Boehner and GOP quietly cave

The reason why we have no problem with what boehner did is because we put America first. Not any party.

Bullshit. The only reason this is news in the first place is because the GOP was holding DHS funding hostage for political reasons.

That's all the GOP does these days. Force one crisis after another at the expense of the country for political bullshit.
Yeah and the DNC is never political, never manipulates issues, never blocks passage of bills, is altruistic in all it's political dealings............ never...... well you get the point......... Maybe........
Yeah I get the point that all you have in rebuttal is a tu quoque fallacy.
Truth is now fallacy??!!!! Okie dokie...... Oh yeah, I forgot, it is when it doesn't fit you paradigm.......:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
The reason why we have no problem with what boehner did is because we put America first. Not any party.

Bullshit. The only reason this is news in the first place is because the GOP was holding DHS funding hostage for political reasons.

That's all the GOP does these days. Force one crisis after another at the expense of the country for political bullshit.
Yeah and the DNC is never political, never manipulates issues, never blocks passage of bills, is altruistic in all it's political dealings............ never...... well you get the point......... Maybe........
Yeah I get the point that all you have in rebuttal is a tu quoque fallacy.
Truth is now fallacy??!!!! Okie dokie...... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I see it sailed right over your head.

Here, let me help: Tu quoque
The reason why we have no problem with what boehner did is because we put America first. Not any party.

Bullshit. The only reason this is news in the first place is because the GOP was holding DHS funding hostage for political reasons.

That's all the GOP does these days. Force one crisis after another at the expense of the country for political bullshit.
Yeah and the DNC is never political, never manipulates issues, never blocks passage of bills, is altruistic in all it's political dealings............ never...... well you get the point......... Maybe........
Yeah I get the point that all you have in rebuttal is a tu quoque fallacy.
Truth is now fallacy??!!!! Okie dokie...... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I see it sailed right over your head.

Here, let me help: Tu quoque
Oh I know what it means, too bad you have no clue how to properly use it. :thup:
All of the dems voted for Homeland Security. Only 75 cons voted for it. Over 160 cons voted against it. Shows that most cons hate America.
Bullshit. The only reason this is news in the first place is because the GOP was holding DHS funding hostage for political reasons.

That's all the GOP does these days. Force one crisis after another at the expense of the country for political bullshit.
Yeah and the DNC is never political, never manipulates issues, never blocks passage of bills, is altruistic in all it's political dealings............ never...... well you get the point......... Maybe........
Yeah I get the point that all you have in rebuttal is a tu quoque fallacy.
Truth is now fallacy??!!!! Okie dokie...... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I see it sailed right over your head.

Here, let me help: Tu quoque
Oh I know what it means, too bad you have no clue how to properly use it. :thup:
I used it perfectly. Sorry, but when a flaw is pointed out about the GOP in a topic about the GOP, your whining that "The other guys do it, too!" is a textbook tu quoque fallacy.

So I strongly suggest you disavow yourself of the notion you knew what a tu quoque fallacy is.
Yeah and the DNC is never political, never manipulates issues, never blocks passage of bills, is altruistic in all it's political dealings............ never...... well you get the point......... Maybe........
Yeah I get the point that all you have in rebuttal is a tu quoque fallacy.
Truth is now fallacy??!!!! Okie dokie...... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I see it sailed right over your head.

Here, let me help: Tu quoque
Oh I know what it means, too bad you have no clue how to properly use it. :thup:
I used it perfectly. Sorry, but when a flaw is pointed out about the GOP in a topic about the GOP, your whining that "The other guys do it, too!" is a textbook tu quoque fallacy.
When you (as always) make the claim that one side (by omission) and only one side does it then pointing out your obvious hypocrisy is germane to the discussion and not a tu quoque fallacy as you would like to imply. If I was to deny the GOP did/does what you claim then indeed it would be a tu quoque fallacy as I would actually be attempting to discredit your assessment........ I was not discrediting your assessment, I was simply pointing out the obvious.
Uuuummm, looks like at least some of the GOP is learning from past mistakes. Guess Boehner and many other Republicans knew who would be blamed if there was a shutdown.
I'm surprised you three aren't bemoaning Boehners move.......... :eusa_whistle:


The reason why we have no problem with what boehner did is because we put America first. Not any party.

