Boardwalk Empire:

Did anyone watch last night's episode? (Dec. 4th)

I've loved the show since the beginning but last night's show really brought home to me one of the things that resonates to people and why we watch some of these crime shows. I think we're all fascinated by moral ambiguity and the ways that people will lie to themselves.

Margaret Schroeder has been perfectly fine with letting Nucky support her and her children - even after she figured out what happened to her husband and had a fling with the hired help. Now that her daughter is afflicted with polio, suddenly she develops a conscience!!!! And let's not even try to understand what's going on in Agent Van Alden's mind - there are so many mixed messages in there.

It's ironic that to me one of the most moral characters in the show is Nucky - as he stated in last season - "Everyone has to figure out how much sin they can live with".

Anyway, just wanted to chat with other people who enjoy the show.

Alice C.
Last night seemed kind of slow until the last fifteen minutes. I hated the jumping back an forth between Jimmy at Princeton an present day
Did anyone watch last night's episode? (Dec. 4th)

I've loved the show since the beginning but last night's show really brought home to me one of the things that resonates to people and why we watch some of these crime shows. I think we're all fascinated by moral ambiguity and the ways that people will lie to themselves.

Margaret Schroeder has been perfectly fine with letting Nucky support her and her children - even after she figured out what happened to her husband and had a fling with the hired help. Now that her daughter is afflicted with polio, suddenly she develops a conscience!!!! And let's not even try to understand what's going on in Agent Van Alden's mind - there are so many mixed messages in there.

It's ironic that to me one of the most moral characters in the show is Nucky - as he stated in last season - "Everyone has to figure out how much sin they can live with".

Anyway, just wanted to chat with other people who enjoy the show.

Alice C.

I agree completely with all you've said here, especially your assessment of Margaret who has turned out to be a textbook example of Irish Catholic hypocrisy, the corrosive flaw in an otherwise strong and admirable national character.

As for Nucky; in spite of his essentially ruthless nature he is, as you've said, an exceptionally honest and moral person. I like him and I feel sorry for him. He doesn't deserve what it seems Margaret is about to do to him. It will be interesting to see how he handles the situation.

The highlight of last night's show was, for me, the trap snapping shut on vanAlden, another stereotypical religious hypocrite and an essentially evil character. I'm hoping he isn't killed but is captured and sentenced to life in a maximum security federal prison.

The relationship of Jimmy Darmody and his mother goes beyond ordinary Freudian thought in drawing deeply on components of the Oedipus Rex tale. There is a wantonly regal quality about that woman. She was a kind of queen in Jimmy's life and she sent him on his self-destructive journey through life.

All in all I have been totally captivated by this series. It is a brilliant production in every way. The cast, script, sets, costumes and music. I found myself eagerly looking forward to 9PM Sundays and I will miss it when it ends.

If I may allow myself a fantasy ending: Nucky cashes out everything he owns and disappears into a quiet, obscure life in a modest rented apartment near Coney Island with Lucy and the baby.
Jimmy, Gillian and the Comodore are a train wreck. Too bad the old man stepped into some shit at that unfortunate moment.
Look for Gillian to take a bigger role in running things as Jimmy becomes more dependent
gillian and the son were just too does jimmy feel watching his mother love on his son?

the flashbacks were a wee bit much...the bad haircut...the tight sweater....was that look ever in?

that was not the first time for jimmy and gillian....she speaks of ....we have done nothing he did not join the army over fucking his mother....he did it cause he beat up the professor

i found the heroin scenes to be a wee bit distorted....its really hard to be pensive doing heroin
I thought it was creepy when Gillian yelled at Jimmy to finish it with the comodore and then when he wakes up, the place is all cleaned up. Spotless.

I'm beginning to hope Jimmy takes her out soon.

