Bob Menendez plays race card, blames conservatives for scandals


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By David Martosko
February 25, 2013

At a Black History Month event held at a Trenton, N.J. church on Sunday, Democratic Senator Bob Menendez blamed conservatives for his ethics scandals, framing them as a racial attack on him because of his Hispanic heritage. “I have felt the sting of discrimination,” he told approximately 300 worshipers, according to the Bergen Record. ”It has never been easy.”

“Now we face anonymous, faceless, nameless individuals from right-wing sources seeking to destroy a lifetime of work,” Menendez said at Shiloh Baptist Church.

The Daily Caller reported late Sunday night that a long-time female escort identified Menendez as a former customer who paid for sex, and who has been an active “hobbyist” in the sex trade since at least 2008.


Read more:
Bob Menendez plays race card, blames conservatives for scandals | The Daily Caller
What a total fucking lowlife scumbag Democrat. Redundant, I know

It's Conservatives fault he likes 16 year old pussy
The women accusing him are not white or conservative. They aren't even Americans.

Can you picture a republican senator who did what Menendez did? Gloria Allred would be all up in it by now. She'd have every hooker on her A-list.
Oh's the Right's fault that you are a corrupt piece of shit. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Menendez....go out with at least an ounce of dignity for cryin out loud.

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