Body Language & Crisis Actor Theory & American Politics

Dale has no clue about things of which he speaks.

Really? Then why do you always come out second best when you attempt to debate me or discuss an issue, Joke Starkey?
Although you have never accomplished first best with me, poseur, there is always a chance. Uh . . . no there is not.

Well, Joke Starkey, use the search feature here that USMB has so generously provided for us and pull up a thread in which that you believe you made the most coherent points in a discussion/debate with me.....I'll wait.
I can never tell the posting difference between Jake and "Right Winger." They both live in an alternate universe.


Both of them are definitely stuck in the matrix as well as many others that buy into this "left versus right" paradigm. It's all smoke and illusion that people buy into because reality is too frightening to them. What they don't understand is that you can't fix anything until you realize that it is broken. Turning up the radio so you can't hear the weird noise that your car is making doesn't make the problem go away. Thankfully there are posters like you and a few others that are "awake" and more and more people are waking up and have thrown off the programming.

I think one of the main problems, the more I study it, is realizing exactly WHAT the Deep State is. Peter Dale Scott, who trained far left wing Cynthia McKinney, basically help to make me realize this. The Deep State is ALL OF US. It is the capitalists, and the socialists. It is the left and the right, it is all interest groups hiding their true interests.

It is, essentially, all of us. Some more so than others, but all have a vested interest in corruption.

The further things go along, the more the corruption is a fabric of the very society we have constructed. Some understand this on a conscious level, others only understand it as far as their occupational licenses close out competition and the FED keeps the 401k's safe.

In some small way, the bank bails outs saved those with investments, but held back the future potential growth and security of the US. It made a global police state even more inevitable. But if you have a retirement plan, what do you care about what is going to happen in fifty years?

Does one really need a license and certificate to cut hair or do a brake job? Not really. It causes market in-elasticity. But it is good for the education cartel, and good for conditioning the minds of those who get those certificates through 20 years of schooling.

Entrepreneurship is discourage, and the establishment, the STATE, controls economic activity, with a light touch, but controls political thought with a sledge hammer.

This works in all sectors of the economy, from the most ill paid blue collar trade, all the way up to the most elite white collar power positions. Everyone has an interest to protect.

Either consciously, or subconsciously, protecting the corruption has been made good for everyone. Why would middle level intel agents and journalists get on board with a central government stripping away the natural rights of sovereign citizens?

Short Term financial gain, power, advancement, and security.

So what is in it for these posters? Is it as Ram Fan believes, paid shills hired to do a job, or folks protecting their interest in a corrupt system? If the later, we need to understand them as probably the decent folks that they are, helpless in their situation, only trying to protect what little they have left in this crumbling and uncertain world. . .

This is a quote by Orwell on Dickens which sums up their attitude pretty well. It is not about the system we have, it is more about their attitude on human nature.

"Of course it is not necessarily the business of a novelist, or a satirist, to make constructive suggestions, but the point is that Dickens's attitude is at bottom not even destructive. There is no clear sign that he wants the existing order to be overthrown, or that he believes it would make very much difference if it were overthrown."
There are no 'deep state' angles on this story: only 'deep Fake Alt Right Media' angles.

And to suggest the totality of American culture is 'deep state' makes no sense at all.
Really? Then why do you always come out second best when you attempt to debate me or discuss an issue, Joke Starkey?
Although you have never accomplished first best with me, poseur, there is always a chance. Uh . . . no there is not.

Well, Joke Starkey, use the search feature here that USMB has so generously provided for us and pull up a thread in which that you believe you made the most coherent points in a discussion/debate with me.....I'll wait.
I can never tell the posting difference between Jake and "Right Winger." They both live in an alternate universe.


Both of them are definitely stuck in the matrix as well as many others that buy into this "left versus right" paradigm. It's all smoke and illusion that people buy into because reality is too frightening to them. What they don't understand is that you can't fix anything until you realize that it is broken. Turning up the radio so you can't hear the weird noise that your car is making doesn't make the problem go away. Thankfully there are posters like you and a few others that are "awake" and more and more people are waking up and have thrown off the programming.

