Boehner Lied and Faked Problems With Website While Signing Up for Obamacare

But not curious enough to try to figure it out for yourself!!!

I'll give you a hint, The Grim Weeper posted a screen shot of the error message he claims he got trying to register, and something in the screen shot shows he was already registered.

if you're referring to the 2 top pics in this link, My Attempt to Sign Up For Health Care |

I can barely make out whats on the screen, so what does it say?
Yes, his tweet pic clearly shows he is LOGGED INTO his already successfully created account. That was what the aid was trying to tell him while she waited on hold for 35 minutes until she finally hung up.

The tweet pic clearly shows his account is already created by the words "MY ACCOUNT" on the left and The Grim Weeper's name on the right in the menu bar with "logout" next to it. What he did was try to create a duplicate account of his already created account to deliberately get an error message!


he says he was trying to sign up for a plan, its a given he has an account, I think you have to create an account first, to enroll in a plan:eusa_eh:
Oh, John, say it isn't so. <my comment

John Boehner Lied and Faked Problems With Website While Signing Up for Obamacare

It turns out that Speaker Boehner lied about his struggles to sign up for Obamacare. The Speaker wasn&#8217;t having trouble with the website. He put the ACA rep on hold for 35 minutes.

Boehner described signing up for the ACA as, &#8220;Earlier this afternoon, I sat down to try and enroll in the DC exchange under the president&#8217;s health care law. Like many Americans, my experience was pretty frustrating. After putting in my personal information, I received an error message. I was able to work past that, but when I went to actually sign up for coverage, I got this &#8220;internal server error&#8221; screen. Despite multiple attempts, I was unable to get past that point and sign up for a health plan. We&#8217;ve got a call into the help desk. Guess I&#8217;ll just have to keep trying&#8230;Updated (5:35 pm ET:) Kept at it, and called the DC Health Link help line. They called back a few hours later, and after re-starting the process on the website two more times, I just heard from DC Health Link that I have been successfully enrolled.&#8221;

It is a FACT that the Federal Government Obamacare web-site is a total disaster. Furthermore--democrats who wrote this disaster EXCLUDED themselves from Obamacare insurance. So no, Boehner is not going to be covered under Obamacare.

The state run Obamacare sites are working just fine, but not that many are pushing the BUY button--because it's too expensive. However, there has been a "Black Friday" sale on the FREE Medicade portion of Obamacare--which is by far--the largest enrollee today.

We--the taxpayers of this country spent 650 million dollars to build this federal government web-site--and they've had 3 years to build it. Now you compare it with who is expected to get over 7.5 million hits alone on Black Friday and doesn't crash with what our Federal Government built. It's almost to the point of being laughable. sector web-site SUCCESS compared to:
Obamacare-- A Federal Government web-site disaster.

And you liberals want a bigger Federal government---:cuckoo:

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You know, I thought only morons hate for people to have health care.
Oh, John, say it isn't so. <my comment

John Boehner Lied and Faked Problems With Website While Signing Up for Obamacare

It turns out that Speaker Boehner lied about his struggles to sign up for Obamacare. The Speaker wasn&#8217;t having trouble with the website. He put the ACA rep on hold for 35 minutes.

Boehner described signing up for the ACA as, &#8220;Earlier this afternoon, I sat down to try and enroll in the DC exchange under the president&#8217;s health care law. Like many Americans, my experience was pretty frustrating. After putting in my personal information, I received an error message. I was able to work past that, but when I went to actually sign up for coverage, I got this &#8220;internal server error&#8221; screen. Despite multiple attempts, I was unable to get past that point and sign up for a health plan. We&#8217;ve got a call into the help desk. Guess I&#8217;ll just have to keep trying&#8230;Updated (5:35 pm ET:) Kept at it, and called the DC Health Link help line. They called back a few hours later, and after re-starting the process on the website two more times, I just heard from DC Health Link that I have been successfully enrolled.&#8221;

It is a FACT that the Federal Government Obamacare web-site is a total disaster. Furthermore--democrats who wrote this disaster EXCLUDED themselves from Obamacare insurance. So no, Boehner is not going to be covered under Obamacare.

The state run Obamacare sites are working just fine, but not that many are pushing the BUY button--because it's too expensive. However, there has been a "Black Friday" sale on the FREE Medicade portion of Obamacare--which is by far--the largest enrollee today.

