Boehner to GOP: "Prepare For Shutdown!!!!"

Brinkmanship is not anyway to run a Republic. Who blinks, who doesn't, will not determine a winner. The partisan clash among those lusting for power is despicable; the foolish comments which dominate this debate are proof of one thing, selfishness is alive and well in America today - Ayn would be so proud.
I have to wonder who is delusional. Boehner was quoted yesterday as saying the shutdown does nobody good. I disagree with him and others who have said the same. Consistent nice weather is almost here in the metro area.

And, whenever the partisans actually can comprehend the term 'balance of power' we might all be spared posts wrought with crap.

Boehner flipp flopping?

I'm shocked, SHOCKED I tell you!

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Since when do you Pubs give a shit about children?

Only when they are fetuses. Once born, they are forgotten...or treated with contempt.

Exactly right..with one caveat. If they are brain dead and sucking the money of a family because they are on life support..the right will rush in to "save that life".

But as Jan Brewer proved, when she recinded the funding of life saving operations on 2 people, effectively killing them..the right could care less for the lives of Americans.
Monthly Revenue and you leftist twits are screaming about the Government being shut down LOL OMG when are you folks going to wake up and realize the throat your cutting is your own. 14 trillion in debt thus far laid at the feet of our Children ya that's something to be extremely proud of.

Go ahead and explain how shutting it down is really a bad thing

Since when do you Pubs give a shit about children?

Well isn't it funny the leftist tools love Death on Demand for children while they do everything they can to protect a person convicted of a crime heinous enough to warrant the death penalty. Simply amazing. and you ask a question like that LOL.... Alrighty then.
Monthly Revenue and you leftist twits are screaming about the Government being shut down LOL OMG when are you folks going to wake up and realize the throat your cutting is your own. 14 trillion in debt thus far laid at the feet of our Children ya that's something to be extremely proud of.

Go ahead and explain how shutting it down is really a bad thing

Since when do you Pubs give a shit about children?

Well isn't it funny the leftist tools love Death on Demand for children while they do everything they can to protect a person convicted of a crime heinous enough to warrant the death penalty. Simply amazing. and you ask a question like that LOL.... Alrighty then.

Does the phrase 'balance of power' mean anything to you?

It's all about how they are perceived, neither you nor your party seems to understand this. If it shuts down, great! History repeats itself.

All of your spin can't change the fact that perception is everything. The GOP/Teaparty will take the hit.
Using the term 'balance of power' is spin to you, eh?


Not in and of itself, it's your use of the term in this case.
Monthly Revenue and you leftist twits are screaming about the Government being shut down LOL OMG when are you folks going to wake up and realize the throat your cutting is your own. 14 trillion in debt thus far laid at the feet of our Children ya that's something to be extremely proud of.

Go ahead and explain how shutting it down is really a bad thing

Since when do you Pubs give a shit about children?

Well isn't it funny the leftist tools love Death on Demand for children while they do everything they can to protect a person convicted of a crime heinous enough to warrant the death penalty. Simply amazing. and you ask a question like that LOL.... Alrighty then.

And isn't it funny that Neo-Cons support the death penalty even when it's a fact that many innocent people have been executed. I guess they just consider that collateral damage.

Since when do you Pubs give a shit about children?

Well isn't it funny the leftist tools love Death on Demand for children while they do everything they can to protect a person convicted of a crime heinous enough to warrant the death penalty. Simply amazing. and you ask a question like that LOL.... Alrighty then.

And isn't it funny that Neo-Cons support the death penalty even when it's a fact that many innocent people have been executed. I guess they just consider that collateral damage.


Even more amazing is that the Left seems to live in some fairy tale world where everything is perfect rather then in reality where everyone else lives.
Since when do you Pubs give a shit about children?

Well isn't it funny the leftist tools love Death on Demand for children while they do everything they can to protect a person convicted of a crime heinous enough to warrant the death penalty. Simply amazing. and you ask a question like that LOL.... Alrighty then.

And isn't it funny that Neo-Cons support the death penalty even when it's a fact that many innocent people have been executed. I guess they just consider that collateral damage.

I'm a Neocon. I am against the death penalty as is Krauthammer, one of the founders of Neocon philosophy. I suggest you get to know your political philosophies before commenting on them.
Shut it down. When the senate grows a pair and decides to make cuts then maybe they can reopen.

The Senate agreed to 33 billion in cuts. The problem is the Teabag nuts in the House won't settle for anything less than 61 billion. They seem to think that negotiation means getting 100% of what they want. That's not how it works. If there is a shutdown, Boehner's lack of leadership and the Teabags lack of negotiating skills will be to blame.

There are a lot of voters out there who remember the last shutdown. What two things will this shutdown (assuming it happens) and the last shutdown have in common? The House is in Republican control both times.
Shut it down. When the senate grows a pair and decides to make cuts then maybe they can reopen.