I think one of the main problems, the more I study it, is realizing exactly WHAT the Deep State is. Peter Dale Scott, who trained far left wing Cynthia McKinney, basically help to make me realize this. The Deep State is ALL OF US. It is the capitalists, and the socialists. It is the left and the right, it is all interest groups hiding their true interests.

It is, essentially, all of us. Some more so than others, but all have a vested interest in corruption.

The further things go along, the more the corruption is a fabric of the very society we have constructed. Some understand this on a conscious level, others only understand it as far as their occupational licenses close out competition and the FED keeps the 401k's safe.

In some small way, the bank bails outs saved those with investments, but held back the future potential growth and security of the US. It made a global police state even more inevitable. But if you have a retirement plan, what do you care about what is going to happen in fifty years?

Does one really need a license and certificate to cut hair or do a brake job? Not really. It causes market in-elasticity. But it is good for the education cartel, and good for conditioning the minds of those who get those certificates through 20 years of schooling.

Entrepreneurship is discourage, and the establishment, the STATE, controls economic activity, with a light touch, but controls political thought with a sledge hammer.

This works in all sectors of the economy, from the most ill paid blue collar trade, all the way up to the most elite white collar power positions. Everyone has an interest to protect.

Either consciously, or subconsciously, protecting the corruption has been made good for everyone. Why would middle level intel agents and journalists get on board with a central government stripping away the natural rights of sovereign citizens?

Short Term financial gain, power, advancement, and security.

So what is in it for these posters? Is it as Ram Fan believes, paid shills hired to do a job, or folks protecting their interest in a corrupt system? If the later, we need to understand them as probably the decent folks that they are, helpless in their situation, only trying to protect what little they have left in this crumbling and uncertain world. . .

This is a quote by Orwell on Dickens which sums up their attitude pretty well. It is not about the system we have, it is more about their attitude on human nature.

"Of course it is not necessarily the business of a novelist, or a satirist, to make constructive suggestions, but the point is that Dickens's attitude is at bottom not even destructive. There is no clear sign that he wants the existing order to be overthrown, or that he believes it would make very much difference if it were overthrown."

There is a lot of truth in what you say, sadly. More people are concerned with their bottom line than they are about those that they are leaving behind. There was this former LAPD detective that was a whistleblower about the crack cocaine that was being distributed by agents of this government asked his audience if they would want it stopped if it affected their 401Ks or had a negative effect on the economy..... only half the people raised their hands. People are fine with big pharma and their gouging if they own stock in them. They are fine with the private for profit prisons that use inmates for slave labor as long as it turns a profit and they benefit from it......don't want to go to jail, don't violate an act, statute or code, they say.....not knowing that 80 percent of the prison population is made up of prisoners where there was no victim. "Bomb the shit out of a country to your heart's content....I've got stock in Lockheed Martin and Halliburton!"......
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There are no 'deep state' angles on this story: only 'deep Fake Alt Right Media' angles.

And to suggest the totality of American culture is 'deep state' makes no sense at all.

Define "alt-right", Joke Starkey? Define it in your own words instead of copying and pasting a link from some leftard slanted website.......I asked you this over a year ago and you never answered.

I did freeze and take a screen capture of the beginning. They look pretty determined, angry, and little sad to me. I'd say you should consider a couple of things. They are on TV and they know it. They are motivated to get something done. The guy you know was not in that dynamic so of course his body language is going to be different.

But they don't look wrecked. Such a frightening ordeal would leave them pale, shaky, stone or wooden faced or puffy, streaked with tears. They kind of look bored to me actually. Bored or annoyed. That's not grief. So?

I did freeze and take a screen capture of the beginning. They look pretty determined, angry, and little sad to me. I'd say you should consider a couple of things. They are on TV and they know it. They are motivated to get something done. The guy you know was not in that dynamic so of course his body language is going to be different.

