Body Language & Crisis Actor Theory & American Politics

“Crisis Actor” another ridiculous rightwing lie.
That’s funny considering all the left does is lie.
As you just did? :)
I lied? Please. I will tell you & anyone the truth. I have courage. One thing most human beings are lacking... DB
The left does lie all the time, anymore than the right does, so, yes, you lied. Your courage should be based on factual truth.
The left does lie all the time, anymore than the right does, so, yes, you lied. Your courage should be based on factual truth.

The nice thing about the video in the OP and the still capture photo on the last page or so is that people don't need "truth umpires/intermediaries" like you who like to spin words. Plainly, we can see the lack of deep or shaken emotion we'd like to see on kids who just had their buddies gunned down at school. It's just right there. No words needed. Just observation and a brain.
The left does lie all the time, anymore than the right does, so, yes, you lied. Your courage should be based on factual truth.

The nice thing about the video in the OP and the still capture photo on the last page or so is that people don't need "truth umpires/intermediaries" like you who like to spin words. Plainly, we can see the lack of deep or shaken emotion we'd like to see on kids who just had their buddies gunned down at school. It's just right there. No words needed. Just observation and a brain.
Nonsense, but keep spinning.
Oh hell. The survivors of the school shooting played and won the state championship in hockey. Terrible body language. Some of them are laughing, smiling and happy.

Florida high school's hockey team wins state championship days after deadly shooting

This is the video that started the Social Media bans.

I'm not sure if I completely buy the whole, complete false flag angle, but if it is not. .. . why clamp down on freedom of thought, ideas, and freedom of speech?

It makes me VERY suspicious.

This is the video that started the Social Media bans.

I'm not sure if I completely buy the whole, complete false flag angle, but if it is not. .. . why clamp down on freedom of thought, ideas, and freedom of speech?

It makes me VERY suspicious.

While I have a problem with censorship, some of the more idiotic videos should be taken down once it is determined to be simply paranoid freaks posting them. There should be at least some truth to them. Most are just blatant outright lies. Remember these are private companies and they can do what they wish to their content.
This is the video that started the Social Media bans.

I'm not sure if I completely buy the whole, complete false flag angle, but if it is not. .. . why clamp down on freedom of thought, ideas, and freedom of speech?

It makes me VERY suspicious.

While I have a problem with censorship, some of the more idiotic videos should be taken down once it is determined to be simply paranoid freaks posting them. There should be at least some truth to them. Most are just blatant outright lies.

IOW. . . . you have no problem censoring folks you think need censoring. :abgg2q.jpg:
This is the video that started the Social Media bans.

I'm not sure if I completely buy the whole, complete false flag angle, but if it is not. .. . why clamp down on freedom of thought, ideas, and freedom of speech?

It makes me VERY suspicious.

While I have a problem with censorship, some of the more idiotic videos should be taken down once it is determined to be simply paranoid freaks posting them. There should be at least some truth to them. Most are just blatant outright lies.

IOW. . . . you have no problem censoring folks you think need censoring. :abgg2q.jpg:
I have zero problem with censoring nutcases. They tend to agitate and create more nutcases. These nutcases then tend to blow up government buildings or conduct mass shootings.
This is the video that started the Social Media bans.

I'm not sure if I completely buy the whole, complete false flag angle, but if it is not. .. . why clamp down on freedom of thought, ideas, and freedom of speech?

It makes me VERY suspicious.

While I have a problem with censorship, some of the more idiotic videos should be taken down once it is determined to be simply paranoid freaks posting them. There should be at least some truth to them. Most are just blatant outright lies.

IOW. . . . you have no problem censoring folks you think need censoring. :abgg2q.jpg:
I have zero problem with censoring nutcases. They tend to agitate and create more nutcases. These nutcases then tend to blow up government buildings or conduct mass shootings.
Sure they do. If you believe the MSM.

I guess I just don't get following conspiracy nonsense like this. It's a complete waste of time. It proves nothing, it does nothing. At the end of the day, what, it's a hobby?

How are you filtering this information? Are you law enforcement? What are your credentials? How does someone like you show me you're not just another crackpot with a broadband connection?

I did freeze and take a screen capture of the beginning. They look pretty determined, angry, and little sad to me. I'd say you should consider a couple of things. They are on TV and they know it. They are motivated to get something done. The guy you know was not in that dynamic so of course his body language is going to be different.

But they don't look wrecked. Such a frightening ordeal would leave them pale, shaky, stone or wooden faced or puffy, streaked with tears. They kind of look bored to me actually. Bored or annoyed. That's not grief. So?

When was this picture taken? Same day? I saw some pretty wrecked kids on the news immediately after the attack. (And ppl called them snowflakes for that.) Maybe after a couple of days the sadness turned into anger and a determination to get something done.
In a way, these kids are crisis actors. Look what the left has subjected them to? Same day a shooting happens at their school, they are on TV. Shameless exploitation of the mentally feeble. Already you guys are abandoning them. By Wednesday you will be right back on sex, crazy, Russia. Then what will these kids do when no one cares anymore?

Dunno. I watch the video in the OP over and over and the lack of true grief in body language and I'm struck with one of two things. 1. The kids are sociopaths who are completely unmoved by the death of their friends or 2. They are not actually suffering grief for another reason.

I see none of that.
This is the video that started the Social Media bans.

I'm not sure if I completely buy the whole, complete false flag angle, but if it is not. .. . why clamp down on freedom of thought, ideas, and freedom of speech?

It makes me VERY suspicious.

While I have a problem with censorship, some of the more idiotic videos should be taken down once it is determined to be simply paranoid freaks posting them. There should be at least some truth to them. Most are just blatant outright lies.

IOW. . . . you have no problem censoring folks you think need censoring. :abgg2q.jpg:
I have zero problem with censoring nutcases. They tend to agitate and create more nutcases. These nutcases then tend to blow up government buildings or conduct mass shootings.
Sure they do. If you believe the MSM.
I've never watched MSM but I do know this last shooter was a Drumpf supporter.

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