Boehner is typical of Jackass GOP Leaders


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
He says as long as Cruz is campaigning it “keeps that jackass away from Capitol Hill.” Makes one wonder what he thinks of Rand Paul?

It is time for a Republican Party revolution to throw out the jackasses and install principled representatives who will listen to the people. The best opportunity will be in 2016, the most important election in our lifetime. It will also be another chance to elect a real conservative as President. Cruz is making headway in his presidential campaign and upsetting insiders like Boehner, with his campaign speeches blasting the “Washington Cartel.”

I don't think anyone with a sane mind can argue with that.

Read more @ Boehner is typical of Jackass GOP Leaders
From you linked article and why I am no longer a registered Republican.

Instead of sending a constant stream of reform legislation to the President to veto, the congressional Republican leadership has funded liberal programs such as Obamacare, delivered key votes on his horrific trade agreement and refused to block his radical appointments such as Attorney General Loretta Lynch. The real jackasses are the GOP leaders Boehner and McConnell who refuse to listen to the demands of grassroots Republicans. They are too interested in doing the bidding of the special interests and the big donors who control the Republican Party.
It's NOT just "BONER".....
He says as long as Cruz is campaigning it “keeps that jackass away from Capitol Hill.” Makes one wonder what he thinks of Rand Paul?

It is time for a Republican Party revolution to throw out the jackasses and install principled representatives who will listen to the people. The best opportunity will be in 2016, the most important election in our lifetime. It will also be another chance to elect a real conservative as President. Cruz is making headway in his presidential campaign and upsetting insiders like Boehner, with his campaign speeches blasting the “Washington Cartel.”

I don't think anyone with a sane mind can argue with that.

Read more @ Boehner is typical of Jackass GOP Leaders

Longknife, we republicans are in a catch 22, and we know it. Washington is the problem according to most Americans, and yet you have both parties wanting to keep status quo. We understand the democrats, and do not like them very much. But the establishment republicans? Well personally, I despise them more than I do the Democrats.

The Democrats tell everyone how wonderful big government is; so everyone for big government votes for them. I get that. But then you have the republicans who tell us they want small government, we vote, then find out they want big government too. They just want to funnel the big government towards their big donation people. In my world, they are more pathetic then democrats.

This explains why the top tier of the republican candidates are mostly all outsiders. Win or lose in the general election, we have to push one of these people through! If the country comes tumbling down because of debt, why should we get the blame because we were dumb enough to think that because a big government person was ok, just because they had an r in front of their name?

I do not personally dislike Democrats because they are Democrats, it is because of their policies. So why would I vote for a Republican who is no better than they are? If JFK was the Democrat running against Jebster, I would vote for JFK. I don't care who he was screwing, fiddle or faddle.............I know that he would stand up to the Russians, the Islamists, or the weak kneed in his own party if he had too.

Just like this is not your fathers Oldsmobile, this is also not your fathers Democratic, or Republican party. People will tell you constantly that times have changed as an excuse for why things are the way they are in politics. Sadly, human nature has not changed, for just as Eisenhower and JFK faced people who wanted to do America harm, our leaders face that today. The amazing thing of this post..........we are looking for an Eisenhower, Trueman, JFK, or Reagan to fix it and everything else to boot. Right now, we have a bunch of Neville Chamberlains running our country in the Whitehouse, and in the Senate. They come from BOTH parties. Can/will one American stand up from either party and say, no more; no damn more? That is a question for which I have no answer, but I do have my fingers crossed, for if not, we will be the generation who gave it all away.

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