Boebert ripped for treasonist act by republicans for sharing the location of lawmakers during terrorist attack. New audio.

It very nearly did. Had pence left the Capitol it would have.

He was in the parking garage and the Secret Service were trying to get him in the limo and out...he refused.
Bullshit. If they had managed to stop the proceedings that day, they would have reconvened the next day.
No, some people care. Real Americans care. For 220 years, through some of the most turbulent times in history, the shining jewel of American democracy, of American exceptionalism, was the peaceful transfer of power from election to election.

There was no fraud that affected the outcome of the election. That was not the case in 1876. And yet somehow, Congress managed to work out a solution. There was no riot of the Capital as representatives and senators hammered out an agreement over the course of a couple of weeks.

The difference in then and now, well that lies in you and those like you. I mean you are just stupid. Donald Trump will go down as the worst president in history, but his legacy will be being known as the worse traitor in American history, Benedict Arnold will be so happy to have been replaced.
Election fraud has never been debunked. You all just along with it because you like the outcome. That fraud lost 18 of 19 bell weather counties, and the votes came in the middle of the night to flip the election. 2000 mules proves the ballot stuffing.

But hey, the important thing is you Dems run everything now, and can destroy the country unimpeded.


Election fraud has never been debunked. You all just along with it because you like the outcome. That fraud lost 18 of 19 bell weather counties, and the votes came in the middle of the night to flip the election. 2000 mules proves the ballot stuffing.

But hey, the important thing is you Dems run everything now, and can destroy the country unimpeded.

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Election fraud has never been debunked. You all just along with it because you like the outcome. That fraud lost 18 of 19 bell weather counties, and the votes came in the middle of the night to flip the election. 2000 mules proves the ballot stuffing.

But hey, the important thing is you Dems run everything now, and can destroy the country unimpeded.
I am going to explain something to you. I doubt you will attempt to understand, but you need to be educated. But first, to 2,000 mules. Anything from D'Souza is suspect, but 2000 mules is comically stupid. Ping a bunch of people's cell phones, find out that some of them are IN THE AREA of a dropbox, and immediately proclaim they are "mules" conducting nefarious activities to swing the election. Was any real linkage shown, any pictures, any record of money trading hands? Hell, even any record of one of those "mules" actually being in front of a dropbox? Hell no. Even Ben Shapiro proclaims that they didn't "connect the dots". But now to you "education".

It is called the "right mirage". It has been going on for half a century. Republican voters are more likely to vote in person on election day than Democrat voters. And Democrat voters are more likely to vote absentee, or early, than Republican voters. Those absentee ballots and early votes are often not tabulated until after the in-person votes are counted. In some states, like Pennsylvania, that is the law. The "mirage" is the early appearance of a lead as the initial counts start coming in for those on the right.

Like I said, this has been going on for half a century. Trump was warned about it. But when you throw in Covid, and Trump actively encouraging his voters to only vote in person on election day, to the chagrin of many of his advisors, that mirage was going to become a block buster movie in Dolby surround sound.

It is my theory that Trump completely understood the right mirage effect. That he purposely intensified that effect through the discouragement of voting by mail in order to "con" gullible, uninformed, uneducated people like you. He knew he was going to lose, hell, the Trump machine as always been professionals at reading the polls. So, leveraging the right mirage in order to claim fraud was a purposeful strategy he incorporated in a last ditch effort to remain in power. In other words, he violated his oath of office, committed treason, and attempted to deny the will of the people. And in the end, that is precisely what is going to come out.
No, some people care. Real Americans care. For 220 years, through some of the most turbulent times in history, the shining jewel of American democracy, of American exceptionalism, was the peaceful transfer of power from election to election.

There was no fraud that affected the outcome of the election. That was not the case in 1876. And yet somehow, Congress managed to work out a solution. There was no riot of the Capital as representatives and senators hammered out an agreement over the course of a couple of weeks.

The difference in then and now, well that lies in you and those like you. I mean you are just stupid. Donald Trump will go down as the worst president in history, but his legacy will be being known as the worse traitor in American history, Benedict Arnold will be so happy to have been replaced.
What do you know about real Americans? That is when I stopped reading your post.
But first, to 2,000 mules. Anything from D'Souza is suspect, but 2000 mules is comically stupid. Ping a bunch of people's cell phones, find out that some of them are IN THE AREA of a dropbox, and immediately proclaim they are "mules" conducting nefarious activities to swing the election.
That isn't what was one. You should have paid a lot better attention. Those phones were tied to individuals making numerous trips to the same drop boxes and were caught on video doing so.
That isn't what was one. You should have paid a lot better attention. Those phones were tied to individuals making numerous trips to the same drop boxes and were caught on video doing so.

That isn't what was one. You should have paid a lot better attention. Those phones were tied to individuals making numerous trips to the same drop boxes and were caught on video doing so.
No they weren't. There is no video.

All D’Souza really has—if the cellphone data is real and is really what he represents it as being—is some evidence that some people made frequent trips in areas around ballot drop-off boxes which, by design, were usually placed in heavily-traveled areas for convenience. Putting that aside, who are these mules? Who paid them? Where is the evidence of people making repeated trips to illegally stuff drop-boxes with ballots? What non-profits were involved? These questions are not even asked, let alone answered, in the movie. The theory of the case relies almost entirely on digital maps with dots and squiggles, supposedly demonstrating the questionable movement of the “mules.” Boom-Diggity. All that’s left is for the FBI to take it from here. Or something.

By itself, this is a dubious approach. As the Associated Press pointed out in a fact check of the film, there’s no way by just using cellphone data to know whether someone visited a ballot drop box, particularly since those boxes were installed in high-traffic areas. Last month, I spoke with an expert on geolocation who made clear that the imprecision of phone geolocation would make specifying that a phone was actually near a drop box (and not, say, 10 feet from it) nearly impossible.

