Women: Sen. Bob Menendez paid us for sex in the Dominican Republic

Women: Sen. Bob Menendez paid us for sex in the Dominican Republic
The Daily Caller ^ | 11/1/2012 | Matthew Boyle

Two women from the Dominican Republic told The Daily Caller that Democratic New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez paid them for sex earlier this year.

In interviews, the two women said they met Menendez around Easter at Casa de Campo, an expensive 7,000 acre resort in the Dominican Republic. They claimed Menendez agreed to pay them $500 for sex acts, but in the end they each received only $100.
Read more: Women: Sen. Bob Menendez paid us for sex in the Dominican Republic | The Daily Caller

So their compensation was tied to performance, not just a set negotiated price?

lol, sounds like the conservatives' beloved merit pay for teachers.

You 'nuts should be praising Menendez.

Only a dumbfuck liberal would compare teachers to hookers....

The fact is when it's up to liberals to pay...they ALWAYS pay the minimum which is why they dont give shit to charity or tip worth a fuck......Fucking greedy hypocrits
I have always believed that playing the morality card in the political arena is a bad move. Don't make someone's sexual choices(unless we are talking children being abused) the hill you want to die on. I didn't much care that Clinton was a lover of cigars and blue dresses. I was ticked off that he used them during work hours and in the Oval office. Get pleasured on your own time and dime please.

I wonder what he got for 100 bucks?

If I were a hooker, lol, I would want at least 1000 just to take it out. :D

But that's me.
Us yankees need to know when we go see prostitutes in a country where it is legal they can call the cops and they will if they try to stiff them, its the same as walking into Walmart and picking up a flat screen that is worth $900 and saying you are only going to pay $500, they will arrest you.
I wonder how much Tucker Carlson paid for that story? Does it include Senator David Vitter, hookers, diapers and such?

Remember Rush Limbaugh's trip to the DR? And the bottle of viagra?

JULY 6--Rush Limbaugh was traveling with four other men--including the producers of the hit show "24"--when he was detained over a mislabeled bottle of Viagra found in his luggage during a Customs search, records show.

A Department of Homeland Security passenger manifest shows that Limbaugh and his four buddies flew from the Dominican Republic on a Gulfstream IV jet owned by Premiere Radio Networks, which syndicates his radio program.

Limbaugh returned to Palm Beach, Florida on June 26 with Joel Surnow, "24"'s co-creator and executive producer and Howard Gordon, another of the Fox hit's executive producers (Hollywood agent Jeffrey Benson was also part of the Limbaugh quintet).

With all those guys in tow, it is unclear what the radio host needed with the 29 100mg Viagra pills listed on a seized property receipt.
The passenger manifest was among several documents released today by the Palm Beach County State's Attorney in response to a TSG open records request. Included in the material released was a copy of the handwritten statement Limbaugh provided investigators after he was detained upon the discovery of the impotency drug.

In that statement, Limbaugh claimed that the drug had been prescribed in his doctor’s name “to protect my privacy, given the potential embarrassing nature of Viagra.”

An affidavit sworn three days later by Limbaugh was also released. In that document, Limbaugh explains that the Viagra "was intended for my exclusive use" and that the drug had been prescribed in the name of his drug treatment doctor, Steven Strumwasser. (4 pages)

Rush Limbaugh's Dominican Stag Party | The Smoking Gun
What is wrong with buying puzzy?
I buys it all the time.
I do negotiate the price first and negotiate it down to the least amount, even though I usually get the quadraplegic.
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I have always believed that playing the morality card in the political arena is a bad move. Don't make someone's sexual choices(unless we are talking children being abused) the hill you want to die on. I didn't much care that Clinton was a lover of cigars and blue dresses. I was ticked off that he used them during work hours and in the Oval office. Get pleasured on your own time and dime please.

I wonder what he got for 100 bucks?

If I were a hooker, lol, I would want at least 1000 just to take it out. :D

But that's me.

Down there in the DR 100 bucks might get you a "top shelf" hooker. Not sure. :lol: I went shopping for clothes and top shelf rum while there.
Is prostitution illegal in the Dominican Republic?
Isn't the Dominican Republic the place that Rush Limbaugh heads to for sex with young boys? I'm fairly certain he was caught going that direction with a fist full of Viagra a couple of years back in Florida.

You're a moron.
Yes. Congress approved it in order to facilitate prosecution of child sex tourism
Having a bottle of Viagra proves exactly nothing. It's all innuendo. Meanwhile, all you turds defend to the hilt a pervert who was getting blowjobs from a subordinate employee younger than his own daughter.

Remember Rush Limbaugh's trip to the DR? And the bottle of viagra?
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