We--the taxpayers of this country spent 650 million dollars to build this federal government web-site--and they've had 3 years to build it. Now you compare it with who is expected to get over 7.5 million hits alone on Black Friday and doesn't crash with what our Federal Government built. It's almost to the point of being laughable. sector web-site SUCCESS compared to:
Obamacare-- A Federal Government web-site disaster.

And you liberals want a bigger Federal government---:cuckoo:

Congress will have ObamaCare.
Boner will only have it for less than a year, then he'll have Medicare.
This is too be expected from the right wing trash, lying and spreading propaganda for their radical agenda once again,...
I heard he got a pretty good deal.

Yep. Especially for a 64 yo alcoholic, heavy smoker with a stressful job who works on his skin cancer every single day. The guy is a walking fatal heart attack which, the rw's will somehow blame on President Obama.

Also, I read the Rs have made 13 interruption of service attacks. No, I'm not hunting for links but, its certainly not surprising. Should be interesting when all of the shit the R has pulled finally comes to light.

Prepare for the rw's to be VERY creative in their lying and excuses. Should be fun.
if you're referring to the 2 top pics in this link, My Attempt to Sign Up For Health Care |

I can barely make out whats on the screen, so what does it say?
Yes, his tweet pic clearly shows he is LOGGED INTO his already successfully created account. That was what the aid was trying to tell him while she waited on hold for 35 minutes until she finally hung up.

The tweet pic clearly shows his account is already created by the words "MY ACCOUNT" on the left and The Grim Weeper's name on the right in the menu bar with "logout" next to it. What he did was try to create a duplicate account of his already created account to deliberately get an error message!


he says he was trying to sign up for a plan, its a given he has an account, I think you have to create an account first, to enroll in a plan:eusa_eh:
No, you sign up for an account with the government, you enroll with an insurance company after you pick a plan. The Grim Weeper was not on an insurance website, so he was creating an account and getting info about the plans available to him, not enrolling in a plan. The government does not provide health care, the insurance companies do that. The government sets minimum standards for a private insurance plan that the insurance industry must meet.
Yes, his tweet pic clearly shows he is LOGGED INTO his already successfully created account. That was what the aid was trying to tell him while she waited on hold for 35 minutes until she finally hung up.

The tweet pic clearly shows his account is already created by the words "MY ACCOUNT" on the left and The Grim Weeper's name on the right in the menu bar with "logout" next to it. What he did was try to create a duplicate account of his already created account to deliberately get an error message!


he says he was trying to sign up for a plan, its a given he has an account, I think you have to create an account first, to enroll in a plan:eusa_eh:
No, you sign up for an account with the government, you enroll with an insurance company after you pick a plan. The Grim Weeper was not on an insurance website, so he was creating an account and getting info about the plans available to him, not enrolling in a plan. The government does not provide health care, the insurance companies do that. The government sets minimum standards for a private insurance plan that the insurance industry must meet.

so what does this error message indicate?
But not curious enough to try to figure it out for yourself!!!

I'll give you a hint, The Grim Weeper posted a screen shot of the error message he claims he got trying to register, and something in the screen shot shows he was already registered.

if you're referring to the 2 top pics in this link, My Attempt to Sign Up For Health Care |

I can barely make out whats on the screen, so what does it say?
Yes, his tweet pic clearly shows he is LOGGED INTO his already successfully created account. That was what the aid was trying to tell him while she waited on hold for 35 minutes until she finally hung up.

The tweet pic clearly shows his account is already created by the words "MY ACCOUNT" on the left and The Grim Weeper's name on the right in the menu bar with "logout" next to it. What he did was try to create a duplicate account of his already created account to deliberately get an error message!


he says he was trying to sign up for a plan, its a given he has an account, I think you have to create an account first, to enroll in a plan:eusa_eh:
No, you sign up for an account with the government, you enroll with an insurance company after you pick a plan. The Grim Weeper was not on an insurance website, so he was creating an account and getting info about the plans available to him, not enrolling in a plan. The government does not provide health care, the insurance companies do that. The government sets minimum standards for a private insurance plan that the insurance industry must meet.

so what does this error message indicate?
I already told you in an earlier post!!!!!

Note: If the 500 Internal Server Error message appears during the checkout process at an online merchant, be aware that duplicate attempts to checkout may end up creating multiple orders - and multiple charges! Most merchants have automatic protections from these kinds of actions but it's still something to keep in mind.
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if you're referring to the 2 top pics in this link, My Attempt to Sign Up For Health Care |

I can barely make out whats on the screen, so what does it say?
Yes, his tweet pic clearly shows he is LOGGED INTO his already successfully created account. That was what the aid was trying to tell him while she waited on hold for 35 minutes until she finally hung up.