But they don't look wrecked. Such a frightening ordeal would leave them pale, shaky, stone or wooden faced or puffy, streaked with tears. They kind of look bored to me actually. Bored or annoyed. That's not grief. So?

What is amazing to me is that they are not holding their I-Phones.....
What is amazing to me is that they are not holding their I-Phones.....

With the lack of grief emotion in body language, I wouldn't be surprised if they were browsing snowboarding or something on youtube while the interview was going on. They're that nonchalant.
Although you have never accomplished first best with me, poseur, there is always a chance. Uh . . . no there is not.

Well, Joke Starkey, use the search feature here that USMB has so generously provided for us and pull up a thread in which that you believe you made the most coherent points in a discussion/debate with me.....I'll wait.
I can never tell the posting difference between Jake and "Right Winger." They both live in an alternate universe.


Both of them are definitely stuck in the matrix as well as many others that buy into this "left versus right" paradigm. It's all smoke and illusion that people buy into because reality is too frightening to them. What they don't understand is that you can't fix anything until you realize that it is broken. Turning up the radio so you can't hear the weird noise that your car is making doesn't make the problem go away. Thankfully there are posters like you and a few others that are "awake" and more and more people are waking up and have thrown off the programming.

I think one of the main problems, the more I study it, is realizing exactly WHAT the Deep State is. Peter Dale Scott, who trained far left wing Cynthia McKinney, basically help to make me realize this. The Deep State is ALL OF US. It is the capitalists, and the socialists. It is the left and the right, it is all interest groups hiding their true interests.

It is, essentially, all of us. Some more so than others, but all have a vested interest in corruption.

The further things go along, the more the corruption is a fabric of the very society we have constructed. Some understand this on a conscious level, others only understand it as far as their occupational licenses close out competition and the FED keeps the 401k's safe.

In some small way, the bank bails outs saved those with investments, but held back the future potential growth and security of the US. It made a global police state even more inevitable. But if you have a retirement plan, what do you care about what is going to happen in fifty years?

Does one really need a license and certificate to cut hair or do a brake job? Not really. It causes market in-elasticity. But it is good for the education cartel, and good for conditioning the minds of those who get those certificates through 20 years of schooling.

Entrepreneurship is discourage, and the establishment, the STATE, controls economic activity, with a light touch, but controls political thought with a sledge hammer.

This works in all sectors of the economy, from the most ill paid blue collar trade, all the way up to the most elite white collar power positions. Everyone has an interest to protect.

Either consciously, or subconsciously, protecting the corruption has been made good for everyone. Why would middle level intel agents and journalists get on board with a central government stripping away the natural rights of sovereign citizens?

Short Term financial gain, power, advancement, and security.

So what is in it for these posters? Is it as Ram Fan believes, paid shills hired to do a job, or folks protecting their interest in a corrupt system? If the later, we need to understand them as probably the decent folks that they are, helpless in their situation, only trying to protect what little they have left in this crumbling and uncertain world. . .

This is a quote by Orwell on Dickens which sums up their attitude pretty well. It is not about the system we have, it is more about their attitude on human nature.

"Of course it is not necessarily the business of a novelist, or a satirist, to make constructive suggestions, but the point is that Dickens's attitude is at bottom not even destructive. There is no clear sign that he wants the existing order to be overthrown, or that he believes it would make very much difference if it were overthrown."

There is a lot of truth in what you say, sadly. More people are concerned with their bottom line than they are about those that they are leaving behind. There was this former LAPD detective that was a whistleblower about the crack cocaine that was being distributed by agents of this government asked his audience if they would want it stopped if it affected their 401Ks or had a negative effect on the economy..... only half the people raised their hands. People are fine with big pharma and their gouging if they own stock in them. They are fine with the private for profit prisons that use inmates for slave labor as long as it turns a profit and they benefit from it......don't want to go to jail, don't violate an act, statute or code, they say.....not knowing that 80 percent of the prison population is made up of prisoners where there was no victim. "Bomb the shit out of a country to your heart's content....I've got stock in Lockheed Martin and Halliburton!"......
You get it, that is precisely what I am talking about.