Election investigators have reviewed several videos included in “2000 Mules” and found no illegal behavior, including a video that showed a Gwinnett County man inserting ballots into a drop box, according to the secretary of state’s office.

“We investigated, and the five ballots that he turned in were all for himself and his family members,” said Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger during a debate last week.

In the movie, D’Souza promotes allegations made by True the Vote, a Texas-based organization that gathered drop box surveillance video and cellphone location data in parts of Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. All were swing states where Biden won.

True the Vote hasn’t cooperated with Georgia’s election investigations, refusing to disclose the names of people who allegedly harvested ballots. The State Election Board issued subpoenas on the organization last month to seek documents, recordings and names of individuals involved.

Mayer, the University of Wisconsin-Madison political scientist, said it’s not credible to rely on the cell phone data to conclude that these 400,000 ballots were illegal.

"It is conspiracist thinking," he said. "They are interpreting data that confirms their pre-existing conclusions. It’s a zombie claim; no matter how many times you kill it, it keeps coming back."

Such geospatial data is not precise enough to prove without uncertainty that a person submitted a ballot to a drop box, only that they came within a short distance of it, the Associated Press reported. There are many reasons why a person might repeatedly enter the zone where a drop box is stationed, as the boxes are often strategically placed in busy areas.

D’Souza’s trailer also doesn’t explain why the supposedly overwhelming evidence of "criminal" activity he found hasn’t made its way into the hands of prosecutors

No they weren't. There is no video.

All D’Souza really has—if the cellphone data is real and is really what he represents it as being—is some evidence that some people made frequent trips in areas around ballot drop-off boxes which, by design, were usually placed in heavily-traveled areas for convenience. Putting that aside, who are these mules? Who paid them? Where is the evidence of people making repeated trips to illegally stuff drop-boxes with ballots? What non-profits were involved? These questions are not even asked, let alone answered, in the movie. The theory of the case relies almost entirely on digital maps with dots and squiggles, supposedly demonstrating the questionable movement of the “mules.” Boom-Diggity. All that’s left is for the FBI to take it from here. Or something.

By itself, this is a dubious approach. As the Associated Press pointed out in a fact check of the film, there’s no way by just using cellphone data to know whether someone visited a ballot drop box, particularly since those boxes were installed in high-traffic areas. Last month, I spoke with an expert on geolocation who made clear that the imprecision of phone geolocation would make specifying that a phone was actually near a drop box (and not, say, 10 feet from it) nearly impossible.

Election investigators have reviewed several videos included in “2000 Mules” and found no illegal behavior, including a video that showed a Gwinnett County man inserting ballots into a drop box, according to the secretary of state’s office.

“We investigated, and the five ballots that he turned in were all for himself and his family members,” said Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger during a debate last week.

In the movie, D’Souza promotes allegations made by True the Vote, a Texas-based organization that gathered drop box surveillance video and cellphone location data in parts of Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. All were swing states where Biden won.

True the Vote hasn’t cooperated with Georgia’s election investigations, refusing to disclose the names of people who allegedly harvested ballots. The State Election Board issued subpoenas on the organization last month to seek documents, recordings and names of individuals involved.

Mayer, the University of Wisconsin-Madison political scientist, said it’s not credible to rely on the cell phone data to conclude that these 400,000 ballots were illegal.

"It is conspiracist thinking," he said. "They are interpreting data that confirms their pre-existing conclusions. It’s a zombie claim; no matter how many times you kill it, it keeps coming back."

Such geospatial data is not precise enough to prove without uncertainty that a person submitted a ballot to a drop box, only that they came within a short distance of it, the Associated Press reported. There are many reasons why a person might repeatedly enter the zone where a drop box is stationed, as the boxes are often strategically placed in busy areas.

D’Souza’s trailer also doesn’t explain why the supposedly overwhelming evidence of "criminal" activity he found hasn’t made its way into the hands of prosecutors

Then you haven't watched it.
Then you haven't watched it.
There are four links there, from a variety of sources, that clearly explain how what you think you are seeing is not what you are seeing. "They got video"--yes, of people placing multiple ballots in a dropbox. Is that always illegal? No, in fact, not even most of the time. And one of those sources documented that Georgia investigated one of those that was on video in the movie dropping ballots off. All five ballots were family members, perfectly legal.

Another source mentions the fact that dropboxes have been used for more than twenty years, with no complaints. Even in Republican states like Utah. I mean it is not like you can print off a bunch of ballots. Each absentee ballot is uniquely assigned to the voter that requested it. And several verification methods are used to document the validity of the ballot and the sender.

There have been mail-in ballots for more than 150 years. In 2016, one out of four ballots was a mail in. Did Trump proclaim there was fraud then? Did Clinton? I mean here is another link I know you won't bother to read,

I mean it is hard to argue with the math when it is MIT doing the ciphering.
Here is what is going to happen.......

Trumpers will keep trying to minimize the insurrection.....they will twist themselves into pretzels to justify why pressuring a VP to overturn the election was justified and legal....

But the minute you ask them...does that mean VP Harris can overturn the 2024 election -- they will contradict every last thing they said....
Here is what is going to happen.......

Trumpers will keep trying to minimize the insurrection.....they will twist themselves into pretzels to justify why pressuring a VP to overturn the election was justified and legal....

But the minute you ask them...does that mean VP Harris can overturn the 2024 election -- they will contradict every last thing they said....
I'm not a Trumper and there was no insurrection.

A protest that got out of hand? Certainly.

A Riot? You can make that charge with some honesty.

There absolutely was no Insurrection though.

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