The tweet pic clearly shows his account is already created by the words "MY ACCOUNT" on the left and The Grim Weeper's name on the right in the menu bar with "logout" next to it. What he did was try to create a duplicate account of his already created account to deliberately get an error message!


so what does this error message indicate?
I already told you in an earlier post!!!!!

Note: If the 500 Internal Server Error message appears during the checkout process at an online merchant, be aware that duplicate attempts to checkout may end up creating multiple orders - and multiple charges! Most merchants have automatic protections from these kinds of actions but it's still something to keep in mind.

checking out of what?

I thought there was nothing to purchase/enroll in on the exchange?
Yes, his tweet pic clearly shows he is LOGGED INTO his already successfully created account. That was what the aid was trying to tell him while she waited on hold for 35 minutes until she finally hung up.

The tweet pic clearly shows his account is already created by the words "MY ACCOUNT" on the left and The Grim Weeper's name on the right in the menu bar with "logout" next to it. What he did was try to create a duplicate account of his already created account to deliberately get an error message!


I already told you in an earlier post!!!!!

Note: If the 500 Internal Server Error message appears during the checkout process at an online merchant, be aware that duplicate attempts to checkout may end up creating multiple orders - and multiple charges! Most merchants have automatic protections from these kinds of actions but it's still something to keep in mind.

checking out of what?

I thought there was nothing to purchase/enroll in on the exchange?
Damn, you are fixated on your dumb act!!!!!

The 500 Internal Server Error message comes up after you have SUCCESSFULLY completed whatever you were doing to prevent you from doing it again, LIKE checking out or paying or registering, etc. twice. So whatever the Grim Weeper was trying to do, he did it SUCCESSFULLY already and then he tried to do it again to get the 500 Internal Server Error message.
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I heard he got a pretty good deal.

Yep. Especially for a 64 yo alcoholic, heavy smoker with a stressful job who works on his skin cancer every single day. The guy is a walking fatal heart attack which, the rw's will somehow blame on President Obama.

Also, I read the Rs have made 13 interruption of service attacks. No, I'm not hunting for links but, its certainly not surprising. Should be interesting when all of the shit the R has pulled finally comes to light.

Prepare for the rw's to be VERY creative in their lying and excuses. Should be fun.

never added up all his bad life-chioces before. Wow!! Just wow!!! He's lucky to be insured by anyone.
I heard he got a pretty good deal.

I also heard that he's getting a sweetheart deal given he's a smoker & its well known that smokers cost the most to care for at the end of life stage.

John Boehner: Obamacare?s new best friend -
By talking about his own premiums, the House speaker inadvertently reveals the new program's many benefits. Oops!

We're you still a baby in 2009? Politicians don't go onto Obamacare--they have premium private insurance--not like us tax paying pee-on's. That's been discussed for at least 4 years now. If Democrat politicians are shoving this down our throats--why aren't they required to go onto the Obamacare exchanges also. Furthermore--under Obamacare the premiums are double for people who smoke--and OH btw Obama SMOKES.

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I already told you in an earlier post!!!!!

checking out of what?

I thought there was nothing to purchase/enroll in on the exchange?
Damn, you are fixated on your dumb act!!!!!

The 500 Internal Server Error message comes up after you have SUCCESSFULLY completed whatever you were doing to prevent you from doing it again, LIKE checking out or paying or registering, etc. twice. So whatever the Grim Weeper was trying to do, he did it SUCCESSFULLY already and then he tried to do it again to get the 500 Internal Server Error message.

I am fixated on the topic which is;

John Boehner Lied and Faked Problems With Website While Signing Up for Obamacare

It turns out that Speaker Boehner lied about his struggles to sign up for Obamacare. The Speaker wasn’t having trouble with the website. He put the ACA rep on hold for 35 minutes.

Boehner described signing up for the ACA as, “Earlier this afternoon, I sat down to try and enroll in the DC exchange under the president’s health care law. Like many Americans, my experience was pretty frustrating. After putting in my personal information, I received an error message. I was able to work past that, but when I went to actually sign up for coverage, I got this “internal server error” screen. Despite multiple attempts, I was unable to get past that point and sign up for a health plan. We’ve got a call into the help desk. Guess I’ll just have to keep trying…Updated (5:35 pm ET Kept at it, and called the DC Health Link help line. They called back a few hours later, and after re-starting the process on the website two more times, I just heard from DC Health Link that I have been successfully enrolled.”

so, how did he lie or fake a problem? he submitted twice incurring an error.....Ok, so that equals a lie a fake or subterfuge?

you also said-

No, you sign up for an account with the government, you enroll with an insurance company after you pick a plan. The Grim Weeper was not on an insurance website, so he was creating an account and getting info about the plans available to him, not enrolling in a plan. The government does not provide health care, the insurance companies do that. The government sets minimum standards for a private insurance plan that the insurance industry must meet.

checking out of what? paying for what? how can he do that in the exchange in light of what you said above? :eusa_eh:
checking out of what?