The Senate agreed to 33 billion in cuts. The problem is the Teabag nuts in the House won't settle for anything less than 61 billion. They seem to think that negotiation means getting 100% of what they want. That's not how it works. If there is a shutdown, Boehner's lack of leadership and the Teabags lack of negotiating skills will be to blame.

There are a lot of voters out there who remember the last shutdown. What two things will this shutdown (assuming it happens) and the last shutdown have in common? The House is in Republican control both times.

LMAO!!! Seriously you're crying about 33 billion over ten years? That's not even change found in the sofa compared to the 15 trillion in debt that we have. 33 billion run's our insane government what 3 days? LOL HOLY SHIT you're crying about 3 day's OMG our Nation is so screwed
Shut it down. When the senate grows a pair and decides to make cuts then maybe they can reopen.

The Senate agreed to 33 billion in cuts. The problem is the Teabag nuts in the House won't settle for anything less than 61 billion. They seem to think that negotiation means getting 100% of what they want. That's not how it works. If there is a shutdown, Boehner's lack of leadership and the Teabags lack of negotiating skills will be to blame.

There are a lot of voters out there who remember the last shutdown. What two things will this shutdown (assuming it happens) and the last shutdown have in common? The House is in Republican control both times.
Who has their facts correct; you or the article in the OP?

With only four days to cement a deal, the two sides have yet to resolve major differences in a long-overdue budget plan that would slice a record $33 billion from current spending levels.

[Emphasis added]

Shut it down. When the senate grows a pair and decides to make cuts then maybe they can reopen.

The Senate agreed to 33 billion in cuts. The problem is the Teabag nuts in the House won't settle for anything less than 61 billion. They seem to think that negotiation means getting 100% of what they want. That's not how it works. If there is a shutdown, Boehner's lack of leadership and the Teabags lack of negotiating skills will be to blame.

There are a lot of voters out there who remember the last shutdown. What two things will this shutdown (assuming it happens) and the last shutdown have in common? The House is in Republican control both times.

LMAO!!! Seriously you're crying about 33 billion over ten years? That's not even change found in the sofa compared to the 15 trillion in debt that we have. 33 billion run's our insane government what 3 days? LOL HOLY SHIT you're crying about 3 day's OMG our Nation is so screwed

Hey, ass-stain. I'm not crying. I'm rebutting Robert's claim that the Senate hasn't offered up any cuts. Read it again. Robert said the Senate hasn't offered any cuts; I said they have, but the GOP House won't negotiate. Reading comprehension isn't one of your strong suits, is it?

Partisanship is dumb. Rs and Ds are equally stupid to those who don't wear blinders. As I just mentioned to someone else, the more the Rs and Ds play games, the more nothing ever really changes, so a bunch of us can get at least a vacation out of it. Just in time for the nice weather, too.

You betcha.

Does anyone think that any of those Clowns would actually let the Govt shut down??

Does anyone think either party would take the heat for a shutdown??

They will just keep on doing what they are doing until they reach a compromise on the budget.
Partisanship is dumb. Rs and Ds are equally stupid to those who don't wear blinders. As I just mentioned to someone else, the more the Rs and Ds play games, the more nothing ever really changes, so a bunch of us can get at least a vacation out of it. Just in time for the nice weather, too.

You betcha.

Does anyone think that any of those Clowns would actually let the Govt shut down??

Does anyone think either party would take the heat for a shutdown??

They will just keep on doing what they are doing until they reach a compromise on the budget.
Right. If there is a shutdown, there will be a lot of finger-pointing by both sides with both having valid points. And nothing will change except another vacation for most in the DC Metro area. Just like last time.

Plus ca change....
Shut it down. When the senate grows a pair and decides to make cuts then maybe they can reopen.

The Senate agreed to 33 billion in cuts. The problem is the Teabag nuts in the House won't settle for anything less than 61 billion. They seem to think that negotiation means getting 100% of what they want. That's not how it works. If there is a shutdown, Boehner's lack of leadership and the Teabags lack of negotiating skills will be to blame.

There are a lot of voters out there who remember the last shutdown. What two things will this shutdown (assuming it happens) and the last shutdown have in common? The House is in Republican control both times.
Who has their facts correct; you or the article in the OP?

With only four days to cement a deal, the two sides have yet to resolve major differences in a long-overdue budget plan that would slice a record $33 billion from current spending levels.

[Emphasis added]


Another con with reading comprehension issues.

From the OP article:

Republicans have floated a new plan that would push the deadline back by a week and impose another $12 billion in cuts, but Democrats have called it unacceptable.

So, like I said, the Senate has agreed to 33 billion; the House GOP wants more.

I guess you missed that one.....hmmmmmmmm

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