I know that's what you conservatives do but stop projecting what you would do on everyone you disagree with.

We're happy that the funding went through on a clean bill. We're happy about it because it means that the DHS is properly funded through the rest of the fiscal year.

It's not about a gotcha. It's about the safety of America.
Us conservatives??
You honestly believe it's about the safety of America????!!!!!!!!! You honestly think that ANY politician or political party is altruistic in any of it's motives??!! Talk about gullible!

I wasn't talking about politicians. Neither were you in the post I replied to. You expected for liberals and democrats to be upset with boehner doing the right thing.

We're not. We are glad he did the right thing.

That means that DHS will be properly funded through the rest of the fiscal year.

Unlike conservatives, it's not about politics. It's about America to people like me. But then I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I don't follow parties.

I can't speak for politicians. I can only speak for myself and people like me. Plus if it was about politics with the democrats in the House, none of them would have voted for that bill. But in reality most, if not all, voted for that bill. The republicans put party before the nation and most of them voted against that bill. It would have failed if the democrats had put party first. The democrats didn't do that, they put the nation first and voted for the bill.
Uuuummm, looks like at least some of the GOP is learning from past mistakes. Guess Boehner and many other Republicans knew who would be blamed if there was a shutdown.
I'm surprised you three aren't bemoaning Boehners move.......... :eusa_whistle:


The reason why we have no problem with what boehner did is because we put America first. Not any party.

I know that's what you conservatives do but stop projecting what you would do on everyone you disagree with.

We're happy that the funding went through on a clean bill. We're happy about it because it means that the DHS is properly funded through the rest of the fiscal year.

It's not about a gotcha. It's about the safety of America.
Us conservatives??
You honestly believe it's about the safety of America????!!!!!!!!! You honestly think that ANY politician or political party is altruistic in any of it's motives??!! Talk about gullible!

I wasn't talking about politicians. Neither were you in the post I replied to. You expected for liberals and democrats to be upset with boehner doing the right thing.

We're not. We are glad he did the right thing.

That means that DHS will be properly funded through the rest of the fiscal year.

Unlike conservatives, it's not about politics. It's about America to people like me. But then I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I don't follow parties.

I can't speak for politicians. I can only speak for myself and people like me. Plus if it was about politics with the democrats in the House, none of them would have voted for that bill. But in reality most, if not all, voted for that bill. The republicans put party before the nation and most of them voted against that bill. It would have failed if the democrats had put party first. The democrats didn't do that, they put the nation first and voted for the bill.

And therein lies your fallacy, you honestly believe the Dems put the country first, whether they are politicians or voters and that the Pubs only care about their party and not America regardless of whether they're politicians and voters. Yes you can only speak for yourself but the truth is both side only care about what's best for their party whether they are politicians or voters.
Should make Communist/Progressive wankers very happy. But i'm pretty sure they'll find something to bitch about. Damned if you do, Damned if you don't.

But personally, i think the current old fart GOP Statist leadership is a joke. They should all be removed from leadership positions immediately.
Uuuummm, looks like at least some of the GOP is learning from past mistakes. Guess Boehner and many other Republicans knew who would be blamed if there was a shutdown.
I'm surprised you three aren't bemoaning Boehners move.......... :eusa_whistle:


The reason why we have no problem with what boehner did is because we put America first. Not any party.

I know that's what you conservatives do but stop projecting what you would do on everyone you disagree with.

We're happy that the funding went through on a clean bill. We're happy about it because it means that the DHS is properly funded through the rest of the fiscal year.

It's not about a gotcha. It's about the safety of America.
Us conservatives??
You honestly believe it's about the safety of America????!!!!!!!!! You honestly think that ANY politician or political party is altruistic in any of it's motives??!! Talk about gullible!

I wasn't talking about politicians. Neither were you in the post I replied to. You expected for liberals and democrats to be upset with boehner doing the right thing.

We're not. We are glad he did the right thing.

That means that DHS will be properly funded through the rest of the fiscal year.

