Body Language & Crisis Actor Theory & American Politics


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
I'd like this to stay in politics because it is politics. You'll note I'm not confirming one way or the other. Just noting that conspiracy theories can affect politics.

Crisis actors, deep state, false flag: the rise of conspiracy theory code words

It’s no coincidence that the cottage industry of false flag allegations has grown in tandem with the mass uptake of social media – theories are absorbed and spread rapidly online by a range of groups. Conspiracy broadcasters have large, international audiences, and some polling suggests that up to half of Americans believe in at least some signature conspiracy theories.

I'd say that if you watch some type of media in question, a sure sign of authenticity would have to render down at the end of the day to paying very close attention to body language in the context of the horrific event + the known stages of the grief cycle. Bearing in mind that even while in the "shock/denial" phase of grief, a hallow and desperate look can still be seen in the eyes and the lines around the mouth.

If you freeze frame this boy and his friends/fellow survivors' pictures in the beginning, does it look like a group of kids who just survived a mass shooting at their school? Many years ago there was a mass shooting at a school in the city I grew up in. It was a huge school. They interviewed some of the students just after and they were visibly shaken, the girls crying in hysterics, tear streaked faces, clear expressions of fear and grief. The boys were also wiping tears away, faces torn, fist shoved deep in their pockets, hollow grief around their eyes.

I'm not quite seeing that here vv But maybe that's just a result of society becoming numb to this?

I get it. If a party can be made to look bad (guns = republicans), horrifically bad, then the scare-votes from the middle go to the opposing party. I understand the theory. But if it turns out that something was staged, it would play against the staging party, also horrifically.

On the one hand, using a locale to stage a fake crises to fuel certain political sentiments (usually against a party), seems a bit out there. Just the sheer logistics of securing a location, gagging potential outlying witnesses, etc. On the other hand, a friend pointed out to me how calm, unruffled and rehearsed certain interviewees are in weeks following a brutal and devastating event such as the recent school shooting. He said that sometimes they even seem to forget they're supposed to look devastated and then do their best "devastated" face for the camera...then forget...then remember...then forget. I watched one of these interviews and I must say, he has a point.

But still, all that effort to stage a crisis? I don't know. But if you control the media...? I remember a man who lost a son years and years ago. To this day the devastation of that loss still shows in lines all around his face. An animated man with a bounce in his step has turned to a shuffling stone-faced monument to grief. Is this body language missing?
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I'd like this to stay in politics because it is politics. You'll note I'm not confirming one way or the other. Just noting that conspiracy theories can affect politics.

Crisis actors, deep state, false flag: the rise of conspiracy theory code words

It’s no coincidence that the cottage industry of false flag allegations has grown in tandem with the mass uptake of social media – theories are absorbed and spread rapidly online by a range of groups. Conspiracy broadcasters have large, international audiences, and some polling suggests that up to half of Americans believe in at least some signature conspiracy theories.

I'd say that if you watch some type of media in question, a sure sign of authenticity would have to render down at the end of the day to paying very close attention to body language in the context of the horrific event + the known stages of the grief cycle. Bearing in mind that even while in the "shock/denial" phase of grief, a hallow and desperate look can still be seen in the eyes and the lines around the mouth.

If you freeze frame this boy and his friends/fellow survivors' pictures in the beginning, does it look like a group of kids who just survived a mass shooting at their school? Many years ago there was a mass shooting at a school in the city I grew up in. It was a huge school. They interviewed some of the students just after and they were visibly shaken, the girls crying in hysterics, tear streaked faces, clear expressions of fear and grief. The boys were also wiping tears away, faces torn, fist shoved deep in their pockets, hollow grief around their eyes.

I'm not quite seeing that here vv But maybe that's just a result of society becoming numb to this?

I get it. If a party can be made to look bad (guns = republicans), horrifically bad, then the scare-votes from the middle go to the opposing party. I understand the theory. But if it turns out that something was staged, it would play against the staging party, also horrifically.

On the one hand, using a locale to stage a fake crises to fuel certain political sentiments (usually against a party), seems a bit out there. Just the sheer logistics of securing a location, gagging potential outlying witnesses, etc. On the other hand, a friend pointed out to me how calm, unruffled and rehearsed certain interviewees are in weeks following a brutal and devastating event such as the recent school shooting. He said that sometimes they even seem to forget they're supposed to look devastated and then do their best "devastated" face for the camera...then forget...then remember...then forget. I watched one of these interviews and I must say, he has a point.

But still, all that effort to stage a crisis? I don't know. But if you control the media...? I remember a man who lost a son years and years ago. To this day the devastation of that loss still shows in lines all around his face. An animated man with a bounce in his step has turned to a shuffling stone-faced monument to grief. Is this body language missing?

I did freeze and take a screen capture of the beginning. They look pretty determined, angry, and little sad to me. I'd say you should consider a couple of things. They are on TV and they know it. They are motivated to get something done. The guy you know was not in that dynamic so of course his body language is going to be different.

It was a hybrid incident.

The shooter was a pawn, a patsy. We have come a long way since the MK-Ultra days of the mid 1900's.

The elements were set in motion by the Deep State.

The bureaucracy primed and brainwashed the students to their current way of thinking.

The shooting was real, however there are a certain number of well placed students who were ready to be PR representatives for the agenda, which was orchestrated.

