound craving for accountability — now that Dems have the House majority
By Kathryn Blackhurst | Monday, November 19, 2018

Gowdy Mocks Schiff, Cummings for Their Sudden 'Embrace of Transparency'

Retiring Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) mocked Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) for their “newfound embrace of transparency” that magically appeared after the Democrats won the House majority on Election Day and earned the right to chair key investigative committees come January.

Gowdy is the current chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, but Cummings (above left), the committee’s ranking Democrat, is expected to replace him in January following Gowdy’s retirement.

Schiff, as current ranking Democrat on the committee, is expected to take the reins of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence from its current chair, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.).

After cementing their House majority, Democrats have made it quite clear that a flood of investigations and subpoenas are coming for President Donald Trump, his finances, his family business, and his administration.

“Fox & Friends” co-host Steve Doocy of Fox News asked Gowdy on Monday what he thought of Cummings’ interview Sunday on CBS News’ “Face the Nation.” In that interview, Cummings insisted he would do “anything and everything” as chair to release special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation findings to the public.

“I would do anything and everything in my power to have the findings presented … not only to the Congress but to the people of the United States. I think it’s very important,” Cummings said.

“In this last election, what the public has said is they want accountability and they want transparency. And they have paid for an investigation by one of our greatest public servants, Mr. Mueller.”

Mueller reportedly is in the final days of his long-lasting probe into allegations of collusion between Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and Russia.

Gowdy scoffed at Cummings’ desire for “transparency” while also scolding Schiff for his plans.

“Well, I don’t know what he means by ‘everything.’ Does that mean divulge classified information? Does it mean divulge grand jury material? I hope not,” Gowdy said.

“I also find it ironic. I spent two years battling with Elijah, who wanted to keep lots of things secret, and I spent two years battling with Adam Schiff, who didn’t want anyone to know about the dossier or Fusion GPS or the FISA process,” Gowdy added.​
Oh, I'm sure that the Ivanka mess has prompted a few threads on here....BUT, it would be "refreshing" if some Trump acolyte honestly admitted that the bullshit that Trump and his cult spewed about "locking up" Hillary was a bit over the top.

One can only hope that some Trump backers have stopped frinking the orange kool-aid...But, maybe not.

Sure as soon as the left admits the Russia investigation is a witch hunt...:lolly:
"TOP SECRET server"? What the hell is a TOP SECRET server?
Your ignorance is duly noted.

The Classification of the server is that of the highest classification of any document, data, or file saved on the server. This classification is then applied to ALL data / documents on the server because it is on that server - anything on a classified server is considered clasdified, as per rules / regs / laws pertaining to classifications.

The highest classification of material found on Hillary's computer was actually TOP SECRET TS SCI - Special Compartmentalized Information she had access to as Sect of State, programs she was 'read out of' when she stepped down - information it was illegal to have after being 'read out' of these programs. Her having TS SCI on her server was also a CRIME.

I find it amusing that so many ignorant people want to declare Hillary innocent of breaking laws but do not have the 1st bit of intelligence regarding what they are talking you have admitted.

Her personal server was an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server CONTAINING Top Secret data (all CRIMES).

The fact that Clinton allowed a company that did not have the required security clearance to have the server in their possession store it in their unsecured BATHROOM in itself is a CRIME!

My KIDS were able to understand this was COMMON SENSE, not 'rocket science's that needed to be explained. Then again, because of me / my job / my years of experience handling classified my kids have had more experience / education in regards to classified and how classified should be handled than, obviously, Hillary and most of the snowflakes on this board.
"TOP SECRET server"? What the hell is a TOP SECRET server?
Your ignorance is duly noted.

The Classification of the server is that of the highest classification of any document, data, or file saved on the server. This classification is then applied to ALL data / documents on the server because it is on that server - anything on a classified server is considered clasdified, as per rules / regs / laws pertaining to classifications.

The highest classification of material found on Hillary's computer was actually TOP SECRET TS SCI - Special Compartmentalized Information she had access to as Sect of State, programs she was 'read out of' when she stepped down - information it was illegal to have after being 'read out' of these programs. Her having TS SCI on her server was also a CRIME.

I find it amusing that so many ignorant people want to declare Hillary innocent of breaking laws but do not have the 1st bit of intelligence regarding what they are talking you have admitted.

Her personal server was an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server CONTAINING Top Secret data (all CRIMES).

The fact that Clinton allowed a company that did not have the required security clearance to have the server in their possession store it in their unsecured BATHROOM in itself is a CRIME!

My KIDS were able to understand this was COMMON SENSE, not 'rocket science's that needed to be explained. Then again, because of me / my job / my years of experience handling classified my kids have had more experience / education in regards to classified and how classified should be handled than, obviously, Hillary and most of the snowflakes on this board.

Top Secret is Top Secret.

Anyone who can't figure what Top Secret means can't be to fucking swift.

Just like Confidential is Confidential not to be shared with anyone.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.
Oh, I'm sure that the Ivanka mess has prompted a few threads on here....BUT, it would be "refreshing" if some Trump acolyte honestly admitted that the bullshit that Trump and his cult spewed about "locking up" Hillary was a bit over the top. One can only hope that some Trump backers have stopped frinking the orange kool-aid...But, maybe not.
Nothing new here. Wingers always go full drama queen when the other side does something, and ignore/minimize/avoid/dismiss the story when their side does the same thing.

That's one of the primary symptoms of the affliction. It's why wingers have zero (0) credibility.