Martha is getting a little mouthy with Nucky. He almost had her when she confessed that she's cheated.
i don't think that could happen, on account of her being a scumbag who abandoned her child... a woman who could do that is lower than a gutter rat, or a cockroach, and there is a special place in hell for people like that... speaking of hell, somebody needs to explain to Mrs. Shroeder that you are not supposed to confess for other people's sins... and that god doesn't give a child polio, it is caused by a virus... stupid Irish cow... and in the beginning of this season i was so impressed with the development of her character-- the way she dressed like a pauper to retrieve Nucky's ledger book and money, the way she took a shotgun to eli, the way she held up to John McGarrigle's general unpleasant demeanor at the dinner table. And now look at her regression. She is not putting her children first at all, regardless of what she thinks. Contrarily to what she may believe, it takes more than the grace of God to care for a sick child with Polio... It takes money. And Nucky has a better heaert than she ever could, regardless of her intentions to be pure and holy... And that is the worst catholic priest I have ever seen in my life, albeit fictional, and i have never known any personally to be involved in those horrible scandals involving children. I have many times been counseled by priests in my life, it's like a shrink for Catholics, only he actually has more to say than, "Tell me more about that," and doesn't cost any money.

Margret should be using her money for physical therapy round the clock for Emily, as she can effeminately afford it, instead of funding a new church building... And the priest sinning greatly in my opinion by not telling her so in order to fill his own pockets... she needs to understand that prayer is great, but that doesn't mean rely solely on that... if that were the case, there would be no starving, crippled, cold, suffering, unhappy, etc... people in the world. it goes right to the joke nucky told her about the man drowning, praying to god for help, and then ignoring the lifeguatd and rowboat and steamship telling them all that god would save him, and then dying and getting to heaven, and asking god why he did not save him and god responding that he sent him a lifeguard and two boats... ishe didnt understand her spiritual metaphor, and she is going to testify against nucky?!?!?!!!??? she needs to think of her children first, and her own soul second. a true parent would burn in the fires of hell if it would save their child! Not that she needs to even go that far, but her criticizing Nucky for his need to try to do good to make up for his sins is exactly what she wants, only she sucks at it. it is as if she thinks that faith in god and intelligence are incompatible!

Anyways,, i had thought of some cool scereos for the finale, but after i hit post it got deleted...

heres a part of it..

The Commodore;s death and Jimmy's injuries are explained away by saying it was manny's doing.
Although completely out of character for both of them, Nucky and Jimmy both happen to go to the Church, and have a frank discussion that evolves into an open and honest conversation. JJimmy tells Nucky that he no longer cares about atlantic city. he also thanks him for all the things Nucky did for him in his life, and apologies for his actions. He says that they, like his leaving for Princeton, were all as a reult of actions and direct and indirect manipulation by his mother, but in other words. He says that there is a chance that something might happen to him, and that if it does, if Nucky would do it for him, he requests that Nucky raise Tommy as his own son and that Jillian is kept far away from him...

I don't have any thoughts or ideas about possibilities for Nucky's trial and the stuff with him and margret.

Jimmy bounds and tortures Mickey untill he gets every single piece of useful information he can use against Manny Horvitz, and kills him. He and Al come to an understanding and he enlists Al's help in his plan. Several armed men arive by train from Chicago and they, Capone, Jimmy, and Harrow are at his house planning for the attack, with Harrow pulling out all of his weapons... meanwhile one of Capone's men is watching Manny's every move and has been for the past three days.
Jimmy and Al and his men storm Manny at his store tAl's men going in first and Manny fighting his ass off, using all his butcher stuff, but he is ofercome when Jimmy uses the scull crusher on the end of his knife to knock him out. Durring this time Richard had been set up outside of Manny's home with his sniper rifle, killing Manny's family. He then goes to the butcher shop where we find that manny is bound in his basement alone with Jimmy, Al and some men waiting upstairs. Richard goes downsstairs, and tells Jimmy. Jimmy tells him that he too has now lost his family, but that is not all he will lose. Jimmy starts with his smaller extremeties, before finally totally disemboweling him.

Anybody got any ideas about whats going to happen? The trial, or the beginning of it is going to be crzy.

I am never usually right about wwhat is going to happen, which is why this show is so great, and sometimes the fun is in thinking about what could happen...
Predictions for the season finale...

