Boehner Wall Street Journal Opinion...


Undocumented Reg. User
Nov 12, 2009
In a galaxy far far away...
Here's some interesting highlights from Boehner's WSJ opinion piece today.

Steps the next speaker should take immediately:

- No earmarks...have become a symbol of a broken Washington, and an entire lobbying industry has been created around them. He has avoided using them throughout his time in Congress.

-Speaker should not allow any bill to come to a vote that has not been posted on the internet for at least 3 days. Also, the speaker should insist every bill includes a clause where in the Constitution Congress is given the power to pass it.

-Next speaker should put an end to "comprehensive" bills with thousands of pages of legislative text that make it easy to hide spending projects and job-killing policies.

-No more bills written behind closed doors in the speaker's office. Bills should be written by legislators in committee in plain public view.

-Speaker should place an emphasis on smaller, more focused legislation that is properly scrutinized, constitutionally sound, and consistent with Americans' demand for a less costly, less intrusive government.

Interesting stuff IMO. Wonder what the current speaker thinks of it?

Here's the article John Boehner: What the Next Speaker Must Do -
All of this sounds great. Let's see if the next Speaker abides by it. I am not keeping my fingers crossed.

Seeing as how Republicans currently hold the #1 and #2 slot in earmarking, I will not be holding my breath. But, he is playing to the same weak minded crowd that thinks Palin has something original to say, so I can't blame him for trying.
Canned Spinach is not in the Constitution, and at rate Popeye doesn't even smoke it! The Congress passes laws all the time that it thinks are Constitutional, and are later found to not pass a Constitutional Test.

Congress is riddled with various caucuses, who will go behind closed doors at most of their meetings: And Hollering "Constitutional" or "Unconstitutional" is not at all what they will be doing.

"Comprensive," in fact is even good policy: And even when it comes to the matter of insurance!

When if finally gets down to closing down all the mental hospitals, just like Governor Reagan: For sure that priority of the Tea Party-Boehner-McConnell GOP will be a Comprehensive, and all-inclusive measure: For everyone in their Tiny Tent!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Nations know the value of White Eyes Marks on Hide of Cattle Even(?): So to speak in non-Negro dialect!)
All of this sounds great. Let's see if the next Speaker abides by it. I am not keeping my fingers crossed.

Seeing as how Republicans currently hold the #1 and #2 slot in earmarking, I will not be holding my breath. But, he is playing to the same weak minded crowd that thinks Palin has something original to say, so I can't blame him for trying.

Seeing as how Nancy Pelosi and the Dimocrats promised every one of those things in '06 and failed to deliver the GOP has a great opportunity to show they are serious about reform. Boehner has never had an earmark, so he has quite a bit of credibility on the subject. What credibility do the Dums have here? None.
All of this sounds great. Let's see if the next Speaker abides by it. I am not keeping my fingers crossed.

Seeing as how Republicans currently hold the #1 and #2 slot in earmarking, I will not be holding my breath. But, he is playing to the same weak minded crowd that thinks Palin has something original to say, so I can't blame him for trying.

Seeing as how Nancy Pelosi and the Dimocrats promised every one of those things in '06 and failed to deliver the GOP has a great opportunity to show they are serious about reform. Boehner has never had an earmark, so he has quite a bit of credibility on the subject. What credibility do the Dums have here? None.

And which party holds the #1 and #2 spot currently? And GUESS what those earmarks have been for......DEFENSE SPENDING. Now, even the MOST partisan hack knows when they need to shut up, right?
Seeing as how Republicans currently hold the #1 and #2 slot in earmarking, I will not be holding my breath. But, he is playing to the same weak minded crowd that thinks Palin has something original to say, so I can't blame him for trying.

Seeing as how Nancy Pelosi and the Dimocrats promised every one of those things in '06 and failed to deliver the GOP has a great opportunity to show they are serious about reform. Boehner has never had an earmark, so he has quite a bit of credibility on the subject. What credibility do the Dums have here? None.

And which party holds the #1 and #2 spot currently? And GUESS what those earmarks have been for......DEFENSE SPENDING. Now, even the MOST partisan hack knows when they need to shut up, right?

So you're shutting up now?
Seeing as how Nancy Pelosi and the Dimocrats promised every one of those things in '06 and failed to deliver the GOP has a great opportunity to show they are serious about reform. Boehner has never had an earmark, so he has quite a bit of credibility on the subject. What credibility do the Dums have here? None.

And which party holds the #1 and #2 spot currently? And GUESS what those earmarks have been for......DEFENSE SPENDING. Now, even the MOST partisan hack knows when they need to shut up, right?

So you're shutting up now?

Care to make a wager on this?
Care to make a wager on this?

That you'll shut up? No way.

No, that Boehner will keep his "promise/contract on America" concerning NO EARMARKS.

It depends. Do you mean that Boehner will make attempts to eliminate earmarks? Yes, he seems to have staked quite a bit on that. Will he be successful? I dunno. There are a lot of people in the House and he is not the dictator. There are a lot of entrenched interests there that will oppose this.
But he is sure more credible than Pelosi.
If Boenher gets made speaker, that would have to disappoint the tea-party people. This is the small-government, deficit-conscious conservative who voted for making the "Patriot" Act permanent, was instrumental in creating NCLB, and voted for Medicare Part D.

So a quick litmus test for any of the tea-party approved candidates: if they nominate Boenher to speaker, they're not really walking the walk.
If Boenher gets made speaker, that would have to disappoint the tea-party people. This is the small-government, deficit-conscious conservative who voted for making the "Patriot" Act permanent, was instrumental in creating NCLB, and voted for Medicare Part D.

So a quick litmus test for any of the tea-party approved candidates: if they nominate Boenher to speaker, they're not really walking the walk.

Great point. Will be interesting to see.
If Boenher gets made speaker, that would have to disappoint the tea-party people. This is the small-government, deficit-conscious conservative who voted for making the "Patriot" Act permanent, was instrumental in creating NCLB, and voted for Medicare Part D.

So a quick litmus test for any of the tea-party approved candidates: if they nominate Boenher to speaker, they're not really walking the walk.

I disagree. First off, there aren't enough tea party people to prevent that. Second, the GOP establishment generally has been pretty friendly to the tea party, and Boehner especially so.
That you'll shut up? No way.

No, that Boehner will keep his "promise/contract on America" concerning NO EARMARKS.

It depends. Do you mean that Boehner will make attempts to eliminate earmarks? Yes, he seems to have staked quite a bit on that. Will he be successful? I dunno. There are a lot of people in the House and he is not the dictator. There are a lot of entrenched interests there that will oppose this.
But he is sure more credible than Pelosi.

Boehner is the "leader" of the GOP in the House (or soon will be), right? If he promises to eliminate earmarks from all legislation, are you saying his fellow Republicans who were JUST swept back into power will not get in line?
I am guessing by the non-response that the Rabbi does not have enough faith in Boehner or the GOP to take the bet?

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