Women: Sen. Bob Menendez paid us for sex in the Dominican Republic

Having a bottle of Viagra proves exactly nothing. It's all innuendo. Meanwhile, all you turds defend to the hilt a pervert who was getting blowjobs from a subordinate employee younger than his own daughter.

Remember Rush Limbaugh's trip to the DR? And the bottle of viagra?

Um I am not defending anyone and least of all Clinton. I think he was wrong to use WH as a frat house. I do however think we needed to let his wife handle his skanky behavior in that department.

By the way Lewinsky was 22 and Chelsea Clinton was 15 at the time.
Limbaugh is just a voice on the radio. Democrat senators influence the way you live. Do lefties understand that concept? Bill Clinton never had to pay for it. I guess his method of slapping them around is a little bit passe for modern democrats. They prefer to screw (pardon the pun) them out of money like the two bit pimps they are.
Women: Sen. Bob Menendez paid us for sex in the Dominican Republic
The Daily Caller ^ | 11/1/2012 | Matthew Boyle

Two women from the Dominican Republic told The Daily Caller that Democratic New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez paid them for sex earlier this year.

In interviews, the two women said they met Menendez around Easter at Casa de Campo, an expensive 7,000 acre resort in the Dominican Republic. They claimed Menendez agreed to pay them $500 for sex acts, but in the end they each received only $100.
Read more: Women: Sen. Bob Menendez paid us for sex in the Dominican Republic | The Daily Caller

Are you against capitalism?
Limbaugh is just a voice on the radio. Democrat senators influence the way you live. Do lefties understand that concept? Bill Clinton never had to pay for it. I guess his method of slapping them around is a little bit passe for modern democrats. They prefer to screw (pardon the pun) them out of money like the two bit pimps they are.

Sex is dirty....yuk
Limbaugh is just a voice on the radio. Democrat senators influence the way you live. Do lefties understand that concept? Bill Clinton never had to pay for it. I guess his method of slapping them around is a little bit passe for modern democrats. They prefer to screw (pardon the pun) them out of money like the two bit pimps they are.

You are incorrect, though. In fact, Rush Limbaugh is a leader of the Republican Party, and he probably has more influence in the party faithful than Willard Romney.
Having a bottle of Viagra proves exactly nothing. It's all innuendo. Meanwhile, all you turds defend to the hilt a pervert who was getting blowjobs from a subordinate employee younger than his own daughter.

Remember Rush Limbaugh's trip to the DR? And the bottle of viagra?

You're defending Rush Limbaugh's strange sexual practices.


Since when is having a bottle of Viagra a "strange sexual practice?" However, stuffing a cigar in a woman's vagina definitely qualifies.
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Limbaugh is just a voice on the radio. Democrat senators influence the way you live. Do lefties understand that concept? Bill Clinton never had to pay for it. I guess his method of slapping them around is a little bit passe for modern democrats. They prefer to screw (pardon the pun) them out of money like the two bit pimps they are.

You are incorrect, though. In fact, Rush Limbaugh is a leader of the Republican Party, and he probably has more influence in the party faithful than Willard Romney.

Limbaugh isn't even registered as a Republican. He has never held any elective office.
Having a bottle of Viagra proves exactly nothing. It's all innuendo. Meanwhile, all you turds defend to the hilt a pervert who was getting blowjobs from a subordinate employee younger than his own daughter.

Remember Rush Limbaugh's trip to the DR? And the bottle of viagra?

You're defending Rush Limbaugh's strange sexual practices.


What did he do? Facts not spin please. I am not a Rush follower so I may be out of the loop but I am assuming he has not had sex in public so how would what he has done sexually, "strange" or otherwise be known by you?
Having a bottle of Viagra proves exactly nothing. It's all innuendo. Meanwhile, all you turds defend to the hilt a pervert who was getting blowjobs from a subordinate employee younger than his own daughter.

Remember Rush Limbaugh's trip to the DR? And the bottle of viagra?

Um I am not defending anyone and least of all Clinton. I think he was wrong to use WH as a frat house. I do however think we needed to let his wife handle his skanky behavior in that department.

By the way Lewinsky was 22 and Chelsea Clinton was 15 at the time.

Oh, right. You think we are supposed to ignore Clinton's sexual adventures in the White House and committing perjury, suborning perjury and obstructing justice to keep it a secret, but we are supposed to worry about Rush having a completely legal prescription in his luggage?

But you aren't defending Clinton?
Having a bottle of Viagra proves exactly nothing. It's all innuendo. Meanwhile, all you turds defend to the hilt a pervert who was getting blowjobs from a subordinate employee younger than his own daughter.

Um I am not defending anyone and least of all Clinton. I think he was wrong to use WH as a frat house. I do however think we needed to let his wife handle his skanky behavior in that department.

By the way Lewinsky was 22 and Chelsea Clinton was 15 at the time.

Oh, right. You think we are supposed to ignore Clinton's sexual adventures in the White House and committing perjury, suborning perjury and obstructing justice to keep it a secret, but we are supposed to worry about Rush having a completely legal prescription in his luggage?

But you aren't defending Clinton?

Hey wait one cotton picking minute. :razz: I am not defending anyone. lol I am giving my opinions.

I don't give a flying leap what you ignore. I addressed the sexual aspect of Clinton's behavior and gave my views. I did not even mentioned Rush who I truthfully don't give a flying hoot about since I think talking heads are partisan drones no matter which side they are riding. How and when he has sex is really not on my give a shit list. Trust me.
Limbaugh is just a voice on the radio. Democrat senators influence the way you live. Do lefties understand that concept? Bill Clinton never had to pay for it. I guess his method of slapping them around is a little bit passe for modern democrats. They prefer to screw (pardon the pun) them out of money like the two bit pimps they are.