I thought there was nothing to purchase/enroll in on the exchange?
Damn, you are fixated on your dumb act!!!!!

The 500 Internal Server Error message comes up after you have SUCCESSFULLY completed whatever you were doing to prevent you from doing it again, LIKE checking out or paying or registering, etc. twice. So whatever the Grim Weeper was trying to do, he did it SUCCESSFULLY already and then he tried to do it again to get the 500 Internal Server Error message.

I am fixated on the topic which is;

John Boehner Lied and Faked Problems With Website While Signing Up for Obamacare

It turns out that Speaker Boehner lied about his struggles to sign up for Obamacare. The Speaker wasn’t having trouble with the website. He put the ACA rep on hold for 35 minutes.

Boehner described signing up for the ACA as, “Earlier this afternoon, I sat down to try and enroll in the DC exchange under the president’s health care law. Like many Americans, my experience was pretty frustrating. After putting in my personal information, I received an error message. I was able to work past that, but when I went to actually sign up for coverage, I got this “internal server error” screen. Despite multiple attempts, I was unable to get past that point and sign up for a health plan. We’ve got a call into the help desk. Guess I’ll just have to keep trying…Updated (5:35 pm ET Kept at it, and called the DC Health Link help line. They called back a few hours later, and after re-starting the process on the website two more times, I just heard from DC Health Link that I have been successfully enrolled.”

so, how did he lie or fake a problem? he submitted twice incurring an error.....Ok, so that equals a lie a fake or subterfuge?

you also said-

No, you sign up for an account with the government, you enroll with an insurance company after you pick a plan. The Grim Weeper was not on an insurance website, so he was creating an account and getting info about the plans available to him, not enrolling in a plan. The government does not provide health care, the insurance companies do that. The government sets minimum standards for a private insurance plan that the insurance industry must meet.
checking out of what? paying for what? how can he do that in the exchange in light of what you said above? :eusa_eh:
One more time!

The DC Health Link is the local exchange for the ACA. It is the local equivalent of It is not a healthcare insurance plan. Enrolling in the exchange is simply creating an account with DC Health Link, which he had already successfully done when he took the screen shot, as clearly seen in the screen shot. To get the 500 error message, he had to try to enroll again, and again every time he got the message. All he did was enroll at the local exchange which merely creates an account. He did not buy a plan at that time as the DC Health Link is not an insurance company, it is only an ACA exchange.

The checking out of and paying were just other examples where the 500 error comes up when you enter info twice that you are only supposed to enter once and have already successfully entered. You get the error message to prevent you from ordering, paying, signing up, etc., twice!

Get it?????????
Damn, you are fixated on your dumb act!!!!!

The 500 Internal Server Error message comes up after you have SUCCESSFULLY completed whatever you were doing to prevent you from doing it again, LIKE checking out or paying or registering, etc. twice. So whatever the Grim Weeper was trying to do, he did it SUCCESSFULLY already and then he tried to do it again to get the 500 Internal Server Error message.

I am fixated on the topic which is;

John Boehner Lied and Faked Problems With Website While Signing Up for Obamacare

It turns out that Speaker Boehner lied about his struggles to sign up for Obamacare. The Speaker wasn’t having trouble with the website. He put the ACA rep on hold for 35 minutes.

Boehner described signing up for the ACA as, “Earlier this afternoon, I sat down to try and enroll in the DC exchange under the president’s health care law. Like many Americans, my experience was pretty frustrating. After putting in my personal information, I received an error message. I was able to work past that, but when I went to actually sign up for coverage, I got this “internal server error” screen. Despite multiple attempts, I was unable to get past that point and sign up for a health plan. We’ve got a call into the help desk. Guess I’ll just have to keep trying…Updated (5:35 pm ET Kept at it, and called the DC Health Link help line. They called back a few hours later, and after re-starting the process on the website two more times, I just heard from DC Health Link that I have been successfully enrolled.”

so, how did he lie or fake a problem? he submitted twice incurring an error.....Ok, so that equals a lie a fake or subterfuge?

you also said-

No, you sign up for an account with the government, you enroll with an insurance company after you pick a plan. The Grim Weeper was not on an insurance website, so he was creating an account and getting info about the plans available to him, not enrolling in a plan. The government does not provide health care, the insurance companies do that. The government sets minimum standards for a private insurance plan that the insurance industry must meet.
checking out of what? paying for what? how can he do that in the exchange in light of what you said above? :eusa_eh:
One more time!