1. Manny Horowitz will not be killed. He is a good character and Jimmys revenge will carry over to next season

2. Chalky will get his revenge on the Klansmen and it will be very ugly

3 VanAlden will be taken in but how he ultimately testifies will decide Nuckys fate (We know Nucky ain't going to jail)

4 Look for Lucy to show up in the last episode wanting her baby back
nucky finds out about meg and the mick.....remember the maid overheard them.....she will be fired by meg and then she will go to nucky....

jimmy will take over...gillian isnt gonna let him get into heroin....

eli will be arrest and i think off himself....

i still love the alden escaping scene
those are some cool predictions

in an unrelated note, are there any usmc iraq and or afghanistan vets on here? i ask because i have some questions about sending a rather large care package, like enough for a platoon or 40 people. or maybe something smaller would be necessary. the reason i ask is i was going to just send one care package the fam got together that has what might make a difference in the lives of a firing team if sent to a corporal, whych is why i was going to pick that rank to send it to... basically this is on,. soldiers names are listed, and from what i seem to gather the rule of three thing always applies, so if the package got to a private or corporal it would be better suited to be size enough for four men, as opposed to a supply ennough for 40 men... i only asdk because i asked some people from the neighborhood if they would send packages, but they were reluctant so i said i could just add it to mine and maybe we could raise enough supplies(nonperishable foodstuffs and travel-sized hygiene stuff) and some books and other entertainment genre stuff too... i just want to make sure that if we do come up with enough supplies for 40 men we send it in the most convenient way for the troops possible. so if anyone here knows whats up with that could you message me? thanks... i gotta sleep, i am up and ripping down insulatioin in 2 and a half hours... i know i am tired when just a sec ago i closed my eyes and started dosing off but my fingers were still typing and when i looked up the words made absolutely no snse. i have heardd of sleep talking but niow sleep typing
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Nucky finds out about the Margaret/Mick affair through the maid then confirms it by having him tortured then killed.

Margaret is pregnant, she stays. Nucky treats her like she is his maid though until she realizes the power she has. This couple has to get more interesting.

Jimmy gets more into heroin but is realizing that his mother does not have his best interests at heart. He knows he is not cut out to be boss. Nucky plays a part in getting him off drugs and back into the fray. Gillian is dead meat, maybe Richard gets to take her out. Richard should have a bigger role, it seems like they are building him up and he's Jimmy's confidant.

No opinion on Alden yet.

I agree that Chalky gets the Klan in a big way.
i don't think that could happen, on account of her being a scumbag who abandoned her child... a woman who could do that is lower than a gutter rat, or a cockroach, and there is a special place in hell for people like that[...]
There is no question that Lucy is a defective personality. But if Nucky is forced to avoid imprisonment by disappearing wouldn't you agree that because he has no illusions about Lucy she would be a perfectly suitable companion for him? After all, she was loyal to him while she was his bimbo but he threw her over for Margaret -- who is turning out to be far less ethical than poor Lucy was.

Lucy is the kind of babe who would be good if she's treated right. We've already seen that.
i don't think that could happen, on account of her being a scumbag who abandoned her child... a woman who could do that is lower than a gutter rat, or a cockroach, and there is a special place in hell for people like that[...]
There is no question that Lucy is a defective personality. But if Nucky is forced to avoid imprisonment by disappearing wouldn't you agree that because he has no illusions about Lucy she would be a perfectly suitable companion for him? After all, she was loyal to him while she was his bimbo but he threw her over for Margaret -- who is turning out to be far less ethical than poor Lucy was.

Lucy is the kind of babe who would be good if she's treated right. We've already seen that.

Oh no no no. Everytime she came on, I fast forwarded through. Love Margaret, hate Lucy.
i don't think that could happen, on account of her being a scumbag who abandoned her child... a woman who could do that is lower than a gutter rat, or a cockroach, and there is a special place in hell for people like that[...]
There is no question that Lucy is a defective personality. But if Nucky is forced to avoid imprisonment by disappearing wouldn't you agree that because he has no illusions about Lucy she would be a perfectly suitable companion for him? After all, she was loyal to him while she was his bimbo but he threw her over for Margaret -- who is turning out to be far less ethical than poor Lucy was.

Lucy is the kind of babe who would be good if she's treated right. We've already seen that.

Oh no no no. Everytime she came on, I fast forwarded through. Love Margaret, hate Lucy.
I fully understand and appreciate your feelings. My perception is Margaret and Nucky are not compatible and their incompatibility seems about to produce disastrous consequences. But Lucy and Nucky fit together with a click. Lucy is a whore, she knows it and she is content to be one man's bimbo. Nucky's mistake is believing he could step in and out of his reality by adopting a more cultured and intelligent woman like Margaret.

Lucy is perfectly compatible with Nucky.

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