Unlike conservatives, it's not about politics. It's about America to people like me. But then I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I don't follow parties.

I can't speak for politicians. I can only speak for myself and people like me. Plus if it was about politics with the democrats in the House, none of them would have voted for that bill. But in reality most, if not all, voted for that bill. The republicans put party before the nation and most of them voted against that bill. It would have failed if the democrats had put party first. The democrats didn't do that, they put the nation first and voted for the bill.
One other question, given your above statements and the claim that you are an "Independent", when was the last time you voted for a Republican?
With Netanyahu grabbing the headlines, Boehner and the Republicans try to sneak their capitulation under the radar:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner cleared the way for a vote as soon as Tuesday on a bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security for the rest of the fiscal year, dealing a blow to conservative Republicans who wanted to include language blocking President Barack Obama's immigration actions....

U.S. House to vote on security bill without immigration provisions - Yahoo News

With any luck this will end gutless John as speaker.
So, you would rather that Homeland Security not be funded? Because there was no way the immigration language was going to be passed.
Obama once again calls Boehners bluff

But but...Obama is weak.

Which makes the GOP even weaker
Regretfully, it is true. Obama has outmaneuvered the GOP - more specifically, the Tea Party - for six years now. You would think the teapers would get the clue that you can't play checkers when the enemy is playing chess. I have said it a million times...the Tea Party is destroying the GOP. They are amateurs...children playing a man's game. It's fucking pathetic and embarrassing.
What's really embarrassing is Americans who no longer care enough about their country to the point that they have no problem with criminals who sneak into our country and take jobs which keep blue collar wages down.
Shame on you people !
Where is the Republican Bill that places extremely heavy consequences for anyone hiring illegals?

Obama once again calls Boehners bluff

But but...Obama is weak.

Which makes the GOP even weaker
Regretfully, it is true. Obama has outmaneuvered the GOP - more specifically, the Tea Party - for six years now. You would think the teapers would get the clue that you can't play checkers when the enemy is playing chess. I have said it a million times...the Tea Party is destroying the GOP. They are amateurs...children playing a man's game. It's fucking pathetic and embarrassing.
What's really embarrassing is Americans who no longer care enough about their country to the point that they have no problem with criminals who sneak into our country and take jobs which keep blue collar wages down.
Shame on you people !
:lol: So you want to defund the very department assigned to keeping illegals out. Teaper logic is pathetic. And now that you lost...again, you want to assign false arguments.

Why the hell not, your dear leader won't allow them to do their jobs anyway.
Obama has deported more illegals than any POTUS in history.

What other bullshit would you like to try to sell?
Really, how about you condemn your dear leaders illegal executive actions right now.

Also the only ones that were made a fool of were gutless john and 74 others that abandon their constitutional duty. Oh and the commiecrats that have never had an intension of doing their constitutional duty.
Sorry I am not full of piss and vinegar like yourself. I happen to believe in our form of government...through thick and thin. For better or worse. Obama sucks, but guess what, he is in the White House. Whining, complaining, crying...spewing vitriol, nonsense and hate is not gonna change that - in fact - it is what has empowered him. I am sorry you are too politically ignorant to realize that.

Can't do it can ya? I guess you're to one who is ignorant of the checks on the executive built in the Constitution. Congress has the power of the purse, they're just too gutless to use it.
Can't do what? Criticize idiotic Executive Orders or agree with your narrative that they are illegal? So illegal, that the tea party, the GOP and the liberals have fought them with more than hate rhetoric.

Tell that to the judges that have slapped him down on many occasions, including this one. Is that hateful, why is it you commiecrats are the only ones saying people are haters? Strong policy disagreements and expecting people to be faithful to their oath of office are not hate. So how about you stop the hate and vitriol BS then you might gain a smidgen of credibility.
:lol: you are so full of hate, you are delusional.

Why can't you see...YOU ARE LOSING. It is because of stupid politics, PERIOD. For 6 years...the same BS with the same results. Don't you think it is time to try something else...perhaps leading. Perhaps providing alternatives. Anything other than the failed strategy of vitriol, obstruction, sabotage and hate.
They spent 4 years arguing about a birth certificate, for fucks sake.

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