The DC Health Link is the local exchange for the ACA. It is the local equivalent of It is not a healthcare insurance plan. Enrolling in the exchange is simply creating an account with DC Health Link, which he had already successfully done when he took the screen shot, as clearly seen in the screen shot. To get the 500 error message, he had to try to enroll again, and again every time he got the message. All he did was enroll at the local exchange which merely creates an account. He did not buy a plan at that time as the DC Health Link is not an insurance company, it is only an ACA exchange.

The checking out of and paying were just other examples where the 500 error comes up when you enter info twice that you are only supposed to enter once and have already successfully entered. You get the error message to prevent you from ordering, paying, signing up, etc., twice!

Get it?????????

you didn't answer the question.....
Oh, John, say it isn't so. <my comment

John Boehner Lied and Faked Problems With Website While Signing Up for Obamacare

It turns out that Speaker Boehner lied about his struggles to sign up for Obamacare. The Speaker wasn’t having trouble with the website. He put the ACA rep on hold for 35 minutes.

Boehner described signing up for the ACA as, “Earlier this afternoon, I sat down to try and enroll in the DC exchange under the president’s health care law. Like many Americans, my experience was pretty frustrating. After putting in my personal information, I received an error message. I was able to work past that, but when I went to actually sign up for coverage, I got this “internal server error” screen. Despite multiple attempts, I was unable to get past that point and sign up for a health plan. We’ve got a call into the help desk. Guess I’ll just have to keep trying…Updated (5:35 pm ET:) Kept at it, and called the DC Health Link help line. They called back a few hours later, and after re-starting the process on the website two more times, I just heard from DC Health Link that I have been successfully enrolled.”

And now for a trip down memory lane......

"Obama promised that if you get health insurance through your employer, his plan for health care reform would drop the premiums by as much as 3000 PERCENT and your employer will give you a raise."
FREEDOM EDEN: Obama: 3000% Drop in Premiums

[ame=]Obama Claims A 3000% Decrease In Premiums - YouTube[/ame]
I am fixated on the topic which is;

John Boehner Lied and Faked Problems With Website While Signing Up for Obamacare

It turns out that Speaker Boehner lied about his struggles to sign up for Obamacare. The Speaker wasn’t having trouble with the website. He put the ACA rep on hold for 35 minutes.

Boehner described signing up for the ACA as, “Earlier this afternoon, I sat down to try and enroll in the DC exchange under the president’s health care law. Like many Americans, my experience was pretty frustrating. After putting in my personal information, I received an error message. I was able to work past that, but when I went to actually sign up for coverage, I got this “internal server error” screen. Despite multiple attempts, I was unable to get past that point and sign up for a health plan. We’ve got a call into the help desk. Guess I’ll just have to keep trying…Updated (5:35 pm ET Kept at it, and called the DC Health Link help line. They called back a few hours later, and after re-starting the process on the website two more times, I just heard from DC Health Link that I have been successfully enrolled.”

so, how did he lie or fake a problem? he submitted twice incurring an error.....Ok, so that equals a lie a fake or subterfuge?

you also said-

checking out of what? paying for what? how can he do that in the exchange in light of what you said above? :eusa_eh:
One more time!

The DC Health Link is the local exchange for the ACA. It is the local equivalent of It is not a healthcare insurance plan. Enrolling in the exchange is simply creating an account with DC Health Link, which he had already successfully done when he took the screen shot, as clearly seen in the screen shot. To get the 500 error message, he had to try to enroll again, and again every time he got the message. All he did was enroll at the local exchange which merely creates an account. He did not buy a plan at that time as the DC Health Link is not an insurance company, it is only an ACA exchange.

The checking out of and paying were just other examples where the 500 error comes up when you enter info twice that you are only supposed to enter once and have already successfully entered. You get the error message to prevent you from ordering, paying, signing up, etc., twice!

Get it?????????

you didn't answer the question.....
Playing blind as well as dumb.

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