You are incorrect, though. In fact, Rush Limbaugh is a leader of the Republican Party, and he probably has more influence in the party faithful than Willard Romney.

Limbaugh isn't even registered as a Republican. He has never held any elective office.

"Limbaugh isn't even registered as a Republican."

How do you know? Hell, he's worked non-stop for the GOP since he was given the job as their chief propagandist. That's hardly a secret.
Having a bottle of Viagra proves exactly nothing. It's all innuendo. Meanwhile, all you turds defend to the hilt a pervert who was getting blowjobs from a subordinate employee younger than his own daughter.

You're defending Rush Limbaugh's strange sexual practices.


What did he do? Facts not spin please. I am not a Rush follower so I may be out of the loop but I am assuming he has not had sex in public so how would what he has done sexually, "strange" or otherwise be known by you?

Nah, I'm just inferring a lot. He went on a secretive vacation to the Dominican Republican and got caught with a bunch of Viagra he purchased under a fake name. Also, he is known for a number of "unsuccessful" attempts at marriage. Also, the Dominican Republic is reknown as a capital of the sex trade industry. There have been many allegations that Limbaugh is a closet pervert, and there is allegedly a ready supply of underage young boys to service wealthy men that go there for that purpose.

So this is merely allegation. But it is based somewhat on compelling evidence.
"Limbaugh isn't even registered as a Republican."

How do you know? Hell, he's worked non-stop for the GOP since he was given the job as their chief propagandist. That's hardly a secret.

He said so numerous times on his show.
You're defending Rush Limbaugh's strange sexual practices.


What did he do? Facts not spin please. I am not a Rush follower so I may be out of the loop but I am assuming he has not had sex in public so how would what he has done sexually, "strange" or otherwise be known by you?

Nah, I'm just inferring a lot. He went on a secretive vacation to the Dominican Republican and got caught with a bunch of Viagra he purchased under a fake name. Also, he is known for a number of "unsuccessful" attempts at marriage. Also, the Dominican Republic is reknown as a capital of the sex trade industry. There have been many allegations that Limbaugh is a closet pervert, and there is allegedly a ready supply of underage young boys to service wealthy men that go there for that purpose.

So this is merely allegation. But it is based somewhat on compelling evidence.

"Compelling evidence"? lol Facts work better.

Facts are all that counts although I get it that perspective and spin make for good message board BSing.

Hey this is my take on Rush. He is just another talking head. I will never understand why the left pays him so much attention unless they "fear" his mouth in some way. Maybe the left wishes they had a Rush? I don't know and don't much care. I think people need to think more for themselves than they do but both sides seem to need talking points from their respective camps to even get into the game.

How he and Clinton have sex means little to me personally and even less to the country as a whole.

Oh and to the poster who chastised me for not noting Clinton lied under oath I know he did. My point was simply that other than his sleazy decision to make the WH his own personal Motel 6 room I think it was more his wife's business than ours that he was messing around.
You're defending Rush Limbaugh's strange sexual practices.


What did he do? Facts not spin please. I am not a Rush follower so I may be out of the loop but I am assuming he has not had sex in public so how would what he has done sexually, "strange" or otherwise be known by you?

Nah, I'm just inferring a lot.

Your inferences aren't worth jack squat.

He went on a secretive vacation to the Dominican Republican and got caught with a bunch of Viagra he purchased under a fake name.

The fact that you didn't know about it makes it "secretive?" Rush has a Gulf Stream IV business jet. He can travel anywhere he wants at the drop of hat. Do you know where he is headed this weakened? Does that make his travel "secretive?"

Lots of guys have a prescription for Viagra, and his wasn't purchased "under a fake name." The fact that turds like you have been making such a huge deal out of it shows why he needs to keep his prescriptions confidential.

Also, he is known for a number of "unsuccessful" attempts at marriage.

So any guy who has been divorced is automatically some kind of pedophile?

Also, the Dominican Republic is reknown as a capital of the sex trade industry. There have been many allegations that Limbaugh is a closet pervert, and there is allegedly a ready supply of underage young boys to service wealthy men that go there for that purpose.

YEah, there is no shortage of turds like you who despise Rush and are eager to say virtually any disgusting thing about him.

So this is merely allegation.

Exactly my point, moron. Thanks for admitting it.

But it is based somewhat on compelling evidence.

It's based on absolutely nothing. The idea that Rush would go to DR with some well known Hollywood producers to engage in pedophilia doesn't pass the laugh test. They went there to golf, moron.
Having a bottle of Viagra proves exactly nothing. It's all innuendo. Meanwhile, all you turds defend to the hilt a pervert who was getting blowjobs from a subordinate employee younger than his own daughter.

You're defending Rush Limbaugh's strange sexual practices.


Since when is having a bottle of Viagra a "strange sexual practice?" However, stuffing a cigar in a woman's vagina definitely qualifies.

Women: Sen. Bob Menendez paid us for sex in the Dominican Republic
The Daily Caller ^ | 11/1/2012 | Matthew Boyle

Two women from the Dominican Republic told The Daily Caller that Democratic New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez paid them for sex earlier this year.

In interviews, the two women said they met Menendez around Easter at Casa de Campo, an expensive 7,000 acre resort in the Dominican Republic. They claimed Menendez agreed to pay them $500 for sex acts, but in the end they each received only $100.
Read more: Women: Sen. Bob Menendez paid us for sex in the Dominican Republic | The Daily Caller

Hummmm....he must be buy-sexual.:D

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