This is why crises actors are so easy to find, and why, if folks even have an inkling that this might be true, or if they are fully conscious of the agenda, they will lie about it and use ad hominem against you.

There is an agenda to put forth. It is about money, power, and a plan.

Rarely are folks are taught the vision that our ancestors had.

Even the folks on the right here are so lost. I see so many of them slam, and I mean, come down HARD on "socialism." None of them realize, that VOLUNTARY free association, is the cure to centralized government.

I would far rather shop at a food co-op or get my energy from an energy co-op than from a big corporation.

They watch too much CORPORATE propaganda.

So many of them slag unions, not realizing, that until big corporations used government to break up the competition between unions and big business, as long as unions didn't use government, and big business didn't use government, THAT was the way the free market naturally addressed the power disparity to treat the "wage slave" syndrome. Nothing wrong with scabs, as long as scabs didn't expect to have any welcome in the small business and farming community.

Next time you argue with a so called "socialist" say, so. . . you are for getting rid of the central government then. . . . B/C the federal government is definitely NOT for the people. And every group of people is different, and thus, should have the freedom to decide for themselves what is best. Quakers, shakers, the Amish. . . our native Americans, this is where the whole idea started. Not in Europe. Europe only brought STATE socialists, but that is just another form of tyranny. How is that different from the fascism we have now?

America once had balance. Competition between individuals, cooperation among families and communities. But no longer, no we have diktates from the central planning offices of two parties that act the same. Tyranny from the left on domestic issues, war from the right on national issues.

Peace and Tranquility, healthy competition and cooperation remain elusive to regular folks.

. . . I've lost track now, how many years have we been at war?
Well, Joke Starkey, use the search feature here that USMB has so generously provided for us and pull up a thread in which that you believe you made the most coherent points in a discussion/debate with me.....I'll wait.
I can never tell the posting difference between Jake and "Right Winger." They both live in an alternate universe.


Both of them are definitely stuck in the matrix as well as many others that buy into this "left versus right" paradigm. It's all smoke and illusion that people buy into because reality is too frightening to them. What they don't understand is that you can't fix anything until you realize that it is broken. Turning up the radio so you can't hear the weird noise that your car is making doesn't make the problem go away. Thankfully there are posters like you and a few others that are "awake" and more and more people are waking up and have thrown off the programming.

I think one of the main problems, the more I study it, is realizing exactly WHAT the Deep State is. Peter Dale Scott, who trained far left wing Cynthia McKinney, basically help to make me realize this. The Deep State is ALL OF US. It is the capitalists, and the socialists. It is the left and the right, it is all interest groups hiding their true interests.

It is, essentially, all of us. Some more so than others, but all have a vested interest in corruption.

The further things go along, the more the corruption is a fabric of the very society we have constructed. Some understand this on a conscious level, others only understand it as far as their occupational licenses close out competition and the FED keeps the 401k's safe.

In some small way, the bank bails outs saved those with investments, but held back the future potential growth and security of the US. It made a global police state even more inevitable. But if you have a retirement plan, what do you care about what is going to happen in fifty years?

Does one really need a license and certificate to cut hair or do a brake job? Not really. It causes market in-elasticity. But it is good for the education cartel, and good for conditioning the minds of those who get those certificates through 20 years of schooling.

Entrepreneurship is discourage, and the establishment, the STATE, controls economic activity, with a light touch, but controls political thought with a sledge hammer.

This works in all sectors of the economy, from the most ill paid blue collar trade, all the way up to the most elite white collar power positions. Everyone has an interest to protect.

Either consciously, or subconsciously, protecting the corruption has been made good for everyone. Why would middle level intel agents and journalists get on board with a central government stripping away the natural rights of sovereign citizens?