Both sides.
"TOP SECRET server"? What the hell is a TOP SECRET server?
Your ignorance is duly noted.

The Classification of the server is that of the highest classification of any document, data, or file saved on the server. This classification is then applied to ALL data / documents on the server because it is on that server - anything on a classified server is considered clasdified, as per rules / regs / laws pertaining to classifications.

The highest classification of material found on Hillary's computer was actually TOP SECRET TS SCI - Special Compartmentalized Information she had access to as Sect of State, programs she was 'read out of' when she stepped down - information it was illegal to have after being 'read out' of these programs. Her having TS SCI on her server was also a CRIME.

I find it amusing that so many ignorant people want to declare Hillary innocent of breaking laws but do not have the 1st bit of intelligence regarding what they are talking you have admitted.

Her personal server was an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server CONTAINING Top Secret data (all CRIMES).

The fact that Clinton allowed a company that did not have the required security clearance to have the server in their possession store it in their unsecured BATHROOM in itself is a CRIME!

My KIDS were able to understand this was COMMON SENSE, not 'rocket science's that needed to be explained. Then again, because of me / my job / my years of experience handling classified my kids have had more experience / education in regards to classified and how classified should be handled than, obviously, Hillary and most of the snowflakes on this board.

Top Secret is Top Secret.

Anyone who can't figure what Top Secret means can't be to fucking swift.

Just like Confidential is Confidential not to be shared with anyone.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.
Sorry but it's NOT that cut and dried.

The government routinely "over classifieds" material.
And virtually ALL of the classified e-mails...were retroactively classified in Clinton's case.

So let's examine the Ivanka e-mails and see if any of them should be classified. No?

That said. I doubt if what Ivanka did is all that huge a deal...just as I feel about Clinton's e-mail issues. They are virtually indistinguishable. In fact in some ways given what occurred previously, what Ivanka did is worse. She should have known better but obviously thought the e-mail thing was no big deal.

Given all that though...the fact that Trump tried to get his Justice Department to prosecute Clinton after the fact, after she had been cleared by the FBI, and WHILE his own daughter was engaged in the same activity speaks to one thing

Political Abuse of Power...

And his own White House Counsel warned him that going in that direction was an Impeachable offense
Oh, I'm sure that the Ivanka mess has prompted a few threads on here....BUT, it would be "refreshing" if some Trump acolyte honestly admitted that the bullshit that Trump and his cult spewed about "locking up" Hillary was a bit over the top.

One can only hope that some Trump backers have stopped frinking the orange kool-aid...But, maybe not.

It's "over the top" to want to hold someone responsible for making a joke of our laws? What's "bullshit" is the attempts by you on the left to equate Ivanka Trump using a private email account to update her staff on her schedule with Hillary Clinton installing two private servers secretly in her house so that she could run the State Department without Congressional oversight...lying to Congressional investigators about the information those servers contained...and then paying someone to professionally "bleach" the server's hard drives to destroy the evidence of what she'd done!

Continue to try and "rehabilitate" Hillary's reputation though, Nat! She wants another run at the Presidency and people like you are just stupid enough to give it to her!
"TOP SECRET server"? What the hell is a TOP SECRET server?
Your ignorance is duly noted.

The Classification of the server is that of the highest classification of any document, data, or file saved on the server. This classification is then applied to ALL data / documents on the server because it is on that server - anything on a classified server is considered clasdified, as per rules / regs / laws pertaining to classifications.

The highest classification of material found on Hillary's computer was actually TOP SECRET TS SCI - Special Compartmentalized Information she had access to as Sect of State, programs she was 'read out of' when she stepped down - information it was illegal to have after being 'read out' of these programs. Her having TS SCI on her server was also a CRIME.

I find it amusing that so many ignorant people want to declare Hillary innocent of breaking laws but do not have the 1st bit of intelligence regarding what they are talking you have admitted.

Her personal server was an illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured server CONTAINING Top Secret data (all CRIMES).

The fact that Clinton allowed a company that did not have the required security clearance to have the server in their possession store it in their unsecured BATHROOM in itself is a CRIME!

My KIDS were able to understand this was COMMON SENSE, not 'rocket science's that needed to be explained. Then again, because of me / my job / my years of experience handling classified my kids have had more experience / education in regards to classified and how classified should be handled than, obviously, Hillary and most of the snowflakes on this board.

Top Secret is Top Secret.

Anyone who can't figure what Top Secret means can't be to fucking swift.

Just like Confidential is Confidential not to be shared with anyone.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.
Sorry but it's NOT that cut and dried.

The government routinely "over classifieds" material.
And virtually ALL of the classified e-mails...were retroactively classified in Clinton's case.

So let's examine the Ivanka e-mails and see if any of them should be classified. No?

That said. I doubt if what Ivanka did is all that huge a deal...just as I feel about Clinton's e-mail issues. They are virtually indistinguishable. In fact in some ways given what occurred previously, what Ivanka did is worse. She should have known better but obviously thought the e-mail thing was no big deal.

Given all that though...the fact that Trump tried to get his Justice Department to prosecute Clinton after the fact, after she had been cleared by the FBI, and WHILE his own daughter was engaged in the same activity speaks to one thing

Political Abuse of Power...

And his own White House Counsel warned him that going in that direction was an Impeachable offense

Wow, another one? You progressive shills are lining up to push this nonsense...aren't you? "Virtually indistinguishable"? Yeah like a row boat and the Titanic! They're both boats. That's about as close as they get. Which is about as close as Ivanka Trump's use of a private email account and Hillary Trump's use of those two private servers gets!

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