Bob Is Walking Into An Ambush

I didn't know Mueller is a Democrat; I will have to have my PIs look into that.
Who said Mueller was a Democrat?

try reading the goddamn quote I replied to; it implies Mueller is a Democrat.

"We'll see how well Democrats can cover for him.

But it's not just Mueller, it's the entire corrupt Democrat Party.

The MSM will have a hard time going to commercial every time Mueller is asked about all of the times the Obama admin used illegal and/or unethical acts."
I didn't know Mueller is a Democrat; I will have to have my PIs look into that.
Who said Mueller was a Democrat?

try reading the goddamn quote I replied to; it implies Mueller is a Democrat.

"We'll see how well Democrats can cover for him.

But it's not just Mueller, it's the entire corrupt Democrat Party.

The MSM will have a hard time going to commercial every time Mueller is asked about all of the times the Obama admin used illegal and/or unethical acts."
The post doesn't say Mueller is a Democrat.

I can see how someone that isn't familiar with this issue might get confused.
LMAO Hell I wouldn't show up either.

Mueller did the job. Not his fault the Dem House doesn't like the report. To fucking bad.

It's his fault that he did not have equal bias prosecutors ... All were Hillary supporters

Then to help scare trump even more he let that leak

And did the pre dawn raids of some trump people all about scaring trump and all of his supporters ??

Ask mueller did you try to scare trump from going after the serious democrat crimes ?
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Mueller not answering will make him look guilty which will help the republicans and trump

Ask him since you saw the bias of strock and page you took them off the case then you would have known to keep any evidence .. Why did you then erase their phones of evidence

Mueller then would not speak.

But the audience would then see mueller and the democrats as corrupt to the core
I didn't know Mueller is a Democrat; I will have to have my PIs look into that.
Who said Mueller was a Democrat?

try reading the goddamn quote I replied to; it implies Mueller is a Democrat.

"We'll see how well Democrats can cover for him.

But it's not just Mueller, it's the entire corrupt Democrat Party.

The MSM will have a hard time going to commercial every time Mueller is asked about all of the times the Obama admin used illegal and/or unethical acts."
The post doesn't say Mueller is a Democrat.

I can see how someone that isn't familiar with this issue might get confused.

He has long history with Bitchlary but he says he's a Republican
Nadler from crooked NY
Shift from crooked California

Their actions will make trump win the states of Penn -Florida- Ohio and win reelection
It's all political show generated by the incoherent democrat party and the MSM to deflect focus on the investigation that is narrowing in on the Obama administration, the Hillary campaign and rogue traitors in the FBI. Meanwhile the democrat party seems oblivious to real issues like the border crisis.
LMAO Hell I wouldn't show up either.

Mueller did the job. Not his fault the Dem House doesn't like the report. To fucking bad.

What if he did a complete about-face and admitted the whole thing was a HOAX and begged the President for mercy? I think I'd "LOL" for a week. :lol:

Mueller may be getting on in years but he is still sharp as a whip & one of the best attorneys & prosecutors around.

He won't have any issues testifying.

It's not like Mueller is that dumb ass Rudy Giuliani.

Hes not going to say anything other than whats within the 4 corners of his 400 page report.
The master of the perjury trap could well fall into one if/when he shows up at two different House committees. Schiff and Nagler couldn't care less what happens to him since he shattered their hopes of destroying the President. All they're in this for is the theater of keeping the HOAX in the headlines. So when the GOPers start after the goon, they'll sit back and smile watching him try to defend the report/fantasy actually written by Weissmann. Let's see him defend who he chose (avowed Trump-haters) for his team. Let's see him explain why he never looked into Hillary's actual collusion with the Ivans. Let's see him explain how Flynn and the others were charged with perjury while Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Yates, Rosenstein and all the others were not. Bob knows all about ambushes...he walked his platoon into one in the RVN, was pulled from the field, and ended up polishing some General's boots thanks to his daddy's pull. Oh, and Bob how is it you were turned down one day to replace your buddy Comey as Director and named Special Counsel the next day? Hey Bob.....better memorize your lines because one slip-up and you're going down.

Lock him up!
The master of the perjury trap could well fall into one if/when he shows up at two different House committees. Schiff and Nagler couldn't care less what happens to him since he shattered their hopes of destroying the President. All they're in this for is the theater of keeping the HOAX in the headlines. So when the GOPers start after the goon, they'll sit back and smile watching him try to defend the report/fantasy actually written by Weissmann. Let's see him defend who he chose (avowed Trump-haters) for his team. Let's see him explain why he never looked into Hillary's actual collusion with the Ivans. Let's see him explain how Flynn and the others were charged with perjury while Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Yates, Rosenstein and all the others were not. Bob knows all about ambushes...he walked his platoon into one in the RVN, was pulled from the field, and ended up polishing some General's boots thanks to his daddy's pull. Oh, and Bob how is it you were turned down one day to replace your buddy Comey as Director and named Special Counsel the next day? Hey Bob.....better memorize your lines because one slip-up and you're going down.

Nobody deserves it more.
The master of the perjury trap could well fall into one if/when he shows up at two different House committees. Schiff and Nagler couldn't care less what happens to him since he shattered their hopes of destroying the President. All they're in this for is the theater of keeping the HOAX in the headlines. So when the GOPers start after the goon, they'll sit back and smile watching him try to defend the report/fantasy actually written by Weissmann. Let's see him defend who he chose (avowed Trump-haters) for his team. Let's see him explain why he never looked into Hillary's actual collusion with the Ivans. Let's see him explain how Flynn and the others were charged with perjury while Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Yates, Rosenstein and all the others were not. Bob knows all about ambushes...he walked his platoon into one in the RVN, was pulled from the field, and ended up polishing some General's boots thanks to his daddy's pull. Oh, and Bob how is it you were turned down one day to replace your buddy Comey as Director and named Special Counsel the next day? Hey Bob.....better memorize your lines because one slip-up and you're going down.


All Mueller has to do is make one phone call to Bill Barr and tell him that he does not want to testify. There won't be a damn thing Congress can do about it. Mueller's ego is driving him to do what he's doing.

LMAO Hell I wouldn't show up either.

Mueller did the job. Not his fault the Dem House doesn't like the report. To fucking bad.

He's only showing up because he doesn't want to spend the money on attorneys to fight the subpoena.
When did you first discover there was no conspiracy between Trump and Putin to rig the 2016 POTUS ELECTION? Why did the investigation continue past that?
Mr Mueller, how could you possibly think that picking a pack of rabid Hillary Fan-Boys for the investigation would go unnoticed?
Mr Mueller, how could you possibly think that picking a pack of rabid Hillary Fan-Boys for the investigation would go unnoticed?

Mueller why did you let leak the info about all your prosecutors bring rabid Hillary supporters ??

Did you try to scare trump in order to stop him from going after the real crooks
All Mueller has to do is make one phone call to Bill Barr and tell him that he does not want to testify. There won't be a damn thing Congress can do about it. Mueller's ego is driving him to do what he's doing.

Why and how would Barr stop him from testifying?

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