Dale was right, they learned from Sandy Hook.

Most of the grief and outrage is real however, as it should be. The shadow establishment is just making sure it is directed and channeled in the wrong direction.


MKUltra Mind Control Program On-Going | Shift Frequency


Doctor That Treated Nikolas Cruz Has NASA and Military Intelligence Background. • r/CBTS_Stream
The black ops goons here are ludicrous.

They know the action was not part of a government op.

Their saying it was should be ground for criminal action against them.
It was a hybrid incident.

The shooter was a pawn, a patsy. We have come a long way since the MK-Ultra days of the mid 1900's.

The elements were set in motion by the Deep State.

The bureaucracy primed and brainwashed the students to their current way of thinking.

The shooting was real, however there are a certain number of well placed students who were ready to be PR representatives for the agenda, which was orchestrated.

Dale was right, they learned from Sandy Hook.

Most of the grief and outrage is real however, as it should be. The shadow establishment is just making sure it is directed and channeled in the wrong direction.


MKUltra Mind Control Program On-Going | Shift Frequency


Doctor That Treated Nikolas Cruz Has NASA and Military Intelligence Background. • r/CBTS_Stream

You post about things that are so far over the heads of most posters here because you took the "red pill" even before I did and have gone down that rabbit hole. The information is out there and since the internet came along, information is even easier to find. Most people have no clue about the MK-Ultra program that was revealed in the Church Committee hearings of the mid 70's and not a damn thing has changed nor has the program ceased. The CIA has been a rogue agency since it's inception when it took the place of the OSS back in the late 40's and filled it with former Nazis under Operation Paperclip. They used the Vatican ratlines to whitewash and funnel Nazis that had particular skill sets that they wanted. It is simply one of the intelligence arms of the Vatican that is controlled by the Jesuits. They fund their black ops with the drug trade, illegal arms sales and human trafficking. There have been many whistle blowers that have ended up dead revealing what the CIA is really about and how it is a major tool of the shadow government. People have no clue as to how utterly corrupt the higher ups in all these alphabet agencies really are.

This Florida school shooting reeks of foreknowledge and others being involved with people put in place beforehand while working in cahoots with CNN. It's like watching the same movie over and over but with a different cast of characters. The M.O is always the same and so is the narrative and why do they it ? Because it works because they know how to play on the heartstrings of the sheeple and they have no idea on how they are being played and manipulated. Cody Snodgres has come forward after 22 years of silence to reveal the crimes and terrorism of the deep state. He was recruited in late 1994 to blow up the Murrah building and he refused. He worked in black-ops for 20 plus years. Here is his interview on Caravan to Midnight. This interview should be a big time wake-up call to anyone still asleep.

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You post about things that are so far over the heads of most posters here because you took the "red pill" even before I did and have gone down that rabbit hole.

I'm sure both of you have taken a lot of pills, among other things
You post about things that are so far over the heads of most posters here because you took the "red pill" even before I did and have gone down that rabbit hole.

I'm sure both of you have taken a lot of pills, among other things

I know of the things I speak about....insults and attempts to marginalize doesn't change what is.
"Fix gun laws"? What gun laws? Lefties used to get away with this stuff but you can't live on political cliches in the age of information.You almost gotta laugh that the argument has shifted from political cliches to the crazy and angry left defending their secret dirty tricks political agenda
Dale has no clue about things of which he speaks.

Really? Then why do you always come out second best when you attempt to debate me or discuss an issue, Joke Starkey?
Although you have never accomplished first best with me, poseur, there is always a chance. Uh . . . no there is not.

Well, Joke Starkey, use the search feature here that USMB has so generously provided for us and pull up a thread in which that you believe you made the most coherent points in a discussion/debate with me.....I'll wait.

Just some things that make you go "Hmmmmmmm?"
There is also the leaked video of David Hogg where he is messing up his lines as he rehearses........move along, folks....nothing to see here.
Dale has no clue about things of which he speaks.

Really? Then why do you always come out second best when you attempt to debate me or discuss an issue, Joke Starkey?
Although you have never accomplished first best with me, poseur, there is always a chance. Uh . . . no there is not.

Well, Joke Starkey, use the search feature here that USMB has so generously provided for us and pull up a thread in which that you believe you made the most coherent points in a discussion/debate with me.....I'll wait.
I can never tell the posting difference between Jake and "Right Winger." They both live in an alternate universe.

Dale has no clue about things of which he speaks.

Really? Then why do you always come out second best when you attempt to debate me or discuss an issue, Joke Starkey?
Although you have never accomplished first best with me, poseur, there is always a chance. Uh . . . no there is not.

Well, Joke Starkey, use the search feature here that USMB has so generously provided for us and pull up a thread in which that you believe you made the most coherent points in a discussion/debate with me.....I'll wait.
I can never tell the posting difference between Jake and "Right Winger." They both live in an alternate universe.


Both of them are definitely stuck in the matrix as well as many others that buy into this "left versus right" paradigm. It's all smoke and illusion that people buy into because reality is too frightening to them. What they don't understand is that you can't fix anything until you realize that it is broken. Turning up the radio so you can't hear the weird noise that your car is making doesn't make the problem go away. Thankfully there are posters like you and a few others that are "awake" and more and more people are waking up and have thrown off the programming.

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