Short Term financial gain, power, advancement, and security.

So what is in it for these posters? Is it as Ram Fan believes, paid shills hired to do a job, or folks protecting their interest in a corrupt system? If the later, we need to understand them as probably the decent folks that they are, helpless in their situation, only trying to protect what little they have left in this crumbling and uncertain world. . .

This is a quote by Orwell on Dickens which sums up their attitude pretty well. It is not about the system we have, it is more about their attitude on human nature.

"Of course it is not necessarily the business of a novelist, or a satirist, to make constructive suggestions, but the point is that Dickens's attitude is at bottom not even destructive. There is no clear sign that he wants the existing order to be overthrown, or that he believes it would make very much difference if it were overthrown."

There is a lot of truth in what you say, sadly. More people are concerned with their bottom line than they are about those that they are leaving behind. There was this former LAPD detective that was a whistleblower about the crack cocaine that was being distributed by agents of this government asked his audience if they would want it stopped if it affected their 401Ks or had a negative effect on the economy..... only half the people raised their hands. People are fine with big pharma and their gouging if they own stock in them. They are fine with the private for profit prisons that use inmates for slave labor as long as it turns a profit and they benefit from it......don't want to go to jail, don't violate an act, statute or code, they say.....not knowing that 80 percent of the prison population is made up of prisoners where there was no victim. "Bomb the shit out of a country to your heart's content....I've got stock in Lockheed Martin and Halliburton!"......
You get it, that is precisely what I am talking about.

This is why crises actors are so easy to find, and why, if folks even have an inkling that this might be true, or if they are fully conscious of the agenda, they will lie about it and use ad hominem against you.

There is an agenda to put forth. It is about money, power, and a plan.

Rarely are folks are taught the vision that our ancestors had.

Even the folks on the right here are so lost. I see so many of them slam, and I mean, come down HARD on "socialism." None of them realize, that VOLUNTARY free association, is the cure to centralized government.

I would far rather shop at a food co-op or get my energy from an energy co-op than from a big corporation.

They watch too much CORPORATE propaganda.

So many of them slag unions, not realizing, that until big corporations used government to break up the competition between unions and big business, as long as unions didn't use government, and big business didn't use government, THAT was the way the free market naturally addressed the power disparity to treat the "wage slave" syndrome. Nothing wrong with scabs, as long as scabs didn't expect to have any welcome in the small business and farming community.

Next time you argue with a so called "socialist" say, so. . . you are for getting rid of the central government then. . . . B/C the federal government is definitely NOT for the people. And every group of people is different, and thus, should have the freedom to decide for themselves what is best. Quakers, shakers, the Amish. . . our native Americans, this is where the whole idea started. Not in Europe. Europe only brought STATE socialists, but that is just another form of tyranny. How is that different from the fascism we have now?

America once had balance. Competition between individuals, cooperation among families and communities. But no longer, no we have diktates from the central planning offices of two parties that act the same. Tyranny from the left on domestic issues, war from the right on national issues.

Peace and Tranquility, healthy competition and cooperation remain elusive to regular folks.

. . . I've lost track now, how many years have we been at war?

We have only 21 years in our history that USA.INC hasn't been involved in some kind of conflict...war equals money for the military industrial complex. The District of Columbia, the city/state that WAS prior known as Rome, Virginia is the hammer of the three headed beast. The City of London Corporation, the local-government authority for the 1.2 square mile piece of land that is the financial aspect of it and then the Vatican that is also a city/state...all three have an obelisk that sits on a ley line......but nothing to see here. We are under fascist rule and have been for decades. The fasces symbol is everywhere in's on the back of the dime. They put it right out in front of our face.
The "deep state" crazies are no trouble as long as we know who they are.
I'd like this to stay in politics because it is politics. You'll note I'm not confirming one way or the other. Just noting that conspiracy theories can affect politics.

Crisis actors, deep state, false flag: the rise of conspiracy theory code words

It’s no coincidence that the cottage industry of false flag allegations has grown in tandem with the mass uptake of social media – theories are absorbed and spread rapidly online by a range of groups. Conspiracy broadcasters have large, international audiences, and some polling suggests that up to half of Americans believe in at least some signature conspiracy theories.

I'd say that if you watch some type of media in question, a sure sign of authenticity would have to render down at the end of the day to paying very close attention to body language in the context of the horrific event + the known stages of the grief cycle. Bearing in mind that even while in the "shock/denial" phase of grief, a hallow and desperate look can still be seen in the eyes and the lines around the mouth.

If you freeze frame this boy and his friends/fellow survivors' pictures in the beginning, does it look like a group of kids who just survived a mass shooting at their school? Many years ago there was a mass shooting at a school in the city I grew up in. It was a huge school. They interviewed some of the students just after and they were visibly shaken, the girls crying in hysterics, tear streaked faces, clear expressions of fear and grief. The boys were also wiping tears away, faces torn, fist shoved deep in their pockets, hollow grief around their eyes.

I'm not quite seeing that here vv But maybe that's just a result of society becoming numb to this?

I get it. If a party can be made to look bad (guns = republicans), horrifically bad, then the scare-votes from the middle go to the opposing party. I understand the theory. But if it turns out that something was staged, it would play against the staging party, also horrifically.

On the one hand, using a locale to stage a fake crises to fuel certain political sentiments (usually against a party), seems a bit out there. Just the sheer logistics of securing a location, gagging potential outlying witnesses, etc. On the other hand, a friend pointed out to me how calm, unruffled and rehearsed certain interviewees are in weeks following a brutal and devastating event such as the recent school shooting. He said that sometimes they even seem to forget they're supposed to look devastated and then do their best "devastated" face for the camera...then forget...then remember...then forget. I watched one of these interviews and I must say, he has a point.

But still, all that effort to stage a crisis? I don't know. But if you control the media...? I remember a man who lost a son years and years ago. To this day the devastation of that loss still shows in lines all around his face. An animated man with a bounce in his step has turned to a shuffling stone-faced monument to grief. Is this body language missing?

I did freeze and take a screen capture of the beginning. They look pretty determined, angry, and little sad to me. I'd say you should consider a couple of things. They are on TV and they know it. They are motivated to get something done. The guy you know was not in that dynamic so of course his body language is going to be different.

View attachment 178546

In a way, these kids are crisis actors. Look what the left has subjected them to? Same day a shooting happens at their school, they are on TV. Shameless exploitation of the mentally feeble. Already you guys are abandoning them. By Wednesday you will be right back on sex, crazy, Russia. Then what will these kids do when no one cares anymore?
In a way, these kids are crisis actors. Look what the left has subjected them to? Same day a shooting happens at their school, they are on TV. Shameless exploitation of the mentally feeble. Already you guys are abandoning them. By Wednesday you will be right back on sex, crazy, Russia. Then what will these kids do when no one cares anymore?

Dunno. I watch the video in the OP over and over and the lack of true grief in body language and I'm struck with one of two things. 1. The kids are sociopaths who are completely unmoved by the death of their friends or 2. They are not actually suffering grief for another reason.
or 3 (and this is the truth) Sil does not know what she is talking about. Neither does Crixus.

I did freeze and take a screen capture of the beginning. They look pretty determined, angry, and little sad to me. I'd say you should consider a couple of things. They are on TV and they know it. They are motivated to get something done. The guy you know was not in that dynamic so of course his body language is going to be different.

But they don't look wrecked. Such a frightening ordeal would leave them pale, shaky, stone or wooden faced or puffy, streaked with tears. They kind of look bored to me actually. Bored or annoyed. That's not grief. So?
They dont have to look wrecked. Not everyone is a fragile heap that cant adjust to traumatic events. Weird how you got bored out of anger, determination, and a little sadness. I guess some people are going to see what they want.
Has Sil blamed this shooting on gay marriage yet? :lol:

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